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Josh Peterson joshuadanpeterson

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dl6nm /
Last active November 30, 2022 06:40
README Template

README Template

This template is intended for new projects to provide a structured README file.

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noamross / criticmarkup.lua
Last active May 28, 2024 19:25
A pandoc filter for MS Word track changes to criticmarkup
-- a lua filter for panodoc
-- run pandoc your_word_doc.docx --track-change=all -t markdown --lua-filter=criticmarkup.lua
-- TODO: Detect substitutions in adjacent insertion/deletions
-- TODO: capture whole comment hightlight rather than just start point of comment
function Span(elem)
if elem.classes[1] and elem.classes[1] == "insertion" then
local opener = { pandoc.RawInline(FORMAT, "{++ ") }
local closer = { pandoc.RawInline(FORMAT, " ++}") }
return opener .. elem.content .. closer
WiliTest / some_google_doc_shortcuts_to_change_font_highlight.user.js
Last active March 26, 2024 10:34
some google doc shortcuts to change the font and highlights using a Userscript (works with ViolentMonkey)
// Help needed: I failed to send a value to the text resize and to apply it. Any idea ?
// to install this script: install the violentmonkey extension. Then click on "raw" on this github page.
// *perso note:
//to install or to send update:
// 1/ edit must be done on github (cf. the url in the tab settings).
// 2/ Edit/update the script (using the edit github button) + increase the version (or it will ask to reinstall in the next step)
// (don't need to increase the version if the change are just for myself: just reinstall it to keep the version)
// 3/ click on RAW (it will show the changes).
lpinner / tab_to_chordpro
Last active April 23, 2021 08:35
Convert tab to chordpro format
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
# Copyright: lpinner 2021
# License: Apache 2.0
import os
import subprocess
joshuadanpeterson /
Last active August 25, 2017 17:49
Citations and Mentions

Citations and Media Mentions for my work.



dDondero / find-cell-value-and-delete-row.js
Created December 8, 2015 19:03
Google Apps script function to delete rows based on value in cell.
function deleteRows() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var rows = sheet.getDataRange();
var numRows = rows.getNumRows();
var values = rows.getValues();
var rowsDeleted = 0;
for (var i = 0; i <= numRows - 1; i++) {
var row = values[i];
if (row[0] == 'delete' || row[0] == '') { // This searches all cells in columns A (change to row[1] for columns B and so on) and deletes row if cell is empty or has value 'delete'.

Automating reading list management

What I'm using:

zotero Zotero: In browser integration mean that its a single click to save citation information (and a full-text PDF if available)

...but I'm using trello Trello to stay on top of tasks, and my "to-read" list needs to have a presence in my "to-do" list, as Trello gives a better single view of my work than zotero.

What I'd like:

Cards for new "to-read" articles in Trello, automatically - without cut + paste.

zuphilip / zotbear.js
Last active October 2, 2024 01:17
Batch edit and replace for Zotero
How does this work?
0) make a backup copy
1) create a collection of all entries you want to batch edit
(maybe use a smart search or drag and drop, delete individual items)
2) check that you have exactly the items you want to change in your collection
3) choose one example here and adapt it to your needs
4) run the code
5) save the log if needed
rmangino / gist:8388849
Created January 12, 2014 18:57
Disable the automatic muting of system audio during Dictation under OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)
defaults write AllowAudioDucking -bool NO
defaults write DictationIMAllowAudioDucking -bool NO