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Created May 27, 2021 01:51
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fix_rtoc for ida 7.5
// This is a template for easy creation of IDA Plugins using
// MS Visual Studio 2005 or later (ie VS2008 or VS2010)
// This helps by setting all required settings, paths and preprocessor values
// required to create both 32bit and 64bit plugins from the same sourcecode.
// This will save work and time even for those with experience writing plugins,
// but it is of most use for those who are new to it and don't know where to start.
// All that you as a plugin writer needs to do now is fill in your own values
// for the strings and functions in the "plugin_t PLUGIN" structure below.
// Note: When building these samples, your plugin file will be created in the
// "idasdk/bin/plugins" directory. To install the plugin copy the created files
// to the "IDA/plugins" directory.
// Zak Stanborough - October 2009
// A bunch of required headers from the IDA SDK
#include <ida.hpp>
#include <idp.hpp>
#include <name.hpp>
#include <bytes.hpp>
#include <loader.hpp>
#include <kernwin.hpp>
#include <allins.hpp>
#include <pro.h>
#include <ua.hpp>
// Determines whether this plugin will work with the current database.
// IDA will call this function only once. If this function returns PLUGIN_SKIP,
// IDA will never load it again. If it returns PLUGIN_OK, IDA will unload the plugin
// but remember that the plugin agreed to work with the database. The plugin will
// be loaded again if the user invokes it by pressing the hotkey or selecting it
// from the menu. After the second load, the plugin will stay in memory.
// returns: PLUGIN_OK if plugin is supported, PLUGIN_SKIP if plugin isn't supported
plugmod_t* idaapi PluginStartup(void)
// Insert tests here to determine if this plugin can be used
// with the database being loaded. A common test is to check the
// processor type for plugins that only support particular processors.
msg(" (%d) (%d).\n",, PLFM_PPC);
// This tests if the processor type is PPC
// If it is PPC then return OK to show that the plugin is supported
if ( == PLFM_PPC )
return PLUGIN_OK;
// If the processor isn't PPC then this plugin should not be used
// with the database being loaded, so return SKIP.
// IDA will call this function when the user asks to exit. This function is *not*
// called in the case of emergency exits.
void idaapi PluginShutdown(void)
// Any cleanup code that needs to be done on exit goes here
#define GPR_COUNT 32
#define FPR_COUNT 32
#define G_STR_SIZE 256
char g_insn[G_STR_SIZE];
char g_mnem[G_STR_SIZE];
char g_opnd[UA_MAXOP][G_STR_SIZE];
typedef qvector<bool> coverage;
coverage func_map;
void ProcessFunction(func_t *p_func, ea_t rtoc_ea, const unsigned long *in_gpr = NULL, const bool *in_act = NULL);
void ProcessFunction(ea_t start_ea, ea_t end_ea, ea_t rtoc_ea, const unsigned long *in_gpr = NULL, const bool *in_act = NULL);
// This is the main plugin function. This code gets executed everytime
// your plugin is executed.
// args: param: Input argument specified in the "plugins.cfg" file.
bool idaapi PluginMain(size_t arg)
// func_t* p_func = get_func(get_screen_ea());
// if(p_func)
// {
// // process the current function
// ProcessFunction(p_func, 0xA90BF0);
// return;
// }
segment_t *p_seg = get_segm_by_name(".opd");
if(p_seg == NULL)
info(".opd segment not found, so can't run PS3 %rtoc Fixer!\n");
return false;
ea_t seg_start = p_seg->start_ea;
ea_t seg_end = p_seg->end_ea;
ea_t seg_ea = seg_end;
//for(ea_t seg_ea=seg_start; seg_ea<seg_end; seg_ea+=8)
seg_ea -= 8;
ea_t func_ea = get_dword(seg_ea);
ea_t rtoc_ea = get_dword(seg_ea + 4);
func_t* p_func = get_func(func_ea);
if (!p_func ||
p_func->start_ea != func_ea)
if (p_func)
add_func(func_ea, BADADDR);
p_func = get_func(func_ea);
// resize function map
func_map.resize((p_func->end_ea - p_func->start_ea) >> 2);
// clear processed status
memset(&func_map.front(), 0, sizeof(bool) * func_map.size());
// inform user of processing progress
