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#!/bin/bash | |
# Default Variable Declarations | |
DEFAULT="Default.txt" | |
FILEEXT=".ovpn" | |
CRT=".crt" | |
KEY=".3des.key" | |
CA="ca.crt" | |
TA="ta.key" | |
#Ask for a Client name | |
echo "Please enter an existing Client Name:" | |
read NAME | |
#1st Verify that client’s Public Key Exists | |
if [ ! -f $NAME$CRT ]; then | |
echo "[ERROR]: Client Public Key Certificate not found: $NAME$CRT" | |
exit | |
fi | |
echo "Client’s cert found: $NAME$CR" | |
#Then, verify that there is a private key for that client | |
if [ ! -f $NAME$KEY ]; then | |
echo "[ERROR]: Client 3des Private Key not found: $NAME$KEY" | |
exit | |
fi | |
echo "Client’s Private Key found: $NAME$KEY" | |
#Confirm the CA public key exists | |
if [ ! -f $CA ]; then | |
echo "[ERROR]: CA Public Key not found: $CA" | |
exit | |
fi | |
echo "CA public Key found: $CA" | |
#Confirm the tls-auth ta key file exists | |
if [ ! -f $TA ]; then | |
echo "[ERROR]: tls-auth Key not found: $TA" | |
exit | |
fi | |
echo "tls-auth Private Key found: $TA" | |
#Ready to make a new .opvn file - Start by populating with the | |
default file | |
#Now, append the CA Public Cert | |
echo "<ca>" >> $NAME$FILEEXT | |
cat $CA >> $NAME$FILEEXT | |
echo "</ca>" >> $NAME$FILEEXT | |
#Next append the client Public Cert | |
echo "<cert>" >> $NAME$FILEEXT | |
echo "</cert>" >> $NAME$FILEEXT | |
#Then, append the client Private Key | |
echo "<key>" >> $NAME$FILEEXT | |
echo "</key>" >> $NAME$FILEEXT | |
#Finally, append the TA Private Key | |
echo "<tls-auth>" >> $NAME$FILEEXT | |
cat $TA >> $NAME$FILEEXT | |
echo "</tls-auth>" >> $NAME$FILEEXT | |
echo "Done! $NAME$FILEEXT Successfully Created." | |
#Script written by Eric Jodoin | |
\ No newline at end of file |
I keep getting this error when I run the script:
./MakeOPVN.sh: line 46: default: command not found
Here's line 45, 46 & 47:
Ready to make a new .opvn file - Start by populating with the
default file
Should default file be on line 45?
Have the same problem as Andrew above:
"Please enter an existing Client Name:
Client.s cert found: Client1
Client.s Private Key found: Client1.3des.key
CA public Key found: ca.crt
tls-auth Private Key found: ta.key
./MakeOPVN.sh: line 39: default: command not found
Done! Client1.ovpn Successfully Created."
Also it didn't like the last sentence on the script stating
"./MakeOPVN.sh: line 60: No:command not found!."
So I simply deleted everything on that line apart from ""
@laurenorsini line 46 default line
belongs to its previous line, that's why people get these errors. So line 45 should be:
#Ready to make a new .opvn file - Start by populating with the default file.
Imported the OVPN file to Android and iOS, both give me this error:
PolarSSL cert certificate is undefined
Someone in the comments of the article said he believes it may be related to this script?
i keep getting this error when I run the script:
cat: Default.txt: No such file or directory
Best regards
7ewis, I get the same error. Any luck finding the cause?
i found the error.
I had the "Default.txt" in /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa and not in /keys...
Best regards
I was getting a line 46 and 72 error until I realized the comments (#'s) are missing for those.. It should be:
# default file
# \ No newline at end of file
I have a problem when I run ./MakeOPVN.sh
I get the first error message: [Error]: Client Public Key Certificate not found: .crt
But I can clearly see that I have a Client1.crt file in my .../easy-rsa/keys/ directory
Where else do I look? I've already cleared all the keys and started over once.
mmaybeno is absolutely right about those issues, the original post should be modified to fix it!!
