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Last active January 8, 2025 12:47
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Sony Bravia HTTP API

The sony bravia has a HTTP API interacted with using a Pre-Shared key. There's a more complex auth flow but I've not described it here.

There wasn't any documentation, so I've written some. If you're a TV integrator don't read this, you'll laugh. I'm probably just getting confused by UPnP.

Disclaimer: I've only tested this on my TV, which is a KDL-50W829B. Your TV might not have all of the services; see Available services section for how to discover what your TV supports.


Powering the TV on

  • Enable 'Wake on LAN' in the TV options (Settings -> Network -> Home Network Setup -> Remote Start (switch on)

  • Send a Wake on LAN packet to the TV using standard methods, e.g.:

    wakeonlan -i FC:F1:de:ad:b3:3f

Interacting with the HTTP API

Send POST requests, with a JSON payload. An example (to list the Methods available to be called against the 'system' service) is:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -X POST \
  -d '{"id": 20, "method": "getMethodTypes", "version": "1.0", "params": [""]}' \

To send authenticated requests, set a "pre-shared" key, by visiting Settings -> Network -> Home Network Setup -> IP Control -> Pre-Shared Key. Say mine was 'pass123'.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "X-Auth-PSK: pass123" \
  -X POST \
  -d '{"id": 20, "method": "PowerOff", "version": "1.0", "params": []}' \

For brevity's sake, I'll only give the endpoint, JSON, and if it's communicated, on other endpoints.

Available services (endpoints)

The TV has a file called 'dmr.xml' (a schema) made available at -- useful for determining the following endpoints exist on my TV:

  • /sony/IRCC
  • /sony/accessControl
  • /sony/appControl
  • /sony/avContent
  • /sony/browser
  • /sony/cec
  • /sony/encryption
  • /sony/guide
  • /sony/notification
  • /sony/recording
  • /sony/system
  • /sony/videoScreen

For each service, you can use the getVersions or getMethodTypes methods to explore which methods are available on that service.

A precis of what's supported for these services is given below:


Authenticated endpoint. SOAP interaction. Suspect this is the main entrypoint for upnp systems?

Interacting with this service allows you to "fake" buttons being pressed on the remote. This is how the bravia npm library controls the TV.

You send this endpoint a single remote controller code -- available from the system endpoints getRemoteControllerInfo method, and it will execute it as if you pressed it on your TV remote.

For reasons passing understanding (there's probably a standard for this...somewhere), you interact with this endpoint as SOAP rather than JSON, sending it this payload:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle="">
    <u:X_SendIRCC xmlns:u="urn:schemas-sony-com:service:IRCC:1">

For example, to power it off, use this curl command:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -X POST \
  -H "X-Auth-PSK: pass123" \
  -d '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle="">
      <u:X_SendIRCC xmlns:u="urn:schemas-sony-com:service:IRCC:1">
  </s:Envelope>' \

There appears to be additional information at which describes an additional X_GetStatus request you can use with the IRCC endpoint, providing a category code.

Access Control /sony/accessControl

App Control /sony/appControl

AV Content /sony/avContent

Method: deleteContent

versions: [1.0] params

{ "uri": "string" }

empty response

Method: getContentCount

versions: [1.0] params

  "source": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "count": int


  "count": int

Method: getContentList

versions: [1.0] params

  "source": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "stIdx": int,
  "cnt": int,
  "type": "string",


  "uri": "string",
  "title": "string",
  "index": "int",
  "dispNum": "string",
  "originalDispNum": "string",
  "tripletStr": "string",
  "programNum": "int",
  "programMediaType": "string",
  "startDateTime": "string",
  "durationSec": "int",
  "channelName": "string",
  "isProtected": "bool",
  "directRemoteNum": "int",
  "isAlreadyPlayed": "bool"

Method: getCurrentExternalInputsStatus

versions: [1.0] params

{} //empty input


    "title": "string",
    "uri": "string",
    "connection": "bool",
    "label": "string",
    "icon": "string"


