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kiwidoggie / pulling-clean-ue-drops.txt
Created March 24, 2025 13:02
Pulling clean "drops" of Unreal Engine from Github
Lukas Jech @ Fiolasoft — 3/20/25, 2:34 PM
Last time I had UDN access (about 6-8 months ago) Epic started using virtual streams for every release, so there should be a stream //UE5/Release-5.5.4 (which should be CL 40574608 at least based on github)
if you don't need to keep the commit history the simple step to fetch new builds is as follow:
Create clean workspace where you'll fetch given version from UDN
Create workspace on your server mapped to the same directory
Run add or reconcile offline work depending on if it's first sync or repeated update
push to your server
#pragma once
// Mira-VNext
#include <mira/Kernel/Boot/Config.hpp>
These are the required functions in order for the Oni Framework to operate properly
These are all offsets into the base of the kernel. They expect all standard FreeBSD 9 prototypes
The reason we do not hardcode offsets here, is due to the different platforms that are supported, and
kiwidoggie / fix_rtoc_ida7.cpp
Created May 27, 2021 01:51
fix_rtoc for ida 7.5
// This is a template for easy creation of IDA Plugins using
// MS Visual Studio 2005 or later (ie VS2008 or VS2010)
// This helps by setting all required settings, paths and preprocessor values
// required to create both 32bit and 64bit plugins from the same sourcecode.
// This will save work and time even for those with experience writing plugins,
// but it is of most use for those who are new to it and don't know where to start.
// All that you as a plugin writer needs to do now is fill in your own values

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