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section | |
parameters {α : Type} | |
variable [ a_dec : decidable_eq α] | |
include a_dec | |
open nat | |
definition replicate (a : α) : ℕ → list α | |
| 0 := [] | |
| (succ n) := a :: replicate n | |
definition expand (l : list (α × ℕ) ) : list α := | |
list.bind l (λ xn, replicate (prod.fst xn) (prod.snd xn)) | |
theorem replicate_append | |
: ∀ a n₁ n₂, (replicate a n₁ ++ replicate a n₂ = replicate a (n₁ + n₂)) := | |
by intros; induction n₁; simp [replicate, *] | |
inductive wellformed : list (α × ℕ) → Prop | |
| nil : wellformed [] | |
| one : ∀ a n, wellformed [(a, succ n)] | |
| ind : ∀ xs a n b m, (a ≠ b) → wellformed ((b,succ m)::xs) → wellformed ((a,succ n)::(b,succ m)::xs) | |
definition cons_c (h : (α × ℕ)) : list (α × ℕ) → list (α × ℕ) | |
| [] := [h] | |
| ((x,n)::xs) := if (prod.fst h = x) then (x,n+prod.snd h)::xs else h::(x,n)::xs | |
theorem cons_c_wf | |
: ∀ a n xs, wellformed xs → wellformed (cons_c (a,succ n) xs) := | |
by intros; cases a_1; simp [cons_c]; try {cases (decidable.em (a = a_1_a))}; | |
simp [*,, wellformed.nil, wellformed.ind] | |
theorem wf_induct | |
: ∀ xs (wf : wellformed xs) (P : list (α × ℕ) → Prop), | |
P [] | |
→ (∀ xs (wf : wellformed xs) x n, P xs → P (cons_c (x, succ n) xs)) | |
→ P xs := | |
begin | |
intros xs wf P case_nil case_cons, | |
induction xs, simp *, | |
cases wf, | |
{ let one := case_cons [] wellformed.nil, simp [cons_c, *] at one, | |
apply one, apply case_nil }, | |
{ let step := case_cons _ wf_a_2 wf_a, simp [cons_c, *] at step, apply step } | |
end | |
theorem cons_c_cons_c | |
: ∀ l a n m, cons_c (a, n) (cons_c (a, m) l) = cons_c (a, n + m) l := | |
begin | |
intros; cases l, | |
{ simp [cons_c] }, | |
{ cases l_hd, cases (decidable.em (a = l_hd_fst)); simp [cons_c, *] }, | |
end | |
definition app_c : list (α × ℕ) → list (α × ℕ) → list (α × ℕ) | |
| [] := λ ys, ys | |
| (x :: xs) := λ ys, cons_c x (app_c xs ys) | |
theorem app_c_cons_c : ∀ x l₁ l₂, app_c (cons_c x l₁) l₂ = cons_c x (app_c l₁ l₂) := | |
begin | |
intros, induction l₁; simp [app_c, *, cons_c], | |
cases (l₁_hd); cases (x); simp [app_c, cons_c], | |
cases (decidable.em (x_fst = l₁_hd_fst)); simp [*, app_c, cons_c_cons_c], | |
end | |
theorem app_c_nil: ∀ l (wf : wellformed l), app_c l [] = l := | |
by intros; apply (wf_induct _ wf); try { intros }; simp [*, app_c, app_c_cons_c] | |
theorem app_c_wf : ∀ l₁ ( wf₁ : wellformed l₁) l₂ (wf₂ : wellformed l₂), wellformed (app_c l₁ l₂) := | |
begin | |
intros, apply (wf_induct _ wf₁); try {intros }; simp [*,app_c,app_c_cons_c], | |
apply cons_c_wf, simp *, | |
end | |
theorem expand_nil : expand [] = [] := | |
by simp [expand] | |
theorem expand_cons : ∀ a n xs, expand ((a, n)::xs) = replicate a n ++ expand xs := | |
by intros; simp[expand] | |
theorem cons_c_refinement : ∀ l₁ a n, expand (cons_c (a , n) l₁) = replicate a n ++ expand l₁ := | |
