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Created May 2, 2018 08:02
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"""@package tester
Test harness for kmeans
from math import floor
import sys
import subprocess
import multiprocessing
import csv_mt
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D
CSI = "\x1b[" # ANSI CSI escape sequence
CSI_UP = CSI + "1A" # move cursor up
CSI_CLEARLN = CSI + "2K" # clear the line
CSI_RESET = CSI + "0m" # reset formatting
CSI_DIM = CSI + "90m"
CSI_YELLOW = CSI + "33m" # yellow foreground
CSI_GREEN = CSI + "32m" # green foreground
def main():
path = sys.argv[1]
print("Usage: output_path")
print(CSI_YELLOW + "Test start: " + CSI_RESET)
# define test commands
input_files = (
input_names = (
base_cmd = "./kmeans --iterations 20 --threshold 0.0000001 --clusters 16"
gpu_cmds = ["{} --input {}".format(base_cmd, f) for f in input_files]
cpu_cmds = [cmd + " --cpu" for cmd in gpu_cmds]
# run tests and collect data
cpu_times = []
cpu_mt_times = [2702, 16364, 76116]
gpu_times = []
gpu_noshare_times = []
for cpu_cmd, gpu_cmd in zip(cpu_cmds, gpu_cmds):
gpu_noshare_times.append(test_time(gpu_cmd + " --no-shared-mem"))
speedups = [cpu / gpu for cpu, gpu in zip(cpu_times, gpu_times)]
speedups_mt = [cpu / gpu for cpu, gpu in zip(cpu_mt_times, gpu_times)]
speedups_noshare = [cpu / gpu for cpu, gpu in zip(cpu_times, gpu_noshare_times)]
print("CPU times: ", cpu_times)
print("GPU times: ", gpu_times)
print("GPU (non-shared) times: ", gpu_noshare_times)
# plot test results
cmap = plt.get_cmap("summer")
n_points = len(speedups)
colors = [cmap(i / (n_points) + 0.5 / n_points) for i in range(n_points)]
barGroups = [speedups_mt, speedups_noshare, speedups],
barNames = input_names,
groupNames = ["CPU x8 Mutex", "CUDA", "CUDA Shared"],
ylabel = "Speedup factor",
title = "Speedup vs. CPU",
legendTitle = "Input file",
colors = colors,
chart_width = 0.8)
plt.savefig(path, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300)
print("writing plot to {}".format(path))
def plot_bars(barGroups, barNames, groupNames, colors, ylabel="", title="", legendTitle="", width=0.8, chart_width=0.8):
"""Plot a grouped bar chart
barGroups - list of groups, where each group is a list of bar heights
barNames - tuple containing the name of each bar within any group
groupNames - tuple containing the name of each group
colors - list containing the color for each bar within a group
ylabel - label for the y-axis
title - title
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
offset = lambda items, off: [x + off for x in items]
maxlen = max(len(group) for group in barGroups)
xvals = range(len(barGroups))
for i, bars in enumerate(zip(*barGroups)):
x = offset(xvals, i * width/maxlen),
height = bars,
width = width/maxlen,
ax.set_xticks(offset(xvals, width / 2 - width / maxlen / 2))
# Shrink current axis by 20%
box = ax.get_position()
ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * chart_width, box.height])
# Put a legend to the right of the current axis
ax.legend(barNames, title=legendTitle, loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1))
def test_time(cmd, samples=16, warmup=4):
"""Run shell command cmd with a series of arguments.
cmd - a shell command to run.
samples - how many times to run the test and average timing data.
warmup - extra samples that will be discarded to "warm up" the system.
# do testing
avg_time = 0
for s in range(samples + warmup):
# report progress
progress = s / (samples + warmup)
print(CSI_UP + CSI_CLEARLN + "Testing [{}%]".format(floor(progress * 100)))
output = shell(cmd) # run command
tables = csv_mt.read_string(output, parse_float=True) # parse its output
time = tables["statistics"]["time_us"][0] # get its timing data
# skip a few runs to let the system "warm up"
if s >= warmup:
avg_time += time / samples # compute average execution time
# log the average time for this test case
return avg_time
def fmt_time(t):
return "{:.4f} sec".format(t)
def shell(cmd):
"""Return the result of running a shell command.
cmd - a string representing the command to run.
return subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8")
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