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C.J. May lawndoc

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lawndoc / GrantSeServiceLogonRight.ps1
Created November 8, 2024 17:22
Grant logon as a service right to the defined user.
.Parameter computerName
Defines the name of the computer where the user right should be granted.
Default is the local computer on which the script is run.
.Parameter username
Defines the username under which the service should run.
Use the form: domain\username.
Default is the user under which the script is run.
Enable PowerShell Remoting on a remote host and connect to a PsSession
This script requires PsExec.exe in ./Tools local to where the script is run from. It will utilize PsExec to enable
Powershell Remoting, and then it will use PsSession to enter an interactive session. When the PsSession is closed, the
script will use PsExec again to disable Powershell Remoting.
lawndoc / New-DevDrive.ps1
Last active February 20, 2025 14:53
Scripted Dev Drive Setup
Script to create a new Dev Drive
This script will create a new Dev Drive on a Windows system. By default, it will create a 100GB dynamically sized VHDX file located in C:\ProgramData\Custom Dev Drive\drive.vhdx that will be mounted to the V: letter drive. For more information about Dev Drives, please see
lawndoc /
Last active February 18, 2024 20:00
Punish Phisher
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import grequests
import random
import requests
import string
import sys
from urllib.request import urlopen
lawndoc /
Last active November 22, 2023 17:31 — forked from machuu/
Workaround for WSL2 network broken on VPN


Internet connection and DNS routing are broken from WSL2 instances, when some VPNs are active. The workaround breaks down into two problems:

  1. Network connection to internet
  2. DNS in WSL2

This problem is tracked in multiple microsoft/WSL issues including, but not limited to:

lawndoc / DeviceUsers.kusto
Last active May 23, 2023 12:25
Custom tabular function to enrich user info for each device in the results
// Advanced Hunting custom function
// ------------------------------------
// DeviceUsers()
// This function enriches a table with the users who use each device including full name, email, job title, etc.
// Example usage:
// ...
// | invoke DeviceUsers()
// ------------------------------------
let DeviceUsers = (T:(DeviceName:string)) {
lawndoc / RareService.kusto
Last active May 16, 2023 19:24
Globally Rare Service Installation
// credit to mRr3b00t @UK_Daniel_Card for the idea and starting point
// Globally Rare Service Installation
// Matches service executables to their file info and looks at global prevalence
let PrevalenceThreshold = 1000; // adjust as needed
| where ActionType == "ServiceInstalled"
| where FileName != "" // Defender not capturing service executable sometimes -- needs investigation
//-- false positives
| where not (
(FileName startswith "svchost.exe -k " // lots of these
lawndoc / cloc-gh
Last active October 24, 2024 09:00
Count the total lines of code for a user or organization in GitHub (excludes forks)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Author: C.J. May @lawndoc
# Usage: cloc-gh <username>
# Prereqs: cloc gh
cloc_repo () {
gh repo clone "$1" temp-linecount-repo -- --depth 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &&
cloc temp-linecount-repo | grep SUM | awk '{ print $5 }' >> line_count.txt &&
rm -rf temp-linecount-repo
lawndoc / pa-silent-registration.kql
Created August 15, 2022 18:19
Detect silent registration of Power Automate to a remote MDM
| where FileName =~ "PAD.MachineRegistration.Silent.exe"
lawndoc / HiveNightmareFix.ps1
Created July 21, 2021 18:28
HiveNightmare ACL Fix (and Shadow Copies)
#change permissions and delete shadows
$checkPermissions = icacls c:\Windows\System32\config\sam
if ($checkPermissions -like '*BUILTIN\Users:(I)(RX*)*') {
icacls c:\windows\system32\config\*.* /inheritance:e
vssadmin delete shadows /quiet /all
$vulnerable = $true
else {
$vulnerable = $false