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Last active December 5, 2019 04:05
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_then = Promise.prototype.then
// [Function: then]
Promise.prototype.then = function(){ console.log('then!'); return _then.apply(this, arguments); }
// [Function (anonymous)]
p = new Promise(resolve => resolve())
// Promise { undefined }
// then!
// Promise { <pending> }
(async function () { await Promise.resolve(1) })()
// Promise { <pending> }
(async function () { await new Promise(resolve => resolve()) })()
// Promise { <pending> }
x = { then: (fn) => { console.log('thennable!'); fn() } }
// { then: [Function: then] }
(async function () { await x })()
// Promise { <pending> }
// thennable!
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kumavis commented Dec 5, 2019

node v13.3.0

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