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Last active April 7, 2024 21:52
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  • Save macromorgan/a1ba2fefc0f63ad6d6557d0cd819778e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save macromorgan/a1ba2fefc0f63ad6d6557d0cd819778e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Anbernic RG556
ddr init start!!!
ddr target freq:1866 MHz
ddr init pass!!!
debug enable!
NOTICE: BL31: v1.4, qogirn6pro, bddeffbc(release) (builder@zishcicd0114)
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 12:28:12, Jul 19 2023
NOTICE: Init the Qogir N6 Pro power control and dvfs logic.
NOTICE: CPU info: freq 2001MHz, MIPS 3002
[c0] ** LK (1, restored from storage) **
[c0] welcome to lk/MP
[c0] boot args 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
[c0] initializing heap
[c0] calling constructors
[c0] creating bootstrap completion thread
[c0] arch_context_switch: cpu 0, old 0xb512e330 (idle 0, pri 0, flags 0x11), new 0xb56b4010 (bootstrap2, pri 16, flags 0x7)
[c0] i2c0, freq=100000
[c0] i2c1, freq=100000
[c0] i2c2, freq=100000
[c0] i2c3, freq=100000
[c0] i2c4, freq=100000
[c0] i2c5, freq=100000
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] i2c7, freq=100000
[c0] i2c8, freq=100000
[c0] i2c9, freq=100000
[c0] Set vddrf1v8 voltage: 1800mv, reg_val: 0x0000003f.
[c0] Set vddrf0v9 voltage: 950mv, reg_val: 0x00000004.
[c0] pmic efuse read 33,val=0xcf20
[c0] pmic efuse read bits 528 ++ 16 0x0000cf20
[c0] pmic efuse read 32,val=0x12a0
[c0] pmic efuse read bits 512 ++ 16 0x000012a0
[c0] adc deta_1v0:0xcf20,p_cal_data[0]:0xcf2
[c0] adc deta_0v1:0x12a0,p_cal_data[1]:0x12a
[c0] small scal adc p0_vol:1000, p0_adc:3314, p1_vol:100, p1_adc:298, cal_type:4
[c0] sprd small scale efuse have cal
[c0] pmic efuse read 28,val=0xd520
[c0] pmic efuse read bits 448 ++ 16 0x0000d520
[c0] pmic efuse read 29,val=0xb680
[c0] pmic efuse read bits 464 ++ 16 0x0000b680
[c0] adc bat deta_4v2: 0xd520, p_cal_data[0]: 0xd52
[c0] adc bat deta_3v6: 0xb680, p_cal_data[1]: 0xb68
[c0] bat scal adc,p0_vol:4200, p0_adc:3410, p1_vol:3600, p1_adc:2920, cal_type:3
[c0] sprd big scale efuse have cal
[c0] pmic efuse read 35,val=0xdae0
[c0] pmic efuse read bits 560 ++ 16 0x0000dae0
[c0] pmic efuse read 34,val=0x1d40
[c0] pmic efuse read bits 544 ++ 16 0x00001d40
[c0] adc batdet deta_1v4: 0xdae0, p_cal_data[0]: 0xdae
[c0] adc bat deta_0v2: 0x1d40, p_cal_data[1]: 0x1d4
[c0] batdet scal adc p0_vol:1400, p0_adc:3502, p1_vol:200, p1_adc:468, cal_type:4
[c0] sprd batdet scale efuse have cal
[c0] Calibration done,value=0x97!
[c0] last shutdown flag ANA_REG_GLB_POR_OFF_FLAG:0x0
[c0] Not power off from smpl
[c0] pmic efuse read 5,val=0x8506
[c0] pmic efuse read 20,val=0x5a3a
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] aw32257_sw_reset
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] pmic efuse read 28,val=0xd520
[c0] pmic efuse read bits 448 ++ 16 0x0000d520
[c0] pmic efuse read 29,val=0xb680
[c0] pmic efuse read bits 464 ++ 16 0x0000b680
[c0] adc bat deta_4v2: 0xd520, p_cal_data[0]: 0xd52
[c0] adc bat deta_3v6: 0xb680, p_cal_data[1]: 0xb68
[c0] pmic efuse read 38,val=0x9500
[c0] pmic efuse read bits 615 ++ 9 0x0000012a
[c0] sprd_chg: eica status bat1
[c0] sprd_chg: eica status bat1
[c0] batdet scale: (1400, 3502), (200, 468), (0x2df, 305)
[c0] batdet adc to vol, numerators: 1, denominators: 1, adc: 735, vol: 305
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] i2c6, freq=100000
[c0] sprd_chg: mode = 0x5, value = 0x64
[c0] SCSI Command error, sense data=0x6, see more in SPEC 10.5.4
[c0] ANDROID: bootable slot 0 priority: 15, tries_remaining: 7, verity_corrupted: 0, successful_boot: 1
[c0] ANDROID: Booting slot_a
[c0] cannot get baudrate from file,use default buadrate
[c0] get enter_download flag :
[c0] sprd_chg: is_bat_low vbat_vol:4311,comp_vbat:3350
[c0] sprd_chg: eica status bat1
[c0] batdet scale: (1400, 3502), (200, 468), (0x2e0, 305)
[c0] batdet adc to vol, numerators: 1, denominators: 1, adc: 736, vol: 305
[c0] check_reboot_mode:get raw reg_rst_mode is 2000
[c0] check_reboot_mode:get raw rst_mode is 40 and sysdump_flag is 0
[c0] hw watchdog int raw status 0x0
[c0] (sprd_minidump): fulldump_status = 0
[c0] (sprd_minidump): minidump_status = 1
[c0] (sprd_minidump): fulldump_allow = 0
[c0] (sprd_minidump): minidump_allow = 0
[c0] (sprd_minidump): reset_mode: (2)-(normal)
[c0] (sprd_minidump): no need minidump
[c0] (sprd_dump): (write_sysdump_before_boot): Check dump info ......
[c0] (sprd_dump): (show_check_enable_status_result): ------------------ show_check_enable_status_result ------------------ .
[c0] (sprd_dump): (show_check_enable_status_result): full_dump_enable : 0 .
[c0] (sprd_dump): (show_check_enable_status_result): mini_dump_enable : 1 .
[c0] (sprd_dump): (show_check_enable_status_result): full_dump_allow : 0 .
[c0] (sprd_dump): (show_check_enable_status_result): mini_dump_allow : 0 .
[c0] (sprd_dump): (show_check_enable_status_result): reset_mode : (2)-(normal) .
[c0] (sprd_dump): (write_sysdump_before_boot): is_partition_ok : 1 , full_dump_allow : 0 . !!!
[c0] (sprd_dump): (write_sysdump_before_boot): NO need full dump memory !!!
[c0] enter boot mode g_mode_str[2]:NORMAL_MODE
[c0] call smc to power on core1
[c0] call smc to power on core2
[c1] cpu num 1
[c2] cpu num 2
[c0] secondary cpu poweron!
[c0] creating secondary task
[c1] arch_context_switch: cpu 1, old 0xb512e600 (idle 1, pri 0, flags 0x11), new 0xb56b8300 (secondarybootstrap2, pri 16, flags 0x7)
[c2] arch_context_switch: cpu 2, old 0xb512e8d0 (idle 2, pri 0, flags 0x11), new 0xb56ba5f0 (secondarybootstrap2, pri 16, flags 0x7)
[c0] arch_context_switch: cpu 0, old 0xb56b4010 (bootstrap2, pri 16, flags 0x7), new 0xb56bfe58 (sprd_preload, pri 24, flags 0x7)
[c2] arch_context_switch: cpu 2, old 0xb56ba5f0 (secondarybootstrap2, pri 16, flags 0x7), new 0xb56c4438 (self_monitor, pri 24, flags 0x7)
[c1] arch_context_switch: cpu 1, old 0xb56b8300 (secondarybootstrap2, pri 16, flags 0x7), new 0xb56c2148 (sprd_lcd, pri 24, flags 0x7)
[c1] lcd start init time:1735ms
[c0] load boot.img succeed!!
[c1] [sprdfb][ch13721b_readid] ch13721b_readid 152, read_buf[0]:0x0
[c1] i2c4, freq=100000
[c1] [sprdfb][ch13721b_readid] config lcd i2c bias power failed
[c0] load vendor_boot.img succeed!!
[c0] arch_context_switch: cpu 0, old 0xb56bfe58 (sprd_preload, pri 24, flags 0x7), new 0xb56c6728 (secure_sign_verify, pri 24, flags 0x7)
[c0] sprd_get_vboot_key(): load_buf is 0x0xb4fffe00.
[c0] sprd_get_vboot_key(): sechdr_offset is 0x1073a0.
[c0] sprd_get_vboot_key(): sechdr_addr is 0x0xb51071a0.
[c0] sprd_get_vboot_key(): sechdr_addr: 0xb51071a0. cert_addr: 0xb5107200.
[c0] sprd_get_vboot_key(): sechdr_offset is 0x1073a0, sechdr_addr->cert_offset is 0x107400.
[c0] cert_key
[c0] dumpHex:32 bytes
[c0] f6a5abe5ff6fa9f353aea81e89d06858
[c0] b005fd9ed75aa0deb560ded1fa0e02c7
[c0] sprd_get_all_imgversion: ab_slot_flag is 0
[c0] SCSI Command error, sense data=0x6, see more in SPEC 10.5.4
[c0] read successed
[c0] sprd_get_all_imgversion: rpmb read blk 65534 successful
[c0] invalid sprd imgversion magic 0 exp a50000a5
[c1] [sprdfb][sprd_dispc_resume] dispc init OK
[c1] logo memory init success.
[c1] UFS read destination addr not aligned to 4 bytes, it will harm the read efficiency!
[c1] temp_bmp->header.bit_count :24.
[c1] lcd_console: have 135/120 col/rws on scr 1080x1920 (0 deg rotated)
[c1] lk consume time:1231ms, lcd init consume:351ms, backlight on time:2086ms
[c1] arch_context_switch: cpu 1, old 0xb56c2148 (sprd_lcd, pri 24, flags 0x7), new 0xb56c8a18 (kernel_dtb_parse, pri 24, flags 0x7)
[c1] operate system is VERSION_13 from header
[c1] boot_a kernel read OK, page size = 0x2453000, locate to 0x80080000
[c1] Matches the corresponding dtb in multiple DTB
[c1] UFS read destination addr not aligned to 4 bytes, it will harm the read efficiency!
[c0] UFS read destination addr not aligned to 4 bytes, it will harm the read efficiency!
[c0] UFS read destination addr not aligned to 4 bytes, it will harm the read efficiency!
[c0] UFS read destination addr not aligned to 4 bytes, it will harm the read efficiency!
[c0] UFS read destination addr not aligned to 4 bytes, it will harm the read efficiency!
[c0] UFS read destination addr not aligned to 4 bytes, it will harm the read efficiency!
[c0] g_sprd_vboot_cmdline is androidboot.vbmeta.device=PARTUUID=1.0 androidboot.vbmeta.avb_version=1.1 androidboot.vbmeta.device_state=locked androidboot.vbmeta.hash_alg=sha256 androidboot.vbmeta.size=18368 androidboot.vbmeta.digest=03f2e9a6d276f184193eb2feb56b576fa7c84a094fe83d9b9cfd660f317fc791 androidboot.vbmeta.invalidate_on_error=yes androidboot.veritymode=enforcing.
[c0] g_sprd_vboot_cmdline is androidboot.vbmeta.device=PARTUUID=1.0 androidboot.vbmeta.avb_version=1.1 androidboot.vbmeta.device_state=locked androidboot.vbmeta.hash_alg=sha256 androidboot.vbmeta.size=44032 androidboot.vbmeta.digest=839588c48fe08685b5dd25f8c9b6e553ed6df3802ea370328216cc891e3b14db androidboot.veritymode=enforcing androidboot.veritymode.managed=yes.
[c0] set_root_of_trust succeeded.
[c0] pass_chip_uid_to_tos()... sizeof(blocks)=8
[c0] blks:0x00918457 0x0e4c019a, result: 0x0
[c0] lk_set_rpmb_size: rpmb size 16777216
[c0] is_wr_ufs_rpmb_key rpmb key has been written
[c0] lk_check_rpmb_key get rpmb package, call tos to check rpmb key
[c0] lk_keymint_ipc.c: INFO Initializing Trusty device
[c0] trusty_dev_common.c: INFO selected trusty api version: 2 (requested 3)
[c0] lk_keymint_ipc.c: INFO Initializing Trusty IPC device
[c0] lk_keymint_ipc.c: INFO Initializing LK Keymint IPC service
[c0] lk_keymint_ipc.c: INFO Succeeded to send cmd (28) to keymint TA.
[c0] lk_keymint_ipc.c: INFO Received 7 byte response
[c0] lk_keymint_device.c: INFO Get keymint version 3
[c0] not in calibration mode
[c0] arch_context_switch: cpu 0, old 0xb56c6728 (secure_sign_verify, pri 24, flags 0x7), new 0xb56bfe58 (sprd_preload, pri 24, flags 0x7)
[c0] arch_context_switch: cpu 0, old 0xb56bfe58 (sprd_preload, pri 24, flags 0x7), new 0xb56b4010 (bootstrap2, pri 16, flags 0x7)
[c0] enter mode normal, boot_reason: Reboot into normal, pwroff_reason: device power down
[c1] user version and sysdump disabled, fixup sysdump-uboot
[c0] usb_pin_mux config is closed!
[c0] waif for core1 process kernel done and powerdown
[c1] cann't find cp-modem&cp-mem@xxxx node
[c1] cp-modem is not exist
[c1] sipc-mem is not exist
[c1] cann't find cp-modem&cp-mem@xxxx node
[c1] cp-modem is not exist
[c1] sipc-mem is not exist
[c1] cann't find cp-modem&cp-mem@xxxx node
[c1] cp-modem is not exist
[c1] sipc-mem is not exist
[c1] cann't find cp-modem&cp-mem@xxxx node
[c1] add cmd, cmd = androidboot.mode, value = normal
[c1] cmd = androidboot.mode=normal
[c1] 2614 2614 2614 2612 2612 2612 2612 2612 2612 2612 2612 2610 2610 2610 2610 0 adc[5] isen: 2000, value: 2612
[c1] small scale: (1000, 3314), (100, 298), (0xa34, 790)
[c1] small adc to vol, numerators: 1, denominators: 1, adc: 2612, vol: 790
[c1] add cmd, cmd =, value = 2
[c1] cmd =
[c1] add cmd, cmd = androidboot.product.hardware.sku, value = wifionly
[c1] cmd = androidboot.product.hardware.sku=wifionly
[c1] add cmd, cmd =, value = 18432
[c1] cmd =
[c1] add cmd, cmd = crystal, value = 5
[c1] cmd = crystal=5
[c1] add cmd, cmd = 32k.less, value = 0
[c1] cmd = 32k.less=0
[c1] add cmd, cmd = marlin.clktype, value = 1
[c1] cmd = marlin.clktype=1
[c1] add cmd, cmd = pcb.version, value = 1
[c1] cmd = pcb.version=1
[c1] add cmd, cmd = androidboot.pmic.chipid, value = 7520
[c1] cmd = androidboot.pmic.chipid=7520
[c1] add cmd, cmd = cpcmdline, value = end
[c1] cmd = cpcmdline=end
[c1] android kernel cmdline from header is empty!
