Actual dos games that could at least theoretically be recompiled with the right dos tools, and then played in dosbox or on real hardware.
Doom doesn't count because the dos source is not available.
Actual dos games that could at least theoretically be recompiled with the right dos tools, and then played in dosbox or on real hardware.
Doom doesn't count because the dos source is not available. has, and it mentions newer releases (for dos?).
To run the already built package in dosbox, download to the same directory.
Cranks the cycles way up, "If you need more than 20000, try core=dynamic in DOSBox's options." haven't tried that yet.
Code review: - but it disregards the original dos source. - this looks like the original 3drealms release (is it dos not windows?) ( has a lot of source code)
Can't cut and paste in dosbox- try dosemu instead- nope no cut and pase.
"select by dragging the left mouse button, and paste by pressing the middle mouse button."
What if no middle mouse button?
Put this in the autoexec part of dosbox.conf
Need Turbo Pascal 5.5
Unzip it and run dosbox, run install off of disk1.
Use C: as the floppy, drive, install to C:\TP
Need tasm Turbo Assembler
(is there a more official link?)
unzip it, then
Too many subdirectories: Press ESC.
Not sure why that is, what about unpak.exe?
That generates a TASM.EXE among others (should it be CMD32.PAK?)
(or whatever relative path to TASM.EXE is- How to put dos command in path?)
This will say:
Need to download from elsewhere?
unzip it, then copy all the CATACOMB CAT files to the same directory the source was built in.
Now it works, press E for EGA.
Change the code
Don't know pascal but it doesn't look to bad, try changing some stuff.
Cheating would be the obvious thing, graphics next, sound, level layout.