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Created April 16, 2014 17:39
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Graphical enhancement to 2048-game.el.
;;; 2048.el --- play 2048 in Emacs (updated graphical version)
;; A mild extension for graphical improvements on the 2048-game.el
;; by Liam O'Connor to the game 2048 implemented in emacs by
;; Zachary Kafner
;; Copyright 2014 Zachary Kanfer
;; Author: Zachary Kanfer <[email protected]>
;; Version: 2014.03.27
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Code:
(define-derived-mode 2048-mode special-mode "2048-mode"
(define-key 2048-mode-map (kbd "p") '2048-up)
(define-key 2048-mode-map (kbd "C-p") '2048-up)
(define-key 2048-mode-map (kbd "<up>") '2048-up)
(define-key 2048-mode-map (kbd "n") '2048-down)
(define-key 2048-mode-map (kbd "C-n") '2048-down)
(define-key 2048-mode-map (kbd "<down>") '2048-down)
(define-key 2048-mode-map (kbd "b") '2048-left)
(define-key 2048-mode-map (kbd "C-b") '2048-left)
(define-key 2048-mode-map (kbd "<left>") '2048-left)
(define-key 2048-mode-map (kbd "f") '2048-right)
(define-key 2048-mode-map (kbd "C-f") '2048-right)
(define-key 2048-mode-map (kbd "<right>") '2048-right))
(defun 2048-game () "Start playing 2048"
(switch-to-buffer "2048")
(defvar *2048-board* nil
"The board itself. If a number is in the square, the number is stored. Otherwise, 0 is stored.
You should access this with 2048-get-cell.")
(defvar *2048-combines-this-move* nil
"This stores, for each cell in the board, whether the number in it was generated this turn by two numbers combining.")
(defvar *2048-columns* 4
"The width of the board. It could be customized, if you wanted to make the game very very hard, or very very easy.")
(defvar *2048-rows* 4
"The height of the board. It could be customized, if you wanted to make the game very very tall, or very very short.")
(defvar *2048-random-4-threshold* 90
"When a new number is inserted into the board, insert a 4 if (>= (random 100) *2048-random-4-threshold*). Otherwise, 2.")
(defvar *2048-victory-value* 2048
"When this number is reached, the user wins! Yay!")
(defvar *2048-debug* nil
"when 't, print debugging information.")
(defun 2048-init ()
"Begin a game of 2048."
(setq *2048-board* (make-vector (* *2048-columns* *2048-rows*)
(setq *2048-combines-this-move* (make-vector (* *2048-columns* *2048-rows*)
(defun 2048-get-cell (row col)
"Gets the value in (row, col)."
(elt *2048-board*
(+ (* row *2048-columns*)
(defun 2048-set-cell (row column val)
"Sets the value in (row, column)."
(aset *2048-board*
(+ (* row *2048-columns*)
(defun 2048-num-to-printable (num)
"If you pass in 0, returns an empty string. Otherwise, returns the number as a string."
(if (eq num 0)
(format "%d" num)))
(defun 2048-was-combined-this-turn (row column)
"Returns whether the number in it was generated this turn by two numbers combining."
(elt *2048-combines-this-move*
(+ (* row *2048-columns*)
(defun 2048-set-was-combined-this-turn (row column)
"Returns whether the number in it was generated this turn by two numbers combining."
(2048-debug (format "setting (%d, %d) as combined this turn." row column))
(aset *2048-combines-this-move*
(+ (* row *2048-columns*)
(defun 2048-insert-random-cell ()
"Picks a number randomly, and inserts it into a random cell."
(let ((number-to-insert (if (>= (random 100)
(row (random *2048-rows*))
(column (random *2048-columns*)))
(while (not (eq (2048-get-cell row column)
(setq row (random *2048-rows*))
(setq column (random *2048-columns*)))
(2048-set-cell row column number-to-insert)))
(defun 2048-check-game-end ()
"Checks whether the game has either been won or lost. If so, it handles notifying and restarting."
