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Save larrybolt/6295160 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Automatically update your CloudFlare DNS record to the IP, Dynamic DNS for Cloudflare
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
# Automatically update your CloudFlare DNS record to the IP, Dynamic DNS
# Can retrieve cloudflare Domain id and list zone's, because, lazy
# Place at:
# /usr/local/bin/
# run `crontab -e` and add next line:
# 0 * * * * /usr/local/bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1
# if you're lazy (like me) copy/paste the command BETWEEN the EOT
: <<'EOT'
curl > /usr/local/bin/ && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
(crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "0 * * * * /usr/local/bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1") | crontab -
$EDITOR /usr/local/bin/
# run /usr/local/bin/ in terminal to check all settings are valid
# Usage:
# -k cloudflare-api-key \
# -u [email protected] \
# -h \ # fqdn of the record you want to update
# -z \ # will show you all zones if forgot, but you need this
# Optional flags:
# -i cloudflare-record-id \ # script will show this
# -a true|false \ # auto get zone list and record id
# -f false|true \ # force dns update, disregard local stored ip
# default config
# API key, see,
# incorrect api-key results in E_UNAUTH error
# Zone name, will list all possible if missing, eg:
# Domain id, will retrieve itself by default
# Username, eg: [email protected]
# Hostname to update, eg:
# Cloudflare TTL for record, between 120 and 86400 seconds
# Get domain ID from Cloudflare using awk/sed and python json.tool
# Ignore local file, update ip anyway
# Site to retrieve WAN ip, other examples are:, ...
# get parameter
while getopts a:k:i:u:h:z:f: opts; do
case ${opts} in
i) CFID=${OPTARG} ;;
# If required settings are missing just exit
if [ "$CFKEY" = "" ]; then
echo "Missing api-key, get at:"
echo "and save in ${0} or using the -k flag"
exit 2
if [ "$CFUSER" = "" ]; then
echo "Missing username, probably your email-address"
echo "and save in ${0} or using the -u flag"
exit 2
if [ "$CFHOST" = "" ]; then
echo "Missing hostname, what host do you want to update?"
echo "save in ${0} or using the -h flag"
exit 2
# If the hostname is not a FQDN
if [ "$CFHOST" != "$CFZONE" ] && ! [ -z "${CFHOST##*$CFZONE}" ]; then
echo " => Hostname is not a FQDN, assuming $CFHOST"
# If CFZONE is missing, retrieve them all from CF
if [ "$CFZONE" = "" ]; then
echo "Missing zone"
if ! [ "$GETID" == true ]; then exit 2; fi
echo "listing all zones: (if api-key is valid)"
curl -s \
-d a=zone_load_multi \
-d tkn=$CFKEY \
-d email=$CFUSER \
| grep -Eo '"zone_name":"([^"]+)"' \
| cut -d':' -f2 \
| awk '{gsub("\"","");print "* "$1}'
echo "Please specify the matching zone in ${0} or specify using the -z flag"
exit 2
# Get current and old WAN ip
WAN_IP=`curl -s ${WANIPSITE}`
if [ -f $HOME/.wan_ip-cf.txt ]; then
OLD_WAN_IP=`cat $HOME/.wan_ip-cf.txt`
echo "No file, need IP"
# If WAN IP is unchanged an not -f flag, exit here
if [ "$WAN_IP" = "$OLD_WAN_IP" ] && [ "$FORCE" = false ]; then
echo "WAN IP Unchanged, to update anyway use flag -f true"
exit 0
# If CFID is missing retrieve and use it
if [ "$CFID" = "" ]; then
echo "Missing DNS record ID"
if ! [ "$GETID" == true ]; then exit 2; fi
echo "fetching from Cloudflare..."
if ! CFID=$(
curl -s \
-d a=rec_load_all \
-d tkn=$CFKEY \
-d email=$CFUSER \
-d z=$CFZONE \
| grep -Eo '"(rec_id|name|type)":"([^"]+)"' \
| cut -d':' -f2 \
| awk 'NR%3{gsub("\"","");printf $0" ";next;}1' \
| grep -E "${CFHOST//./\\.}" \
| grep -e '"A"' \
| grep -Eo "(^|\s)(\d+)(\s|$)"
); then
echo " => Incorrect zone, or zone doesn't contain the A-record ${CFHOST}!"
echo "listing all records for zone ${CFZONE}:"
(printf "ID RECORD TYPE\n";
curl -s \
-d a=rec_load_all \
-d tkn=$CFKEY \
-d email=$CFUSER \
-d z=$CFZONE \
| grep -Eo '"(rec_id|name|type)":"([^"]+)"' \
| cut -d':' -f2 \
| awk 'NR%3{gsub("\"","");printf $0" ";next;}1'
)| column -t
exit 2
echo " => Found CFID=${CFID}, advising to save this to ${0} or set it using the -i flag"
# If WAN is changed, update cloudflare
echo "Updating DNS to $WAN_IP"
curl -s \
-d a=rec_edit \
-d tkn=$CFKEY \
-d email=$CFUSER \
-d z=$CFZONE \
-d id=$CFID \
-d ttl=$CFTTL \
-d type=A \
-d name=$CFHOST \
-d "content=$WAN_IP"
if [ "$RESPONSE" != "${RESPONSE%success*}" ]; then
echo "Updated succesfuly!"
echo $WAN_IP > $HOME/.wan_ip-cf.txt
echo 'Something went wrong :('
echo "Response: $RESPONSE"
exit 1
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I have found the solution for the error, cloudflare updated their API this year and you need to rewrite the part of the script that POST's to cloudflare

