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Last active July 17, 2023 21:50
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NYT Digits Solver


This is a program that tries to solve the New York Times Digits game


usage: digits_solver [-h] number number number number number number number

NYTimes Digits Solver

positional arguments:
  number      target, followed by all 6 candidates

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
from collections import deque
from typing import List
class Solver(object):
def __init__(self, target: int, candidates: List[int]) -> None: = target
self.candidates = candidates
# Each entries in the queue would be a list of tuples in the form of (number, path)
# `[(3, "1 + 2"), (7, "4 + 3")]` for example,
self.queue = deque()
self.seen = set() = set()
def solve(self):
# Generate the starting point for searcing
# Starting numbers and the number itself as the path
self._bfs([(num, str(num)) for num in self.candidates])
while self.queue:
def _bfs(self, node: List[tuple[int, str]]):
# Sort the list by the numbers
current = sorted(node, key=lambda t: t[0])
nums = tuple(num for num, _ in current)
if nums in self.seen:
for i in range(len(current) - 1):
num1, path1 = current[i]
for j in range(i + 1, len(current)):
num2, path2 = current[j]
base = [val for index, val in enumerate(current) if index not in (i, j)]
neighbors = [
(num1 + num2, f'({path1}) + ({path2})'),
(num1 * num2, f'({path1}) * ({path2})'),
# Only positive numbers are allowed in the game
if num2 != num1:
neighbors.append((num2 - num1, f'({path2}) - ({path1})'))
# Only whole numbers are allowe in the game
if num1 != 0 and num2 % num1 == 0:
neighbors.append((int(num2 / num1), f'({path2}) / ({path1})'))
for t in neighbors:
num, path = t
# Search only if we are not at target
if num !=
self.queue.append(base + [t])
# No need to output if we have already seen this solution
if path in
# Print and add the solution to cache if we are seeing it for the first time
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='NYTimes Digits Solver')
parser.add_argument('numbers', metavar='number', type=int, nargs=7, help='target, followed by all 6 candidates')
args = parser.parse_args()
target, *digits = args.numbers
Solver(target, digits).solve()
if __name__ == '__main__':
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