Okay, so here is the thing. Yeah, some of the folks who have started companies around Openstack have tried to put on the mantle of being the open-est of open clouds. It's a silly argument (reference the Eucalyptus guys open sourcing the whole thing from the beginning, or any number of smaller projects that have existed for a long time.) Other folks have done the same (We're more open because we're part of the apache foundation. We're more open because we're AGPL. The list goes on.)
It's marketing rhetoric, it's tiresome, and it's actively subversive to what should be a delightful community of cheerfully competitive peers. But hey, it is what it is.
Businesses that create open source software get to choose the terms under which their software, and as a side effect, their communities, evolve. The first thing that impacts this is the choice of license for the software itself. I've been pretty vocal about my personal beliefs here, and advocated for them at Opscode. In general ter