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Laid off due to COVID-19, looking for a remote UI position.

Lola Brenner lolakoala

Laid off due to COVID-19, looking for a remote UI position.
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lolakoala / LolaBrenner_Prework
Last active June 23, 2017 21:05
Lola's Turing Prework
# Day 1 Prework
1. On a website, what is the purpose of HTML code? HTML code provides the structure for a website and organizes the content you want to display through grouping or hierarchy.
2. What is the difference between an element and a tag? An element is part of html structure. It tells us how the content is being organized. It's usually made up of an opening and closing tag. The tag acts as a container for the actual content.
3. Why do we use attributes in HTML elements? Attributes allow us to provide more information about a website's content without muddying up the structure.
4. Describe the purpose of the head, title, and body HTML elements. The body element contains all information displayed within the browser window. The head element contains information about the website that is not meant to be displayed, and also contains the title element. The title element displays the title of your webpage in the title bar or tabs.
5. In your browser (Chrome), how do you view the source of a website? From t
lolakoala / LolaBrenner_ CareerDevPrework
Created June 21, 2017 17:17
Career Development Prework
# 29 Behaviors that Make You an Unstoppable Programmer
Pick out 3 behaviors that resonate with you in the list and describe why they resonate with you in a reflection (4-6 sentences).
11. Take responsibility for your mistakes.
This resonates with me because I've had to learn to do this in my personal as well as professional life. In my communal living situation, admitting when you've messed up and apologizing are crucial to a harmonious living environment.
In the restaurant industry (my previous career), no one will respect you or take you seriously unless you can admit you were wrong about something. Admitting your mistakes shows people that you realize you are a fallible human and makes you more relatable,
but it also shows people that your main goal is not to keep your reputation in tact or to appear flawless, but it is to continue learning and improving on your techniques.
15. Don't count the number of hours.
I interpreted this behavior as being self-aware and knowing when to conserve energy. As an int
lolakoala / strengthsassessment.txt
Last active June 29, 2017 14:21
Strengths Assessment
Strengths Reflection & Coaching Request
Read Through Your Theme Definitions
What words or phrases stick out to you? How would you define each of your top 5 talents in your own words?
1. Empathy- being able to step into someone else's experience/ "imagining themselves in others lives" "satisfaction from making a person feel worthwhile" "detect impending conflict" "awareness"
2. Adaptability- being able to roll with the punches "go with the flow" "one day at a time" "mentally rehearse" "forethought" "flexible" "instinctively" "
3. relator- highly valuing genuine human interaction "close relationships" "impart your wisdom and experience to people." "hands-on trainer " "comfortable sharing your viewpoints with individuals who ask you to do so." "avoid driving a wedge"
4. developer- seeing potential in people and helping them to tap into it " recognize and cultivate the potential in
What is the attribute for indicate on the label element? Do you always have to use it? Why or why not? Indicates what you are labeling, references the id attribute of the corresponding widget; must be used and cannot be empty string because the for attribute references the id attribute in the input, also useful for ARIA?
What are 5 values for the type attribute of an input element and how do they work?
-checkbox- creates a checkbox
-text- creates a single line in which you can input text
-date- creates a field to input a date MM/DD/YYYY
-password- single line text field, text is obscured
-textarea- creates a multi-line plain text editing control
What is the significance of the name attribute in a form?
The name attribute is used to reference elements in a JavaScript, or to reference form data after a form is submitted.
What is a fieldset element?
lolakoala / css-warmups
Last active July 19, 2017 21:24
CSS Challenge Warmups
##### Challenge 1
I did not hardcode position the first div because it will land in top left by default. I made a separate div to contain the other two and positioned it absolutely to the top right of the page. I made it big enough to hold the two original divs with some space in between. I floated divs two and three left and right respectively. I did it this way because I thought the page would be more responsive, and it will keep divs 2 and 3 from overlapping as the page changes sizes.
[Challenge 1](
##### Challenge 2
I did not hardcode position the first div because it will land in top left by default. I positioned the other two divs absolutely. The top position is in pixels so that they will always line up vertically no matter how big or small the page is. The left/right position is in a percentage so that they will all maintain their horizontal position in relation to each other no matter how the page is sized.
lolakoala / DTR-template
Created July 10, 2017 15:18
DTR template for paired projects
Template for DTR Memo
Group Member Names:
Project Expectations: What does each group member hope to get out of this project?
Goals and expectations:
lolakoala / storytelling
Last active July 30, 2017 16:55
Personal Dev Storytelling
Strengths & Storytelling Reflection Guidelines
Build on your professional story by thinking about how you're progressing at Turing. Answer the questions below in your own gist to use your StrengthsFinder themes to add to your story:
Write 1-2 paragraphs about your StrengthsFinder themes: How have you seen yourself using these strengths at Turing? Has your understanding of these strengths changed since you first reflected on them? If so, how?
Strengths- empathy, relator, developer, strategic, adaptability
I use empathy/relator/developer to build intentional relationships with people, and though they often build roadblocks for my social
development, I use these same strengths to overcome them. I also use these strengths to commiserate with people about their
lolakoala / accessbility-commitments
Created July 26, 2017 17:04
From Juhn's Accessibility Deep Dive- deliverable
# Commitments for Accessibility
1. making use of tabindex and semantic html
2. using the Axe Chrome extension to analyze the accessibility of my apps
3. use alt text for all my images
lolakoala / LB-FE1706-DTR
Created July 30, 2017 14:26
DTR deliverable for Personal Development
Project: Idea Box
Group Member Names: Lola Brenner, Erik Ingvalson
Project Expectations: What does each group member hope to get out of this project? Better understanding of jQuery and local storage, overcoming differences in work habits (introvert v extrovert), seamless communication
Goals and expectations: github mastery, lots of commits on github, smooth workflow with ping-pong style, use lots of jQuery
Team strengths: communication skills, asking for help, code organization, improving CSS skills, pseudocoding
Project: Idea Box
Group Member Names: Lola Brenner, Erik Ingvalson
Project Expectations: What does each group member hope to get out of this project? Better understanding of jQuery and local storage, overcoming differences in work habits (introvert v extrovert), seamless communication
Goals and expectations: github mastery, lots of commits on github, smooth workflow with ping-pong style, use lots of jQuery
Team strengths: communication skills, asking for help, code organization, improving CSS skills, pseudocoding