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rain-1 /
Last active March 6, 2025 13:08
LLM Introduction: Learn Language Models


Bootstrap knowledge of LLMs ASAP. With a bias/focus to GPT.

Avoid being a link dump. Try to provide only valuable well tuned information.


Neural network links before starting with transformers.

hSATAC / install
Created June 7, 2022 05:15
Install redis-cli with tls in alpine
export REDIS_VERSION="6.0.4"
apk add --update --no-cache --virtual build-deps gcc make linux-headers musl-dev tar openssl-dev pkgconfig
wget -O redis.tar.gz "$REDIS_DOWNLOAD_URL"
mkdir -p /usr/src/redis
tar -xzf redis.tar.gz -C /usr/src/redis --strip-components=1
cd /usr/src/redis/src
make BUILD_TLS=yes MALLOC=libc redis-cli
tamalsaha / issuer.yaml
Last active March 3, 2023 19:37
Redis TLS with KubeDB
kind: Issuer
name: redis-issuer
namespace: demo
secretName: redis-ca
#include "ArduinoMotorShieldR3.h"
ArduinoMotorShieldR3 md;
int trigPin = 5; // Trigger
int echoPin = 4; // Echo
int ledPin = 7;
jmrnilsson / 32and64bit.cs
Last active May 9, 2020 05:43
Fowler–Noll–Vo 1 A (FNV1) in 32 bit and 64 bit variants
using System;
using System.Text;
namespace Hashing
public static class FowlerNollVo
public static string ToFnv1aHashInt64(this string text)
string Fnv1a(byte[] bytes_)
lesha-co / ascii_box.txt
Last active March 22, 2023 15:45
Палитра для рисования ASCII
Обычная Жирная Двойная
┌─┬─┐ ┏━┳━┓ ╔═╦═╗
├─┼─┤ ┣━╋━┫ ╠═╬═╣
│ │ │ ┃ ┃ ┃ ║ ║ ║
└─┴─┘ ┗━┻━┛ ╚═╩═╝
Частично двойные и жирные
╓╥╖ ╒╤╕ ┎┰┒ ┍┯┑
╟╫╢ ╞╪╡ ┠╂┨ ┝┿┥
╙╨╜ ╘╧╛ ┖┸┚ ┕┷┙
evanwill /
Last active February 28, 2025 12:52
how to add more utilities to git bash for windows, wget, make

How to add more to Git Bash on Windows

Git for Windows comes bundled with the "Git Bash" terminal which is incredibly handy for unix-like commands on a windows machine. It is missing a few standard linux utilities, but it is easy to add ones that have a windows binary available.

The basic idea is that C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\ is your / directory according to Git Bash (note: depending on how you installed it, the directory might be different. from the start menu, right click on the Git Bash icon and open file location. It might be something like C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Programs\Git, the mingw64 in this directory is your root. Find it by using pwd -W). If you go to that directory, you will find the typical linux root folder structure (bin, etc, lib and so on).

If you are missing a utility, such as wget, track down a binary for windows and copy the files to the corresponding directories. Sometimes the windows binary have funny prefixes, so

mark-adams / aes_example.cs
Created December 12, 2014 15:02
AES String Encryption (CBC) Example Code for C#
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace aes_example
using System;
denji /
Last active March 7, 2025 01:12
NGINX tuning for best performance

NGINX Tuning For Best Performance

For this configuration you can use web server you like, i decided, because i work mostly with it to use nginx.

Generally, properly configured nginx can handle up to 400K to 500K requests per second (clustered), most what i saw is 50K to 80K (non-clustered) requests per second and 30% CPU load, course, this was 2 x Intel Xeon with HyperThreading enabled, but it can work without problem on slower machines.

You must understand that this config is used in testing environment and not in production so you will need to find a way to implement most of those features best possible for your servers.

dbuscombe-usgs / fix
Created July 26, 2013 02:57
Batch GIMP script for auto-sharpen, white-balance and colour enhance
(define (batch-auto-fix pattern
(let* ((filelist (cadr (file-glob pattern 1))))
(while (not (null? filelist))
(let* ((filename (car filelist))
(image (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE
filename filename)))
(drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image))))