[c1] sprd_chg: sprdbat rtc_time = 1712336036, charge_cycle = 654, charge magic num = 0x5a5aa5a5, basp = -1, total_mah = 5000000, fgu_res=-1
[c1] sprd_chg: sprdbat reset rtc time = 1712336050
[c1] Cannot appendprop uboot_log-mem on/reserved-memoryFDT_ERR_EXISTS
[c1] arch_context_switch: cpu 1, old 0xb56c8a18 (kernel_dtb_parse, pri 24, flags 0x7), new 0xb56c2148 (sprd_lcd, pri 24, flags 0x7)
[c1] arch_context_switch: cpu 1, old 0xb56c2148 (sprd_lcd, pri 24, flags 0x7), new 0xb56b8300 (secondarybootstrap2, pri 16, flags 0x7)
[c2] arch_context_switch: cpu 2, old 0xb56c4438 (self_monitor, pri 24, flags 0x7), new 0xb56ba5f0 (secondarybootstrap2, pri 16, flags 0x7)
[c0] final bootargs: earlycon=sprd_serial,0x20210000,115200n8 console=ttyS1,115200n8 loop.max_part=7 loglevel=1 init=/init root=/dev/ram0 rw printk.devkmsg=on dummy_hcd.num=0 pcie_ports=compat swiotlb=1 initcall_debug=1 androidboot.init_fatal_panic=true kfence.sample_interval=0 androidboot.hardware=ums9620_2h10 androidboot.dtbo_idx=2 lcd_id=IDffff lcd_name=lcd_ch13721b_gvo548_truly_mipi_fhd lcd_base=b0000000 lcd_size=1920x1080 logo_bpix=24 androidboot.lwfq.type=2 sysdump_magic=80001000 sysdump_re_flag=1 androidboot.usbmux=0x0 modem=shutdown androidboot.mode=normal androidboot.product.hardware.sku=wifionly crystal=5 32k.less=0 marlin.clktype=1 pcb.version=1 androidboot.pmic.chipid=7520 cpcmdline=end buildvariant=user bootcause="Reboot into normal" pwroffcause="device power down" charge.shutdown_rtc_time=1712336036 charge.charge_cycle=654 charge.basp=-1 charge.total_mah=5000000 charge.fgu_res=-1 androidboot.wdten=e551 androidboot.dswdten=disable androidboot.dvfs_set=0x0 androidboot.slot_suffix=_a sprdboot.flash=ufs androidboot.ddrsize=8192M androidboot.ddrsize.range=[6144,) androidboot.serialno=RG556001223889 androidboot.force_normal_boot=1 androidboot.boot_devices=soc/soc:ap-ahb/22000000.ufs androidboot.vendor.skip.init=0 androidboot.verifiedbootstate=green androidboot.flash.locked=1 androidboot.vbmeta.device=PARTUUID=1.0 androidboot.vbmeta.avb_version=1.1 androidboot.vbmeta.device_state=locked androidboot.vbmeta.hash_alg=sha256 androidboot.vbmeta.size=44032 androidboot.vbmeta.digest=839588c48fe08685b5dd25f8c9b6e553ed6df3802ea370328216cc891e3b14db androidboot.veritymode=enforcing androidboot.veritymode.managed=yes
[c0] [start_linux] start linux at PC:0x80080000, dt_addr:0xbbf00000
[c0] lk consume time: 2850ms
[c0] panic type boot count 3
[c0] start type init log success on 11 times
[c0] fastboot type boot count 2
[c0] download type boot count 2
[c0] UFS write source addr not aligned to 4 bytes, it will harm the write efficiency!
[c0] UFS write source addr not aligned to 4 bytes, it will harm the write efficiency!
[c0] waif for all mp powerdown
[c0] jump to kernel
/ {
#address-cells = <0x02>;
model = "Spreadtrum UMS9620 SoC";
serial-number = "redacted";
#size-cells = <0x02>;
interrupt-parent = <0x01>;
sprd,sc-id = "ums9620 1000 1000";
soc-manufacturer = "Spreadtrum";
compatible = "sprd,ums9620";
soc-module = "T820";
cpuinfo_hardware = "Unisoc T820";
sipa-eth10 {
compatible = "sprd,sipa_eth";
phandle = <0x1d8>;
sprd,term-type = <0x06>;
sprd,netid = <0x0b>;
debugstat {
soc_slp_cnt_reg = <0x04 0xe60 0xff>;
compatible = "sprd,debugstat";
phandle = <0x1e1>;
battery {
dcp-jeita-temp-table = <0x3e8 0x406 0x00 0x423920 0x47e 0x49c 0xaae60 0x423920 0x5aa 0x58c 0x1e8480 0x423920 0x640 0x622 0xaae60 0x3e8fa0>;
fchg-jeita-temp-table = <0x3e8 0x406 0x00 0x423920 0x47e 0x49c 0xaae60 0x423920 0x5aa 0x58c 0x319750 0x423920 0x640 0x622 0xaae60 0x3e8fa0>;
fullbatt-track-end-cur = <0x1fbd0>;
charge-flash-current-microamp = <0x4c4b40 0x2932e0>;
charge-fchg-current-microamp = <0x2dc6c0 0x1f47d0>;
ir-cv-offset-microvolt = <0x186a0>;
ocv-capacity-celsius = <0x19>;
cap-calib-energy-density-ocv-table = <0x331df0 0x39fbc0 0x3f52f0 0x426030>;
charge-dcp-current-microamp = <0x1f47d0 0x2625a0>;
voltage-min-design-microvolt = <0x34a490>;
first-fullbatt-current = <0x249f0>;
charge-unknown-current-microamp = <0x1f47d0 0x1f47d0>;
ir-rc-micro-ohms = <0x4e20>;
batt-ovp-threshold-microvolt = "", "I>";
voltage-temp-table = <0x10f0fe 0x320 0xf4010 0x352 0xd963e 0x384 0xbfcb6 0x3b6 0xa7e0e 0x3e8 0x920cc 0x41a 0x7e630 0x44c 0x6ce94 0x47e 0x5d99e 0x4b0 0x504f6 0x4e2 0x44cf0 0x514 0x3af48 0x546 0x328b6 0x578 0x2b5ac 0x5aa 0x253aa 0x5dc 0x20058 0x60e 0x1b968 0x640 0x17dfe 0x672>;
unknown-jeita-temp-table = <0x3e8 0x406 0x00 0x423920 0x47e 0x49c 0xaae60 0x423920 0x5aa 0x58c 0x100590 0x423920 0x640 0x622 0xaae60 0x3e8fa0>;
resistance-temp-table = <0x32 0x60 0x19 0x64 0x0a 0x66 0x00 0x68 0xfffffff6 0x68>;
first-calib-voltage = <0x34a490>;
charge-full-design-microamp-hours = <0x4c4b40>;
fullbatt-voltage = <0x41eb00>;
fullbatt-current = <0x222e0>;
charge-term-current-microamp = <0xea60>;
cdp-jeita-temp-table = <0x3e8 0x406 0x00 0x423920 0x47e 0x49c 0xaae60 0x423920 0x5aa 0x58c 0x16e360 0x423920 0x640 0x622 0xaae60 0x3e8fa0>;
flash-jeita-temp-table = <0x3e8 0x406 0x00 0x423920 0x47e 0x49c 0xf4240 0x423920 0x5aa 0x58c 0x4c4b40 0x423920 0x640 0x622 0xf4240 0x3e8fa0>;
fast-charge-threshold-microvolt = <0x3e8fa0>;
compatible = "simple-battery";
cap-track-energy-density-ocv-table = <0x33e140 0x38cb10>;
factory-internal-resistance-micro-ohms = <0x18e70>;
capacity-temp-table = <0x32 0x64 0x19 0x64 0x0a 0x64 0x00 0x5b 0xfffffff6 0x54>;
ocv-capacity-table-0 = <0x41c5e4 0x64 0x3f929c 0x5f 0x3e63e0 0x5a 0x3d7660 0x55 0x3c9a10 0x50 0x3bc8b0 0x4b 0x3b00b0 0x46 0x3a401c 0x41 0x398a78 0x3c 0x38d9e8 0x37 0x38363c 0x32 0x37c6e8 0x2d 0x377990 0x28 0x37391c 0x23 0x36fdbc 0x1e 0x36bed8 0x19 0x367180 0x14 0x360cb8 0x0f 0x359148 0x0a 0x34e694 0x05 0x3445a4 0x00>;
first-calib-capacity = <0x32>;
sdp-jeita-temp-table = <0x3e8 0x406 0x00 0x423920 0x47e 0x49c 0x7a120 0x423920 0x5aa 0x58c 0x7a120 0x423920 0x640 0x622 0x7a120 0x3e8fa0>;
fullbatt-track-end-vol = <0x418958>;
charge-cdp-current-microamp = <0x16e360 0x16e360>;
constant-charge-voltage-max-microvolt = <0x426030>;
phandle = <0x21f>;
charge-sdp-current-microamp = <0x7a120 0x7a120>;
ir-us-upper-limit-microvolt = <0x44aa20>;
audcp-iram@65006400 {
reg = <0x00 0x65006400 0x00 0x1000>;
phandle = <0xe5>;
isp-dvfs {
operating-points = <0x25800 0x927c0 0x3e800 0x927c0 0x4b000 0x927c0 0x64000 0x9eb10 0x7d000 0xb71b0>;
compatible = "sprd,hwdvfs-isp";
phandle = <0x206>;
modem@2 {
syscon3 = <0x02 0xff 0x00>;
syscon1 = <0x04 0x818 0x02>;
syscon-names = "shutdown", "deepsleep", "corereset", "sysreset", "getstatus";
compatible = "unisoc,modem";
sprd,version = <0x04>;
phandle = <0x21a>;
syscon4 = <0x02 0xff 0x00>;
syscon2 = <0x02 0x174 0x3000>;
syscon0 = <0x04 0x330 0x2000000>;
vpudec-dvfs {
sprd,dvfs-idle-freq = <0xf424000>;
sprd,freq-upd-hdsk-en = <0x01>;
sprd,freq-upd-delay-en = <0x00>;
operating-points = <0x3e800 0x927c0 0x4b000 0x927c0 0x5dc00 0x9eb10 0x7d000 0xaae60 0xa325a 0xb71b0>;
sprd,dvfs-enable-flag = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,hwdvfs-vsp-qogirn6pro";
phandle = <0x1e8>;
sprd,dvfs-work-freq = <0x27d4af90>;
sipa-eth8 {
compatible = "sprd,sipa_eth";
phandle = <0x1d6>;
sprd,term-type = <0x06>;
sprd,netid = <0x09>;
sprd-headset {
sprd,half-adc-gnd = <0x64>;
sprd,3pole-adc-threshold = <0xb86>;
nvmem-cells = <0xf1 0xf2 0xf3>;
gpio-names = "aud_int_all";
io-channels = <0x61 0x14>;
sprd,coefficient = <0xd7f28>;
sprd,adc-gnd = <0x148>;
sprd,jack-type = <0x01>;
compatible = "unisoc,headset";
status = "okay";
sprd,debounce-interval = <0x0a>;
nvmem-cell-names = "hp_adc_fir_calib_1", "hp_adc_fir_calib_2", "hp_adc_sec_calib";
phandle = <0xf4>;
sprd,irq-threshold-button = <0x04>;
gpios = <0x5f 0x06 0x00>;
io-channel-names = "headmic_in_little";
sprd,headset-button@2 {
adc-min = <0x3df>;
adc-max = <0x9c4>;
code = <0x72>;
sprd,headset-button@0 {
adc-min = <0x00>;
adc-max = <0x1e0>;
code = <0xe2>;
sprd,headset-button@1 {
adc-min = <0x1e1>;
adc-max = <0x3de>;
code = <0x73>;
virtual-sensor@0 {
#thermal-sensor-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "virtual-thermal";
phandle = <0xfe>;
thmzone-cells = <0x10a 0x10b 0x10c 0x10d 0x10e 0x10f 0x110 0x111 0x112 0x113 0x114>;
rebootescrow@0 {
compatible = "pmem-region";
reg = <0x00 0xfff70000 0x00 0x10000>;
rco-6m {
clock-output-names = "rco-6m";
#clock-cells = <0x00>;
clock-frequency = <0x5b8d80>;
compatible = "fixed-clock";
phandle = <0x1cd>;
sprd-pcm-iis {
sprd,node-count-2stage-level-1 = <0x01>;
sprd,dma-2stage-level-1-int-source = <0x01>;
dma-names = "iis0_tx", "iis0_rx", "tdm_tx", "tdm_rx";
#sound-dai-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "unisoc,sharkl5-pcm-platform";
sprd,syscon-pmu-apb = <0x04>;
phandle = <0xfc>;
dmas = <0xfb 0x05 0xfb 0x06 0xe4 0x15 0xe4 0x16>;
sprd,dma-2stage-usecase = <0x02>;
sipa-dummy {
compatible = "sprd,sipa_dummy";
phandle = <0x1df>;
ext-26m {
clock-output-names = "ext-26m";
#clock-cells = <0x00>;
clock-frequency = <0x18cba80>;
compatible = "fixed-clock";
phandle = <0x09>;
sprd-routing-pcm {
#sound-dai-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "unisoc,pcm-routing";
phandle = <0xf8>;
sipc-virt {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "unisoc,sipc-virt-bus";
phandle = <0x1b8>;
time_sync {
compatible = "sprd,time-sync";
core@6 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
label = "sipc-pmsys";
compatible = "sprd,sipc";
reg = <0x06>;
phandle = <0x1b9>;
mboxes = <0xe3 0x01 0x00>;
sprd,smem-info = <0x65007400 0x65007400 0x1000>;
channel@6 {
sprd,size-txbuf = <0x20>;
label = "sctl_pm";
compatible = "sprd,spipe";
sprd,ringnr = <0x01>;
sprd,size-rxbuf = <0x40>;
reg = <0x06>;
phandle = <0x1bb>;
channel@5 {
sprd,size-txbuf = <0x00>;
label = "slog_pm";
compatible = "sprd,spipe";
sprd,ringnr = <0x01>;
sprd,size-rxbuf = <0x5c0>;
reg = <0x05>;
phandle = <0x1ba>;
core@9 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
label = "sipc-chsys";
compatible = "sprd,sipc";
reg = <0x09>;
phandle = <0x1bc>;
mboxes = <0xe3 0x02 0x00 0xe3 0x06 0x01>;
sprd,smem-info = <0x6500d000 0x6500d000 0x2000 0xae600000 0x80000000 0x40000>;
channel@6 {
sprd,size-txbuf = <0x20>;
label = "sctl_ch";
compatible = "sprd,spipe";
sprd,ringnr = <0x01>;
sprd,size-rxbuf = <0x40>;
reg = <0x06>;
phandle = <0x1bf>;
channel@4 {
sprd,size-txbuf = <0x180>;
label = "spipe_ch";
compatible = "sprd,spipe";
sprd,ringnr = <0x02>;
sprd,size-rxbuf = <0xb00>;
reg = <0x04>;
phandle = <0x1bd>;
channel@7 {
sprd,size-txbuf = <0x18000>;
sprd,smem = <0x01>;
label = "data0_gnss";
compatible = "sprd,spipe";
sprd,ringnr = <0x01>;
sprd,size-rxbuf = <0x20000>;
reg = <0x07>;
phandle = <0x1c0>;
channel@5 {
sprd,size-txbuf = <0x00>;
label = "slog_ch";
compatible = "sprd,spipe";
sprd,ringnr = <0x01>;
sprd,size-rxbuf = <0x4e0>;
reg = <0x05>;
phandle = <0x1be>;
channel@41 {
sprd,size-txbuf = <0x80>;
label = "stime_ch";
compatible = "sprd,spipe";
sprd,ringnr = <0x01>;
sprd,size-rxbuf = <0x40>;
reg = <0x29>;
phandle = <0x1c1>;
audio-dsp-dump@3 {
sprd-dst = [01];
sprd-channel = [10];
compatible = "unisoc,audio_dsp_call_info";
sprd-usemem-bytes = <0x200>;
sprd-usemem-type = <0x05>;
modem@0 {
syscon3 = <0x02 0xff 0x00>;
syscon1 = <0x04 0xff 0x100000>;
syscon-names = "shutdown", "deepsleep", "corereset", "sysreset", "getstatus";
compatible = "unisoc,modem";
sprd,version = <0x04>;
phandle = <0x218>;
syscon4 = <0x02 0xff 0x00>;
sprd,sys-bus-ctrl = <0x02 0x128 0x01>;
syscon2 = <0x02 0x90 0x01>;
syscon0 = <0x02 0xff 0x00>;
audio_pipe_trigger_tx {
sprd,channel = <0x0e>;
compatible = "unisoc,audio_pipe_trigger_tx";
sprd,writesync = <0x01>;
sprd,maxuserwritebufsize = <0x400>;
dcam-if-dvfs {
operating-points = <0x25800 0x927c0 0x3e800 0x927c0 0x4b000 0x927c0 0x64000 0x9eb10 0x7d000 0xaae60>;
compatible = "sprd,hwdvfs-dcam-if";
phandle = <0x20d>;
gpu-cooling-devices {
gpu-cooling0 {
sprd,efuse-block7 = <0x07>;
sprd,core-base = <0x2de0>;
sprd,leak-cluster = <0x02 0x55 0x9dc>;
sprd,voltage-scale = <0x4a9 0xfffff627 0x74d 0xfffffe47>;
sprd,leak-core = <0x02 0x55 0x74d>;
compatible = "sprd,mali-power-model";
sprd,efuse-block15 = <0x0f>;
phandle = <0x103>;
sprd,hotplug-period = <0x00>;
sprd,temp-scale = <0x1a 0xfffff4c2 0x26bfb 0xfff6300c>;
sprd,cluster-base = <0x3c6>;
sprd,dynamic-cluster = <0x17b0 0x300 0x384>;
sprd,dynamic-core = <0x44ef1 0x352 0x320>;
#cooling-cells = <0x02>;
sipa-eth6 {
compatible = "sprd,sipa_eth";
phandle = <0x1d4>;
sprd,term-type = <0x06>;
sprd,netid = <0x07>;
extcon-gpio {
compatible = "linux,extcon-usb-gpio";
vbus-gpio = <0x5f 0x00 0x00>;
phandle = <0x116>;
dpu-dvfs {
sprd,freq-upd-hdsk-en = <0x01>;
sprd,freq-upd-delay-en = <0x00>;
sprd,work-index-def = <0x06>;
operating-points = <0x3e800 0x9eb10 0x4b000 0x9eb10 0x5dc00 0xaae60 0x64000 0xaae60 0x7d000 0xb71b0 0x96000 0xb71b0>;
sprd,hw-dfs-en = <0x04>;
compatible = "sprd,hwdvfs-dpu-qogirn6pro";
sprd,idle-index-def = <0x01>;
phandle = <0x1e6>;
vdsp_mtx-dvfs {
operating-points = <0x6590 0x927c0 0x4b000 0x927c0 0x64000 0xaae60 0x7d000 0xb71b0>;
compatible = "sprd,hwdvfs-vdsp_mtx";
phandle = <0x213>;
dvfs_pscp {
sprd,devices-num = <0x03>;
sprd,devices-name = "core", "axi", "apb";
compatible = "sprd,pscp-dvfs";
sprd,devices-id = <0x00 0x01 0x02>;
sprd,core_id = <0x02>;
virtual_typec {
extcon = <0x116>;
compatible = "sprd,virtual-typec";
status = "okay";
phandle = <0x216>;
sprd-compr-audio {
dma-names = "compr_dma_stage0", "compr_dma_stage1";
#sound-dai-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "unisoc,qogirn6pro-compress-platform";
phandle = <0xf7>;
dmas = <0xe4 0x05 0xe4 0x00>;
mmsys-dvfs {
operating-points = <0x3e800 0x927c0 0x4b000 0x927c0 0x64000 0x9eb10 0x7d000 0xb71b0>;
compatible = "sprd,hwdvfs-mmsys";
sprd,syscon-topapb = <0x2d>;
phandle = <0x214>;
sprd_uid {
nvmem-cells = <0x15c 0x15d>;
compatible = "sprd-uid";
nvmem-cell-names = "uid_start", "uid_end";
audio_pipe_trigger_rx {
sprd,channel = <0x0d>;
compatible = "unisoc,audio_pipe_trigger_rx";
sprd,writesync = <0x00>;
sprd,maxuserwritebufsize = <0x00>;
ext_32k {
clock-output-names = "ext-32k";
#clock-cells = <0x00>;
clock-frequency = <0x8000>;
compatible = "fixed-clock";
phandle = <0x4f>;