Lists your "Inputs" on your TV, with their connection status -- it knows if
they're connected or not -- providing their title that you gave them on the
TV. Also provides a URI to identify them, to be used in <WHERE?>

Method: getMethodTypes

versions: [1.0] standard to all services

Method: getParentalRatingSettings

versions: [1.0] params

{} //empty input


  "ratingCountry": "string",
  "ratingTypeAge": "integer",
  "ratingTypeSony": "string",
  "ratingCustomTypeTV": [
  "ratingCustomTypeMpaa": "string",
  "ratingCustomTypeCaEnglish": "string",
  "ratingCustomTypeCaFrench": "string",
  "unratedLock": "bool"

Method: getPlayingContentInfo

versions: [1.0] params

{} // empty input


  "uri": "string",
  "source": "string",
  "title": "string",
  "dispNum": "string",
  "originalDispNum": "string",
  "tripletStr": "string",
  "programNum": "int",
  "programTitle": "string",
  "startDateTime": "string",
  "durationSec": "int",
  "playSpeed": "string",
  "bivl_serviceId": "string",
  "bivl_assetId": "string",
  "bivl_provider": "string",
  "mediaType": "string"


Gives information about what's currently playing on the TV. A "Now playing"
of sorts. Limited by what the TV itself knows -- if it's on the OSD it's
returned, if not, nothing doing. Not super useful if the TV isn't the
source of your media.

Method: getPlayingContentInfo

versions: [1.0] params

{} // empty input


  "uri": "string",
  "source": "string",
  "title": "string",
  "dispNum": "string",
  "originalDispNum": "string",
  "tripletStr": "string",
  "programNum": "int",
  "programTitle": "string",
  "startDateTime": "string",
  "durationSec": "int",
  "playSpeed": "string",
  "bivl_serviceId": "string",
  "bivl_assetId": "string",
  "bivl_provider": "string",
  "mediaType": "string"


I mean it's the same as version 1? Literally no difference? Maybe if you
had dual tuners or something?

Method: getSchemeList

versions: [1.0] params

{} // empty input


  "scheme": "string",


Browser /sony/browser

Cec /sony/cec

Encryption /sony/encryption

Guide /sony/guide

Notification /sony/notification

Recording /sony/recording

System /sony/system

Video Screen /sony/videoScreen

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "X-Auth-PSK: rabbits" \
  -X POST \
  -d '{"id": 20, "method": "getSystemSupportedFunction", "version": "1.0", "params": [""]}' \
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As near as I can tell, there's no way to determine "what's playing" on the TV. You can detect which input is selected - HDM1, HDM2, etc., but only if actually watching source from that input. If you are watching Netflix in the native smart tv app, you get a null response altogether.

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solars commented Apr 16, 2019

Thanks a lot, this is very helpful!

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mrhalix commented Jun 21, 2019


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Thank you for this.

Also just found more documentation that might be useful.

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freman commented May 3, 2020

My TV is a whole lot older, it has a /IRCC but everything under /sony is 404 :(

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Can you get TV status via HTTP? For example, a flag stating if TV is turned off or on?

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kalleth commented Jun 10, 2020

@WinEunuuchs2Unix I'm honestly not sure, and don't have the means to test it right now. I guess the management system must still be running... Check the docs footlooseboss posted up threads they might have the answer?

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His link does lead to something promising: getPowerStatus (v1.0) which returns:

  • "standby" - Device is in the power off state.
  • "active" - Device is in the power on state.

Not sure if Bravia Professional Display REST API is compatible with my Sony KDL TV (circa 2015). I will give it a try and report back with a link to code if successful. Hopefully by the weekend.

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Learning the REST API, cURL and JSON was a lot faster than I thought. About four hours last night and two hours tonight to create tvpowered which when you power off your Sony TV it shuts down your laptop for you. All the code is available in Ask Ubuntu: 4 clicks to shut down Ubuntu - can we reduce this?

Thanks for shining a light on the right path to start on!

