This is the reference point. All the other options are based off this.
|-- app
| |-- controllers
| | |-- admin
# Votre Nom, Assistant Personnel | |
## À propos de moi | |
Je suis très dévoué(e) et excellent(e) pour organiser les choses. | |
## Expérience | |
- Optimisation des Processus de Bureau (2021-Présent) | |
- Soutien Exécutif (2019-2021) | |
- Optimisation des Processus Administratifs (2018-2019) |
{"lastUpload":"2021-09-14T17:46:46.297Z","extensionVersion":"v3.4.3"} |
sass/ | |
| | |
|– base/ | |
| |– _reset.scss # Reset/normalize | |
| |– _typography.scss # Typography rules | |
| ... # Etc… | |
| | |
|– components/ | |
| |– _buttons.scss # Buttons | |
| |– _carousel.scss # Carousel |
// Lists of countries with ISO 3166 codes, presented in various formats. | |
// Last Updated: Nov 15, 2019 | |
// If you're using PHP, I suggest checking out: | |
// | |
// | |
// JS developers can check out: | |
// | |
// List of all countries in a simple list / array. |
// Write a function that takes a string in and returns true if the letter | |
// "z" appears within three letters **after** an "a". You may assume | |
// that the string contains only lowercase letters. | |
// | |
// Difficulty: medium. | |
function nearby_az(string) { | |
var str=string | |
var tb=[] | |
for(var i in str) |
// Write a function that takes a string and returns true if it is a | |
// palindrome. A palindrome is a string that is the same whether written | |
// backward or forward. Assume that there are no spaces; only lowercase | |
// letters will be given. | |
// | |
// Difficulty: easy. | |
function is_palindrome(string) { | |
var contraire=string.split("").reverse().join(""); | |
if(contraire==string) |
// Write a function that takes a string and returns the number of vowels | |
// in the string. You may assume that all the letters are lower cased. | |
// You can treat "y" as a consonant. | |
// | |
// Difficulty: easy. | |
function count_vowels(string) | |
{ | |
var nbr_voyelles=0; | |
var list_voyelles="aeiouyAEIOUY" |
// Write a function that will take in a number of minutes, and returns a | |
// string that formats the number into `hours:minutes`. | |
// | |
// Difficulty: easy. | |
function time_conversion(minutes) | |
{ | |
if(minutes<60)return "0:"+minutes | |
else if(minutes==60)return "1:00" | |
else |
// Write a function that takes in an integer `num` and returns the sum of | |
// all integers between zero and num, up to and including `num`. | |
// | |
// Difficulty: easy. | |
function sum_nums(num) { | |
var sum=0; | |
for(var i=1;i<=num;i++) | |
{ | |
sum +=i |