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Last active October 22, 2024 23:18
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Filewrapper does not reread (refresh) its content
import Foundation
let dirURL = URL(filePath: "/Users/marcinkrzyzanowski/Downloads/filewrappertest.test")
// cleanup
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: URL(filePath: "/Users/marcinkrzyzanowski/Downloads/filewrappertest.test/COPY.png"))
let fw = try FileWrapper(url: dirURL)
// fw.fileWrappers // ["IMG_0736.png": <NSFileWrapper: 0x6000023a8420>]
// add item (copy new item into directory
try FileManager.default.copyItem(at: URL(filePath: "/Users/marcinkrzyzanowski/Downloads/filewrappertest.test/IMG_0736.png"), to: URL(filePath: "/Users/marcinkrzyzanowski/Downloads/filewrappertest.test/COPY.png"))
// Force update parent directory attribute fixes the matchesContents(of:)
// try FileManager().setAttributes([.modificationDate:], ofItemAtPath: dirURL.path())
fw.fileWrappers! // ["IMG_0736.png": <NSFileWrapper: 0x6000023a8420>]
fw.matchesContents(of: dirURL) // true (!!!!!!)
// read, like in "refresh"
// Recursively rereads the entire contents of a file wrapper from the specified location on disk.
try dirURL)
// Indicates whether the contents of a file wrapper matches a directory, regular file, or symbolic link on disk.
// For a directory, children are compared against the files in the directory, recursively.
fw.matchesContents(of: dirURL) // true! but the content is different
fw.fileWrappers! // ["COPY.png": <NSFileWrapper: 0x600003454a20>, "IMG_0736.png": <NSFileWrapper: 0x6000023a8420>]
Copy link

the other time, copyItem does not update parent directory

// add item (copy new item into directory `modificationDate`
try FileManager.default.copyItem(at: URL(filePath: "/Users/marcinkrzyzanowski/Downloads/filewrappertest.test/IMG_0736.png"), to: URL(filePath: "/Users/marcinkrzyzanowski/Downloads/filewrappertest.test/COPY.png"))

all of all it is about make sure attributes change or matchesContents(of:) not going to recognize any change

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