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Adrian Papari junkdog

  • Stockholm
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junkdog / ffmpeg-record-window.zsh
Last active December 1, 2024 10:48
ffmpeg qol
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# Screen Recording Script
# ----------------------
# Records a selected window on your X11 display using FFmpeg. The script prompts
# you to click on a window, then automatically starts recording it to ${PWD}/output.mp4.
# Prerequisites:
junkdog / AxonDynamoTemplate.kt
Created March 27, 2023 18:58
axon dynamodb sift template
package sift.template.sandbox
import com.github.ajalt.mordant.rendering.TextStyles.bold
import com.github.ajalt.mordant.rendering.TextStyles.inverse
import sift.core.dsl.Classes
import sift.core.dsl.type
import sift.core.dsl.template
import sift.core.entity.Entity
import sift.core.graphviz.Dot
import sift.core.graphviz.Shape
junkdog / .grc.conf
Created October 21, 2022 07:47
grc stuff
colours=bold black
package sift.instrumenter.deprecated
import sift.core.entity.Entity
import sift.core.InstrumenterService
import sift.core.api.Action
import sift.core.api.Dsl
import sift.core.api.Dsl.classes
import sift.core.entity.EntityService
import sift.core.tree.EntityNode
import sift.core.tree.Tree
package org.bouncycastle.crypto;
* A wrapper class that allows block ciphers to be used to process data in
* a piecemeal fashion. The BufferedBlockCipher outputs a block only when the
* buffer is full and more data is being added, or on a doFinal.
* <p>
* Note: in the case where the underlying cipher is either a CFB cipher or an
* OFB one the last block may not be a multiple of the block size.
pipeline {
agent {
docker {
image 'junkdog/mvn-3-jdk8'
// -u root for /root/.m2 to be resolved
args '-v /root/.m2:/root/.m2 -u root'
options {
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# --slave /usr/bin/$1 $1 /usr/bin/$1-\${version} \\
function register_clang_version {
local version=$1
local priority=$2
update-alternatives \
--install /usr/bin/llvm-config llvm-config /usr/bin/llvm-config-${version} ${priority} \
vec3 Geoffrey(float t) {
vec3 r = t * 2.1 - vec3(1.8, 1.14, 0.3);
return 1.0 - r * r;
Result "net.onedaybeard.bitvector.BitVectorBenchmark.artemis_foreach_intbag":
289.513 ±(99.9%) 3.925 ops/ms [Average]
(min, avg, max) = (288.385, 289.513, 291.137), stdev = 1.019
CI (99.9%): [285.588, 293.438] (assumes normal distribution)
Secondary result "net.onedaybeard.bitvector.BitVectorBenchmark.artemis_foreach_intbag:·perf":
Perf stats:
4253,782535 task-clock (msec) # 0,516 CPUs utilized
junkdog / BitVectorBenchmark.log
Last active June 28, 2017 22:27
bitvector kotlin benchmarks
# Run complete. Total time: 00:05:29
Benchmark (fillRate) Mode Cnt Score Error Units
BitVectorBenchmark.artemis_foreach_intbag .01 thrpt 5 6783.714 ± 37.221 ops/ms
BitVectorBenchmark.artemis_foreach_intbag .05 thrpt 5 2565.076 ± 68.773 ops/ms
BitVectorBenchmark.artemis_foreach_intbag .10 thrpt 5 1809.597 ± 408.815 ops/ms
BitVectorBenchmark.artemis_foreach_intbag .20 thrpt 5 937.769 ± 10.426 ops/ms
BitVectorBenchmark.artemis_foreach_intbag .40 thrpt 5 634.629 ± 7.420 ops/ms
BitVectorBenchmark.artemis_foreach_intbag .50 thrpt 5 535.599 ± 11.867 ops/ms
BitVectorBenchmark.artemis_foreach_intbag .60 thrpt 5 450.715 ± 3.111 ops/ms