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var promises = [ | |
async1(), | |
async2(), | |
… | |
asyncN() | |
]; | |
/* jQuery: warning, won't swallow exceptions */ | |
var deferred = $.Deferred(); | |
$.when.apply($, promises) | |
.done(function () { deferred.resolve(promises); }) | |
.fail(function () { deferred.reject(promises); }); | |
return deferred.promise(); | |
/* Q: Promises/A+ compliant, plus more */ | |
/* will resolve with an array of all values | |
or reject on first failure */ | |
var all = Q.all(promises); | |
/* or, to wait for all to finish: */ | |
var handleResults = function (results) { | |
results.forEach(function (result) { | |
if (result.state === "fulfilled") { | |
var value = result.value; | |
} else { | |
var reason = result.reason; | |
} | |
}); | |
}; | |
Q.allSettled(promises).then(handleResults); | |
/* Note that with solely a spec-compliant Promise, you'd have to write the code to aggregate with arrays yourself. Luckily, there's libraries to do that for you! */ |
What would all
be there? Another promise?
Yes, Q.all
returns a promise, as does Q.allSettled
and $.when
Here's a pretty straightforward way to report all errors so you can roll back if necessary: (obviously it's N loops so you could do it more efficiently, but I'm always willing to sacrifice efficiency for readability)
Q.allSettled(promises).then(function (results) {
var allSucceeded = results.every(function (result) { return result.state === 'fulfilled'; });
if (!allSucceeded) {
var errorResults = results.filter(function (result) { return result.state !== 'fulfilled'; });
var errors = errorResults.map(function (result) { return result.reason; });
} else {
As for "easier" versus "harder", it's that with callback soup (ps i highly recommend reading http://callbackhell.com) the cognitive load to understand what's happening throughout the program is much higher. With promises, even if it's the same amount of code, it's much simpler to look at a line and see "input leads to output" - which should be much simpler to understand.
Yeah, maybe I'm weird, but I see about the same amount of complexity each way.
I'll keep thinking about it.
Thank you!
It doesn't look any easier than callback soup at that point, since you then have to start looping over the failures explicitly (instead of handling them in the callback, more or less implicitly)
(What I'm writing has some rollback semantics: some successes must be un-done if other things fail. And all the errors need to get reported.)