The Leaflet JS mapping library has lots of plugins available. The Leaflet package for R provides direct support for some, but far from all, of these plugins, by providing R functions for invoking the plugins.
If you as an R user find yourself wanting to use a Leaflet plugin that isn't directly supported in the R package, you can use the technique shown here to load the plugin yourself and invoke it using JS code.
This gist is really helpful and on point and exactly what I was looking for. I tried using the method to use the "Leaflet playback" plugin.
My code looks like this:
I register the plugin with the first call to leaflet where I create the map. Two functions are created inside the onRender as L.PLayback needs a callback function onPalybackTimeChange. The leafletproxy is just used for updating the plot. As such I don't think this is working. No error, just no change in behavior.