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glowinthedark /
Last active January 6, 2025 21:16
Convert Lingvo DSL, Babylon BGL, Stardict, ZIM, etc dictionaries to MDict MDX (see formats supported by
# Convert Lingvo DSL, Babylon BGL, Stardict, ZIM, etc dictionaries to MDict MDX (see input formats supported by
# Dependencies:
# python3, sqlite3, pyglossary, mdict-utils
# optional dependency: dictzip (for unpacking .dz files)
# Install all dependencies with:
# pip3 install pyglossary mdict-utils lxml polib PyYAML beautifulsoup4 html5lib PyICU libzim>=1.0 python-lzo prompt_toolkit
jph00 /
Last active May 31, 2022 06:16
Organized and hyperlinked index to every module, function, and class in the Python standard library

All of the python 3.9 standard library

For a version without the collapsible details sections (so you can search the whole thing in your browser), click here.

elmot / CMakeLists.txt
Last active December 29, 2024 00:11
CMakeLists.txt template for ARM GCC projects
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.17)
# specify cross compilers and tools
set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER arm-none-eabi-gcc)
set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER arm-none-eabi-g++)
set(CMAKE_ASM_COMPILER arm-none-eabi-gcc)
set(CMAKE_AR arm-none-eabi-ar)
set(CMAKE_OBJCOPY arm-none-eabi-objcopy)
set(CMAKE_OBJDUMP arm-none-eabi-objdump)

How to setup a practically free CDN using Backblaze B2 and Cloudflare

⚠️ Note 2023-01-21
Some things have changed since I originally wrote this in 2016. I have updated a few minor details, and the advice is still broadly the same, but there are some new Cloudflare features you can (and should) take advantage of. In particular, pay attention to Trevor Stevens' comment here from 22 January 2022, and Matt Stenson's useful caching advice. In addition, Backblaze, with whom Cloudflare are a Bandwidth Alliance partner, have published their own guide detailing how to use Cloudflare's Web Workers to cache content from B2 private buckets. That is worth reading,

samrocketman /
Last active July 3, 2024 07:05
On Ubuntu 16.04, since iOS 10 update, libimobiledevice can't connect to my iPhone. This is my attempt to document a fix.

Why this document?

I upgraded my iPhone 5s to iOS 10 and could no longer retrieve photos from it. This was unacceptable for me so I worked at achieving retrieving my photos. This document is my story (on Ubuntu 16.04).

The solution is to compile libimobiledevice and ifuse from source.


Who is this guide intended for?