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#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
set -o errexit | |
set -o nounset | |
set -o pipefail | |
# Automatically update your CloudFlare DNS record to the IP, Dynamic DNS | |
# Can retrieve cloudflare Domain id and list zone's, because, lazy | |
# Place at: | |
# /usr/local/bin/cf-ddns.sh | |
# run `crontab -e` and add next line: | |
# 0 * * * * /usr/local/bin/cf-ddns.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 | |
# if you're lazy (like me) copy/paste the command BETWEEN the EOT | |
: <<'EOT' | |
curl https://gist.githubusercontent.com/larrybolt/6295160/raw > /usr/local/bin/cf-ddns.sh && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cf-ddns.sh | |
(crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "0 * * * * /usr/local/bin/cf-ddns.sh >/dev/null 2>&1") | crontab - | |
$EDITOR /usr/local/bin/cf-ddns.sh | |
/usr/local/bin/cf-ddns.sh | |
EOT | |
# run /usr/local/bin/cf-ddns.sh in terminal to check all settings are valid | |
# Usage: | |
# cf-ddns.sh -k cloudflare-api-key \ | |
# -u [email protected] \ | |
# -h host.example.com \ # fqdn of the record you want to update | |
# -z example.com \ # will show you all zones if forgot, but you need this | |
# Optional flags: | |
# -i cloudflare-record-id \ # script will show this | |
# -a true|false \ # auto get zone list and record id | |
# -f false|true \ # force dns update, disregard local stored ip | |
# default config | |
# API key, see https://www.cloudflare.com/a/account/my-account, | |
# incorrect api-key results in E_UNAUTH error | |
CFKEY= | |
# Zone name, will list all possible if missing, eg: example.com | |
# Domain id, will retrieve itself by default | |
CFID= | |
# Username, eg: [email protected] | |
# Hostname to update, eg: homeserver.example.com | |
# Cloudflare TTL for record, between 120 and 86400 seconds | |
CFTTL=3600 | |
# Get domain ID from Cloudflare using awk/sed and python json.tool | |
GETID=true | |
# Ignore local file, update ip anyway | |
FORCE=false | |
# Site to retrieve WAN ip, other examples are: bot.whatismyipaddress.com, https://api.ipify.org/ ... | |
WANIPSITE="http://icanhazip.com" | |
# get parameter | |
while getopts a:k:i:u:h:z:f: opts; do | |
case ${opts} in | |
a) GETID=${OPTARG} ;; | |
k) CFKEY=${OPTARG} ;; | |
i) CFID=${OPTARG} ;; | |
u) CFUSER=${OPTARG} ;; | |
h) CFHOST=${OPTARG} ;; | |
z) CFZONE=${OPTARG} ;; | |
f) FORCE=${OPTARG} ;; | |
esac | |
done | |
# If required settings are missing just exit | |
if [ "$CFKEY" = "" ]; then | |
echo "Missing api-key, get at: https://www.cloudflare.com/a/account/my-account" | |
echo "and save in ${0} or using the -k flag" | |
exit 2 | |
fi | |
if [ "$CFUSER" = "" ]; then | |
echo "Missing username, probably your email-address" | |
echo "and save in ${0} or using the -u flag" | |
exit 2 | |
fi | |
if [ "$CFHOST" = "" ]; then | |
echo "Missing hostname, what host do you want to update?" | |
echo "save in ${0} or using the -h flag" | |
exit 2 | |
fi | |
# If the hostname is not a FQDN | |
if [ "$CFHOST" != "$CFZONE" ] && ! [ -z "${CFHOST##*$CFZONE}" ]; then | |
echo " => Hostname is not a FQDN, assuming $CFHOST" | |
fi | |
# If CFZONE is missing, retrieve them all from CF | |
if [ "$CFZONE" = "" ]; then | |
echo "Missing zone" | |
if ! [ "$GETID" == true ]; then exit 2; fi | |
echo "listing all zones: (if api-key is valid)" | |
curl -s https://www.cloudflare.com/api_json.html \ | |
-d a=zone_load_multi \ | |
-d tkn=$CFKEY \ | |
-d email=$CFUSER \ | |
| grep -Eo '"zone_name":"([^"]+)"' \ | |
| cut -d':' -f2 \ | |
| awk '{gsub("\"","");print "* "$1}' | |
echo "Please specify the matching zone in ${0} or specify using the -z flag" | |
exit 2 | |
fi | |
# Get current and old WAN ip | |
WAN_IP=`curl -s ${WANIPSITE}` | |
if [ -f $HOME/.wan_ip-cf.txt ]; then | |
OLD_WAN_IP=`cat $HOME/.wan_ip-cf.txt` | |
else | |
echo "No file, need IP" | |
OLD_WAN_IP="" | |
fi | |
# If WAN IP is unchanged an not -f flag, exit here | |
if [ "$WAN_IP" = "$OLD_WAN_IP" ] && [ "$FORCE" = false ]; then | |
