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Forked from parndt/gist:958385
Last active November 26, 2024 13:06
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Save ivanoats/1823034 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Setting up GIT Bash autocompletion. Use this only if you are using Bash instead of ZSH.

To see what shell you are using, you can:

echo $SHELL and it will tell you.

Use the below only if you are using bash.

Run the following to create ~/.git-completion.bash:

curl > ~/.git-completion.bash

and ~/

curl > ~/.git-prompt.bash

Then add the following to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile after PATH:

# Set the base PS1
export PS1="\t: \W$ "

# Source the git bash completion file
if [ -f ~/.git-completion.bash ]; then
    source ~/.git-completion.bash
    source ~/.git-prompt.bash
    PS1='[\u@\h \W$(__git_ps1 " (%s)")]\$ '

export PS1

This will display the branch name next to the folder name in the bash prompt.

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vsee commented Feb 24, 2017

nice piece of code! There is one bug I saw: the second file is called but in bashrc sourced as .git-prompt.bash

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To future proof use curl's '-L' option to follow redirects. In its current form the curls won't work on Mac OS X.

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gzalles commented Jan 23, 2018

can you help me with the path? I have managed to get color scheme and branch showing but not the autocomplete. Thanks!

new to this game...

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The URLs for the curl command need to be updated to, and respectively.

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