Hello @smaroukis,
I had the same error and found the fix. Make sure you are using all caps to match the
I keep getting a can't find TLS error? how do i create this file for my client files?
I figured out the error for TLS.
I accidentally wrote my script to look for a file called ta.crt
Turns out there is no such file. OpenVPN creates ta.key
Check to see if you made the same mistake.
If so, change the TA variable value at the top of the script to ta.key and you should not have a problem.
Hope this helps!
I fixed a few issues with the script:
I also made the white space consistent.
Can confirm that @coolaj86 fix issues I had and successfully created the clients
This appears to work for me but when I run it it asks me to enter the client name which I do. It then displays
Client's cert found: jamespc
Client's Private Key found: jamespc.3des.key
CA Public Key Found: ca.crt
tls-auth Private Key found: ta.key
Then just appears to hang. Is anyone able to point me in the right direction of what may have gone wrong please? Thanks
Hi everyone, hopefully I'm not to late to the party, as I've got an issue with mine.
I have everything to work, and corrected the errors as mentioned above. However I get the following below.
Please enter an existing Client Name:
Client’s cert found: jamesiphone
Client’s Private Key found: jamesiphone.3des.key
CA public Key found: ca.crt
tls-auth Private Key found: ta.key
cat: Default.txt: No such file or directory
Done! jamesiphone.ovpn Successfully Created.
It says it has done it successfully, but I don't understand the cat: default.text error?
Any helps greatly appreciated , thanks.
There's a pound symbol (#) missing from the beginning of line 46, resulting in the following output: "default: command not found." Fortunately, it doesn't actually affect the functionality of the script, unless you have a program or alias named "default."
Hi guys! Sorry I am still a Linux noob and just can't find the problem with the script.
I was using the latest script, however I keep on getting the following error:
Please enter an existing Client Name:
[ERROR]: Client Public Key Certificate not found: client1.crt
However, the client1.crt file is located in the /keys folder.
Any ideas? Thank you very much!
I'm busy following the tutorial now, and encountered the same problem you did - the key existed in the folder, but ./MakeOVPN.sh returned Client Public Key Certificate not found.
I ended up succeeding, but I don't know what of the following worked. In order -
Replace the code above with this newer version, save and commit - https://gist.githubusercontent.com/coolaj86/4120d90e57d1d01cd59f/raw/MakeOpenVPN.sh
Reboot the Pi
Open a terminal or go in with ssh
sudo su
cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/
Execute the script
I suspect I was either no in the right directory, or that the Pi needed a reboot for something to take effect.
Hope it works for you!
It was step 5 that did if for you. If you weren't in the right directory, it wouldn't be able to find those files since the script is set up to look in the current working directory only for those files. You could hardcode the full path if you wanted to be able to run the script from elsewhere.
Hi Lauren and others
Thank you very much for your code and tutorial!!!
I was not able to get OpenVPN working on a new Jessie install, but did find an auto-install fork (not actually a fork, but which credits your work). I ran it and it performs the install, server cert and client cert. I thought you and others may be interested in this approach, so I am linking to it here:
Commented out 2 lines that kept throwing an error.
just followed this, i think using the latest script posted by trumpy
got "PolarSSL cert certificate is undefined" from my iphone
its because my Default.txt file needed a line break at the end (Or another script update)
basically <ca>
needs to be on its own line in the ovpn file
This is what got me passed the ta.key not found problem. Little weary that the first part of the installation did not do something it should of, but now I have a .ovpn file.
For some reason I did not have a ta.key file in the first place so I ran this
openvpn --genkey --secret /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys
this will create the ta.key...
Using the scripts changes from coolaj86 and running the script from /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys worked.
It created my .ovpn file.
On to the next step, hope that helps...
How would I make this so I am able to use my VPN from any outside network?
I'm getting ta.key not found, this error exactly: [ERROR]: tls-auth Key not found: ta.key
I think in the line 46 a "#" is missing.
@jmdearing thanks. Fixed!