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remoe commented Jan 25, 2015

Here is an update:

        curl \
          -d a=rec_edit \
          -d tkn=$cfkey \
          -d email=$cfuser \
          -d z=$cfhost \
          -d id=$cfid \
          -d type=A \
          -d name=$cfhost \
          -d ttl=1 \
          -d "content=$WAN_IP"

edit: ttl=1 doesn't work

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abyssdj commented Feb 12, 2015

Forgive my coding ignorance, but will this script update multiple domains at once or would I need to run a separate script for each domain? For example *,, * and

Also, could somebody tell me where I can find the cfid? I don't remember using it in the last script I had, just the key.

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To get the cfid (aka rec_id), the below script will get the dns records from cloudflare. You can find the rec_id to use from the downloaded json:

# Reads all dns records for a cloudflare hosted domain.
# Use this to get the domain id required for cloudflare ddns updates 
# (is rec_id in the saved json at ~/.cf-dns.txt)
# Created 25-Feb-2015 Jon Egerton, from the rec_load_all documentation here: 
# This version is working as at 25-Feb-2015
# As/When cloudflare change their API amendments may be required


curl \
  -d a=rec_load_all \
  -d tkn=$cfkey \
  -d email=$cfuser \
  -d z=$domain > $HOME/.cf-dns.txt

I'm maintaining my versions of these scripts here.

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dodysw commented Jul 26, 2015

(not sure why I can't edit nor delete my previous comment, ignore the previous one)
The above end point is old api (v1) which works and is still supported. However Cloudflare recommends new clients to use the new API (v4). Here is an example based on the above bash script:


curl -X PUT "$zoneid/dns_records/$dnsrecid" \
-H "X-Auth-Email: $cfuser" \
-H "X-Auth-Key: $cfkey" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"id":"'$dnsrecid'","type":"A","name":"'$cfhost'","content":"'`curl -s`'"}'

The tricky part on the new API is getting the zone id and dns record id as afaik it is not exposed on the control panel. There are two way to do this:

1. Via api

We can utilize the API itself to give us the answers:

# Get list of zone ids
curl -s -X GET "" \
-H "X-Auth-Email: $cfuser" \
-H "X-Auth-Key: $cfkey" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
| jq '.result[] | {name, id}'

# put the id returned above into here

# Get list of DNS record ids in a zone
curl -s GET "$zoneid/dns_records" \
-H "X-Auth-Email: $cfuser" \
-H "X-Auth-Key: $cfkey" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
| jq '.result[] | {name, id, zone_id, zone_name, content, type}'

Take note of the zone id and the id corresponding to the dns record to update and use them on the first script. If you don't have jq installed, remove that line.

