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James Dabbs jamesdabbs

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# git clone
import os
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from import wavfile
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import PIL.Image
import moviepy.editor
import dnnlib
kingcons /
Last active August 12, 2019 04:39
clones quickstart

Installing Clones

May need to brew install libsdl2-dev

brew install sbcl # or apt-get if you nasty playa
curl -O > quicklisp.lisp
sbcl --load quicklisp.lisp # and follow the prompts
git clone [email protected]:kingcons/clones.git ~/quicklisp/local-projects/clones.git
jindrichmynarz / dub_techno_in_sonic_pi.rb
Created December 8, 2015 19:11
Dub techno in Sonic Pi
use_debug false
use_bpm 130
# Our mixer!
master = (ramp *range(0, 1, 0.01))
kick_volume = 1
bass_volume = 1
revbass_volume = 1
snare_volume = 0.5
hats_volume = 0.5
darinwilson / SonicPiDrumMachine
Last active March 2, 2024 20:11
Sonic Pi Drum Machine
## Sonic Pi Drum Machine
## coded by Darin Wilson
use_bpm 95
in_thread(name: :drum_machine) do
# choose your kit here (can be :acoustic, :acoustic_soft, :electro, :toy)
sztupy /
Last active April 4, 2018 07:49 — forked from namuol/

rage-quit plugin for oh-my-zsh

based on rage-quit support for bash


Put the files below inside ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/fuck

Also chmod a+x the flip command.

jonathanmoore / gist:2640302
Created May 8, 2012 23:17
Get the share counts from various APIs

Share Counts

I have always struggled with getting all the various share buttons from Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, etc to align correctly and to not look like a tacky explosion of buttons. Seeing a number of sites rolling their own share buttons with counts, for example The Next Web I decided to look into the various APIs on how to simply return the share count.

If you want to roll up all of these into a single jQuery plugin check out Sharrre

Many of these API calls and methods are undocumented, so anticipate that they will change in the future. Also, if you are planning on rolling these out across a site I would recommend creating a simple endpoint that periodically caches results from all of the APIs so that you are not overloading the services will requests.