vdsp-dvfs {
operating-points = <0x6590 0x927c0 0x4b000 0x927c0 0x7d000 0x927c0 0x96000 0x9eb10 0xc8000 0xaae60 0xf78f0 0xb71b0>;
compatible = "sprd,hwdvfs-vdsp";
phandle = <0x211>;
audio-dsp-dump@1 {
sprd-dst = [01];
sprd-channel = [03];
sprd-rxblocksize = <0x2000>;
compatible = "unisoc,audio_dsp_pcm";
sprd-rxblocknum = <0x08>;
sprd-usemem-type = <0x05>;
sipa-eth15 {
compatible = "sprd,sipa_eth";
phandle = <0x1dd>;
sprd,term-type = <0x06>;
sprd,netid = <0x10>;
sipa-eth4 {
compatible = "sprd,sipa_eth";
phandle = <0x1d2>;
sprd,term-type = <0x06>;
sprd,netid = <0x05>;
display-subsystem {
ports = <0x117 0x118>;
compatible = "sprd,display-subsystem";
gsp = <0x119 0x11a>;
apipe-cmd-out {
compatible = "unisoc,apipe";
cpufreq-cluster2 {
sprd,temp-threshold = <0x41>;
sprd,voltage-margin = <0x28>;
sprd,transition-delay = <0x3e8>;
phandle = <0xee>;
sprd,cluster-cpumask = <0x80>;
sprd-sensorhub {
sipc_sensorhub_id = <0x09>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-sensorhub", "sprd,sensor-hub";
sound@1 {
sprd,syscon-dvfs-apb = <0x69>;
sprd-audio-card,name = "all-i2s";
sprd,syscon-agcp-ahb = <0x86>;
sprd,syscon-aon-apb = <0x02>;
compatible = "unisoc,i2s-null-codec";
status = "okay";
sprd,syscon-clk-rf = <0xa8>;
phandle = <0x1e4>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@0 {
plat {
sound-dai = <0xfc>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xfd>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
scene-frequency {
freq-num = <0x08>;
compatible = "sprd,ddr-dvfs";
sprd-freq = <0x4dc 0x300 0x180 0x600 0x600 0x74a 0x4dc 0x74a 0x74a>;
phandle = <0x1e2>;
sprd-scene = "boost", "lcdon", "lcdoff", "camlow", "camhigh", "camveryhigh", "faceid", "top", "boot-opt";
thermal-zones {
phandle = <0x1f8>;
mid4-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x106 0x01>;
phandle = <0x10e>;
gpu-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x107 0x05>;
phandle = <0x112>;
ai0-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x108 0x00>;
phandle = <0x113>;
nr0-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x108 0x04>;
phandle = <0x202>;
mid6-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x106 0x03>;
phandle = <0x110>;
osctsen-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x109 0x00>;
phandle = <0x204>;
apcpu0-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x107 0x00>;
phandle = <0x1fe>;
pa-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x221>;
phandle = <0x237>;
lit1-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x107 0x02>;
phandle = <0x10b>;
board-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x220>;
phandle = <0x236>;
lte-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x108 0x03>;
phandle = <0x201>;
chg-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x222>;
phandle = <0x238>;
big7mid4-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x105 0x00>;
phandle = <0x1fc>;
lit3-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x107 0x04>;
phandle = <0x10d>;
mid5mid6-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x106 0x00>;
phandle = <0x1fd>;
mm-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x108 0x02>;
phandle = <0x200>;
mid5-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x106 0x02>;
phandle = <0x10f>;
ai1-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x108 0x01>;
phandle = <0x114>;
nr1-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x108 0x05>;
phandle = <0x203>;
lit0-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x107 0x01>;
phandle = <0x10a>;
apcpu1-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x107 0x06>;
phandle = <0x1ff>;
soc-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x3e8>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x64>;
thermal-sensors = <0xfe 0x00>;
sustainable-power = <0xbb8>;
phandle = <0x1f9>;
trips {
trip-point@0 {
temperature = <0x11170>;
hysteresis = <0x3e8>;
type = "passive";
phandle = <0x246>;
soc_crit {
temperature = <0x1adb0>;
hysteresis = <0x7d0>;
type = "critical";
phandle = <0x247>;
trip-point@1 {
temperature = <0x14c08>;
hysteresis = <0x3e8>;
type = "passive";
phandle = <0x231>;
cooling-maps {
map8 {
trip = <0x231>;
cooling-device = <0x104 0xffffffff 0xffffffff>;
contribution = <0x400>;
map4 {
trip = <0x231>;
cooling-device = <0x101 0xffffffff 0xffffffff>;
contribution = <0x400>;
map2 {
trip = <0x231>;
cooling-device = <0xd8 0xffffffff 0xffffffff>;
contribution = <0x19a>;
map0 {
trip = <0x231>;
cooling-device = <0xca 0xffffffff 0xffffffff>;
contribution = <0x400>;
map7 {
trip = <0x231>;
cooling-device = <0x103 0xffffffff 0xffffffff>;
contribution = <0x400>;
map5 {
trip = <0x231>;
cooling-device = <0x102 0xffffffff 0xffffffff>;
contribution = <0x400>;
map3 {
trip = <0x231>;
cooling-device = <0x100 0xffffffff 0xffffffff>;
contribution = <0x400>;
map1 {
trip = <0x231>;
cooling-device = <0xd2 0xffffffff 0xffffffff>;
contribution = <0x19a>;
outtsen-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x109 0x01>;
phandle = <0x205>;
lit2-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x107 0x03>;
phandle = <0x10c>;
big7-thmzone {
polling-delay = <0x00>;
polling-delay-passive = <0x00>;
thermal-sensors = <0x105 0x01>;
phandle = <0x111>;
ext-52m {
clock-output-names = "ext-52m";
#clock-cells = <0x00>;
clock-frequency = <0x3197500>;
compatible = "fixed-clock";
phandle = <0xb4>;
soc {
#address-cells = <0x02>;
#size-cells = <0x02>;
compatible = "simple-bus";
phandle = <0x11c>;
etb@78003000 {
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
clocks = <0x09>;
compatible = "arm,coresight-tmc", "arm,primecell";
reg = <0x00 0x78003000 0x00 0x1000>;
phandle = <0xe2>;
port {
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xb8>;
phandle = <0xb6>;
aon {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
#size-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "simple-bus";
ranges = <0x00 0x00 0x64000000 0x1016000>;
hwspinlock@a10000 {
clock-names = "enable";
clocks = <0x10 0x1b>;
compatible = "sprd,hwspinlock-r3p0";
reg = <0xa10000 0x10000>;
phandle = <0x55>;
#hwlock-cells = <0x01>;
usb@a00000 {
phy-names = "usb";
clock-names = "core_clk";
usb31pllv_frc_on = <0x04 0xa58 0x01>;
interrupts = <0x00 0x08 0x04>;
clocks = <0x10 0x1a>;
extcon = <0x116 0x64>;
vbus-supply = <0x223>;
multipoint = "true";
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-musb";
status = "okay";
interrupt-names = "mc";
reg = <0xa00000 0x2000>;
usb-phy = <0x6e>;
phandle = <0x1a1>;
dr-mode = "peripheral";
apb-busmonitor@64580000 {
sprd,target-data = <0x00 0x00>;
interrupts = <0x00 0x0f 0x04>;
sprd,target-addr = <0x00 0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,apb-busmonitor";
reg = <0x580000 0x1000>;
phandle = <0x1a2>;
gpio@2000c0 {
interrupts = <0x00 0x18 0x04>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-eic-sync", "sprd,sc9860-eic-sync";
#interrupt-cells = <0x02>;
reg = <0x2000c0 0x20 0x2100c0 0x20 0x2200c0 0x20 0x2300c0 0x20 0x2400c0 0x20 0x2500c0 0x20>;
phandle = <0x164>;
#gpio-cells = <0x02>;
thermal@2A0000 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
nvmem-cells = <0x7f>;
clock-names = "enable";
clocks = <0x10 0x2a>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
#thermal-sensor-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,thermal_r5p0";
nvmem-cell-names = "thm_ratio_cal";
reg = <0x2a0000 0x10000>;
phandle = <0x108>;
sensor@4 {
nvmem-cells = <0x84>;
nvmem-cell-names = "sen_delta_cal";
reg = <0x04>;
sensor@2 {
nvmem-cells = <0x82>;
nvmem-cell-names = "sen_delta_cal";
reg = <0x02>;
sensor@0 {
nvmem-cells = <0x80>;
nvmem-cell-names = "sen_delta_cal";
reg = <0x00>;
sensor@5 {
nvmem-cells = <0x85>;
nvmem-cell-names = "sen_delta_cal";
reg = <0x05>;
sensor@3 {
nvmem-cells = <0x83>;
nvmem-cell-names = "sen_delta_cal";
reg = <0x03>;
sensor@1 {
nvmem-cells = <0x81>;
nvmem-cell-names = "sen_delta_cal";
reg = <0x01>;
pinctrl@2e0000 {
pinctrl-4 = <0x22b>;
pinctrl-names = "gpio_4", "gpio_5", "gpio_6", "gpio_7", "gpio_8", "gpio_22", "gpio_24", "gpio_25", "gpio_26", "gpio_124";
pinctrl-2 = <0x229>;
pinctrl-0 = <0x227>;
pinctrl-9 = <0x230>;
pinctrl-7 = <0x22e>;
pinctrl-5 = <0x22c>;
pinctrl-3 = <0x22a>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-pinctrl";
pinctrl-1 = <0x228>;
reg = <0x2e0000 0x10000>;
phandle = <0x11b>;
pinctrl-8 = <0x22f>;
pinctrl-6 = <0x22d>;
audcp-tdm3-5 {
sprd,control = <0x07>;
phandle = <0x9b>;
vbc-iis2-3 {
sprd,control = <0x0a>;
phandle = <0x8f>;
emmc_cmd {
function = "func4";
phandle = <0x22d>;
audcp-iis1-5 {
sprd,control = <0x05>;
phandle = <0x99>;
ap-iis0-5 {
sprd,control = <0x00>;
phandle = <0x94>;
simclk1 {
function = "func4";
phandle = <0x227>;
vbc-iis-to-aon-usb {
sprd,control = <0x01>;
phandle = <0x8a>;
vbc-iis1-5 {
sprd,control = <0x09>;
phandle = <0x9d>;
vbc-mst-iis0-5 {
sprd,control = <0x0d>;
phandle = <0xa1>;
vbc-iism0-3 {
sprd,control = <0x0d>;
phandle = <0x8c>;
audcp-tdm4-4 {
sprd,control = <0x10>;
phandle = <0x93>;
ap-iis0-3 {
sprd,control = <0x00>;
phandle = <0x91>;
keyin1 {
function = "func4";
phandle = <0x22b>;
emmc_d6 {
function = "func4";
pins = "QOGIRN6PRO_EMMC_D6";
phandle = <0x22e>;
vbc-iis4-5 {
sprd,control = <0x0c>;
phandle = <0xa0>;
vbc-iis1-3 {
sprd,control = <0x09>;
phandle = <0x8e>;
vad-din-sel-add1 {
sprd,control = <0x01>;
phandle = <0xa6>;
vbc-iism0-1 {
sprd,control = <0x0d>;
phandle = <0x8b>;
vbc-iis3-0 {
sprd,control = <0x0b>;
phandle = <0x87>;
audcp-iis0-5 {
sprd,control = <0x04>;
phandle = <0x98>;
simda1 {
function = "func4";
phandle = <0x228>;
vbc-iis0-5 {
sprd,control = <0x08>;
phandle = <0x9c>;
audcp-tdm3-4 {
sprd,control = <0x07>;
phandle = <0x92>;
ap-iis2-5 {
sprd,control = <0x02>;
phandle = <0x96>;
vbc-iis3-5 {
sprd,control = <0x0b>;
phandle = <0x9f>;
vbc-mst-iis2-5 {
sprd,control = <0x0f>;
phandle = <0xa3>;
vbc-iis0-3 {
sprd,control = <0x08>;
phandle = <0x8d>;
simrst1 {
function = "func4";
phandle = <0x229>;
audcp-tdm4-5 {
sprd,control = <0x10>;
phandle = <0xa4>;
vbc-iis3-3 {
sprd,control = <0x0b>;
phandle = <0x90>;
emmc_d7 {
function = "func4";
pins = "QOGIRN6PRO_EMMC_D7";
phandle = <0x22f>;
vbc-iis-to-pad {
sprd,control = <0x00>;
phandle = <0x89>;
keyin0 {
function = "func4";
phandle = <0x22a>;
audcp-iis2-5 {
sprd,control = <0x06>;
phandle = <0x9a>;
ap-iis1-5 {
sprd,control = <0x01>;
phandle = <0x95>;
vad-din-sel-add0 {
sprd,control = <0x00>;
phandle = <0xa5>;
vbc-iism0-0 {
sprd,control = <0x0d>;
phandle = <0x88>;
sd0_clk {
function = "func4";
pins = "QOGIRN6PRO_SD0_CLK";
phandle = <0x22c>;
keyout1 {
function = "func4";
phandle = <0x230>;
vbc-iis2-5 {
sprd,control = <0x0a>;
phandle = <0x9e>;
vbc-mst-iis1-5 {
sprd,control = <0x0e>;
phandle = <0xa2>;
aon-iis0-5 {
sprd,control = <0x03>;
phandle = <0x97>;
gpio@2000a0 {
interrupts = <0x00 0x18 0x04>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-eic-async", "sprd,sc9860-eic-async";
#interrupt-cells = <0x02>;
reg = <0x2000a0 0x20 0x2100a0 0x20 0x2200a0 0x20 0x2300a0 0x20 0x2400a0 0x20 0x2500a0 0x20>;
phandle = <0x03>;
#gpio-cells = <0x02>;
gpio@170000 {
interrupts = <0x00 0x28 0x04>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-gpio", "sprd,sc9860-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <0x02>;
reg = <0x170000 0x10000>;
phandle = <0x160>;
#gpio-cells = <0x02>;
pwm@30000 {
clock-names = "pwm0", "enable0", "pwm1", "enable1", "pwm2", "enable2", "pwm3", "enable3";
assigned-clocks = <0x0a 0x02 0x0a 0x03 0x0a 0x04 0x0a 0x05>;
assigned-clock-parents = <0x09 0x4f 0x09 0x09>;
clocks = <0x0a 0x02 0x10 0x3d 0x0a 0x03 0x10 0x3e 0x0a 0x04 0x10 0x3f 0x0a 0x05 0x10 0x40>;
#pwm-cells = <0x02>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-pwm";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x30000 0x10000>;
phandle = <0x15e>;
timer@1c0000 {
compatible = "sprd,syst-timer";
reg = <0x1c0000 0x10>;
phandle = <0x161>;
gpio@200000 {
interrupts = <0x00 0x18 0x04>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-eic-debounce", "sprd,sc9860-eic-debounce";
#interrupt-cells = <0x02>;
reg = <0x200000 0x80 0x210000 0x80 0x220000 0x80 0x230000 0x80 0x240000 0x80 0x250000 0x80>;
phandle = <0x162>;
#gpio-cells = <0x02>;
timer@40020 {
clocks = <0x4f>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-suspend-timer", "sprd,sc9860-suspend-timer";
reg = <0x40020 0x20>;
timer@40000 {
interrupts = <0x00 0x2f 0x04>;
clocks = <0x4f>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-timer", "sprd,sc9860-timer";
reg = <0x40000 0x20>;
apdu@500000 {
sprd,sys-ise-aon-clk-reg = <0x6d>;
sprd,sys-pub-reg = <0x6c>;
interrupts = <0x00 0x31 0x04>;
sprd,pub-ise-reg-offset = <0x3368>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-apdu";
sprd,pub-ise-bit-offset = <0x0f>;
sprd,sys-ise-pd-reg = <0x04>;
reg = <0x500000 0x10000>;
phandle = <0x19d>;
sprd,sys-ise-aon-reg = <0x02>;
modem-dbg-log@520000 {
sprd,ch-index = <0x0f 0x01 0x00 0x02>;
clock-names = "serdes0_eb", "serdes1_eb", "ana_eb", "dsi_cfg_eb", "cphy_cfg_en";
clocks = <0x10 0x43 0x10 0x25 0x10 0x1d 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x68>;
sprd,ch-name = "TRAINING", "TPIU", "DBUS", "PHYCP";
sprd,syscon-dsi-apb = <0x31>;
compatible = "sprd,dbg-log-qogirn6pro";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x520000 0x4000>;
sprd,syscon-pmu-apb = <0x04>;
phandle = <0x19e>;
sipa-sys {
sprd,syscon-apb = <0x4b>;
clock-names = "clk_ipa_ckg_eb", "ipa_core", "ipa_core_source", "ipa_core_default";
reg-size = <0x07>;
clocks = <0x48 0x05 0x47 0x00 0x0b 0x15 0x09>;
#power-domain-cells = <0x00>;
sprd,syscon-glb-apb = <0x43>;
ipa-sys-autoshutdownen = <0x04 0x3e0 0x1000000>;
ipa-sys-lslpen = <0x04 0x808 0x10>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-ipa-sys-power-domain";
sprd,syscon-anlg-phy = <0x56>;
sprd,syscon-dispc1-glb = <0x45>;
phandle = <0x44>;
ipa-sys-dslpen = <0x04 0x780 0x01>;
ipa-sys-accessen = <0x02 0xcd8 0x01>;
ipa-sys-smartlslpen = <0x04 0x8cc 0x10>;
ipa-sys-state = <0x04 0x548 0x1f00>;
ipa-sys-forcelslp = <0x04 0x830 0x10>;
thermal@270000 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
nvmem-cells = <0x6f>;
clock-names = "enable";