2. Via Chrome browser

Open the Chrome developer tools, open the network tab, click XHR. Navigate to Cloudflare DNS setting for the domain name. The zone id and the dns record id will be visible on the preview tab of dns_records?page=.. entry in the network tab.

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This gist was very helpful! I have written a client in golang that will take an email, apikey, and list of hostnames and will update any records that are 'A' records and match one of the hostnames given. It will not update the record if the record is already correct. There is also a systemd service that you can install, along with a timer that will ensure your records are updated as often as you like.

Hope it's of use to someone!

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  1. IPv4 and IPv6 support (A, AAAA)
  2. Support for multiple ddns records
  3. OS independent Python script with no non-standard dependencies
  4. Automatically extracts zone and record IDs so you don't have to
  5. Only updates records if the IP has changes

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Updated this script to work again, it's not a cloudflare cli management tool, it just does the job

  • it's a bash script!
  • lists the zones for easy updating
  • auto-retrieves the record id
  • works with both configs you set inside the script, or/and flags
  • only needs curl to update dns-record
  • for auto-finding zones and record-id only requires awk,sed and python>2.6

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I'm working on a modified version of this script but i keep getting this error when trying to update:

"Editing types after a record has been created is not allowed"

Has anyone come across this error before - im stuck.

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Fantastic - Had an issue where a firewall was blocking anything that was coming in via Dynamic DNS - I was using a CNAME to a address to get to my home server. Whacking this on the Raspberry Pi sorted the issue in under 10 minutes :) I'll keep the no-ip agent running to ensure some level of failover, fantastic script :)

I have updated it to use the dig +short command instead and so far perfect.

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@snipermd sounds like the record you created wasn't an A-record, if you are still having problems mail me (see github profile) and I'll help you as good as I can!

@adammatthews Awesome! 😄 Glad to know it works out of the box on RPi! Right? Otherwise that awk/sed-voodoo was for nothing :(

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Made it easier and clearer, removed python so should work in a mostly POSIX-compliant OS (I think)

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m3nu commented Jan 19, 2016

I'm too lazy to actually find out zone and record ID. So I made the same thing in Python. Only real parameter is the subdomain. E.g. you can update server by calling host1

Only dependency is the python-requests package that should be available in all distributions.

(Update 2020: Fix broken link.)

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Or just use a CNAME to an NO-IP 💃

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vhugo commented Mar 2, 2016

Hey man, really cool script, thanks for making it!!

I had a small issue, the script wasn't finding my host and saying => Incorrect zone, or zone doesn't contain the A-record!, even though it was on list, so I checked out the code and line 144 was broken for me, to fix it I had to replace (^|\s)(\d+)(\s|$) for (^|\s)([0-9]+)(\s|$), I know it's the same thing, but now it's working perfectly.

FYI - using grep (GNU grep) 2.23

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Thanks @vhugo, just had the same problem and applying your fix made it work.

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gfjardim commented Mar 2, 2016

Thanks @vhugo, that worked for me too. Why not change the piped and nested code to something clearer using arrays?

# If CFZONE is missing, retrieve them all from CF
if [ "$CFZONE" = "" ]; then
  echo "Missing zone"
  if ! [ "$GETID" == true ]; then exit 2; fi
  echo "listing all zones: (if api-key is valid)"
  JSON=$(curl -s \
       -d a=zone_load_multi \
       -d tkn=$CFKEY \
       -d email=$CFUSER | sed -e 's/":"/:/g')

  if [ -n "$(echo $JSON|grep -Po '"err_code:\K[^"]*')" ]; then
    echo "Error:" $(echo -e $JSON|grep -Po '"msg:\K[^"]*')
    exit 2

  for m in $(echo $JSON|grep -Po '"zone_name:\K[^"]*'); do
    echo "* $m"

  echo "Please specify the matching zone in ${0} or specify using the -z flag"
  exit 2
# If CFID is missing retrieve and use it
if [ "$CFID" = "" ]; then
  echo "Missing DNS record ID"
  if ! [ "$GETID" == true ]; then exit 2; fi
  echo "fetching from Cloudflare..."

