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Jesse Gilbride jessegilbride

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genadyp /
Last active August 29, 2024 08:02
represent a directory tree structure in markdown



#File: tree-md

tree=$(tree -tf --noreport -I '*~' --charset ascii $1 |
gusmcnair /
Last active May 11, 2021 18:34
Job search evaluation questions

By this time, you should have applied to at least 5 jobs for week 1 of your “soft launch” job search.

To get into the habit of having a productive job search ask yourself the following questions:

What’s going well Of the jobs I apply to on job boards, I'm hearing back from about one in five, which seems like a pretty good ratio considering the number of applications these posts receive. In general, the ones I hear from the most are ones that are looking for some kind of design background. Most of these are titled "Web Designer and Developer" or "Front End Developer." In general, I get more responses for places near where I live. In two weeks, out of roughly 15 applications, I've made it through the final round of interviews for one position (I'm still waiting to hear back about whether I got it or not), and had screener interviews with two more.

What’s not going well In general, my attempts to network have not gone anywhere – I didn't get any responses messaging people on LinkedIn, and while I told

gusmcnair / node test questions
Last active August 3, 2021 23:00
node test questions
Describe the HTTP requests/response lifecycle.
The client sends the server a request, and the server sends a response, which can be either the requested data or an error.
Describe the architecture of a basic Express app. How is it organized?
An express app has methods for routing HTTP requests (figuring out which route should be used based on request), configuring middleware
(a series of functions often to validate request or determine specifics before sending response), and more.
Organization: Request, middleware, main task, response.
Tell me about a time when you've used Express Router. How was it helpful?
For my Thingful project, is was helpful in that it allowed several different methods (post, delete, get) to be easily configured on
codebubb / people.js
Last active July 29, 2024 06:02
Array of People
const people = [
{ firstName: 'Sam', lastName: 'Hughes', DOB: '07/07/1978', department: 'Development', salary: '45000' },
{ firstName: 'Terri', lastName: 'Bishop', DOB: '02/04/1989', department: 'Development', salary: '35000' },
{ firstName: 'Jar', lastName: 'Burke', DOB: '11/01/1985', department: 'Marketing', salary: '38000' },
{ firstName: 'Julio', lastName: 'Miller', DOB: '12/07/1991', department: 'Sales', salary: '40000' },
{ firstName: 'Chester', lastName: 'Flores', DOB: '03/15/1988', department: 'Development', salary: '41000' },
{ firstName: 'Madison', lastName: 'Marshall', DOB: '09/22/1980', department: 'Sales', salary: '32000' },
{ firstName: 'Ava', lastName: 'Pena', DOB: '11/02/1986', department: 'Development', salary: '38000' },
{ firstName: 'Gabriella', lastName: 'Steward', DOB: '08/26/1994', department: 'Marketing', salary: '46000' },
{ firstName: 'Charles', lastName: 'Campbell', DOB: '09/04/1977', department: 'Sales', salary: '42000' },
gjerokrsteski / remove env file from git forever
Last active January 5, 2025 11:01
remove env file from git history forever
echo '.env' >> .gitignore
git rm -r --cached .env
git add .gitignore
git commit -m 'untracking .env'
git push origin master
tparveen /
Created February 24, 2018 23:18 — forked from cklanac/
CICD Travis CI and Heroku: (CLI-only and normal versions)
NotSoSuper / numbers.txt
Last active October 29, 2024 05:00
almost all the police numbers in the U.S (to blacklist from calling services) prefix: +1
aishydevil12286 /
Created September 27, 2017 04:10 — forked from staltz/
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
cole007 /
Last active January 2, 2021 21:26
Why Rogue One is my favourite Star Wars film

Star Wars, socialism and twentieth century models of historiography [^1]

Warning: this brain dump contains spoilers for Rogue One

Earlier this week I took my son to see Rogue One when he was off school sick. I was hoping for a good film - I'm a big fan of Gareth Edwards' previous offerings Monsters and Godzilla, and of course a massive fan of the original Star Wars films - but I didn't have any particular expectations; especially as this was the first Star Wars film to sit outside the main canon (perhaps excluding Caravan of Courage).

What I wasn't expecting was to love it. It was a different take on a universe I had grown up loving, replete in the visual and auditory iconography of the original trilogy. But it had license to do things differently, from the score to the opening crawl. There were nods throughout to the original films that this preceded, and of course the plot

chranderson / nvmCommands.js
Last active March 3, 2025 16:15
Useful NVM commands
// check version
node -v || node --version
// list locally installed versions of node
nvm ls
// list remove available versions of node
nvm ls-remote
// install specific version of node