clocks = <0x10 0x27>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
#thermal-sensor-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,thermal_r5p0";
nvmem-cell-names = "thm_ratio_cal";
reg = <0x270000 0x10000>;
phandle = <0x105>;
sensor@0 {
nvmem-cells = <0x70>;
nvmem-cell-names = "sen_delta_cal";
reg = <0x00>;
sensor@1 {
nvmem-cells = <0x71>;
nvmem-cell-names = "sen_delta_cal";
reg = <0x01>;
timer@50000 {
compatible = "sprd,sysfrt-timer";
reg = <0x50000 0x10>;
phandle = <0x15f>;
socid {
version_id = <0x02 0xf0 0x1f>;
plat_id = <0x02 0xe8 0xffffffff>;
implement_id = <0x02 0xf8 0xff>;
compatible = "sprd,soc-id";
chip_id = <0x02 0xe0 0xffffffff>;
phandle = <0x1a4>;
manufacture_id = <0x02 0xf4 0xff>;
apcpu-dvfs@950000 {
compatible = "sprd,cpufreq-v2";
phandle = <0x1a3>;
watchdog@1e0000 {
clock-names = "enable", "rtc_enable";
interrupts = <0x00 0x1a 0x04>;
clocks = <0x10 0x42 0x10 0x4c>;
timeout-sec = <0x0c>;
compatible = "sprd,wdt-r2p0-fiq";
reg = <0x1e0000 0x10000>;
efuse@160000 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "enable";
clocks = <0x10 0x11>;
#size-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-efuse";
reg = <0x160000 0x10000>;
phandle = <0x15b>;
hwlocks = <0x55 0x08>;
thm2-sen0@9b {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0x9b 0x01>;
phandle = <0x78>;
uid-end@e8 {
reg = <0xc8 0x04>;
phandle = <0x15d>;
thm3-sen0@a7 {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0xa7 0x01>;
phandle = <0x84>;
thm2-ratio@9a {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0x9a 0x01>;
phandle = <0x77>;
cali_dblk69@40 {
reg = <0x40 0x04>;
phandle = <0x13>;
thm0-ratio@94 {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0x94 0x01>;
phandle = <0x6f>;
thm2-sen0@a4 {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0xa4 0x01>;
phandle = <0x7e>;
thm3-sen0@a5 {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0xa5 0x01>;
phandle = <0x82>;
thm1-sen0@9f {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0x9f 0x01>;
phandle = <0x76>;
thm1-ratio@96 {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0x96 0x01>;
phandle = <0x72>;
thm2-sen0@a2 {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0xa2 0x01>;
phandle = <0x7b>;
thm3-sen0@aa {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0xaa 0x01>;
phandle = <0x85>;
thm0-sen0@95 {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0x95 0x01>;
phandle = <0x70>;
thm0-sen0@9c {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0x9c 0x01>;
phandle = <0x71>;
thm1-sen0@9d {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0x9d 0x01>;
phandle = <0x74>;
thm2-sen0@a0 {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0xa0 0x01>;
phandle = <0x79>;
thm2-sen0@a9 {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0xa9 0x01>;
phandle = <0x7d>;
thm3-sen0@a8 {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0xa8 0x01>;
phandle = <0x81>;
thm3-ratio@98 {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0x98 0x01>;
phandle = <0x7f>;
thm3-sen0@a6 {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0xa6 0x01>;
phandle = <0x83>;
thm2-sen0@a3 {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0xa3 0x01>;
phandle = <0x7c>;
cali_dblk68@3c {
reg = <0x3c 0x04>;
phandle = <0x12>;
thm1-sen0@97 {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0x97 0x01>;
phandle = <0x73>;
thm1-sen0@9e {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0x9e 0x01>;
phandle = <0x75>;
thm3-sen0@99 {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0x99 0x01>;
phandle = <0x80>;
thm2-sen0@a1 {
bits = <0x00 0x08>;
reg = <0xa1 0x01>;
phandle = <0x7a>;
gpu-bin@48 {
bits = <0x08 0x03>;
reg = <0x48 0x02>;
phandle = <0x2f>;
uid-start@ec {
reg = <0xc4 0x04>;
phandle = <0x15c>;
aon-apb-prot {
sprd,lock_magic = <0x6896>;
interrupts = <0x00 0xfe 0x04>;
compatible = "sprd,apb-prot";
sprd,apb-syscon = <0x02>;
phandle = <0x159>;
hsphy@300000 {
sprd,hsphy-device-eye-pattern = <0x67bd1c0>;
extcon = <0x116>;
#phy-cells = <0x00>;
vdd-supply = <0x183>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-phy";
sprd,syscon-anag0 = <0x53>;
sprd,syscon-enable = <0x02>;
status = "okay";
reg = <0x300000 0x10000>;
phandle = <0x6e>;
sprd,vdd-voltage = <0x325aa0>;
sprd,hsphy-host-eye-pattern = <0x67bd1c0>;
modem-dbg-log@530000 {
sprd,ch-index = <0x0f 0x00>;
clock-names = "serdes0_eb", "serdes1_eb", "ana_eb", "dsi_cfg_eb", "cphy_cfg_en";
clocks = <0x10 0x43 0x10 0x25 0x10 0x1d 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x68>;
sprd,ch-name = "TRAINING", "PHYCP";
sprd,syscon-dsi-apb = <0x32>;
compatible = "sprd,dbg-log-qogirn6pro";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x530000 0x4000>;
sprd,syscon-pmu-apb = <0x04>;
phandle = <0x19f>;
thermal@280000 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
nvmem-cells = <0x72>;
clock-names = "enable";
clocks = <0x10 0x28>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
#thermal-sensor-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,thermal_r5p0";
nvmem-cell-names = "thm_ratio_cal";
reg = <0x280000 0x10000>;
phandle = <0x106>;
sensor@2 {
nvmem-cells = <0x75>;
nvmem-cell-names = "sen_delta_cal";
reg = <0x02>;
sensor@0 {
nvmem-cells = <0x73>;
nvmem-cell-names = "sen_delta_cal";
reg = <0x00>;
sensor@3 {
nvmem-cells = <0x76>;
nvmem-cell-names = "sen_delta_cal";
reg = <0x03>;
sensor@1 {
nvmem-cells = <0x74>;
nvmem-cell-names = "sen_delta_cal";
reg = <0x01>;
spi@400000 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-adi";
sprd,hw-channels = <0x02 0x20cc 0x09 0x2074 0x0b 0x2054 0x0d 0xa180 0x0f 0xa054 0x11 0xa1a0 0x13 0xa044 0x15 0xa0e8 0x17 0x244c 0x19 0xa074 0x1b 0x2044 0x1e 0x2020 0x20 0x217c 0x21 0x2188 0x22 0x21b8 0x23 0x21ac>;
reg = <0x400000 0x100000>;
phandle = <0x165>;
pmic@2 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
spi-max-frequency = <0x18cba80>;
compatible = "sprd,ump9622";
reg = <0x02>;
phandle = <0x19a>;
pmic-type-num = <0x02>;
tsensor@20f8 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
#thermal-sensor-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ump9622-tsensor";
reg = <0x20f8>;
phandle = <0x109>;
osc-tsensor@0 {
reg = <0x00>;
phandle = <0x19b>;
tout-tsensor@1 {
reg = <0x01>;
phandle = <0x19c>;
syscon@2000 {
compatible = "sprd,ump9622-syscon";
reg = <0x2000>;
pmic@0 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
interrupts = <0x00 0xe6 0x04>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
spi-max-frequency = <0x18cba80>;
compatible = "sprd,ump9620";
#interrupt-cells = <0x02>;
reg = <0x00>;
phandle = <0x57>;
led-controller@180 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,ump9620-bltc", "sprd,sc27xx-bltc";
reg = <0x180>;
led@2 {
label = "blue";
reg = <0x02>;
led@0 {
label = "red";
reg = <0x00>;
led@1 {
label = "green";
reg = <0x01>;
power-controller@2000 {
compatible = "sprd,ump962x-regulator", "sprd,sc27xx-regulator";
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x393870>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vddcama2";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x178>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x185dcb>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x30d40>;
regulator-name = "vddcpu2";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x16b>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x14d408>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0xdbba0>;
regulator-name = "vddcamd0";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x18c>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x393870>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vddusb33";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x183>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x247a61>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vddgen0";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x173>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x1c2708>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0xdbba0>;
regulator-name = "vddwcn";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x18b>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x393870>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vddcama0";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x176>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x393870>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vddemmccore";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x0d>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x393870>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vdd18_dcxo";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x182>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x393870>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vddcammot0";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x179>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x36dcec>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x60630>;
regulator-name = "vddwpa";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
status = "disabled";
phandle = <0x175>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x14d408>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0xdbba0>;
regulator-name = "vddrf0v9";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
status = "disabled";
phandle = <0x190>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x1bec70>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vddcamio";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x18a>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x14d408>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0xdbba0>;
regulator-name = "vddufs1v2";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x0e>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x14d408>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0xdbba0>;
regulator-name = "vddrf1v1";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
status = "disabled";
phandle = <0x18f>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x393870>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vddsim2";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x17d>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x393870>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vddwifipa";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x181>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x14d408>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0xdbba0>;
regulator-name = "vddldo4";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
status = "disabled";
phandle = <0x192>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x393870>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vddsim0";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
status = "okay";
phandle = <0x17b>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x393870>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vdd28";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x17e>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x393870>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vddldo2";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x186>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x393870>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vddkpled";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x180>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x393870>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vddsdio";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x17>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x14d408>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0xdbba0>;
regulator-name = "vddcamd1";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x18d>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x1b8ac8>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x11edd8>;
regulator-name = "vddrf1v8";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
status = "disabled";
phandle = <0x189>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x185196>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x61a80>;
regulator-name = "vddgen1";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x174>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x393870>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vddldo0";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
status = "okay";
phandle = <0x184>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x1b8ac8>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x11edd8>;
regulator-name = "avdd18";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x188>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x393870>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vddcama1";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x177>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x185dcb>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x30d40>;
regulator-name = "vddcpu1";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x16c>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x185dcb>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x30d40>;
regulator-name = "vddsram0";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x16f>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x185dcb>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x30d40>;
regulator-name = "vddcore";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x16d>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x393870>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vddcammot1";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x17a>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x393870>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vddsdcore";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x16>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x185dcb>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x493e0>;
regulator-name = "vddpub";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x16e>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x185dcb>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x30d40>;
