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Created November 22, 2019 05:26
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batch tx polyfill idea
const provider = polyfillJsonRpcBatchAsBatchTx(inpageProvider)
function polyfillJsonRpcBatchAsBatchTx (oldProvider) {
const newProvider = { sendAsync }
return newProvider
function sendAsync (req, cb) {
if (Array.isArray(req)) {
const shouldBatch = req.every(req => req.method === 'eth_sendTransaction')
if (!shouldBatch) {
// procede normally
return oldProvider.sendAsync(req, cb)
// do as a batch
const newReq = {
method: 'wallet_batchTx',
params: => entry.params[0]),
return oldProvider.sendAsync(newReq, cb)
} else {
// procede normally
return oldProvider.sendAsync(req, cb)
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