echo "WAN IP Unchanged, to update anyway use flag -f true" | |
exit 0 | |
fi | |
# If CFID is missing retrieve and use it | |
if [ "$CFID" = "" ]; then | |
echo "Missing DNS record ID" | |
if ! [ "$GETID" == true ]; then exit 2; fi | |
echo "fetching from Cloudflare..." | |
if ! CFID=$( | |
curl -s https://www.cloudflare.com/api_json.html \ | |
-d a=rec_load_all \ | |
-d tkn=$CFKEY \ | |
-d email=$CFUSER \ | |
-d z=$CFZONE \ | |
| grep -Eo '"(rec_id|name|type)":"([^"]+)"' \ | |
| cut -d':' -f2 \ | |
| awk 'NR%3{gsub("\"","");printf $0" ";next;}1' \ | |
| grep -E "${CFHOST//./\\.}" \ | |
| grep -e '"A"' \ | |
| grep -Eo "(^|\s)(\d+)(\s|$)" | |
); then | |
echo " => Incorrect zone, or zone doesn't contain the A-record ${CFHOST}!" | |
echo "listing all records for zone ${CFZONE}:" | |
(printf "ID RECORD TYPE\n"; | |
curl -s https://www.cloudflare.com/api_json.html \ | |
-d a=rec_load_all \ | |
-d tkn=$CFKEY \ | |
-d email=$CFUSER \ | |
-d z=$CFZONE \ | |
| grep -Eo '"(rec_id|name|type)":"([^"]+)"' \ | |
| cut -d':' -f2 \ | |
| awk 'NR%3{gsub("\"","");printf $0" ";next;}1' | |
)| column -t | |
exit 2 | |
fi | |
echo " => Found CFID=${CFID}, advising to save this to ${0} or set it using the -i flag" | |
fi | |
# If WAN is changed, update cloudflare | |
echo "Updating DNS to $WAN_IP" | |
curl -s https://www.cloudflare.com/api_json.html \ | |
-d a=rec_edit \ | |
-d tkn=$CFKEY \ | |
-d email=$CFUSER \ | |
-d z=$CFZONE \ | |
-d id=$CFID \ | |
-d ttl=$CFTTL \ | |
-d type=A \ | |
-d name=$CFHOST \ | |
-d "content=$WAN_IP" | |
) | |
if [ "$RESPONSE" != "${RESPONSE%success*}" ]; then | |
echo "Updated succesfuly!" | |
echo $WAN_IP > $HOME/.wan_ip-cf.txt | |
exit | |
else | |
echo 'Something went wrong :(' | |
echo "Response: $RESPONSE" | |
exit 1 | |
fi |
use this script for v4 https://gist.github.com/benkulbertis/fff10759c2391b6618dd
WARNING Noob here. :)
Can this be into a DD-WRT config via their Command Shell or other means? If so, which of the above methods is best suited for DD-WRT methods?
If not, any ideas on how to effect the change in CF via a DD-WRT router?
I recently made a script that you all may be of interest to you all. Here is a link: Github link
Thanks, nice script 😁
I had an error => Incorrect zone, or zone doesn't contain the A-record myhost.mydomain.com!
, even though it was on list.
@vhugo has the fix above but I'll post it here again:
On line 144 replace grep -Eo "(^|\s)(\d+)(\s|$)
with grep -Eo "(^|\s)([0-9]+)(\s|$)
because grep -E doesn't have the \d
escape. Alternatively you can use grep -Po "(^|\s)([0-9]+)(\s|$)
"` which uses posix regex (which most of us are more familiar with).
I am using grep (GNU grep) 2.27.
Another problem I came across was multiple matches when trying to update the root domain. For example, trying to update example.com
would update a.example.com
because it contains the word example.com
. The fix for this is:
On line 142 replace grep -E "${CFHOST//./\\.}"
with grep -E "\s${CFHOST//./\\.}\s"
. The \s
means that the grep expression will only match the whole word as opposed to parts of a word.
Forked to https://gist.github.com/DarkMatterMatt/b366e7706693edc23b8aed3cd50525a9
A very long time ago I linked my versions of these scripts.
I've just got around to updating these scripts to the latest Cloudflare APIs, and pushed them to here. They're still aimed mainly at running via crontab on a raspberry pi, so tested on Raspbian Stretch.
This link is broken. Would you care to update it?
Sure. Just changed my username since then. New link is:
I update my (dynamic) ip cloudflare by pfsense. I normally use API v1. Now cloudflare will close it and i have to use API v4.
For v1 i use this url =
https://www.cloudflare.com/api_json.html?a=rec_edit&tkn=d82f21f45473a631584b06b4xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&id=xxxxxx9306&[email protected]&z=xxxxxxxxx.info&type=A&name=xxxxxxxxxx.info&content=%IP%&service_mode=0&ttl=1
For v4 it suppose to be =
https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4...... .....
Need help...