(cond ((2048-game-was-won)
(message "yay!"))
(message "boo!"))))
(defun 2048-game-was-won ()
"Returns t if the game was won, nil otherwise."
(let ((game-was-won nil))
(2048-for row 0 (1- *2048-rows*)
(2048-for column 0 (1- *2048-columns*)
(when (eq (2048-get-cell row column)
(setq game-was-won t))))
(defun 2048-game-was-lost ()
"Returns t if the game was lost, nil otherwise."
(let ((game-was-lost t))
(2048-for row 0 (1- *2048-rows*)
(2048-for column 0 (1- *2048-columns*)
(when (eq (2048-get-cell row column)
(setq game-was-lost nil))))
(defun 2048-print-board ()
"Wipes the entire field, and prints the board."
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(dotimes (row *2048-rows*)
;;print the separator lineon top of, and between cells
(dotimes (col *2048-columns*)
(insert (propertize " " 'font-lock-face '(:height 40))))
(insert (propertize "\n" 'font-lock-face '(:height 40)))
;;print the numbers
(dotimes (col *2048-columns*)
(let ((current-value (2048-get-cell row col)))
(insert (propertize " " 'font-lock-face '(:height 120)))
(insert (propertize (format "%5s " (2048-num-to-printable current-value)) 'font-lock-face
(cond ((eq current-value 2) '(:foreground "#776e65" :weight extra-bold :height 240 :background "#eee4da" :box (:line-width -2 :color "#fff5eb" :style released-button)))
((eq current-value 4) '(:foreground "#776e65" :weight extra-bold :height 240 :background "#ede0c8" :box (:line-width -2 :color "#fef1d9" :style released-button)))
((eq current-value 8) '(:foreground "#f9f6f2" :weight extra-bold :height 240 :background "#f2b179" :box (:line-width -2 :color "#f3c28a" :style released-button)))
((eq current-value 16) '(:foreground "#f9f6f2" :weight extra-bold :height 240 :background "#f59563" :box (:line-width -2 :color "#f6a674" :style released-button)))
((eq current-value 32) '(:foreground "#f9f6f2" :weight extra-bold :height 240 :background "#f67c5f" :box (:line-width -2 :color "#f78d6f" :style released-button)))
((eq current-value 64) '(:foreground "#f9f6f2" :weight extra-bold :height 240 :background "#f65e3b" :box (:line-width -2 :color "#f76f4c" :style released-button)))
((eq current-value 128) '(:foreground "#f9f6f2" :weight extra-bold :height 240 :background "#edcf72" :box (:line-width -2 :color "#fedf83" :style released-button)))
((eq current-value 256) '(:foreground "#f9f6f2" :weight extra-bold :height 240 :background "#edcc61" :box (:line-width -2 :color "#fedd72" :style released-button)))
((eq current-value 512) '(:foreground "#f9f6f2" :weight extra-bold :height 240 :background "#edc850" :box (:line-width -2 :color "#fed961" :style released-button)))
((eq current-value 1024) '(:foreground "#f9f6f2" :weight extra-bold :height 240 :background "#edc53f" :box (:line-width -2 :color "#fed64f" :style released-button)))
((eq current-value 2048) '(:foreground "#f9f6f2" :weight extra-bold :height 240 :background "#edc22e" :box (:line-width -2 :color "#fed33f" :style released-button)))
((eq current-value 0) '(:foreground "#bbada0" :weight extra-bold :height 240 :background "#bbada0" :box (:line-width -2 :color "#bbada0" :style pressed-button)))
(t '(:foreground "#f9f6f2" :background "#3c3a32" :weight extra-bold :height 240 :box (:line-width -2 :color "#fed33f" :style released-button)))
) ))))
(insert (propertize " " 'font-lock-face '(:height 720 )))
(insert "\n")
(defun 2048-move (from-row from-column delta-row delta-column)
"Tries to move the number in (from-row, from-column) to (to-row, to-column).
