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# new in revision 2, multithreaded support - up to twice as fast as single-threaded, revision 1 | |
# invoke with: | |
# julia --threads 16 Plot_Animated_Nanopore_Quality_x_Length_2D_Contours.jl --input_file test.bam --fps 0.7 --output_file test.gif | |
# but need a lot of threads (up to 16, above 16 threads, get saturation in cores vs. time plot) | |
using XAM | |
using ArgParse | |
using DataFrames | |
using Dates | |
using Statistics | |
using Base.MathConstants | |
using StatsBase | |
using StatsPlots | |
using KernelDensity | |
using Base.Threads | |
function parse_commandline() | |
s = ArgParseSettings() | |
@add_arg_table s begin | |
"--input_file", "-i" | |
help = "Path to the input BAM file" | |
required = true | |
"--fps", "-f" | |
help = "Frames per second for the animation (try maybe 0.35)" | |
arg_type = Float64 | |
required = true | |
"--output_file", "-o" | |
help = "Output file name for the animation (try output.gif)" | |
required = true | |
end | |
return parse_args(s) | |
end | |
function get_BAM_records(input_file::String) | |
println() | |
println("Reading BAM Index for preallocating df size.") | |
input_file_index = string(input_file, ".bai") | |
try | |
total_records = XAM.BAM.BAI(input_file_index).n_no_coors | |
catch e | |
println("Please use samtools index as $input_file_index is not available in the same directory as $input_file.") | |
println() | |
end | |
total_records = XAM.BAM.BAI(input_file_index).n_no_coors | |
println("Total records in the BAM file: $total_records") | |
df = DataFrame(col1=Vector{Int}(undef, total_records), col2=Vector{Any}(undef, total_records), col3=Vector{Int}(undef, total_records)) | |
reader = open(BAM.Reader, input_file) | |
record = BAM.Record() | |
counter = Atomic{Int}(0) | |
reader_lock = ReentrantLock() | |
println() | |
println("Reading BAM records for adding to df.") | |
Threads.@threads for i in 1:total_records | |
local_record = BAM.Record() | |
lock(reader_lock) | |
read!(reader, local_record) | |
unlock(reader_lock) | |
df.col1[i] = Int(round(-10*log10(sum(y->10^(Int(Char(y))/-10), BAM.quality(local_record))/length(BAM.quality(local_record))), RoundNearestTiesUp)) | |
df.col2[i] = values(local_record)[7] | |
df.col3[i] = BAM.seqlength(local_record) | |
atomic_add!(counter, 1) | |
print("\rRead $(counter[]) BAM records.") | |
flush(stdout) | |
end | |
println() | |
println("Done reading BAM records for adding to df.") | |
close(reader) | |
return df | |
end | |
function process_BAM_records(df::DataFrame) | |
println("Begin plotting.") | |
# Read the data | |
ez1_orig = df | |
# Convert the second column to DateTime | |
ez1_orig.col2 = [DateTime(split(dt, "+")[1], "yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.sss") for dt in ez1_orig.col2] | |
# Convert the first datetime to the start of the day | |
start_time = floor(ez1_orig.col2[1], Day) | |
# Create a sequence of times from the start of the day to the end of the day, with intervals of 15 minutes | |
intervals = start_time:Hour(1):floor(maximum(ez1_orig.col2), Day) + Day(1) - Minute(1) | |
# Create a new column named interval in ez1_orig to store the assigned intervals | |
ez1_orig.interval = similar(ez1_orig.col2, DateTime) | |
# Assign each datetime in ez1_orig.Column2 to the nearest interval | |
for i in 1:nrow(ez1_orig) | |
index = searchsorted(intervals, ez1_orig.col2[i]).stop | |
if index == 0 | |
ez1_orig.interval[i] = intervals[1] | |
elseif index > 1 && (ez1_orig.col2[i] - intervals[index-1]) < (intervals[index] - ez1_orig.col2[i]) | |
ez1_orig.interval[i] = intervals[index-1] | |
else | |
ez1_orig.interval[i] = intervals[index] | |
end | |
end | |
sort!(ez1_orig, :interval) | |
ez1_orig.col3 = log10.(ez1_orig.col3) | |
# Create an empty plot | |
plt = plot(xlim = (0, 40), ylim = (0,6), | |
title = "Hourly Hourly Read Quality by Length", xlabel = "Average Read Quality Phred Score", ylabel = "Read Length Bases", | |
size=(800,600), legend=true) | |
# Assuming your DataFrame is named 'ez1_orig' | |
result = combine(groupby(ez1_orig, :interval)) do subdf | |
x = subdf.col1 | |
y = subdf.col3 | |
xmin, xmax = 0, 40 | |
ymin, ymax = 0, maximum(6) # Adjust the range for col3 based on your data | |
# Perform 2D KDE | |
kde_data = kde((x, y); boundary=((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)), npoints=(100, 100)) | |
return kde_data | |
end | |
# Create the animation | |
anim = @animate for i in 1:nrow(result) | |
animate_density!(plt, result, i, ez1_orig) | |
end | |
end | |
# Define the animation function | |
function animate_density!(plt, result, frame, ez1_orig) | |
interval = result.interval[frame] | |
row = result[frame, :] | |
plot(plt, row.x1, | |
title = "\"Hourly\" Avg Read Qual by Length, Interval $interval", | |
xlims = (0, 40), ylims = (0, 6), xlabel = "Average Read Quality Phred Score", | |
ylabel = "Read Length Bases", yticks=([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], ["10", "100", "1000", "10000", "100000", "1000000"])) | |
end | |
function main() | |
parsed_args = parse_commandline() | |
input_file = parsed_args["input_file"] | |
fps = parsed_args["fps"] | |
output_file = parsed_args["output_file"] | |
df = get_BAM_records(input_file) | |
anim = process_BAM_records(df) | |
# Save the animation with the specified output file name | |
gif(anim, output_file, fps=fps, show_msg=false) | |
end | |
main() |
May 13, 2024
This is what the same data side-by-side looks like after error-correcting the SUP Nanopore Reads with Herro
(https://github.com/lbcb-sci/herro), error-correcting with k=19 with brutal rewrite
(https://github.com/natir/br), two times overlapping error-correction with peregrine-2021
(https://github.com/cschin/peregrine-2021), and error-correcting with k=21 with DeChat
(https://github.com/LuoGroup2023/DeChat) (not using the hifiasm step).
Phred Scores for SUP_Herro-pg_asm2x-dechat reads was estimated by aligning these HG002 reads to hg002v1.0.1.fasta (https://github.com/marbl/HG002), using BBTools/BBMap's calctruequality.sh
followed by bbduk.sh
recalibrate (https://jgi.doe.gov/data-and-tools/software-tools/bbtools/bb-tools-user-guide/)