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Created May 19, 2015 20:35
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frameDifference with Mat OpenCV library for Processing
import org.opencv.core.Mat;
import gab.opencv.*;
Capture video;
OpenCV opencv;
Mat cvLastFrameMat;
Mat cvThisFrameMat;
void setup()
size ( 640, 480 );
video = new Capture(this, width, height);
opencv = new OpenCV( this, 640, 480); // Initialises the OpenCV library
// Any idea how to create an empty Mat?
// new Mat(640, 480, 0); gives an error however cols and rows seem correct
cvLastFrameMat = opencv.getGray();
void draw()
if (video.available()) {;
cvThisFrameMat = opencv.getGray();
// difference with last Mat and this Mat
// result is stored in this Mat
OpenCV.diff(cvThisFrameMat, cvLastFrameMat);
image( opencv.getOutput(), 0, 0 );
// this gives a strange grid, so we do load image again
//OpenCV.toCv(video, cvLastFrameMat);
cvLastFrameMat = opencv.getGray();
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