Steps for developers are always different, we should unify this. It seems like npm ci && npm run build
is favored, as that can be used for initial setup, and then npm run build
(or watch
) can be used for changes.
- Tasks?
- serverinfo: git pull ? (NO INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS)
- Activity
- files_pdfviewer (needs part in readme)
- files_rightclick
- files_videoplayer (part in readme needs update)
JS is checked in. When you do local changes:
- core, search:
npm ci && MODULE=core npm run build
- settings:
npm ci && MODULE=settings npm run build
- accessibility:
npm ci && MODULE=accessibility npm run build
- dashboard:
npm ci && MODULE=dashboard npm run build
- status:
npm ci && MODULE=user_status npm run build
- weather:
npm ci && MODULE=weather_status npm run build
firstrunwizard, notifications, photos, privacy, recommendations, text, viewer → All need readme updates!
# To update
git pull
# When you make changes
npm ci && npm run build
calendar, contacts, spreed, forms, integration_github, integration_gitlab, integration_mastodon, integration_zammad, integration_reddit
git pull && npm ci && npm run build
mail, deck, social, notes, bookmarks, news, integration_discourse
git pull && composer install && npm ci && npm run build
- maps: git pull && make (or make dev)
- logreader: git stash && git pull && make (part in readme a bit outdated, custom via webpack does not use npm)
- @juliushaertl: npm ci && npm run build. maybe composer install
- @blizzz: npm ci && npm run build
- @skjnldsv: npm ci && npm run watch
- @ChristophWurst: krankerl up
- @GretaD: make initially. npm run build after changes
- @georgehrke: make. make build-js if package.json wasnt changed
- @nickvergessen: make. For others make dev-setup. And for even worse make dev-setup && make build-js
- @ma12-co: make dev-setup && make build-js. Or make watch-js for changes
- @rullzer: composer install && npm ci && npm run build