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I may be slow to respond.

Luong Vo luong-komorebi

I may be slow to respond.
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ChristopherA /
Last active February 27, 2025 21:21
Brew Bundle Brewfile Tips

Brew Bundle Brewfile Tips

Copyright & License

Unless otherwise noted (either in this file or in a file's copyright section) the contents of this gist are Copyright ©️2020 by Christopher Allen, and are shared under spdx:Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International (CC-BY-SA-4.) open-source license.


If you more tips and advice like these, you can become a monthly patron on my GitHub Sponsor Page for as little as $5 a month; and your contributions will be multipled, as GitHub is matching the first $5,000! This gist is all about Homebrew, so if you like it you can support it by donating to them or becoming one of their Github Sponsors.

laggardkernel /
Created July 4, 2019 04:42
Cash First #zsh
_env_init() {
  # init version manager without rehash on startup
  local SHELL_NAME="zsh"
  local init_args=(- --no-rehash zsh)
  local zshrc="$HOME/.zshrc"
  # For security on Linux
yudai /
Created November 29, 2017 01:04
tmux + mosh OSC 52 clipboard paste hack


Now tmux, mosh and iTerm2 support the OSC 52 sequence that enables clipboard sharing. However, there is a trap that prevents them from working together.

Mosh accepts OSC 52 sequences with the c; option. However, tmux doesn't send that option when it emits OSC 52 sequences, which means you cannot use tmux and mosh together with the default configuration.


You can override the OSC 52 sequence generated by tmux by adding the following line to your tmux.conf.

ydkn / analyzer.rb
Last active March 13, 2019 08:00
Debugging Shoryuken Memory Leak (
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'set'
require 'json'
# find dumps
args = Dir.glob('/tmp/heap_*.dump').sort
args = [args[0], args[args.length / 2], args[-1]]
aparrish / understanding-word-vectors.ipynb
Last active February 20, 2025 02:47
Understanding word vectors: A tutorial for "Reading and Writing Electronic Text," a class I teach at ITP. (Python 2.7) Code examples released under CC0, other text released under CC BY 4.0
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
reachlin / prometheus.yml
Created April 19, 2017 07:06
sample prometheus configuration explained
// For all the confusing Prometheus configuration and
// regular expressions,
// explained in examples.
// Remember, there are default values for each item if it's missing.
// regex is (.*),
// replacement is $1,
// separator is ;
// ,and action is replace
luong-komorebi /
Last active December 17, 2016 17:04
Cách dùng gmail làm trung gian để gửi mail

Hướng dẫn thiết lập gmail cho chúng ta

Gmail có đặc điểm là có giao diện dễ xài, quen thuộc với số đông người dùng. Tuy nhiên, vì chi phí lớn ($5/ người) cho email doanh nghiệp với đuôi nên hiện tại brandartist của chúng ta phải thuê một thùng mail khác rẻ hơn. Các thùng mail bên ngoài thì không có giao diện như Gmail mà sẽ có giao diện riêng, dẫn đến một số khó khăn trong việc tương tác của người dùng bình thường.

Do đó, nhu cầu sản sinh cần thiết là làm sao dùng giao diện gmail, nhưng lại gửinhận được mail của công ty. ( Hay nói cách khác là biến gmail thành hộp thư trung gian )


  • Bước 1: truy cập setting của gmail.

FWIW: I (@rondy) am not the creator of the content shared here, which is an excerpt from Edmond Lau's book. I simply copied and pasted it from another location and saved it as a personal note, before it gained popularity on Unfortunately, I cannot recall the exact origin of the original source, nor was I able to find the author's name, so I am can't provide the appropriate credits.

Effective Engineer - Notes

What's an Effective Engineer?

huytd / .gitconfig
Created August 4, 2016 16:26
Use neovim as diff tool
tool = vimdiff
prompt = true
[mergetool "vimdiff"]
cmd = nvim -d $LOCAL $REMOTE $MERGED -c '$wincmd w' -c 'wincmd J'
prompt = false
tool = vimdiff
# GIT heart FZF
# -------------
is_in_git_repo() {
git rev-parse HEAD > /dev/null 2>&1
fzf-down() {
fzf --height 50% --min-height 20 --border --bind ctrl-/:toggle-preview "$@"