- Geek Feminism: http://geekfeminism.org/
- Philip Guo's writing: http://www.pgbovine.net/writings.htm
- Mel Chua: http://blog.melchua.com/
- Pointers Gone Wild (by Maxime Chevalier): http://pointersgonewild.wordpress.com/ (compiler fun!)
- Sumana's blog: http://www.harihareswara.net/ces.shtml
- Lindsey Kuper's great research blog: http://composition.al/
- Kelly Sommers is so inquisitive and thoughtful and amazing: http://kellabyte.com/
- Selena Deckelmann: http://www.chesnok.com/daily/
- Dan Luu: http://danluu.com/
- http://planet.mozillaopennews.org/
- https://rachelbythebay.com/w/
I realized while writing this that I read a lot of blogs by women. This actually isn't really on purpose. It's really just that they're good blogs.
- http://prog21.dadgum.com "is simply amazing, it significantly shaped the way I think about programming today" gets a few recs
- http://aphyr.com/
- http://www.haskellforall.com/
- http://blog.sigfpe.com/
- Kragen's mailing list blogs are super cool: http://www.canonical.org/~kragen/mailing-lists.html
- @wallingf's blog was mentioned a couple of times: http://www.cs.uni.edu/~wallingf/blog/
- @jczetta recommends http://www.jeanhsu.com/ and https://medium.com/@_tessr
- yosefk -- http://www.yosefk.com/blog/
- @mrb_bk's -- http://michaelrbernste.in/
- @laurencetratt -- http://tratt.net/laurie/blog/
- @chneukirchen's -- http://chneukirchen.org/trivium/
- David Nolen: http://swannodette.github.io/
- https://medium.com/@shanley
- http://christophermeiklejohn.com/
- http://blog.fogus.me/
- http://chneukirchen.org/trivium/
- http://matt.might.net/articles/ ("and his course notes are worth a look too!")
- @mjdominus's: http://blog.plover.com/
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