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Last active December 1, 2024 10:48
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ffmpeg qol
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# Screen Recording Script
# ----------------------
# Records a selected window on your X11 display using FFmpeg. The script prompts
# you to click on a window, then automatically starts recording it to ${PWD}/output.mp4.
# Prerequisites:
# - ZSH shell
# - FFmpeg
# - X11 environment
# - xwininfo utility
# Usage:
# 1. Run the script
# 2. Click on the window you want to record
# 3. Recording starts automatically
# 4. Press Ctrl+C to stop recording
# Output:
# Creates 'output.mp4' in the current directory. If the file exists,
# you'll be prompted before overwriting.
# Technical details:
# - Format: MP4 (H.264)
# - Framerate: 30 FPS
# - Quality: CRF 23 (balanced)
# - Pixel format: YUV420P
# - Resolution: Matches window (adjusted to even dimensions)
# The script includes checks for:
# - Valid window geometry
# - Even dimensions (required for YUV420P)
# - Existing file conflicts
function record() {
if [[ $geometry =~ ([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)[+]([0-9]+)[+]([0-9]+) ]]; then
local w=$match[1]
local h=$match[2]
local x=$match[3]
local y=$match[4]
if [[ -z $w || -z $h || -z $x || -z $y ]]; then
echo "failed to parse geometry"
return 1
# ensure width and height are divisible by 2
if (( w % 2 != 0 || h % 2 != 0 )); then
echo "Width ($w) and height ($h) must be divisible by 2 for yuv420p encoding"
return 1
# ensure output file doesn't exist
local output="output.mp4"
if [[ -f $output ]]; then
echo "Warning: $output already exists"
read -q "REPLY?Overwrite? (y/n) "
[[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] && rm $output || return 1
ffmpeg -f x11grab \
-video_size ${w}x${h} \
-framerate 30 \
-i :0.0+${x},${y} \
-c:v libx264 \
-preset medium \
-crf 23 \
-pix_fmt yuv420p \
echo "select window to record"
geometry=$(xwininfo \
| grep -e '-geometry' \
| sed --regexp-extended 's/.*geometry[[:space:]]+(.+)/\1/'
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