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Forked from rajarsheem/
Last active January 7, 2024 16:50
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A little code checker tool in python for Java,C,Cpp. Handles compile error, runtime error, accepted, wrong, TLE.
import os
import filecmp
import re
codes = {200: 'success', 404: 'file_name not found',
400: 'error', 408: 'timeout'}
class program:
"""Class that handles all nitty gritties of a user program"""
def __init__(self, string, inp, timeout, exp_out=""):
"""Receives a name of a file from the user
It must be a valid c, c++, java file
self.file_name = string # Full name of the program
self.lang = None # Language = None # Name without extension
self.inp_file = inp # Input file
self.expectedout = exp_out # Correct output file
self.actualout = "out.txt" # Actual output file
self.timeout = timeout # Timeout set for execution
def isvalidFile(self):
"""Check if the filename is valid"""
p = re.compile("^(\S+)\.(java|cpp|c)$")
matchObj = p.match(self.file_name)
if matchObj:, self.lang = matchObj.groups()
return True
return False
def compile(self):
"""Compiles the given program"""
# Remove previous executables
if (os.path.isfile(
if (os.path.isfile(self.file_name)):
if self.lang == 'java':
os.system('javac ' + self.file_name)
elif self.lang == 'c':
os.system('gcc -o ' + + ' ' + self.file_name)
elif self.lang == 'cpp':
os.system('g++ -o ' + + ' ' + self.file_name)
# compilation is successful if the exe is created
if (os.path.isfile(
return 200
return 400
return 404
def run(self):
if self.lang == 'java':
cmd = 'java ' +
elif self.lang in ['c', 'cpp']:
cmd = './' +
r = os.system('timeout ' + timeout + ' ' +
cmd + ' < ' + self.inp_file + ' > ' + self.actualout)
# Perform cleanup
if self.lang == 'java':
os.remove( + '.class')
elif self.lang in ['c', 'cpp']:
if r == 0:
return 200
elif r == 31744:
return 408
return 400
def match(self):
print self.actualout, self.expectedout
if os.path.isfile(self.actualout) and os.path.isfile(self.expectedout):
b = filecmp.cmp(self.actualout, self.expectedout)
return b
return 404
file_name = 'infinite_loop.c'
inp_file = "inp.txt"
expectedOut = "out.txt"
timeout = '2' # secs
if __name__ == '__main__':
new_program = program(file_name, inp_file, timeout, expectedOut)
print 'Compilation: ', (codes[new_program.compile()])
print 'Running: ', (codes[])
# True implies that code is accepted.
print 'Result: ', new_program.match()
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apaar97 commented Jan 25, 2019

I had found some errors in using the tool for timeout on windows.
I have updated the code to use subprocess module, which is recommended as the replacement to old os.system calls.
I have also added refinements and cleaned the code a bit.
Check it out at :

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Awesome, thanks @apaar97

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Hi all,
How to get compilation error? I want to get where the error occurred in compiled file.

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