regulator-name = "vddgpu";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
status = "disabled";
phandle = <0x170>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x185196>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x61a80>;
regulator-name = "vddmem";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x172>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x185dcb>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x61a80>;
regulator-name = "vddmemq";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x171>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x393870>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vddvib";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x17f>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x14d408>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0xdbba0>;
regulator-name = "avdd12";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x191>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x393870>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vddsim1";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
status = "disabled";
phandle = <0x17c>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x393870>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vddldo3";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x187>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x14d408>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0xdbba0>;
regulator-name = "vddcamd2";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x18e>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x393870>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x124f80>;
regulator-name = "vddldo1";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x185>;
hw_reset@23c0 {
compatible = "sprd,ump9620-7sreset", "sprd,sc27xx-7sreset";
reg = <0x23b8 0x23c0>;
vibrator@2390 {
compatible = "sprd,ump9620-vibrator", "sprd,sc27xx-vibrator";
reg = <0x2390>;
rtc@200 {
interrupts = <0x01 0x04>;
interrupt-parent = <0x57>;
compatible = "sprd,ump96xx-rtc", "sprd,sc27xx-rtc";
reg = <0x200>;
typec@380 {
nvmem-cells = <0x62 0x63>;
interrupts = <0x08 0x04>;
sprd,mode = <0x02>;
interrupt-parent = <0x57>;
compatible = "sprd,ump96xx-typec", "sprd,sc27xx-typec";
nvmem-cell-names = "typec_cc1_cal", "typec_cc2_cal";
reg = <0x380>;
phandle = <0x64>;
gpio@280 {
interrupts = <0x04 0x04>;
interrupt-parent = <0x57>;
compatible = "sprd,ump96xx-eic", "sprd,sc27xx-eic", "sprd,sc2731-eic";
#interrupt-cells = <0x02>;
reg = <0x280>;
phandle = <0x5f>;
#gpio-cells = <0x02>;
fchg@400 {
nvmem-cells = <0x58>;
interrupts = <0x05 0x04>;
interrupt-parent = <0x57>;
compatible = "sprd,ump9620-fast-chg", "sprd,sc27xx-fast-chg";
status = "okay";
nvmem-cell-names = "fchg_cur_calib";
reg = <0x400>;
phandle = <0x167>;
sprd,input-voltage-microvolt = <0x4c4b40>;
watchdog@40 {
compatible = "sprd,ump9620-wdt", "sprd,sc27xx-wdt";
reg = <0x40>;
phandle = <0x166>;
fgu@800 {
nvmem-cells = <0x60>;
sprd,calib-resistance-micro-ohms = <0x12f2>;
monitored-battery = <0x21f>;
sprd,relax-counter-threshold = <0x244>;
interrupts = <0x03 0x04>;
io-channels = <0x61 0x00 0x61 0x0e>;
interrupt-parent = <0x57>;
sprd,relax-current-threshold = <0x1e>;
compatible = "sprd,ump9620-fgu", "sprd,sc27xx-fgu";
sprd,comp-resistance-mohm = <0x0b>;
bat-detect-gpio = <0x5f 0x03 0x00>;
phys = <0x51>;
nvmem-cell-names = "fgu_calib";
reg = <0x800>;
phandle = <0x168>;
io-channel-names = "bat-temp", "charge-vol";
smpl@2000 {
sprd,smpl-timer-threshold = <0xfa>;
compatible = "sprd,ump9620-smpl", "sprd,sc27xx-smpl";
reg = <0x2000>;
phandle = <0x16a>;
pd@e00 {
nvmem-cells = <0x65 0x66>;
interrupts = <0x09 0x04>;
extcon = <0x64>;
interrupt-parent = <0x57>;
sprd,syscon-aon-apb = <0x02>;
compatible = "sprd,sc27xx-pd", "sprd,ump9620-pd";
status = "okay";
nvmem-cell-names = "pdrc_calib", "pddelta_calib";
reg = <0xe00 0x380>;
phandle = <0x4c>;
connector {
sink-pdos = <0x401912c 0xc0dc213c>;
power-role = "dual";
source-pdos = <0x4019028>;
label = "USB-C";
try-power-role = "sink";
compatible = "usb-c-connector";
op-sink-microwatt = <0x989680>;
phandle = <0x23e>;
syscon@2000 {
compatible = "sprd,ump962x-syscon";
reg = <0x2000 0x23a0 0x2398>;
adc@504 {
sprd_adc_pm_reg = <0x02 0x350 0x100>;
nvmem-cells = <0x59 0x5a 0x5b 0x5c 0x5d 0x5e>;
interrupts = <0x00 0x04>;
#io-channel-cells = <0x01>;
interrupt-parent = <0x57>;
compatible = "sprd,ump9620-adc", "sprd,sc27xx-adc";
nvmem-cell-names = "big_scale_calib1", "big_scale_calib2", "small_scale_calib1", "small_scale_calib2", "vbat_det_cal1", "vbat_det_cal2";
reg = <0x504>;
phandle = <0x61>;
hwlocks = <0x55 0x04>;
poweroff@2020 {
compatible = "sprd,ump9620-poweroff", "sprd,sc27xx-poweroff";
reg = <0x2020>;
efuse@c00 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
#size-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ump9620-efuse", "sprd,sc27xx-efuse";
reg = <0xc00>;
phandle = <0x169>;
hwlocks = <0x55 0x0c>;
calib@2c {
reg = <0x2c 0x02>;
phandle = <0x65>;
calib@1c {
reg = <0x37 0x02>;
phandle = <0x63>;
calib@4a {
reg = <0x4a 0x02>;
phandle = <0x58>;
calib@3a {
reg = <0x3a 0x02>;
phandle = <0x5a>;
calib@48 {
reg = <0x48 0x02>;
phandle = <0x66>;
calib@38 {
reg = <0x38 0x02>;
phandle = <0x59>;
calib@46 {
reg = <0x46 0x02>;
phandle = <0x5d>;
calib@4 {
reg = <0x4c 0x02>;
phandle = <0x60>;
calib@44 {
reg = <0x44 0x02>;
phandle = <0x5e>;
calib@1b {
reg = <0x36 0x02>;
phandle = <0x62>;
calib@42 {
reg = <0x42 0x02>;
phandle = <0x5b>;
calib@32 {
reg = <0x32 0x02>;
phandle = <0x6a>;
calib@40 {
reg = <0x40 0x02>;
phandle = <0x5c>;
calib@3e {
reg = <0x3e 0x02>;
phandle = <0xf2>;
calib@2e {
reg = <0x2e 0x02>;
phandle = <0xf3>;
calib@3c {
reg = <0x3c 0x02>;
phandle = <0xf1>;
audio-codec@1000 {
clk26m_sinout_pmic_en = <0x02 0x350 0x40>;
set-offset = <0x1000>;
fixed-sample-rate = <0xbb80 0xbb80 0xbb80>;
digital-codec = <0x6b>;
nvmem-cells = <0x6a 0x60>;
sprd,syscon-audaon-clk = <0x68>;
sprd,syscon-dvfs-apb = <0x69>;
hp-use-inter-pa = <0x01>;
sprd,syscon-aon-apb = <0x02>;
clr-offset = <0x2000>;
#sound-dai-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "unisoc,ump9620-audio-codec", "sprd,sc27xx-audio-codec";
sprd,syscon-agcp-apb = <0x67>;
status = "okay";
nvmem-cell-names = "neg_cp_efuse", "fgu_4p2_efuse";
reg = <0x1000>;
sprd,syscon-pmu-apb = <0x04>;
phandle = <0xfa>;
lrdat-sel = <0x01>;
bc1p2@239c {
compatible = "sprd,ump9620-bc1p2", "sprd,ump96xx-bc1p2";
pmic@1 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
spi-max-frequency = <0x18cba80>;
compatible = "sprd,ump9621";
reg = <0x01>;
phandle = <0x193>;
power-controller@2000 {
compatible = "sprd,ump9621-regulator";
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x185dcb>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x493e0>;
regulator-name = "vddsram1";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x195>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x185dcb>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x30d40>;
regulator-name = "vddcpu0";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x198>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x185dcb>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x30d40>;
regulator-name = "vddmodem";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
status = "disabled";
phandle = <0x197>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x185dcb>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x30d40>;
regulator-name = "vddai";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0xab>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x185dcb>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x493e0>;
regulator-name = "vddsram2";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x196>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <0x185dcb>;
regulator-min-microvolt = <0x30d40>;
regulator-name = "vddmm";
regulator-ramp-delay = <0x61a8>;
phandle = <0x199>;
efuse@800 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
#size-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ump9621-efuse", "sprd,sc27xx-efuse";
reg = <0x800>;
phandle = <0x194>;
hwlocks = <0x55 0x0f>;
syscon@2000 {
compatible = "sprd,ump9621-syscon";
reg = <0x2000>;
pmu-apb-prot {
sprd,lock_magic = <0x6896>;
interrupts = <0x00 0xff 0x04>;
compatible = "sprd,apb-prot";
sprd,apb-syscon = <0x04>;
phandle = <0x15a>;
djtag@64570000 {
syscon = <0x02 0x130 0x8000>;
#address-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "enable", "tck";
clocks = <0x10 0x02 0x10 0x53>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
hwlock-names = "djtag";
compatible = "sprd,djtag";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x570000 0x1000>;
phandle = <0x1a0>;
hwlocks = <0x55 0x0a>;
aon-busmonitor@7 {
sprd,bm-type = <0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01>;
sprd,bm-ranges = <0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00>;
sprd,bm-config = <0x00 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x01>;
interrupts = <0x00 0x07 0x04>;
sprd,bm-name = "AP", "IPA", "AUDCP", "PSCP", "PHYCP", "SP_CMSTAR", "DEBUG_SYS", "USB_OTG", "APCPU", "CH_CMSTAR", "PUB_SYS";
sprd,bm-dap = <0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 0x0b>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-busmonitor", "sprd,sharkl5pro-busmonitor";
sprd,bm-num = <0x0b>;
sprd,bm-id = <0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00>;
reg = <0x07>;
gpio@200080 {
interrupts = <0x00 0x18 0x04>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-eic-latch", "sprd,sc9860-eic-latch";
#interrupt-cells = <0x02>;
reg = <0x200080 0x20 0x210080 0x20 0x220080 0x20 0x230080 0x20 0x240080 0x20 0x250080 0x20>;
phandle = <0x163>;
#gpio-cells = <0x02>;
mailbox@600000 {
sprd,mailbox_clk = <0x02 0x04 0x04>;
reg-names = "inbox", "outbox", "common";
interrupts = <0x00 0x2d 0x04 0x00 0x2c 0x04 0x00 0x2b 0x04>;
#mbox-cells = <0x02>;
compatible = "unisoc,mailbox";
interrupt-names = "inbox", "outbox", "oob-outbox";
reg = <0x600000 0x10000 0x610000 0x10000 0x620000 0x20000>;
phandle = <0xe3>;
thermal@290000 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
nvmem-cells = <0x77>;
clock-names = "enable";
clocks = <0x10 0x29>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
#thermal-sensor-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,thermal_r5p0";
nvmem-cell-names = "thm_ratio_cal";
reg = <0x290000 0x10000>;
phandle = <0x107>;
sensor@6 {
nvmem-cells = <0x7e>;
nvmem-cell-names = "sen_delta_cal";
reg = <0x06>;
sensor@4 {
nvmem-cells = <0x7c>;
nvmem-cell-names = "sen_delta_cal";
reg = <0x04>;
sensor@2 {
nvmem-cells = <0x7a>;
nvmem-cell-names = "sen_delta_cal";
reg = <0x02>;
sensor@0 {
nvmem-cells = <0x78>;
nvmem-cell-names = "sen_delta_cal";
reg = <0x00>;
sensor@5 {
nvmem-cells = <0x7d>;
nvmem-cell-names = "sen_delta_cal";
reg = <0x05>;
sensor@3 {
nvmem-cells = <0x7b>;
nvmem-cell-names = "sen_delta_cal";
reg = <0x03>;
sensor@1 {
nvmem-cells = <0x79>;
nvmem-cell-names = "sen_delta_cal";
reg = <0x01>;
syscon@60050000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x60050000 0x00 0x10000>;
phandle = <0x6c>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
clock-controller@27004000 {
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-ai-clk";
reg = <0x00 0x27004000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x1b4>;
g8-pll {
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-g8-pll";
sprd,syscon = <0xb0>;
phandle = <0x1ad>;
etm@7b640000 {
clock-names = "apb_pclk", "clk_cs", "cs_src";
clocks = <0x09 0x0a 0x24 0x0b 0x0f>;
cpu = <0xd6>;
compatible = "arm,coresight-etm4x", "arm,primecell";
reg = <0x00 0x7b640000 0x00 0x1000>;
phandle = <0xe0>;
port {
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xd7>;
phandle = <0xc8>;
funnel@7a005000 {
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
clocks = <0x09>;
compatible = "arm,coresight-funnel", "arm,primecell";
reg = <0x00 0x7a005000 0x00 0x1000>;
ports {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
port@0 {
reg = <0x00>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xc5>;
phandle = <0xc1>;
port@3 {
reg = <0x02>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xc8>;
phandle = <0xd7>;
port@1 {
reg = <0x00>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xc6>;
phandle = <0xcf>;
port@4 {
reg = <0x03>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xc9>;
phandle = <0xd9>;
port@2 {
reg = <0x01>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xc7>;
phandle = <0xd1>;
syscon@25304000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x25304000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x56>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
ap-apb {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
#size-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "simple-bus";
ranges = <0x00 0x00 0x20200000 0x100000>;
serial@0 {
clock-names = "enable", "uart", "source";
interrupts = <0x00 0xc4 0x04>;
clocks = <0x07 0x07 0x08 0x03 0x09>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-uart", "sprd,sc9836-uart";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x100>;
phandle = <0x120>;
spi@60000 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "enable", "spi", "source";
interrupts = <0x00 0xc7 0x04>;
clocks = <0x07 0x03 0x0a 0x2c 0x0b 0x0b>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-spi", "sprd,sc9860-spi";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x60000 0x1000>;
phandle = <0x124>;
spi-mcu-joy@0 {
mcu-pwr-gpios = <0x160 0x76 0x00>;
sim-vdd-supply = <0x17b>;
wakeup-gpios = <0x160 0x74 0x00>;
id = <0x00>;
buf-len = <0x40>;
spi-max-frequency = <0x124f80>;
reset-gpios = <0x160 0x03 0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,spi-mcu-joy";
reg = <0x00>;
phandle = <0x248>;
serial@20000 {
clock-names = "enable", "uart", "source";
interrupts = <0x00 0xa7 0x04>;
clocks = <0x07 0x09 0x08 0x05 0x09>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-uart", "sprd,sc9836-uart";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x20000 0x100>;
phandle = <0x122>;
