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K. Lundberg klundberg

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extension Task where Failure == Error {
// Start a new Task with a timeout. If the timeout expires before the operation is
// completed then the task is cancelled and an error is thrown.
init(priority: TaskPriority? = nil, timeout: TimeInterval, operation: @escaping @Sendable () async throws -> Success) {
self = Task(priority: priority) {
try await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: Success.self) { group -> Success in
group.addTask(operation: operation)
group.addTask {
try await _Concurrency.Task.sleep(nanoseconds: UInt64(timeout * 1_000_000_000))
IanKeen / View+Discover.swift
Last active July 22, 2024 04:23
SwiftUI: discover underlying components to fill in gaps in SwiftUI api
import SwiftUI
extension View {
public func discover<T: UIView>(
where predicate: @escaping (T) -> Bool = { _ in true },
_ closure: @escaping (T) -> Void
) -> some View {
DiscoveryView(predicate: predicate, setup: closure)
.frame(width: 0, height: 0)

Core Priorities

Briefly state your (2-5) core priorities that represent your primary areas of focus and the targeted business impact. Also include your critical indicators of success for each

  1. Lower the barrier of entry to adopting and understanding TypeScript. Will validate by re-requesting feedback from the community a second time like issues #31983 and hopefully it should be a new set of problems.

  2. Understand the TypeScript Codebase enough to provide useful API documentation and fix bugs. Validated by having a more comprehensive set of tools for understanding

  3. Make contributing to TypeScript easier, and reduce the amount of work maintainers need to do. Validated probably by the number of open PRs, and the number of external contributors per release.

IanKeen / Default.swift
Last active July 4, 2024 14:55
PropertyWrapper: Decode default values. when they are `null`
import Foundation
public protocol DefaultValue {
associatedtype Value: Codable
static var value: Value { get }
public struct Default<Default: DefaultValue>: Codable {
public struct AnyProxy<EnclosingSelf, Value> {
private let keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<EnclosingSelf, Value>
public init(_ keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<EnclosingSelf, Value>) {
self.keyPath = keyPath
@available(*, unavailable, message: "The wrapped value must be accessed from the enclosing instance property.")
public var wrappedValue: Value {
IanKeen / DictionaryDecoder.swift
Created March 1, 2019 18:43
import Foundation
class DictionaryDecoder {
init() { }
func decode<T: Decodable>(_ type: T.Type, from data: [String: Any]) throws -> T {
let decoder = _Decoder(codingPath: [], source: data)
return try T(from: decoder)
IanKeen / AnyCodingKey.swift
Created March 1, 2019 18:40
AnyCodingKey: Helpful for a range of Codable tricks
struct AnyCodingKey: CodingKey {
var stringValue: String
var intValue: Int?
init?(intValue: Int) {
self.intValue = intValue
self.stringValue = "\(intValue)"
init?(stringValue: String) {
self.intValue = nil
IanKeen / AnyCodable.swift
Last active March 4, 2021 18:45
public struct AnyCodable: Codable {
public let value: Any?
public init(_ value: Any?) {
self.value = value
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
tcprescott /
Last active April 19, 2020 02:04
POC for a ROM patcher for the ALTTPR website, is a complete mess and needs to be cleaned before being used in a real project
import requests
import json
import itertools
import time
start_time = time.time()
def get_hash(patches):
seek = '1573395'
for patch in patches:
tclementdev /
Last active February 26, 2025 18:09
Making efficient use of the libdispatch (GCD)

libdispatch efficiency tips

The libdispatch is one of the most misused API due to the way it was presented to us when it was introduced and for many years after that, and due to the confusing documentation and API. This page is a compilation of important things to know if you're going to use this library. Many references are available at the end of this document pointing to comments from Apple's very own libdispatch maintainer (Pierre Habouzit).

My take-aways are:

  • You should create very few, long-lived, well-defined queues. These queues should be seen as execution contexts in your program (gui, background work, ...) that benefit from executing in parallel. An important thing to note is that if these queues are all active at once, you will get as many threads running. In most apps, you probably do not need to create more than 3 or 4 queues.

  • Go serial first, and as you find performance bottle necks, measure why, and if concurrency helps, apply with care, always validating under system pressure. Reuse