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dfsnow / json-exporter-config.yaml
Last active March 4, 2025 09:14
Export Jellyfin playback statistics to Prometheus and Grafana. See for more info
# The Token value here needs to be an API key generated from the
# Jellyfin admin panel. It's hard-coded here but I'm sure there's
# a better way
Authorization: MediaBrowser Token=ADD_TOKEN_HERE
Content-Type: application/json
accept: application/json
ytingyeu /
Last active January 27, 2025 03:28
Run MongoDB with TLS in Docker on Synology NAS


A note to run MongoDB with TLS in Docker on Synology NAS.


Ignore any step if you have already done.

Install Docker via DSM Packages

Do I need to explain?

image text

How to

Material for 6 gates


  1. 6x 2mm string LED, green, blue and pink are bright colors, where green is the brightest one. (12e) I can confirm that are to bright in my case, I still need to fix it.


  1. I used 10m of 10x12 Polyamide(PA or PA12) tube but PE or PEXa material also work, can be found in some specialized store.
  2. Some long straight 20cm outer diameter tube used for the structure, easy to be found in any local store. I use about 7-8m (20cm each leg and 50cm or 30cm for the body)