begin | |
intros; cases l₁, | |
{ simp [expand_nil, expand_cons, cons_c] }, | |
{ cases l₁_hd; simp [cons_c]; cases (decidable.em (a = l₁_hd_fst )); | |
simp [*, expand_cons]; rw [<-replicate_append, list.append_assoc] | |
} | |
end | |
theorem app_c_refinement : ∀ l₁ l₂, expand (app_c l₁ l₂) = (expand l₁) ++ (expand l₂) := | |
begin | |
intros, induction l₁, | |
{ simp [expand_nil, app_c] }, | |
{ cases (l₁_hd); simp [expand_cons, app_c, cons_c_refinement,l₁_ih] } | |
end | |
definition drop_c : ℕ → list (α × ℕ) → list (α × ℕ) | |
| 0 l := l | |
| (succ n) [] := [] | |
| (succ n) ((x , zero) :: xs) := drop_c n xs | |
| (succ n) ((x , succ zero) :: xs) := drop_c n xs | |
| (succ n) ((x , succ (succ m)) :: xs) := drop_c n ((x, succ m) :: xs) | |
theorem drop_c_wf : ∀ n xs (wf : wellformed xs), wellformed (drop_c n xs) := | |
begin | |
intro, induction n; intros, | |
{ simp[drop_c,wf] }, | |
{ cases wf; cases n_n; | |
repeat { simp[drop_c, wellformed.nil,, wellformed.ind, *] <|> cases wf_n }} | |
end | |
theorem drop_c_refinement : ∀ n l (wf : wellformed l) , expand (drop_c n l) = list.drop n (expand l) := | |
begin | |
intro, induction n; intros, | |
{ simp[drop_c] }, | |
{ cases wf; cases n_n; | |
repeat { simp[drop_c, expand_nil, expand_cons, *,, wellformed.ind, replicate] | |
<|> rewrite [n_ih] | |
<|> cases wf_n | |
} | |
} | |
end | |
definition compress (l : list α) : list (α × ℕ) := | |
list.foldr app_c [] ( (λx, [(x,1)]) l) | |
theorem compress_nil : compress [] = [] := | |
by simp [compress] | |
theorem compress_cons : ∀ x ys, compress (x :: ys) = cons_c (x , 1) (compress ys) := | |
by intros; simp [compress, app_c] | |
theorem compress_wf : ∀ xs, wellformed (compress xs) := | |
by intros; induction xs; | |
simp [compress_nil, compress_cons, app_c_wf, cons_c_wf, wellformed.nil, *] | |
theorem compress_app : ∀ xs ys, compress (xs ++ ys) = app_c (compress xs) (compress ys) := | |
by intros; induction xs; simp [compress_nil, app_c, compress_cons, *, app_c_cons_c] | |
theorem compress_replicate : ∀ x n, compress (replicate x (succ n)) = [(x , succ n)] := | |
by intros; induction n; | |
repeat { simp [replicate, compress_cons, compress_nil, cons_c] at * <|> rewrite n_ih } | |
theorem compress_expand : ∀ xs, wellformed xs → compress (expand xs) = xs := | |
by intros; apply (wf_induct xs); try { intros }; | |
simp [expand_nil, compress_nil, *, cons_c_refinement, compress_app, compress_app, compress_replicate, app_c] | |
theorem expand_compress : ∀ xs, expand (compress xs) = xs := | |
by intros; induction xs; | |
simp [compress_nil,expand_nil, compress_cons, cons_c_refinement, replicate, *] | |
theorem drop_c_compress : ∀ n xs, drop_c n (compress xs) = compress (list.drop n xs) := | |
by intros; rw [← expand_compress xs]; rw [← drop_c_refinement]; | |
simp[compress_expand, compress_wf,drop_c_wf] | |
end |
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