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Jan C. Borchardt jancborchardt

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jancborchardt / Unifying Nextcloud app update
Created October 9, 2020 12:40
Unifying Nextcloud app update process

Nextcloud app update process

Steps for developers are always different, we should unify this. It seems like npm ci && npm run build is favored, as that can be used for initial setup, and then npm run build (or watch) can be used for changes.


  • Tasks?
  • serverinfo: git pull ? (NO INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS)
  • Activity
  • files_pdfviewer (needs part in readme)
  • files_rightclick

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am jancborchardt on github.
  • I am jancborchardt ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is ECD0 C4A3 A2FC 72B3 54E4 FC78 CBD8 46FC 845C BE17

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jancborchardt / Dealing with
Last active January 24, 2022 23:07
Dealing with issues

Dealing with issues

Try to reproduce issues

Go through the new issues and try to reproduce them. It’s important to get additional info, logs, and test if an issue occurs on different platforms. That helps us identify the source of the problem.

Triage issues

  • if there’s more info needed, ask the reporter to use the issue template
  • assign relevant labels
jancborchardt / General Design
Last active December 19, 2015 14:09
Basics of Unobtrusive Interface & Interaction Design

General Design Guidelines

Make decisions, minimize settings

People should not need to fiddle with settings. When there is a decision to take, most of the time it’s better to go with one (on grounds which one is better) than to offload this decision to users as a setting.

Save often

People should not be required to press a »Save« button to have their data saved. The app should always save everything that is typed. This can be achieved by a combination of several save mechanisms:

  • every 300ms after the person stopped typing something
  • when the app is exited or switched