spi@70000 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "enable", "spi", "source";
interrupts = <0x00 0xc6 0x04>;
clocks = <0x07 0x04 0x0a 0x2d 0x0b 0x0b>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-spi", "sprd,sc9860-spi";
status = "disabled";
reg = <0x70000 0x1000>;
phandle = <0x125>;
serial@30000 {
clock-names = "enable", "uart", "source";
interrupts = <0x00 0xa6 0x04>;
clocks = <0x07 0x06 0x08 0x06 0x09>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-uart", "sprd,sc9836-uart";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x30000 0x100>;
phandle = <0x123>;
rng@e0000 {
clock-names = "ce-pub-eb", "ap-ce-clk", "source";
clocks = <0x07 0x0f 0x08 0x14 0x0b 0x0c>;
compatible = "sprd,sprd-trng";
reg = <0xe0000 0x10000>;
phandle = <0x127>;
spi@80000 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "enable", "spi", "source";
interrupts = <0x00 0xc5 0x04>;
clocks = <0x07 0x05 0x0a 0x2e 0x0b 0x0b>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-spi", "sprd,sc9860-spi";
status = "disabled";
reg = <0x80000 0x1000>;
phandle = <0x126>;
serial@10000 {
clock-names = "enable", "uart", "source";
interrupts = <0x00 0xc3 0x04>;
clocks = <0x07 0x08 0x08 0x04 0x09>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-uart", "sprd,sc9836-uart";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x10000 0x100>;
phandle = <0x121>;
pub {
#address-cells = <0x02>;
#size-cells = <0x02>;
compatible = "simple-bus";
dmc-mpu@60030000 {
sprd,mpu-num = <0x10>;
sprd,port-map = <0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x06 0x06 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00>;
sprd,ddrc-remap = <0x60000014 0x0d 0x6000009c 0xdeadbeef>;
sprd,ranges = <0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x87800000 0x00 0xa5000000 0x00 0x87800000 0x00 0xa5000000 0x00 0x87800000 0x00 0xa5000000 0x00 0x91800000 0x00 0xa5000000 0x00 0x87800000 0x00 0xa5000000 0x00 0x87800000 0x00 0xa5000000 0x00 0x87800000 0x00 0xa5000000 0x00 0x87800000 0x00 0xa5000000 0x00 0x87800000 0x00 0xa5000000 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00>;
interrupts = <0x00 0xfd 0x04>;
sprd,chn-config = <0x00 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-dmc-mpu", "sprd,qogirl6-dmc-mpu";
sprd,channel-num = <0x0a>;
mpu-irq-en-syscon = <0x6c 0x32f0 0x100>;
status = "disabled";
sprd,id-config = <0x00 0x00 0xffff 0x00 0x00 0xffff 0x00 0x00 0xffff 0x00 0x00 0xffff 0x00 0x00 0xffff 0x00 0x00 0xffff 0x00 0xd2 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xffff 0x00 0xda 0x00 0x00 0x9f 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xffff 0x00 0x00 0xffff 0x00 0x00 0xffff 0x00 0x00 0xffff 0x00 0x00 0xffff 0x00 0x00 0xffff>;
reg = <0x00 0x60030000 0x00 0x10000>;
phandle = <0x1a8>;
mpu-irq-clr-syscon = <0x6c 0x32f0 0x200>;
sprd,ddr-offset = <0x80000000>;
ptm@60060000 {
sprd,ddr-chn = <0x08>;
sprd,funnel-port = <0x05>;
clock-names = "clk_cs", "cs_src";
interrupts = <0x00 0xfb 0x04>;
clocks = <0x0a 0x24 0x0b 0x0f>;
syscon-names = "enable";
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-ptm";
sprd,chn-name = "CPU", "GPU", "DPU/DCAM", "ISP", "AP/ISE", "PHYCP/PSCP/ACC", "PHYCPU/PSCPU/AUD", "AI";
reg = <0x00 0x60060000 0x00 0x10000 0x00 0x78002000 0x00 0x1000 0x00 0x78003000 0x00 0x1000 0x00 0x78006000 0x00 0x1000>;
phandle = <0x1aa>;
syscons = <0x6c 0x31cc 0x80>;
dmc-controller@60050000 {
compatible = "sprd,pub-dmc";
reg = <0x00 0x65014c00 0x00 0x100 0x00 0x60050000 0x00 0x8010 0x00 0x60000000 0x00 0x670>;
phandle = <0x1a9>;
clock-controller@25010000 {
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-ipa-clk";
reg = <0x00 0x25010000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x47>;
apahb-gate {
#reset-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-apahb-gate";
sprd,syscon = <0xb3>;
phandle = <0x0c>;
clock-controller@26000000 {
#reset-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-pcieapb-gate";
status = "disable";
reg = <0x00 0x26000000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x1b2>;
etf@7a003000 {
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
clocks = <0x09>;
compatible = "arm,coresight-tmc", "arm,primecell";
reg = <0x00 0x7a003000 0x00 0x1000>;
port@0 {
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xc0>;
phandle = <0xc4>;
port@1 {
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xc1>;
phandle = <0xc5>;
g5l-pll {
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-g5l-pll";
sprd,syscon = <0xae>;
phandle = <0x0b>;
clock-controller@56390000 {
#reset-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-audcpapb-gate";
reg = <0x00 0x56390000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x1b6>;
syscon@64330000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x64330000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0xb1>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
syscon@6432C000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x6432c000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0xb0>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
ipaapb-gate {
#reset-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-ipaapb-gate";
sprd,syscon = <0x4b>;
phandle = <0x4e>;
syscon@26000000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x26000000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x05>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
aonapb-gate {
#reset-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "ext-26m", "ext-32k";
clocks = <0x09 0x4f>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-aon-gate";
sprd,syscon = <0x02>;
phandle = <0x10>;
syscon@56390000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x56390000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x67>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
g10-pll {
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-g10-pll";
sprd,syscon = <0xb2>;
phandle = <0x1af>;
etm@7b540000 {
clock-names = "apb_pclk", "clk_cs", "cs_src";
clocks = <0x09 0x0a 0x24 0x0b 0x0f>;
cpu = <0xd4>;
compatible = "arm,coresight-etm4x", "arm,primecell";
reg = <0x00 0x7b540000 0x00 0x1000>;
phandle = <0xdf>;
port {
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xd5>;
phandle = <0xbd>;
syscon@64930000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x64930000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x6d>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
ai-axi {
#address-cells = <0x02>;
#size-cells = <0x02>;
compatible = "simple-bus";
npu@27100000 {
clock-names = "ai_apll", "ai_eb", "powervr_eb", "mtx_eb", "dvfs_eb", "ocm_eb", "pmon_eb", "aon_to_ocm_eb";
interrupts = <0x00 0xe2 0x04 0x00 0xdf 0x04 0x00 0xde 0x04 0x00 0xdd 0x04 0x00 0xc8 0x04>;
clocks = <0x30 0x03 0x10 0x0a 0xaa 0x00 0xaa 0x01 0xaa 0x02 0xaa 0x03 0xaa 0x04 0xaa 0x05>;
compatible = "img,ax3xxx-nna";
npu-supply = <0xab>;
sprd,npu_freq_default = <0x4b000>;
interrupt-names = "ai_powervr_0", "ai_powervr_1", "ai_powervr_2", "ai_mem_fw", "ai_perf_busmon";
reg = <0x00 0x27100000 0x00 0x80000>;
phandle = <0x1ab>;
apb_reg = <0xa9 0x00 0x00>;
pd_ai_sys = <0x04 0x00 0x00>;
mm-gate {
#reset-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-mm-gate";
sprd,syscon = <0x27>;
phandle = <0x29>;
agcp {
#address-cells = <0x02>;
#size-cells = <0x02>;
compatible = "simple-bus";
voice_trigger_irq {
audcp_glb_eic_int = <0x86 0x18 0x04>;
interrupts = <0x00 0x3d 0x04>;
sprd,syscon-agcp-glb = <0x86>;
compatible = "sprd,voice_trigger_irq";
status = "okay";
phandle = <0x1a6>;
i2s@56270800 {
sprd,hw-port = <0x00>;
sprd,sync-mode = <0x00>;
sprd,work-mode = <0x00>;
sprd,bus-type = <0x00>;
sprd,rtx-mode = <0x03>;
sprd,rx-dma-no = <0x17>;
sprd,div-mode = <0x02>;
sprd,tx-dma-no = <0x18>;
sprd,tx-watermark = <0x40>;
sprd,syscon-agcp-ahb = <0x86>;
sprd,multi-ch = <0x01>;
sprd,rx-watermark = <0xc0>;
#sound-dai-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,agcp-i2s-dai";
sprd,bus-frame-mode = <0x01>;
status = "okay";
sprd,rate-multi = <0x200>;
reg = <0x00 0x56270800 0x00 0x80>;
phandle = <0x1a7>;
sprd,left-ch-lvl = <0x00>;
sprd,fifo-depth = <0x100>;
sprd,id = <0x125>;
sprd,clk-inv = <0x00>;
sprd,trans-mode = <0x00>;
sprd-tdm-audio@563a0000 {
sprd,trx_threshold = <0x80>;
sprd,trx_data_mode = <0x00>;
sprd,syscon-dvfs-apb = <0x69>;
sprd,trx_slot_width = <0x00>;
sprd,duplex_mode = <0x00>;
sprd,trx_slot_num = <0x00>;
sprd,trx_mst_mode = <0x01>;
sprd,trx_data_width = <0x00>;
sprd,syscon-agcp-ahb = <0x86>;
sprd,syscon-aon-apb = <0x02>;
#sound-dai-cells = <0x00>;
sprd,slave_timeout = <0x1e00>;
compatible = "unisoc,tdm";
status = "okay";
sprd,tdm_fs = <0xbb80>;
sprd,syscon-clk-rf = <0xa8>;
sprd,trx_pulse_mode = <0x00>;
reg = <0x00 0x563a0000 0x00 0x800>;
sprd,tdm_slot_valid = <0x03>;
phandle = <0xfd>;
sprd,trx_sync_mode = <0x01>;
sprd,trx_msb_mode = <0x00>;
agdsp-access {
sprd,auto_agcp_access = <0x00>;
audcp_pmu_sleep_ctrl = <0x04 0x850 0x08>;
audcp_pmu_pwr_status3 = <0x04 0x544 0x1f0000>;
sprd,syscon-agcp-ahb = <0x02>;
compatible = "unisoc,agdsp-access";
sprd,ddr-addr-offset = <0x00>;
ap_access_ena = <0x02 0x14c 0x20>;
sprd,syscon-pmu-apb = <0x04>;
audcp_pmu_pwr_status4 = <0x04 0x544 0x1f00>;
audcp_pmu_slp_status = <0x04 0x860 0xf000>;
dma-controller@56650000 {
clock-names = "enable", "ashb_eb";
#dma-channels = <0x20>;
interrupts = <0x00 0x37 0x04>;
clocks = <0xa7 0x05 0xa7 0x0b>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-dma", "sprd,sc9860-dma";
reg = <0x00 0x56650000 0x00 0x4000>;
phandle = <0xe4>;
#dma-cells = <0x01>;
vbc@56510000 {
pinctrl-4 = <0x8b>;
pinctrl-22 = <0x9d>;
pinctrl-names = "vbc_iis3_0", "vbc_iism0_0", "vbc_iis_to_pad", "vbc_iis_to_aon_usb", "vbc_iism0_1", "vbc_iism0_3", "vbc_iis0_3", "vbc_iis1_3", "vbc_iis2_3", "vbc_iis3_3", "ap_iis0_3", "audcp_tdm3_4", "audcp_tdm4_4", "ap_iis0_5", "ap_iis1_5", "ap_iis2_5", "aon_iis0_5", "audcp_iis0_5", "audcp_iis1_5", "audcp_iis2_5", "audcp_tdm3_5", "vbc_iis0_5", "vbc_iis1_5", "vbc_iis2_5", "vbc_iis3_5", "vbc_iis4_5", "vbc_mst_iis0_5", "vbc_mst_iis1_5", "vbc_mst_iis2_5", "audcp_tdm4_5", "vad_din_sel_add0", "vad_din_sel_add1";
pinctrl-12 = <0x93>;
pinctrl-2 = <0x89>;
pinctrl-30 = <0xa5>;
pinctrl-20 = <0x9b>;
pinctrl-10 = <0x91>;
pinctrl-0 = <0x87>;
pinctrl-29 = <0xa4>;
pinctrl-19 = <0x9a>;
pinctrl-9 = <0x90>;
pinctrl-27 = <0xa2>;
pinctrl-17 = <0x98>;
pinctrl-7 = <0x8e>;
pinctrl-25 = <0xa0>;
sprd,syscon-agcp-ahb = <0x86>;
pinctrl-15 = <0x96>;
pinctrl-5 = <0x8c>;
pinctrl-23 = <0x9e>;
pinctrl-13 = <0x94>;
pinctrl-3 = <0x8a>;
#sound-dai-cells = <0x01>;
pinctrl-31 = <0xa6>;
pinctrl-21 = <0x9c>;
compatible = "unisoc,qogirn6pro-vbc";
pinctrl-11 = <0x92>;
pinctrl-1 = <0x88>;
reg = <0x00 0x56510000 0x00 0x400>;
phandle = <0xf9>;
pinctrl-28 = <0xa3>;
pinctrl-18 = <0x99>;
pinctrl-8 = <0x8f>;
sprd,vbc-phy-offset = <0x00>;
pinctrl-26 = <0xa1>;
pinctrl-16 = <0x97>;
pinctrl-6 = <0x8d>;
pinctrl-24 = <0x9f>;
pinctrl-14 = <0x95>;
audio-codec@56360000 {
sprd,syscon-agcp-ahb = <0x86>;
compatible = "unisoc,audio-codec-dig-agcp";
reg = <0x00 0x56360000 0x00 0x800>;
phandle = <0x6b>;
pdm-dmic@56370000 {
aon-apb-set-offset = <0x00>;
#sound-dai-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "unisoc,pdm-ums9620";
sprd,syscon-agcp-apb = <0x67>;
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x56370000 0x00 0x2000 0x00 0x56394000 0x00 0x400>;
phandle = <0x1a5>;
aon-apb-clr-offset = <0x00>;
mcdt@56500000 {
sprd,syscon-agcp-ahb = <0x86>;
compatible = "unisoc,mcdt-r2p0";
reg = <0x00 0x56500000 0x00 0x1000>;
sprd,ap-addr-offset = <0x00>;
g1-pll {
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-g1-pll";
sprd,syscon = <0xac>;
phandle = <0x15>;
syscon@6434c000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x6434c000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x31>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
syscon@23014000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x23014000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x2c>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
pcie@26100000 {
#address-cells = <0x03>;
bus-range = <0x10 0x1f>;
reg-names = "dbi", "config";
sprd,pcie-suspend-syscons = <0x04 0x00 0x00 0xac 0x02 0x02 0x06 0x01 0xc8 0x00 0x10 0x10 0x02 0x02 0x00 0xb34 0x2000 0x2000 0x05 0x00 0xc8 0x04 0x80 0x00 0x02 0x00 0x00 0xcd8 0x02 0x00 0x04 0x00 0x00 0xa54 0x01 0x00 0x04 0x00 0x00 0x3e8 0x2000000 0x2000000>;
sprd,pcie-shutdown-syscons = <0x04 0x00 0x00 0xac 0x02 0x02 0x06 0x01 0xc8 0x00 0x10 0x10 0x02 0x02 0x00 0xb34 0x2000 0x2000 0x05 0x00 0xc8 0x04 0x80 0x00 0x02 0x00 0x00 0xcd8 0x02 0x00 0x04 0x00 0x00 0xa54 0x01 0x00 0x04 0x00 0x00 0x3e8 0x2000000 0x2000000>;
num-vectors = <0x100>;
#size-cells = <0x02>;
pcie-wakeup-gpios = <0x03 0x0c 0x00>;
device_type = "pci";
num-lanes = <0x01>;
sprd,pcie-resume-syscons = <0x02 0x00 0x00 0xcd8 0x02 0x02 0x04 0x00 0x00 0x3e8 0x2000000 0x00 0x04 0x02 0x00 0x548 0x1f000000 0x00 0x04 0x00 0xc8 0xa54 0x01 0x01 0x05 0x00 0xc8 0x04 0x80 0x80 0x06 0x01 0xc8 0x00 0x10 0x00 0x02 0x02 0x00 0xb34 0x2000 0x00 0x04 0x00 0x7d0 0xac 0x02 0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,pcie", "snps,dw-pcie";
ranges = <0x1000000 0x00 0x00 0x08 0x87fee000 0x00 0x10000 0x3000000 0x00 0x10000000 0x08 0x80000000 0x00 0x7fee000>;
status = "okay";
num-viewport = <0x08>;
reg = <0x00 0x26100000 0x00 0x100000 0x08 0x87ffe000 0x00 0x100000>;
phandle = <0x11e>;
sprd,pcie-startup-syscons = <0x04 0x00 0x00 0x818 0x1000000 0x00 0x04 0x00 0x00 0xa54 0x40 0x00 0x04 0x00 0x00 0x3e8 0x2000000 0x00 0x04 0x02 0x00 0x548 0x1f000000 0x00 0x04 0x00 0xc8 0xa54 0x01 0x01 0x02 0x00 0x00 0xcd8 0x02 0x02 0x04 0x00 0x7d0 0xac 0x02 0x00>;
dummy@1 {
interrupts = <0x00 0x53 0x04>;
interrupt-parent = <0x01>;
label = "aer_int";
#interrupt-cells = <0x03>;
dummy@0 {
interrupts = <0x00 0x52 0x04>;
interrupt-parent = <0x01>;
label = "msi_int";
#interrupt-cells = <0x03>;
apapb-gate {
#reset-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-apapb-gate";
sprd,syscon = <0x14>;
phandle = <0x07>;
g9-pll {
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-g9-pll";
sprd,syscon = <0xb1>;
phandle = <0x1ae>;
