Save maatthc/792471812150010c935aedd34c93aedf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/bin/bash | |
# === For rooted LG TVs with WebOsBrew installed only === | |
# | |
# On LG WebOStv, RetroArch only have access to a few jailed folders so to run games on a usb drive, | |
# we need to 'merge' the USB mounting point with one of those jailed folders using OverlayFS. | |
# The scripts on folder '/var/lib/webosbrew/init.d/' will run after every tv boot. | |
# Remove the $STARTUP_FOLDER/$SCRIPT_TO_RUN_AFTER_BOOT and reboot to revert the change. | |
# | |
# Tested on 7.3.0-03.30.72 | |
# | |
# Steps: | |
# - Copy this script to a pen drive and insert it to the TV | |
# - Check if the folder '/tmp/usb/sda/sda1/' exists and have the content of your pen drive. | |
# - Run the script | |
# | |
# The folder structure might be different depending of your TV version | |
set -euo pipefail | |
JAILED_FOLDER=/var/palm/jail/com.retroarch/media/internal | |
USB_MOUTING_POINT1=/tmp/usb/sda/sda1/ | |
USB_MOUTING_POINT2=/tmp/usb/sdb/sdb1/ | |
USB_MOUTING_POINT3=/tmp/usb/sdc/sdc1/ | |
SCRIPT_TO_RUN_AFTER_BOOT=add_usb_drive_to_retroarch_media_folder | |
STARTUP_FOLDER=/var/lib/webosbrew/init.d | |
echo -e "#!/bin/bash \nmount -t overlay -olowerdir=${JAILED_FOLDER}:${USB_MOUTING_POINT1},nofail overlay ${JAILED_FOLDER}" > $STARTUP_FOLDER/$SCRIPT_TO_RUN_AFTER_BOOT | |
echo -e "\nmount -t overlay -olowerdir=${JAILED_FOLDER}:${USB_MOUTING_POINT2},nofail overlay ${JAILED_FOLDER}" > $STARTUP_FOLDER/$SCRIPT_TO_RUN_AFTER_BOOT | |
echo -e "\nmount -t overlay -olowerdir=${JAILED_FOLDER}:${USB_MOUTING_POINT3},nofail overlay ${JAILED_FOLDER}" > $STARTUP_FOLDER/$SCRIPT_TO_RUN_AFTER_BOOT | |
echo "Script ${STARTUP_FOLDER}/${SCRIPT_TO_RUN_AFTER_BOOT} created." | |
echo "Press any key to reboot and activate changes or CRTL+C to quit." | |
read -n 1 | |
reboot |
Hi. Almost a year has passed, but my problem is still not solved.
LG C3, rooted, webos 8.2.0-710 (number1-nambung), software version 03.20.17.
Retroarch version 1.19.1 (from Homebrew Channel)
I tried 2 different flash drives with 8 and 16 gb. I tried ntfs, fat32, exfat.
My steaps:
- I formated flash drive. On empty flash drive i put only 2 files - add_usb_drive_to_retroarch_media_folder_install.sh and Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest (USA) (En,Fr).sfc. I set flash drive on TV.
- On my pc i opened Dev Manager, successfuly conncted to my TV, opened Terminal
- I entered: cd /tmp/usb/sda/sda1/
- I checked success: ls (i see only those 2 files)
- I entered: sh add_usb_drive_to_retroarch_media_folder_install.sh. Pressed random buttom, TV reloaded succesfully.
- On TV i open Retroarch, i load snes core, i go to Load Content, i see:
/ - I go to /tmp/usb/sda/sda1/ - and see nothing.
I plug off usb flash drive, set it into my PC and see only this:
-Smart TV (empty folder)
-add_usb_drive_to_retroarch_media_folder_install.sh (file)
-Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest (USA) (En,Fr).sfc (file)
Pls what am i doing wrong?(
Hi @shienok , Perhaps your TV is mounting the usb drive in another location, like @Nalle65 described above. Also, try another ROM - mine are all .zip files (no idea that is inside) or .smc ..
Thanx for reply, pls can you write full Nalle65's code here so i can replace your original code with Nalle65's version?
I am not a programmer) i realy dont understand where to put his text code.
Hi @shienok ,
Updated.. try and let me know if it works..
On my rooted LG TV, com.retroarch is actually com.retroarch.webos. So needed this in the script
Also needed to comment out the sdb and sdc lines to make it use mu USB on sda
Hi @tricky67 , thanks!
I might add a test for that in the script.
What version of WeOs is your tv at?
so i rooted my lg tv, firgured out a path to ftp into the tv, i can ftp into my 2tb drive, but kodi and retro arch cant see my flash drive, and when i terminal in web os manager its un seeable, but the native apps can still use my drive
Alguém conseguiria fazer um vídeo de como eu consigo rodar esse script sem ter feito root na tv ?
Legend! Thanks!