- kalama ilo en sitelen Nijon li tan jan Jun Majeda (o lape pona.)
- kalama uta nanpa wan li tan jan Lija
- sitelen pi toki ni li tan jan Powa
o lukin e ni: ko li kama lon noka pi poki tenpo
mi awen lon ni; suno anpa la pimeja li kama lon \
This "essay" stemmed from a question that I had recieved in response to a discussion about nimi sin overall. I have copied my lengthy answer into this as a way of displaying my conception of the language at one point in time.
Let's start with the first assertion that I'm going to make, which is that toki pona's philosophy is dynamic and open to constant (re)interpretation. It is through this that I feel as though I can justify the non-inclusion of particular aspects of toki pona reality into the cohesive statement about toki pona's philosophy for the sake of this
This essay on toki pona's semantics is the result of a conversation at #sona-musi in ma pona pi toki pona. If you'd like to see that conversation and the progressive realization of the sheer absurdity of it, you may find that here. Otherwise, enjoy the show! :)
(click the image to use our (very real, mani-back guaranteed) highly-advanced technology to teleport to the post!)