msg("[%08d/%08d] Processing Function - [0x%08X - 0x%08X]...", get_func_num(func_ea), get_func_qty(), p_func->start_ea, p_func->end_ea);
// process the current function
ProcessFunction(p_func, rtoc_ea);
// function processing complete
while (seg_ea > seg_start);
return true;
void ProcessFunction(func_t *p_func, ea_t rtoc_ea, const unsigned long *in_gpr, const bool *in_act)
ProcessFunction(p_func->start_ea, p_func->end_ea, rtoc_ea, in_gpr, in_act);
void ProcessFunction(ea_t start_ea, ea_t end_ea, ea_t rtoc_ea, const unsigned long *in_gpr, const bool *in_act)
unsigned long g_gpr[GPR_COUNT*8];
bool g_act[GPR_COUNT*8];
if (in_gpr)
memcpy(g_gpr, in_gpr, sizeof(g_gpr));
memset(g_gpr, 0, sizeof(g_gpr));
if (in_act)
memcpy(g_act, in_act, sizeof(g_act));
memset(g_act, 0, sizeof(g_act));
// special case for code relocated after end of function
// may cause false positives
if (!g_act[2])
// initialize %rtoc register
g_gpr[2] = rtoc_ea;
g_act[2] = true;
func_t *p_func = get_func(start_ea);
// scan entire function
ea_t start = start_ea;
ea_t end = end_ea;
for(ea_t ea=start; ea<end; ea+=4)
ea_t ea_loc = (ea - p_func->start_ea) >> 2;
insn_t l_cmd;
if(!decode_insn(&l_cmd, ea) || func_map[ea_loc])
func_map[ea_loc] = true;
// get mnemonic
//ua_mnem(ea, g_mnem, sizeof(g_mnem));
bool reg_used = false;
int iOp = 0;
for (; iOp < UA_MAXOP; ++iOp)
g_opnd[iOp][0] = 0;
if (l_cmd.ops[iOp].type == o_void)
optype_t type = l_cmd.ops[iOp].type;
uint16 reg = l_cmd.ops[iOp].reg;
switch (type)
case o_reg:
case o_phrase:
case o_displ:
reg_used = (reg < (GPR_COUNT + FPR_COUNT)) && (reg_used || ((reg == 2) || g_act[reg]));
case o_far:
case o_near:
switch (l_cmd.itype)
case PPC_b: // Branch
case PPC_bc: // Branch Conditional
case PPC_bdnz: // CTR--; branch if CTR non-zero
case PPC_bdz: // CTR--; branch if CTR zero
case PPC_blt: // Branch if less than
case PPC_ble: // Branch if less than or equal
case PPC_beq: // Branch if equal
case PPC_bge: // Branch if greater than or equal
case PPC_bgt: // Branch if greater than
case PPC_bne: // Branch if not equal
reg_used = true;
reg_used = reg_used || false;
// get operand string
//ua_outop2(ea, &g_opnd[iOp][0], sizeof(g_opnd[iOp]), iOp);
//tag_remove(&g_opnd[iOp][0], &g_opnd[iOp][0], sizeof(g_opnd[iOp]));
//ua_outop2(ea, g_insn, sizeof(g_insn), iOp);
//tag_remove(g_insn, g_insn, 0);
if (iOp > 0 && reg_used)
switch (l_cmd.itype)
case PPC_mr:
if (g_act[l_cmd.Op2.reg])
g_gpr[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = g_gpr[l_cmd.Op2.reg];
g_act[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = true;
case PPC_addi:
if (g_act[l_cmd.Op2.reg])
g_gpr[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = g_gpr[l_cmd.Op2.reg] + l_cmd.Op3.value;
g_act[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = true;
case PPC_addis:
if (g_act[l_cmd.Op2.reg])
g_gpr[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = g_gpr[l_cmd.Op2.reg] + (l_cmd.Op3.value << 16);
g_act[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = true;
case PPC_bc: // Branch Conditional
ea_t addr = l_cmd.Op3.addr;
func_t *p_branch = get_func(addr);
if ((p_func == p_branch) && (ea < addr))
ea_t addr_loc = (addr - p_func->start_ea) >> 2;
if (!func_map[addr_loc])
ProcessFunction(addr, end, (ea_t)g_gpr[2], g_gpr, g_act);
case PPC_bdnz: // CTR--; branch if CTR non-zero
case PPC_bdz: // CTR--; branch if CTR zero
case PPC_blt: // Branch if less than
case PPC_ble: // Branch if less than or equal
case PPC_beq: // Branch if equal
case PPC_bge: // Branch if greater than or equal
case PPC_bgt: // Branch if greater than
case PPC_bne: // Branch if not equal
ea_t addr = l_cmd.Op2.addr;
func_t *p_branch = get_func(addr);
if ((p_func == p_branch) && (ea < addr))
ea_t addr_loc = (addr - p_func->start_ea) >> 2;
if (!func_map[addr_loc])
ProcessFunction(addr, end, (ea_t)g_gpr[2], g_gpr, g_act);
case PPC_b: // Branch
ea_t addr = l_cmd.Op1.addr;
func_t *p_branch = get_func(addr);
if ((p_func == p_branch) && (ea < addr))
ea_t addr_loc = (addr - p_func->start_ea) >> 2;
if (!func_map[addr_loc])
ProcessFunction(addr, end, (ea_t)g_gpr[2], g_gpr, g_act);
