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Created July 21, 2021 18:28
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HiveNightmare ACL Fix (and Shadow Copies)
#change permissions and delete shadows
$checkPermissions = icacls c:\Windows\System32\config\sam
if ($checkPermissions -like '*BUILTIN\Users:(I)(RX*)*') {
icacls c:\windows\system32\config\*.* /inheritance:e
vssadmin delete shadows /quiet /all
$vulnerable = $true
else {
$vulnerable = $false
#check permissions
if ($vulnerable -eq $true) {
$checkPermissions = icacls C:\windows\system32\config\sam
if ($checkPermissions -like '*BUILTIN\Users:(I)(RX*)*') {
$permissionsSucces = $false
write-host "ACL change failed. Check permissions running script."
else {
$permissionsSucces = $true
Write-Host "Successfully reset permission inheritance on affected files."
#check shadow
if ($vulnerable -eq $true) {
$checkShadow = Get-WmiObject Win32_ShadowStorage -Property UsedSpace | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UsedSpace
if (0 -eq $checkShadow) {
$shadowSucces = $true
Write-Host "Successfully deleted old volume shadow copies."
else {
$shadowSucces = $false
write-host "Shadow deletion failed. Security software may be blocking this action."
#check if fixed logic
if ($vulnerable -eq $true) {
if ($permissionsSucces -eq $true -and $shadowSucces -eq $true) {
$fixed = $true
else {
$fixed = $false
else {
$fixed = 'Not applicable'
#create new shadow
if ($vulnerable -eq $true -and $shadowSucces -eq $true -and $permissionsSucces -eq $true) {
wmic shadowcopy call create Volume='C:\'
Write-Host ""
#output data
write-host "vulnerable: $vulnerable"
write-host "Fixed: $fixed"
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lawndoc commented Jul 21, 2021

Make sure you are running the script as system via SCCM or similar

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