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Created October 23, 2019 11:04
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Debug Elixir Function Clause errors
defmodule FunctionClause do
@moduledoc """
Format function clauses using Exception.blame/3
@doc """
Given a `module`, `function`, and `args` see
if that function clause would match or not match.
This is useful for helping diagnose function
clause errors when many clauses are generated
at compile time.
@spec match(module(), atom(), list(any)) :: :ok | no_return()
def match(module, function, args) do
case Exception.blame_mfa(module, function, args) do
{:ok, kind, clauses} ->
formatted_clauses(function, kind, clauses, &blame_match/2)
:error ->
raise ArgumentError,
"Function #{inspect(module)}.#{inspect(function)}/#{length(args)} " <>
"is not known."
defp formatted_clauses(function, kind, clauses, ast_fun) do
format_clause_fun = fn {args, guards} ->
code = Enum.reduce(guards, {function, [], args}, &{:when, [], [&2, &1]})
" #{kind} " <> Macro.to_string(code, ast_fun) <> "\n"
|> Enum.join()
|> IO.puts()
defp blame_match(%{match?: true, node: node}, _),
do: Macro.to_string(node)
defp blame_match(%{match?: false, node: node}, _),
do: <> Macro.to_string(node) <> IO.ANSI.reset()
defp blame_match(_, string), do: string
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arcanemachine commented Jan 16, 2025

Uglified one-liner (handy for keeping in my IEx history):

defmodule FunctionClause do def match(module, function, args) do case Exception.blame_mfa(module, function, args) do {:ok, kind, clauses} -> formatted_clauses(function, kind, clauses, &blame_match/2); :error -> raise ArgumentError, "Function #{inspect(module)}.#{inspect(function)}/#{length(args)} " <> "is not known."; end; end; defp formatted_clauses(function, kind, clauses, ast_fun) do format_clause_fun = fn {args, guards} -> code = Enum.reduce(guards, {function, [], args}, &{:when, [], [&2, &1]}); " #{kind} " <> Macro.to_string(code, ast_fun) <> "\n"; end; clauses |> |> Enum.join() |> IO.puts() end; defp blame_match(%{match?: true, node: node}, _), do: Macro.to_string(node); defp blame_match(%{match?: false, node: node}, _), do: <> Macro.to_string(node) <> IO.ANSI.reset(); defp blame_match(_, string), do: string; end

Thanks for this btw

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