  JSON=$(curl -s \
       -d a=rec_load_all \
       -d tkn=$CFKEY \
       -d email=$CFUSER \
       -d z=$CFZONE | sed -e 's/":"/:/g')

  if [ -n "$(echo $JSON|grep -Po '"err_code:\K[^"]*')" ]; then
    echo "Error:" $(echo -e $JSON|grep -Po '"msg:\K[^"]*')
    exit 2

  IDS=($(echo $JSON|grep -Po '"rec_id:\K[^"]*'))
  NAMES=($(echo $JSON|grep -Po '"name:\K[^"]*'))
  TYPES=($(echo $JSON|grep -Po '"type:\K[^"]*'))

  for key in $(seq 0 $((${#IDS[@]}-1)) ); do
    if [ "${NAMES[$key]}" == "$CFHOST" ] && [ "${TYPES[$key]}" == "A" ]; then
    RECORDS="${RECORDS}\n${IDS[$key]} ${NAMES[$key]} ${TYPES[$key]}"

  if [ -z "$CFID" ]; then
    echo " => Incorrect zone, or zone doesn't contain the A-record ${CFHOST}!"
    echo "listing all records for zone ${CFZONE}:"
    echo -e "$RECORDS"|column -t
    exit 2

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ghost commented Mar 25, 2016

Thanks @vhugo and @heypete, current script need to apply patch from those two for working!

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bthome commented Apr 8, 2016

@gfjardim implemented your changes, works great. You are missing an "fi" at the end.
@vhugo and @heypete made the updates as well.

@larrybolt thanks for the script. Simple and effective.

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gstuartj commented May 6, 2016

@toxiicdev Using a CNAME to a no-ip address has drawbacks including revealing your real IP address and some lookup performance considerations.

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line 72: getopts: not found

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I have a dual WAN connection. One of the connections is a static IP address but the faster consumer line is a dynamic ip address. This script helped me solve the problem of tracking it. :)

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Khampol commented Jul 22, 2016

I update my (dynamic) ip cloudflare by pfsense. I normally use API v1. Now cloudflare will close it and i have to use API v4.

For v1 i use this url =[email protected]&

For v4 it suppose to be = .....

Need help...

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ghost commented Feb 13, 2017

WARNING Noob here. :)

Can this be into a DD-WRT config via their Command Shell or other means? If so, which of the above methods is best suited for DD-WRT methods?

If not, any ideas on how to effect the change in CF via a DD-WRT router?

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MachineITSvcs commented Jan 3, 2018

I recently made a script that you all may be of interest to you all. Here is a link: Github link

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Thanks, nice script 😁

I had an error => Incorrect zone, or zone doesn't contain the A-record!, even though it was on list.
@vhugo has the fix above but I'll post it here again:
On line 144 replace grep -Eo "(^|\s)(\d+)(\s|$) with grep -Eo "(^|\s)([0-9]+)(\s|$) because grep -E doesn't have the \d escape. Alternatively you can use grep -Po "(^|\s)([0-9]+)(\s|$)"` which uses posix regex (which most of us are more familiar with).
I am using grep (GNU grep) 2.27.

Another problem I came across was multiple matches when trying to update the root domain. For example, trying to update would update because it contains the word The fix for this is:
On line 142 replace grep -E "${CFHOST//./\\.}" with grep -E "\s${CFHOST//./\\.}\s". The \s means that the grep expression will only match the whole word as opposed to parts of a word.

Forked to

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A very long time ago I linked my versions of these scripts.

I've just got around to updating these scripts to the latest Cloudflare APIs, and pushed them to here. They're still aimed mainly at running via crontab on a raspberry pi, so tested on Raspbian Stretch.

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DesertCookie commented Jan 8, 2020


This link is broken. Would you care to update it?

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m3nu commented Jan 8, 2020

Sure. Just changed my username since then. New link is:

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