case PPC_or:
if (g_act[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = (g_act[l_cmd.Op2.reg] && g_act[l_cmd.Op3.reg]))
g_gpr[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = g_gpr[l_cmd.Op2.reg] | g_gpr[l_cmd.Op3.reg];
case PPC_ori:
if (g_act[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = g_act[l_cmd.Op2.reg])
g_gpr[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = g_gpr[l_cmd.Op2.reg] | l_cmd.Op3.value;
case PPC_oris:
if (g_act[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = g_act[l_cmd.Op2.reg])
g_gpr[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = g_gpr[l_cmd.Op2.reg] | (l_cmd.Op3.value << 16);
case PPC_ld:
if (l_cmd.Op1.reg == 2 && l_cmd.Op2.reg == 1)
// assuming restoring from saved stack address
g_act[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = true;
else //if (g_act[l_cmd.Op2.reg])
// safety net, better to miss detection than falsely detect
// special consideration taken for %r30
if (l_cmd.Op1.reg != 30)
g_gpr[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = 0;
g_act[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = false;
case PPC_li:
g_gpr[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = l_cmd.Op2.value;
g_act[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = true;
case PPC_lis:
g_gpr[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = l_cmd.Op2.value << 16;
g_act[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = true;
case PPC_lfs:
case PPC_lwz:
case PPC_lhz:
case PPC_lbz:
if (l_cmd.Op1.reg == 2 && l_cmd.Op2.reg == 1)
else if ((l_cmd.Op2.reg == 2) || (g_act[l_cmd.Op2.reg]))
ea_t addr = g_gpr[l_cmd.Op2.reg] + l_cmd.Op2.addr;
if (g_act[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = is_mapped(addr))
flags_t flags = get_flags(addr);
add_dref(ea, addr, (dref_t)(/*XREF_USER|*/dr_R));
if (g_act[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = is_loaded(addr))
uint32 value = 0; //get_dword(addr);
switch (l_cmd.itype)
case PPC_lfs:
case PPC_lwz:
value = get_dword(addr);
case PPC_lhz:
value = get_word(addr);
case PPC_lbz:
value = get_byte(addr);
g_gpr[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = value;
// safety net, better to miss detection than falsely detect
// special consideration taken for %r30
if (l_cmd.Op1.reg != 30)
g_gpr[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = 0;
g_act[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = false;
if (l_cmd.Op1.type == o_reg && g_act[l_cmd.Op1.reg])
// if not storing the value...
if (!((l_cmd.itype >= PPC_b && l_cmd.itype <= PPC_cmpli) ||
( l_cmd.itype >= PPC_cmpwi && l_cmd.itype <= PPC_cmpld) ||
( l_cmd.itype >= PPC_stb && l_cmd.itype <= PPC_stwx)))
// safety net, better to miss detection than falsely detect
// special consideration taken for %r30
if (l_cmd.Op1.reg != 30)
g_gpr[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = 0;
g_act[l_cmd.Op1.reg] = false;
// special case for code relocated after end of function
// may cause false positives
if (!g_act[2])
// initialize %rtoc register
g_gpr[2] = rtoc_ea;
//g_act[2] = true;
// Strings required for IDA Pro's PLUGIN descriptor block
const char G_PLUGIN_COMMENT[] = "IDA PS3 %rtoc Fixer Plugin";
const char G_PLUGIN_HELP[] = "This is a plugin to help fix references to addresses"
"made through the PS3 %rtoc register.\n";
const char G_PLUGIN_NAME[] = "PS3 %rtoc Fixer";
const char G_PLUGIN_HOTKEY[] = "Ctrl-F11";
// This 'PLUGIN' data block is how IDA Pro interfaces with this plugin.
plugin_t PLUGIN =
// values
0, // plugin flags
// functions
PluginStartup, // initialize and test if plugin is supported
PluginShutdown, // terminate. this pointer may be NULL.
PluginMain, // invoke plugin
// strings
(char*)G_PLUGIN_COMMENT,// long comment about the plugin (may appear on status line or as a hint)
(char*)G_PLUGIN_HELP, // multiline help about the plugin
(char*)G_PLUGIN_NAME, // the preferred short name of the plugin, used by menu system
(char*)G_PLUGIN_HOTKEY // the preferred hotkey to run the plugin
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