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jdtsmith / org-cite-tone-down.el
Last active December 29, 2024 11:10
org cite "processor" example
(when-let ((basic (org-cite-get-processor 'basic))
(activate (org-cite-processor-activate basic)))
'activate-hide-@cite :activate
(lambda (citation)
"Activate CITATION, then make leadup to first ref invisible."
(funcall activate citation)
(when-let ((first-ref (car (org-cite-get-references citation)))
(beg (car (org-cite-boundaries citation))))
(put-text-property (1+ beg) (car (org-cite-key-boundaries first-ref))
jdtsmith / onsleep.lua
Created December 15, 2024 16:54
Cleanup TRAMP connections prior to sleeping with Hammerspoon
local cw = require "hs.caffeinate.watcher"
function cleanup_tramp_on_sleep(ev_type)
if ev_type == cw.systemWillSleep then
hs.execute("/usr/local/bin/emacsclient -e " ..
"'(when (tramp-list-connections) " ..
" (message \"Cleaning up TRAMP before sleep\") " ..
" (tramp-cleanup-all-connections))'")
jdtsmith / move_space.lua
Last active November 20, 2024 12:44
Move Space of Current Window with Hammerspoon by simulated click+Ctrl-arrow
local hotkey = require "hs.hotkey"
local window = require "hs.window"
local hse, hsee, hst = hs.eventtap,hs.eventtap.event,hs.timer
local spaces = require "hs.spaces"
function flashScreen(screen)
action = "fill",
fillColor = { alpha = 0.35, red=1},
type = "rectangle"})
jdtsmith / custom-buffer-local-keys.el
Last active July 11, 2024 23:23
;; JD Smith 2024, based on
(defvar-local custom-buffer-local-keys nil
"Key-bindings to be set up local to the current buffer.
A single (KEY . BINDING) cons or list of such conses, of the form
`bind-keys' accepts. Set this as a file-local variable to make
bindings local to that buffer only.")
;; Only include this if you trust the files you open
(put 'custom-buffer-local-keys 'safe-local-variable 'consp)
jdtsmith / org-refile-attach.el
Last active April 13, 2024 18:58
org-refile-attach.el: Move attachments when refiling org nodes
;;; org-refile-attach.el --- Move attachments on org refile -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2024 J.D. Smith
;;; Commentary:
;; org-refile-attach enables moving attachments associated with a
;; given heading and sub-headings upon refiling it.
;; XXX: This a proof of concept, and does not handle moving arbitrary
;; sub-trees or regions correctly
;;; Code:
(require 'org-attach)
(require 'org-element)
jdtsmith / org-toggle-emphasis.el
Last active November 20, 2024 15:44
org-toggle-emphasis: easily toggle emphasis markers: =~*/_+
(defun my/org-toggle-emphasis (type)
"Toggle org emphasis TYPE (a character) at point."
(cl-labels ((in-emph (re)
"See if in org emphasis given by RE."
(and (org-in-regexp re 2)
(>= (point) (match-beginning 3))
(<= (point) (match-end 4))))
(de-emphasize ()
"Remove most recently matched org emphasis markers."
jdtsmith / eglot-booster.el
Last active February 16, 2024 18:17
eglot-booster: boost eglot with emacs-lsp-booster. ****NOTE: USE THIS PACKAGE INSTEAD:
;;; eglot-booster.el --- boost eglot using emacs-lsp-booster -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2024 J.D. Smith
;;; Commentary:
;; **UPDATE** This has been superseded by the following package:
;; Boost eglot with emacs-lsp-booster.
;; 1. Download a recent emacs-lsp-booster from
;; Simple test exhibiting motion errors with inline images.
;; See Bug#67604
;; 1. Eval this buffer (M-x eval-buffer).
;; 2. A buffer with 3 colored SVG blocks will appear.
;; 3. Adjust your frame's width until the green image just wraps to
;; the 2nd screen line, then reduce width by one more char.
;; 4. In the buffer with the images, M-x my/find-skip-bug. If it
;; succeeds, it will report the pixel offset where the bug
;; occurred. NOTE: The Green image must appear at the start of a
;; line, or a "false positive" bug ID has occurred. Increase your
jdtsmith / bug67533_test_svg_file.el
Last active December 3, 2023 15:24
Testing Emacs SVG layout positioning
;;; test-svg-wrapped --- test pixel position for SVG images -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; This small code creates a buffer with a couple long lines with
;; several SVG images of varying height interspersed. It also
;; includes a tool to check if the pixel height information one pixel
;; above each character agrees with expectations. To use:
;; M-x my/test-svg-positions
;; (use a C-u prefix to create SVG overlays instead of text properties)
jdtsmith /
Last active November 30, 2023 20:54
LaTeX Preview with SVG

This is normal text. $ω(t) = \sqrt[16]{t}$ Nam a sapien. $ρ(y) = exp\left(\sqrt{log(y)}\right)$ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. $υ(x) = exp\left(\sqrt{exp(x)}\right)$ Aliquam posuere.