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Last active May 18, 2020 23:17
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Small script that shows hot to do one hot encoding
of categorical columns in a pandas DataFrame.
import pandas
import random
import numpy
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
def one_hot_dataframe(data, cols, replace=False):
""" Takes a dataframe and a list of columns that need to be encoded.
Returns a 3-tuple comprising the data, the vectorized data,
and the fitted vectorizor.
vec = DictVectorizer()
mkdict = lambda row: dict((col, row[col]) for col in cols)
vecData = pandas.DataFrame(vec.fit_transform(data[cols].apply(mkdict, axis=1)).toarray())
vecData.columns = vec.get_feature_names()
vecData.index = data.index
if replace is True:
data = data.drop(cols, axis=1)
data = data.join(vecData)
return (data, vecData, vec)
def main():
# Get a random DataFrame
df = pandas.DataFrame(numpy.random.randn(25, 3), columns=['a', 'b', 'c'])
# Make some random categorical columns
df['e'] = [random.choice(('Chicago', 'Boston', 'New York')) for i in range(df.shape[0])]
df['f'] = [random.choice(('Chrome', 'Firefox', 'Opera', "Safari")) for i in range(df.shape[0])]
print df
# Vectorize the categorical columns: e & f
df, _, _ = one_hot_dataframe(df, ['e', 'f'], replace=True)
print df
if __name__ == '__main__':
Example output
Original DataFrame
a b c e f
0 -0.219222 -0.368154 0.388479 New York Opera
1 1.879536 -0.033210 -0.099437 New York Firefox
2 0.909419 -0.498084 0.084163 New York Safari
3 -0.002199 -0.692806 -0.844436 New York Opera
4 -0.109549 -0.367305 -0.520999 Chicago Firefox
5 -0.400515 -1.202466 -1.664337 New York Chrome
6 -2.241892 -0.888160 -0.332380 New York Chrome
7 -0.432767 -1.794931 0.975878 Chicago Chrome
8 -1.401193 -0.478224 0.112729 Chicago Safari
9 -1.493518 0.584824 0.652820 New York Opera
10 0.525359 -0.885912 0.474492 Boston Firefox
11 0.671226 -0.733788 0.272915 Boston Chrome
12 0.775901 -0.163745 0.628414 Boston Opera
13 -1.158007 -0.495240 1.183522 New York Chrome
14 -1.200085 1.083380 -0.692171 Boston Safari
15 0.872763 -2.119172 -0.169185 Boston Chrome
16 1.423514 -1.802891 -2.947628 Boston Safari
17 -0.547940 -0.788654 -1.065005 Boston Safari
18 -0.380440 2.050783 1.548453 New York Firefox
19 -0.095913 1.260104 0.196552 Boston Opera
20 -1.558961 1.240931 -0.165927 Boston Safari
21 1.111618 -0.309371 -0.803404 Chicago Chrome
22 0.348182 -1.200900 0.307754 New York Firefox
23 -0.834901 0.188590 -1.115227 New York Chrome
24 1.463240 -1.559017 0.954684 New York Chrome
Encoded DataFrame
a b c e=Boston e=Chicago e=New York f=Chrome f=Firefox f=Opera f=Safari
0 -0.219222 -0.368154 0.388479 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
1 1.879536 -0.033210 -0.099437 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
2 0.909419 -0.498084 0.084163 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
3 -0.002199 -0.692806 -0.844436 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
4 -0.109549 -0.367305 -0.520999 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
5 -0.400515 -1.202466 -1.664337 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
6 -2.241892 -0.888160 -0.332380 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
7 -0.432767 -1.794931 0.975878 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
8 -1.401193 -0.478224 0.112729 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
9 -1.493518 0.584824 0.652820 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
10 0.525359 -0.885912 0.474492 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
11 0.671226 -0.733788 0.272915 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
12 0.775901 -0.163745 0.628414 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
13 -1.158007 -0.495240 1.183522 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
14 -1.200085 1.083380 -0.692171 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
15 0.872763 -2.119172 -0.169185 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
16 1.423514 -1.802891 -2.947628 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
17 -0.547940 -0.788654 -1.065005 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
18 -0.380440 2.050783 1.548453 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
19 -0.095913 1.260104 0.196552 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
20 -1.558961 1.240931 -0.165927 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
21 1.111618 -0.309371 -0.803404 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
22 0.348182 -1.200900 0.307754 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
23 -0.834901 0.188590 -1.115227 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
24 1.463240 -1.559017 0.954684 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
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run into same issue.

IPython version: 2.1.0
numpy version: 1.8.1
scikit-learn version: 0.15.1
matplotlib version: 1.3.1

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The modified version runs, but it does not generate the vector properly.

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Does this semantically work for both ordinal and non-ordinal categorical data... any thoughts about that?

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I currently use this slightly modified version:

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I have a column with all numeric values, but they are all categorical. I am not able to binarize them using this code. only columns with non-numerical values are binarized with this code. Kindly help if any modification is needed.

sorry, the table format is not clear.. Hope you understand my question. Thanks in advance.
col1 col2
1 4
2 4
3 3
4 3

should get converted to

col1 col2_4 col2_3
1 1 0
2 1 0
3 0 1
4 0 1

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One-hot encoding is supported in pandas (I think since 0.13.1) as pd.get_dummies.

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