mm {
#address-cells = <0x02>;
#size-cells = <0x02>;
compatible = "simple-bus";
power-domain@0 {
pmu-apb-pixelpll-syscon = <0x04 0xa5c 0x04>;
label = "vpu_pd_top";
#power-domain-cells = <0x00>;
pmu-vpu-auto-shutdown-syscon = <0x04 0x308 0x1000000>;
compatible = "sprd,vpu-pd";
vpu-domain-eb-syscon = <0x02 0x00 0x200000>;
status = "okay";
pmu-pwr-status-syscon = <0x04 0x510 0x1f000000>;
phandle = <0x1a>;
pmu-vpu-force-shutdown-syscon = <0x04 0x308 0x2000000>;
mipi-csi-phy2 {
compatible = "sprd,mipi-csi-phy";
status = "disabled";
phandle = <0x13d>;
sprd,phyname = "2p2";
sprd,phyid = <0x02>;
csi01@3e300000 {
sprd,aon-apb-syscon = <0x02>;
sprd,ip-version = <0x301>;
clock-names = "clk_csi_eb", "mipi_csi_src_eb";
interrupts = <0x00 0x5f 0x04 0x00 0x62 0x04 0x00 0x63 0x04 0x00 0x64 0x04>;
clocks = <0x29 0x2e 0x29 0x31>;
sprd,cam-ahb-syscon = <0x27>;
sprd,anlg_phy_g4_controller = <0x32>;
compatible = "sprd,csi-controller";
status = "okay";
sprd,dcam-id = <0x01>;
reg = <0x00 0x3e300000 0x00 0x1000>;
phandle = <0x147>;
sprd,csi-id = <0x01>;
sprd,anlg_phy_g4l_controller = <0x31>;
mipi-csi-phy2-m {
compatible = "sprd,mipi-csi-phy";
status = "disabled";
phandle = <0x13f>;
sprd,phyname = "2p2_m";
sprd,phyid = <0x04>;
mipi-csi-phy0_c {
compatible = "sprd,mipi-csi-phy";
status = "disabled";
phandle = <0x143>;
sprd,phyname = "cphy0";
sprd,phyid = <0x08>;
mailbox@30020000 {
sprd,vdsp-core-cnt = <0x03>;
sprd,vdsp-version = <0x03>;
compatible = "sprd,vdsp-mailbox";
reg = <0x00 0x30020000 0x00 0x10000 0x00 0x30024000 0x00 0x4000>;
phandle = <0x42>;
csi02@3e400000 {
sprd,aon-apb-syscon = <0x02>;
sprd,ip-version = <0x301>;
clock-names = "clk_csi_eb", "mipi_csi_src_eb";
interrupts = <0x00 0x5b 0x04 0x00 0x5c 0x04 0x00 0x5d 0x04 0x00 0x5e 0x04>;
clocks = <0x29 0x2f 0x29 0x31>;
sprd,cam-ahb-syscon = <0x27>;
sprd,anlg_phy_g4_controller = <0x32>;
compatible = "sprd,csi-controller";
status = "okay";
sprd,dcam-id = <0x02>;
reg = <0x00 0x3e400000 0x00 0x1000>;
phandle = <0x148>;
sprd,csi-id = <0x02>;
sprd,anlg_phy_g4l_controller = <0x31>;
mipi-csi-phy0 {
compatible = "sprd,mipi-csi-phy";
status = "disabled";
phandle = <0x13b>;
sprd,phyname = "4lane";
sprd,phyid = <0x00>;
iommu@38000000 {
iova-base = <0x40000000>;
#iommu-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "unisoc,iommuvaul6p-cpp";
reg_name = "mmu_interrupt_reg", "mmu_reg";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x38000000 0x00 0x200 0x00 0x38000200 0x00 0x80>;
phandle = <0x3a>;
iova-size = <0x20000000>;
iommu@3C000000 {
iova-base = <0x40000000>;
#iommu-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "unisoc,iommuvaul6p-fd";
reg_name = "mmu_interrupt_reg", "mmu_reg";
status = "disabled";
reg = <0x00 0x3c000110 0x00 0x80>;
phandle = <0x14b>;
iova-size = <0x10000000>;
iommu@32200000 {
iova-base = <0x20000000>;
#iommu-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "unisoc,iommuvaul6p-vsp";
reg_name = "mmu_interrupt_reg", "mmu_reg";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x32200000 0x00 0x80 0x00 0x32200000 0x00 0x80>;
phandle = <0x3f>;
iova-size = <0x40000000>;
csi03@3e500000 {
sprd,aon-apb-syscon = <0x02>;
sprd,ip-version = <0x301>;
clock-names = "clk_csi_eb", "mipi_csi_src_eb";
interrupts = <0x00 0x57 0x04 0x00 0x58 0x04 0x00 0x59 0x04 0x00 0x5a 0x04>;
clocks = <0x29 0x30 0x29 0x31>;
sprd,cam-ahb-syscon = <0x27>;
sprd,anlg_phy_g4_controller = <0x32>;
compatible = "sprd,csi-controller";
status = "okay";
sprd,dcam-id = <0x03>;
reg = <0x00 0x3e500000 0x00 0x1000>;
phandle = <0x149>;
sprd,csi-id = <0x03>;
sprd,anlg_phy_g4l_controller = <0x31>;
mipi-csi-phy2-s {
compatible = "sprd,mipi-csi-phy";
status = "disabled";
phandle = <0x140>;
sprd,phyname = "2p2_s";
sprd,phyid = <0x05>;
isp@3a000000 {
power-domains = <0x37>;
iommus = <0x39>;
sprd,isp-count = <0x01>;
isp_ahb_reset = <0x27 0xcc 0x2000>;
clock-names = "isp_eb", "isp_mtx_en", "isp_tck_en", "isp_clk", "isp_clk_153m6", "isp_clk_256m", "isp_clk_307m2", "isp_clk_409m6", "isp_clk_512m", "isp_clk_parent";
reset = <0x27 0xcc 0x4000>;
isp_vau_reset = <0x27 0xcc 0x1000>;
interrupts = <0x00 0xf0 0x04 0x00 0xf1 0x04 0x00 0xee 0x04>;
clocks = <0x29 0x09 0x29 0x0e 0x29 0x13 0x2a 0x06 0x0b 0x0a 0x0b 0x0c 0x0b 0x0d 0x0b 0x15 0x0b 0x0f 0x0b 0x0f>;
sprd,cam-ahb-syscon = <0x27>;
compatible = "sprd,isp";
status = "okay";
sys_h2p_db_soft_rst = <0x27 0xd0 0x04>;
reg = <0x00 0x3a000000 0x00 0x100000>;
phandle = <0x34>;
interrupts_name = "ispch0", "ispch1", "dec";
mm_domain {
cam_sw_dvfs_ack = <0x28 0x38 0x100>;
isp_shutdown_en = <0x04 0x2f4 0x1000000>;
clock-names = "clk_mm_eb", "clk_ckg_en", "clk_mm_mtx_data_en", "clk_mm_mtx_data", "clk_blk_cfg_en", "sys_cfg_mtx_busmon_en", "sys_mst_busmon_en", "clk_mm_mtx_defalut", "clk_mm_mtx_parent", "clk_mm_sys_cfg", "clk_mm_sys_cfg_parent";
force_shutdown = <0x04 0x2e8 0x2000000>;
camera_power_state = <0x04 0x508 0x1f000000>;
dcam_shutdown_en = <0x04 0x2ec 0x1000000>;
aon_apb_mm_eb = <0x02 0x00 0x200>;
isp_power_state = <0x04 0x50c 0x1f0000>;
clocks = <0x10 0x07 0x29 0x01 0x29 0x08 0x2a 0x16 0x29 0x0f 0x29 0x05 0x29 0x06 0x0b 0x0a 0x0b 0x0f 0x2a 0x18 0x0b 0x09>;
dcam_power_state = <0x04 0x50c 0x1f>;
cam_sw_dvfs_volt = <0x28 0x38 0xf0>;
#power-domain-cells = <0x00>;
mm_ahb_dvfs_en = <0x27 0x00 0x08>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-camsys-domain";
status = "okay";
isp_force_shutdown = <0x04 0x2f4 0x2000000>;
cam_sw_dvfs_req = <0x28 0x38 0x01>;
phandle = <0x37>;
shutdown_en = <0x04 0x2e8 0x1000000>;
dcam_force_shutdown = <0x04 0x2ec 0x2000000>;
iommu@34100200 {
sprd,iova-base = <0x40000000>;
#iommu-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,iommuvau-vdma-n6pro";
reg_name = "mmu_reg";
sprd,iova-size = <0x20000000>;
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x34100200 0x00 0x400>;
phandle = <0x153>;
video-codec@32200000 {
power-domains = <0x40>;
iommus = <0x3f>;
clock-names = "clk_domain_eb", "clk_dev_eb", "clk_ckg_eb", "clk_ahb_vsp", "clk_ahb_vsp_parent", "clk_src_256m", "clk_src_307m2", "clk_src_384m", "clk_src_512m", "clk_src_680m", "clk_vsp";
vsp-domain-eb-syscon = <0x02 0x00 0x200000>;
interrupts = <0x00 0x93 0x04>;
clocks = <0x10 0x0f 0x1e 0x05 0x1e 0x09 0x1d 0x01 0x0b 0x0f 0x0b 0x0c 0x0b 0x0d 0x0b 0x0e 0x0b 0x0f 0x30 0x0d 0x1d 0x03>;
compatible = "sprd,vpu-dec-core0";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x32200000 0x00 0xc000>;
reset-syscon = <0x18 0x04 0x26020>;
phandle = <0x14f>;
sprd,video_ip_version = <0x15>;
iommu@32100000 {
iova-base = <0x20000000>;
#iommu-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "unisoc,iommuvaul6p-vsp2";
reg_name = "mmu_interrupt_reg", "mmu_reg";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x32100000 0x00 0x80 0x00 0x32100000 0x00 0x80>;
phandle = <0x3d>;
iova-size = <0x20000000>;
iommu@3e100000 {
iova-base = <0x40000000>;
#iommu-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "unisoc,iommuvaul6p-dcam1";
reg_name = "mmu_interrupt_reg", "mmu_reg";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x3e100000 0x00 0x3f000 0x00 0x3e13f000 0x00 0xb0>;
phandle = <0x38>;
iova-size = <0xc0000000>;
dcam@3e000000 {
power-domains = <0x37>;
iommus = <0x36>;
sprd,dcam-superzoom = <0x02>;
dcam01_axi_reset = <0x27 0xc8 0x08>;
dcam1_reset = <0x27 0xc8 0x40>;
clock-names = "dcam_eb", "dcam_blk_cfg_en", "dcam_tck_en", "dcam_mtx_en", "dcam_clk", "dcam_clk_parent", "dcam_axi_clk", "dcam_axi_clk_parent", "dcam_mtx_clk", "dcam_mtx_clk_parent", "dcam_blk_cfg_clk", "dcam_blk_cfg_clk_parent";
reg-names = "dcam0_reg", "dcam1_reg", "dcam01_axi_ctrl_reg", "fmcu_ctrl_reg";
sprd,isp = <0x34>;
sprd,project-id = <0x04>;
interrupts = <0x00 0x6c 0x04 0x00 0x6b 0x04>;
clocks = <0x29 0x21 0x29 0x26 0x29 0x2c 0x29 0x24 0x2a 0x0a 0x0b 0x0f 0x2a 0x0b 0x0b 0x0f 0x2a 0x14 0x0b 0x0f 0x2a 0x15 0x0b 0x09>;
sprd,dcam-lite = <0x35>;
sprd,dcam-count = <0x02>;
sprd,cam-ahb-syscon = <0x27>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-cam";
sprd,csi-switch = <0x33>;
status = "okay";
interrupt-names = "dcam0", "dcam1";
reg = <0x00 0x3e000000 0x00 0x10000 0x00 0x3e010000 0x00 0x10000 0x00 0x3e030000 0x00 0xb0 0x00 0x3e038000 0x00 0x40>;
phandle = <0x14a>;
dcam01_all_reset = <0x27 0xc8 0x02>;
dcam0_reset = <0x27 0xc8 0x80>;
cpp@38000000 {
power-domains = <0x37>;
iommus = <0x3a>;
clock-names = "cpp_eb", "cpp_axi_eb", "isp_mtx_en", "isp_blk_cfg_en", "cpp_clk", "cpp_clk_parent";
cpp_dma_soft_set = <0x27 0xcc 0x40>;
interrupts = <0x00 0x70 0x04>;
clocks = <0x29 0x0a 0x29 0x09 0x29 0x0e 0x29 0x0f 0x2a 0x07 0x0b 0x0e>;
sprd,cam-ahb-syscon = <0x27>;
compatible = "sprd,cpp";
cpp_path0_reset = <0x27 0xcc 0x100>;
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x38000000 0x00 0x1000>;
phandle = <0x14c>;
cpp_path1_reset = <0x27 0xcc 0x80>;
cpp_ahb_reset = <0x27 0xcc 0x400>;
iommu@3a000000 {
iova-base = <0x10000000>;
#iommu-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "unisoc,iommuvaul6p-isp";
reg_name = "mmu_interrupt_reg", "mmu_reg";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x3a000000 0x00 0xff000 0x00 0x3a0ff000 0x00 0xb0>;
phandle = <0x39>;
iova-size = <0xc0000000>;
power-domain@3 {
power-domains = <0x1a>;
label = "vpu_pd_dec";
#power-domain-cells = <0x00>;
pmu-vpu-auto-shutdown-syscon = <0x04 0x314 0x1000000>;
compatible = "sprd,vpu-pd";
status = "okay";
pmu-pwr-status-syscon = <0x04 0x514 0x1f0000>;
phandle = <0x40>;
pmu-vpu-force-shutdown-syscon = <0x04 0x314 0x2000000>;
iommu@34400000 {
sprd,iova-base = <0x40000000>;
#iommu-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,iommuvau-idma-n6pro";
reg_name = "mmu_reg";
sprd,iova-size = <0x20000000>;
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x34400000 0x00 0x400>;
phandle = <0x152>;
iommu@32000000 {
iova-base = <0x20000000>;
#iommu-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "unisoc,iommuvaul6p-vsp1";
reg_name = "mmu_interrupt_reg", "mmu_reg";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x32000000 0x00 0x80 0x00 0x32000000 0x00 0x80>;
phandle = <0x3b>;
iova-size = <0x20000000>;
power-domain@1 {
power-domains = <0x1a>;
label = "vpu_pd_enc0";
#power-domain-cells = <0x00>;
pmu-vpu-auto-shutdown-syscon = <0x04 0x30c 0x1000000>;
compatible = "sprd,vpu-pd";
status = "okay";
pmu-pwr-status-syscon = <0x04 0x514 0x1f>;
phandle = <0x3c>;
pmu-vpu-force-shutdown-syscon = <0x04 0x30c 0x2000000>;
iommu@3e000000 {
iova-base = <0x40000000>;
#iommu-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "unisoc,iommuvaul6p-dcam";
reg_name = "mmu_interrupt_reg", "mmu_reg";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x3e000000 0x00 0x3f000 0x00 0x3e03f000 0x00 0xb0>;
phandle = <0x36>;
iova-size = <0xc0000000>;
mipi-csi-phy3 {
compatible = "sprd,mipi-csi-phy";
status = "disabled";
phandle = <0x13e>;
sprd,phyname = "2p2ro";
sprd,phyid = <0x03>;
dcam_lite@0x3e100000 {
power-domains = <0x37>;
iommus = <0x38>;
clock-names = "dcam_lite_eb", "dcam_lite_mtx_en", "dcam_lite_clk", "dcam_lite_clk_parent", "dcam_lite_axi_clk", "dcam_lite_axi_clk_parent";
lite0_reset = <0x27 0xc8 0x20>;
reg-names = "dcam2_reg", "dcam3_reg", "dcam23_axi_ctrl_reg";
interrupts = <0x00 0x6e 0x04 0x00 0x6d 0x04>;
clocks = <0x29 0x22 0x29 0x25 0x2a 0x0c 0x0b 0x0c 0x2a 0x0d 0x0b 0x0c>;
lite1_reset = <0x27 0xc8 0x10>;
lite_all_reset = <0x27 0xc8 0x04>;
sprd,dcam-lite-count = <0x02>;
compatible = "sprd,dcam_lite";
status = "okay";
interrupt-names = "dcam2", "dcam3";
reg = <0x00 0x3e100000 0x00 0x80 0x00 0x3e104000 0x00 0x80 0x00 0x3e108000 0x00 0x50>;
phandle = <0x35>;
gpu@23140000 {
sprd,dvfs-default = <0x00>;
system-coherency = <0x1f>;
nvmem-cells = <0x2f>;
gpu_core1_state = <0x04 0x504 0x1f>;
gpll_cfg_frc_off = <0x04 0xa20 0x02>;
cur_st_st2 = <0x2b 0x34 0xf0>;
resets = <0x2e 0x03>;
interrupts = <0x00 0x92 0x04 0x00 0x92 0x04 0x00 0x92 0x04>;
dcdc_gpu_voltage2 = <0x2d 0x4f0 0x1ff>;
clocks = <0x10 0x08 0x15 0x02 0x0b 0x07 0x0b 0x0a 0x0b 0x0e 0x0b 0x0f 0x30 0x00 0x30 0x02>;
top_force_shutdown = <0x04 0x2c4 0x2000000>;
cur_st_st0 = <0x2b 0x2c 0xf0>;
operating-points = <0x6590 0x86470 0x12c00 0x86470 0x25800 0x86470 0x5dc00 0x927c0 0x7d000 0x9eb10 0xa6040 0xaae60 0xcf850 0xb71b0>;
sprd,gpu-dvfs-apb-syscon = <0x2c>;
top_dvfs_cfg = <0x2d 0xd84 0x40>;
dcdc_gpu_voltage0 = <0x2d 0x4ec 0x1ff>;
gpu_core2_state = <0x04 0x504 0x1f00>;
compatible = "sprd,mali-natt";
dcdc_gpu_pd = <0x04 0x201c 0x08>;
sprd,gpu-apb-syscon = <0x2b>;
interrupt-names = "JOB", "MMU", "GPU";
nvmem-cell-names = "gpu_bin";
cur_st_st3 = <0x2b 0x38 0xf0>;
reg = <0x00 0x23140000 0x00 0x4000>;
gpu_top_state = <0x04 0x500 0x1f0000>;
phandle = <0x145>;
gpu_core3_state = <0x04 0x504 0x1f0000>;
dcdc_gpu_voltage3 = <0x2d 0x4f0 0x1ff0000>;
reset-names = "gpu_soft_rst";
cur_st_st1 = <0x2b 0x30 0xf0>;
gpll_cfg_frc_on = <0x04 0xa20 0x01>;
dcdc_gpu_voltage1 = <0x2d 0x4ec 0x1ff0000>;
gpu_sw_dvfs_ctrl = <0x2d 0x4b8 0x01>;
gpu_core0_state = <0x04 0x500 0x1f000000>;
clk_core_gpu_eb = <0x2b 0x00 0x04>;
iommu@34300000 {
sprd,iova-base = <0x40000000>;
#iommu-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,iommuvau-epp-n6pro";
reg_name = "mmu_reg";
sprd,iova-size = <0x20000000>;
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x34300000 0x00 0x400>;
phandle = <0x151>;
mipi-csi-phy1 {
compatible = "sprd,mipi-csi-phy";
status = "disabled";
phandle = <0x13c>;
sprd,phyname = "4lane1";
sprd,phyid = <0x01>;
video-codec@32000000 {
power-domains = <0x3c>;
iommus = <0x3b>;
clock-names = "clk_domain_eb", "clk_dev_eb", "clk_ckg_eb", "clk_ahb_vsp", "clk_ahb_vsp_parent", "clk_src_256m", "clk_src_307m2", "clk_src_384m", "clk_src_512m", "clk_vsp";
vsp-domain-eb-syscon = <0x02 0x00 0x200000>;
interrupts = <0x00 0x95 0x04>;
clocks = <0x10 0x0f 0x1e 0x03 0x1e 0x09 0x1d 0x01 0x0b 0x0f 0x0b 0x0c 0x0b 0x0d 0x0b 0x0e 0x0b 0x0f 0x1d 0x02>;
compatible = "sprd,vpu-enc-core0";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x32000000 0x00 0xc000>;
reset-syscon = <0x18 0x04 0x8608>;
phandle = <0x14d>;
sprd,video_ip_version = <0x15>;
jpg-codec@36000000 {
power-domains = <0x37>;
iommus = <0x41>;
