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Priyantha Lankapura lankaapura

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arthurattwell /
Last active October 20, 2022 16:46
Installing Jekyll on Windows

Installing Jekyll on Windows

Getting Jekyll installed on Windows can be more complicated than on, say, OSX and Ubuntu, but not by much. This outlines the steps I use.

I have similar guidance (plus extra steps for my publishing tools) for OSX written up here.

Why is this tricky?

Because each of the pieces that make Jekyll work is fussy, especially on Windows, which the developers of those pieces rarely use.

pythoninthegrass / Set-ProfileForDocker.ps1
Last active January 10, 2021 05:50 — forked from sixeyed/Set-ProfileForDocker.ps1
PowerShell aliases for working with Docker on Windows - save to $profile. Ignore PoshGit and Chocolatey if neither is installed.
Rename-Item Function:\Prompt PoshGitPrompt -Force
function Prompt() {if(Test-Path Function:\PrePoshGitPrompt){++$global:poshScope; New-Item function:\script:Write-host -value "param([object] `$object, `$backgroundColor, `$foregroundColor, [switch] `$nonewline) " -Force | Out-Null;$private:p = PrePoshGitPrompt; if(--$global:poshScope -eq 0) {Remove-Item function:\Write-Host -Force}}PoshGitPrompt}
# Chocolatey profile
$ChocolateyProfile = "$env:ChocolateyInstall\helpers\chocolateyProfile.psm1"
if (Test-Path($ChocolateyProfile)) {
Import-Module "$ChocolateyProfile"
# Docker Module
Import-Module -Name D:\Temp\ACME-posh\ACMEPowerShell.psd1
$domain = ""
$certificiatePassword = "abcd1234"
$email = "[email protected]"
$vault = "D:\Vault\{0}\{1}" -f $domain, [guid]::NewGuid()
mkdir $vault
cd $vault
Initialize-ACMEVault -BaseURI
New-ACMERegistration -Contacts mailto:$email
ericelliott /
Last active February 20, 2025 13:00
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