This succeeds when (to-row, to-column) either is 0,
or is the same value as (from-row, from-column).
If (to-row, to-column) is zero, cascade and try to move further.
Returns t if we were able to move; otherwise nil."
(let ((to-row (+ from-row delta-row))
(to-column (+ from-column delta-column)))
(when (in-bounds to-row to-column)
(2048-debug (format "moving the cell (%d, %d) by (%d, %d) to (%d, %d)" from-row from-column delta-row delta-column to-row to-column))
(let ((from-val (2048-get-cell from-row from-column))
(to-val (2048-get-cell to-row to-column)))
(cond ((eq from-val to-val)
(unless (or (eq from-val 0)
(2048-was-combined-this-turn to-row to-column))
(2048-debug (format "combining (%d, %d) into (%d, %d)" from-row from-column to-row to-column))
(2048-set-cell to-row to-column (* from-val 2))
(2048-set-cell from-row from-column 0)
(2048-set-was-combined-this-turn to-row to-column)))
((eq to-val 0)
(2048-set-cell to-row to-column from-val)
(2048-set-cell from-row from-column 0)
(2048-move to-row to-column delta-row delta-column)
(t nil)))))) ;;ugh, need to pass out whether something was combined, and pass that to the _next_ call to 2048-move. We see bugs on rows like 4 0 4 0.
(defun in-bounds (row column)
(and (>= row 0)
(>= column 0)
(< row *2048-rows*)
(< column *2048-columns*)))
(defun 2048-up ()
"Shifts the board up"
(setq *2048-combines-this-move* (make-vector (* *2048-columns* *2048-rows*)
(let ((has-moved nil))
(2048-for col 0 (1- *2048-columns*)
(2048-for row 1 (1- *2048-rows*)
(setq has-moved (or (2048-move row col -1 0)
(when has-moved
(defun 2048-down ()
"Shifts the board down"
(setq *2048-combines-this-move* (make-vector (* *2048-columns* *2048-rows*)
(let ((has-moved nil))
(2048-for col 0 (1- *2048-columns*)
(2048-for-down row (- *2048-rows* 2) 0
(setq has-moved (or (2048-move row col 1 0)
(when has-moved
(defun 2048-left ()
"Shifts the board left."
(let ((has-moved nil))
(2048-for row 0 (1- *2048-rows*)
(2048-for col 1 (1- *2048-columns*)
(setq has-moved (or (2048-move row col 0 -1)
(when has-moved
(defun 2048-right ()
"Shifts the board right."
(let ((has-moved nil))
(2048-for row 0 (1- *2048-rows*)
(2048-for-down col (- *2048-columns* 2) 0
(setq has-moved (or (2048-move row col 0 1)
(when has-moved
(defmacro 2048-for (var init end &rest body)
"Helper function. executes 'body repeatedly, with 'var assigned values starting at 'init, and ending at 'end, increasing by one each iteration."
`(let ((,var ,init)
(end-val ,end))
(while (<= ,var end-val)
(setq ,var (1+ ,var)))))
(defmacro 2048-for-down (var init end &rest body)
"Helper function, executes 'body repeatedly, with 'var assigned values starting at 'init, and ending at 'end, decreasing by one each iteration."
`(let ((,var ,init)
(end-val ,end))
(while (>= ,var end-val)
(setq ,var (1- ,var)))))
(defmacro 2048-game-move (&rest body)
`(progn (setq *2048-combines-this-move* (make-vector (* *2048-columns* *2048-rows*)
(defmacro 2048-debug (&rest body)
"If *2048-debug* is 't, log ,@body as a string to the buffer named '2048-debug'"
`(when *2048-debug*
(print (concat ,@body)
(get-buffer-create "2048-debug"))))
(provide '2048-game)
;;; 2048.el ends here
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