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Hi mates, I would use Alexa (with Node Red) to run on TV VideoLAN player, is it possible? Is it possible to run VLC with some parameters (for example open a playlist) to have it automatically open the RTSP stream I need?
Thank you a lot for answers

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Mikii67 commented Dec 4, 2021

Is there a way to display a screen notification on a Sony Bravia TV KD-55AF8 ? I cannot find it anywhere.

Thank you.


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thrahlf commented Dec 6, 2021

Hi there.

Does anybody know, why it doesn't work with a Sony Bravaria KDL-32WD757 (newest Firmware)?


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xbmcnut commented Apr 6, 2022

Thanks for the reference. I'm wanting to be able to send REST commands to my Sony TV to control the pictureMode. There is some info here but it's a bit over my head. Anyone help with a call I can use in Postman to test changing the pictureMode from Vivid to Standard etc?

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impop commented Apr 30, 2022

@xbmcnut Assuming you know how to send the pre-shared key the body of your call should be:

{ "method": "setPictureQualitySettings", "id": 12, "params": [{"settings": [{"value":"Standard","target":"pictureMode"}]}] , "version": "1.0" }

@kalleth Great work and thanks

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xbmcnut commented Apr 30, 2022

Thanks @impop, but it appears that my Sony model no longer supports as that URL returns error 404. All other /sony/x URL's work fine, just not /video.

    "error": [
        "Not Found"

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impop commented Apr 30, 2022

Have you tried calling getPictureQualitySettings ?

If you can retrieve that info I don't see why your TV wouldn't allow Setting them

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xbmcnut commented Apr 30, 2022

@impop Yep, not working. Anything requiring http://<Base URL>/video errors 404. Seems version 5.x dropped support for that setting?

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impop commented Apr 30, 2022

well that's a shame. Have you taken a look at this

Also what year is your Bravia?

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xbmcnut commented Apr 30, 2022

Thanks for that link, very handy. I searched for the words audio, video and picture in the JSON results and nothing found. Seems I need a new TV! Think mine is 2018 running Android 8.0 KD-55X8500D

[EDIT] Whoops, just checked and TV is 2016!

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impop commented Apr 30, 2022

Ah ok. I hadn't read your edit and wondered. Mine is from 2018. Yes you either need an upgrade or use the remote more ;)

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Hi mates, I would use Alexa (with Node Red) to run on TV VideoLAN player, is it possible? Is it possible to run VLC with some parameters (for example open a playlist) to have it automatically open the RTSP stream I need? Thank you a lot for answers

maybe someone knows and could kindly tell me if it's possible to start an installed app with HTTP API? Thanks

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xbmcnut commented May 1, 2022

Run this to get your list of applications via

    "method": "getApplicationList",
    "id": 60,
    "params": [],
    "version": "1.0"

Then, from the results, note the "uri" and replace that in the command below (which launches YouTube)

    "method": "setActiveApp",
    "id": 601,
    "params": [{
        "uri": ""
    "version": "1.0"

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Amazing good info, thank you!

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simon-k commented Jul 27, 2022

Any idea what the ID in the request and response is?
I'm trying to make a small app that can dim my Hue lights when I turn on the TV.

EDIT: And is it possible to get info on what app is active, like a GetActiveApp? I haven't found that function...

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This is all really useful info, thanks for sharing. I've been trying to figure out if it's possible to control my UBP-X700 from Home Assistant, but the current Bravia TV component only supports the /sony/IRCC endpoint. The endpoint I need can be found through UPNP, which seems to be at /upnp/control/IRCC. I've also heard of devices that have it at /IRCC.

My end goal is a Python library that can query the Sony device in question and determine the registration/control endpoints (through UPNP or by just hitting known endpoints), and from there allowing you to register, with a view to adding it to Home Assistant. The main problem seems to be that each different endpoint configuration has a different registration process (I have a Sony TV upstairs which uses the /sony/IRCC endpoint and the registration process is completely different to the BluRay player).

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cmos486 commented Jul 1, 2023

any way to disable the image or black image functionality?

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