clock-names = "jpg_domain_eb", "jpg_dev_eb", "jpg_ckg_eb", "jpg_clk", "clk_src_153m6", "clk_src_256m", "clk_src_307m2", "clk_src_409m6", "clk_src_512m";
interrupts = <0x00 0x6f 0x04>;
clocks = <0x10 0x07 0x29 0x00 0x29 0x01 0x2a 0x17 0x0b 0x0a 0x0b 0x0c 0x0b 0x0d 0x0b 0x15 0x0b 0x0f>;
aon-apb-eb-syscon = <0x02 0x00 0x200>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-jpg";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x36000000 0x00 0xc000>;
reset-syscon = <0x27 0xd0 0x08>;
phandle = <0x150>;
iommu@36000300 {
iova-base = <0x60000000>;
#iommu-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "unisoc,iommuvaul6p-jpg";
reg_name = "mmu_interrupt_reg", "mmu_reg";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x36000000 0x00 0x300 0x00 0x36000300 0x00 0x80>;
phandle = <0x41>;
iova-size = <0x10000000>;
mipi-csi-phy3_m {
compatible = "sprd,mipi-csi-phy";
status = "disabled";
phandle = <0x141>;
sprd,phyname = "2p2ro_m";
sprd,phyid = <0x06>;
vdsp {
power-domains = <0x37>;
host-irq = <0x08 0x00>;
host-irq-mode = <0x01>;
iommu_names = "sprd,iommuvau-epp-n6pro", "sprd,iommuvau-idma-n6pro", "sprd,iommuvau-vdma-n6pro";
device-irq-host-offset = <0x00>;
vdsp_power_state = <0x04 0x510 0x1f>;
clock-names = "ext_26m", "ext_26m";
firmware-name = "vdsp_firmware.bin";
interrupts = <0x00 0x56 0x04>;
vdsp_intr_disable = <0x04 0x25c 0x01>;
queue-priority = <0x07 0x08 0x09>;
device-irq = <0x00 0x02 0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-vdsp";
status = "okay";
vdsp_pd_sel = <0x04 0x2fc 0x8000000>;
vdsp_deepsleep_enable = <0x04 0x1fc 0x01>;
sprd,syscon-mailbox = <0x42>;
vdsp_force_shutdown = <0x04 0x2fc 0x2000000>;
sprd,syscon-mmahb = <0x27>;
vdsppll_force_on = <0x04 0xa2c 0x01>;
vdsppll_force_off = <0x04 0xa2c 0x02>;
vdsp_auto_shutdown = <0x04 0x2fc 0x1000000>;
device-irq-mode = <0x01>;
mipi-csi-phy1_c {
compatible = "sprd,mipi-csi-phy";
status = "disabled";
phandle = <0x144>;
sprd,phyname = "cphy1";
sprd,phyid = <0x09>;
mipi-csi-phy3-s {
compatible = "sprd,mipi-csi-phy";
status = "disabled";
phandle = <0x142>;
sprd,phyname = "2p2ro_s";
sprd,phyid = <0x07>;
power-domain@2 {
power-domains = <0x1a>;
label = "vpu_pd_enc1";
#power-domain-cells = <0x00>;
pmu-vpu-auto-shutdown-syscon = <0x04 0x310 0x1000000>;
compatible = "sprd,vpu-pd";
status = "okay";
pmu-pwr-status-syscon = <0x04 0x514 0x1f00>;
phandle = <0x3e>;
pmu-vpu-force-shutdown-syscon = <0x04 0x310 0x2000000>;
enc-core1@32100000 {
power-domains = <0x3e>;
iommus = <0x3d>;
clock-names = "clk_domain_eb", "clk_dev_eb", "clk_ckg_eb", "clk_ahb_vsp", "clk_ahb_vsp_parent", "clk_src_256m", "clk_src_307m2", "clk_src_384m", "clk_src_512m", "clk_vsp";
vsp-domain-eb-syscon = <0x02 0x00 0x200000>;
interrupts = <0x00 0x94 0x04>;
clocks = <0x10 0x0f 0x1e 0x04 0x1e 0x09 0x1d 0x01 0x0b 0x0f 0x0b 0x0c 0x0b 0x0d 0x0b 0x0e 0x0b 0x0f 0x1d 0x02>;
compatible = "sprd,vpu-enc-core1";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x32100000 0x00 0xc000>;
reset-syscon = <0x18 0x04 0x11810>;
phandle = <0x14e>;
sprd,video_ip_version = <0x15>;
csi00@3e200000 {
sprd,aon-apb-syscon = <0x02>;
sprd,ip-version = <0x301>;
clock-names = "clk_csi_eb", "mipi_csi_src_eb";
interrupts = <0x00 0x65 0x04 0x00 0x66 0x04 0x00 0x67 0x04 0x00 0x68 0x04>;
clocks = <0x29 0x2d 0x29 0x31>;
sprd,cam-ahb-syscon = <0x27>;
sprd,anlg_phy_g4_controller = <0x32>;
compatible = "sprd,csi-controller";
status = "okay";
sprd,dcam-id = <0x00>;
reg = <0x00 0x3e200000 0x00 0x1000>;
phandle = <0x146>;
sprd,csi-id = <0x00>;
sprd,anlg_phy_g4l_controller = <0x31>;
syscon@23000000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x23000000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x2b>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
clock-controller@30100000 {
#reset-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-dpu-vsp-gate";
reg = <0x00 0x30100000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x1e>;
etm@7b440000 {
clock-names = "apb_pclk", "clk_cs", "cs_src";
clocks = <0x09 0x0a 0x24 0x0b 0x0f>;
cpu = <0xd2>;
compatible = "arm,coresight-etm4x", "arm,primecell";
reg = <0x00 0x7b440000 0x00 0x1000>;
phandle = <0xde>;
port {
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xd3>;
phandle = <0xbc>;
syscon@20100000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x20100000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x14>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
syscon@64300000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x64300000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x53>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
syscon@3b600000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x3b600000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x33>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
funnel@7a004000 {
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
clocks = <0x09>;
compatible = "arm,coresight-funnel", "arm,primecell";
reg = <0x00 0x7a004000 0x00 0x1000>;
ports {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
port@0 {
reg = <0x00>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xc2>;
phandle = <0xb7>;
port@1 {
reg = <0x00>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xc3>;
phandle = <0xbe>;
port@2 {
reg = <0x01>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xc4>;
phandle = <0xc0>;
clock-controller@64940000 {
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-topdvfs-clk";
reg = <0x00 0x64940000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x1b0>;
clock-controller@27000000 {
#reset-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-aiapb-gate";
reg = <0x00 0x27000000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0xaa>;
funnel@7a001000 {
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
clocks = <0x09>;
compatible = "arm,coresight-funnel", "arm,primecell";
reg = <0x00 0x7a001000 0x00 0x1000>;
ports {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
port@0 {
reg = <0x00>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xb9>;
phandle = <0xbf>;
port@3 {
reg = <0x02>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xbc>;
phandle = <0xd3>;
port@1 {
reg = <0x00>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xba>;
phandle = <0xcb>;
port@4 {
reg = <0x03>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xbd>;
phandle = <0xd5>;
port@2 {
reg = <0x01>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xbb>;
phandle = <0xcd>;
syscon@0x56200000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x56200000 0x00 0x20c8>;
phandle = <0x86>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
pmu-gate {
#reset-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-pmu-gate";
sprd,syscon = <0x04>;
phandle = <0x2e>;
syscon@30100000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9520-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x30100000 0x00 0x4000>;
phandle = <0x18>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
syscon@64900000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x64900000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x02>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
syscon@64380000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x64380000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x11>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
syscon@0x56240000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x56240000 0x00 0x10000>;
phandle = <0xa8>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
syscon@2600C000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x2600c000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x06>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
syscon@64940000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x64940000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x2d>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
syscon@27000000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x27000000 0x00 0x4000>;
phandle = <0xa9>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
etf@7a002000 {
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
clocks = <0x09>;
compatible = "arm,coresight-tmc", "arm,primecell";
reg = <0x00 0x7a002000 0x00 0x1000>;
port@0 {
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xbe>;
phandle = <0xc3>;
port@1 {
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xbf>;
phandle = <0xb9>;
syscon@30014000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x30014000 0x00 0x4000>;
phandle = <0x28>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
ch-ahb {
#address-cells = <0x02>;
#size-cells = <0x02>;
compatible = "simple-bus";
time_sync_ch@62110080 {
syscon-names = "ch_cfg_bus";
compatible = "sprd,time-sync-ch";
reg = <0x00 0x62110080 0x00 0x10>;
syscons = <0x02 0x124 0x01>;
etm@7b340000 {
clock-names = "apb_pclk", "clk_cs", "cs_src";
clocks = <0x09 0x0a 0x24 0x0b 0x0f>;
cpu = <0xd0>;
compatible = "arm,coresight-etm4x", "arm,primecell";
reg = <0x00 0x7b340000 0x00 0x1000>;
phandle = <0xdd>;
port {
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xd1>;
phandle = <0xc7>;
syscon@20000000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x20000000 0x00 0x6000>;
phandle = <0xb3>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
syscon@64324000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x64324000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0xae>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
tmc_group {
compatible = "arm,coresight-tmc_group", "arm,tmc_group";
clock-controller@31800000 {
#reset-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "ext_26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-ipadispc-gate";
reg = <0x00 0x31800000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x48>;
clock-controller@25240000 {
#reset-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-ipaglb-gate";
reg = <0x00 0x25240000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x1b1>;
syscon@30000000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x30000000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x27>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
apsys-dvfs@30114000 {
sprd,dpuvpu-dvfs-down-window = <0x80>;
sprd,dpuvpu-dvfs-up-window = <0x40>;
compatible = "sprd,hwdvfs-dpuvsp-qogirn6pro";
reg = <0x00 0x30114000 0x00 0x4000>;
phandle = <0x11d>;
sprd,aon_apb_regs_syscon = <0x02>;
syscon@31800000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x31800000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x45>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
clock-controller@30110000 {
clock-names = "ext-26m", "dphy-312m5", "dphy-416m7";
clocks = <0x09 0x1b 0x1c>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-dpu-vsp-clk";
reg = <0x00 0x30110000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x1d>;
syscon@25240000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x25240000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x43>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
syscon@64308000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x64308000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0xad>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
etm@7b240000 {
clock-names = "apb_pclk", "clk_cs", "cs_src";
clocks = <0x09 0x0a 0x24 0x0b 0x0f>;
cpu = <0xce>;
compatible = "arm,coresight-etm4x", "arm,primecell";
reg = <0x00 0x7b240000 0x00 0x1000>;
phandle = <0xdc>;
port {
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xcf>;
phandle = <0xc6>;
clock-controller@27008000 {
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
syscon-names = "enable", "power";
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-ai-dvfs-clk";
reg = <0x00 0x27008000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x1b5>;
syscons = <0x02 0x00 0x2000 0x04 0x320 0x2000000>;
syscon@64910000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x64910000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x04>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
g5r-pll {
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-g5r-pll";
sprd,syscon = <0xaf>;
phandle = <0x30>;
syscon@0x56250000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x56250000 0x00 0x4000>;
phandle = <0x69>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
clock-controller@20010000 {
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-ap-clk";
reg = <0x00 0x20010000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x08>;
g1l-pll {
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-g1l-pll";
sprd,syscon = <0xad>;
phandle = <0x1ac>;
clock-controller@26004000 {
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-pcie-clk";
status = "disable";
reg = <0x00 0x26004000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x1b3>;
clock-controller@30010000 {
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-mm-clk";
reg = <0x00 0x30010000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x2a>;
syscon@64334000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x64334000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0xb2>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
etm@7b140000 {
clock-names = "apb_pclk", "clk_cs", "cs_src";
clocks = <0x09 0x0a 0x24 0x0b 0x0f>;
cpu = <0xcc>;
compatible = "arm,coresight-etm4x", "arm,primecell";
reg = <0x00 0x7b140000 0x00 0x1000>;
phandle = <0xdb>;
port {
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xcd>;
phandle = <0xbb>;
funnel@78002000 {
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
clocks = <0x09>;
compatible = "arm,coresight-funnel", "arm,primecell";
reg = <0x00 0x78002000 0x00 0x1000>;
ports {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
port@0 {
reg = <0x00>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xb6>;
phandle = <0xb8>;
port@1 {
reg = <0x00>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xb7>;
phandle = <0xc2>;
syscon@56394000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x56394000 0x00 0x400>;
phandle = <0x68>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
dpuvsp {
#address-cells = <0x02>;
#size-cells = <0x02>;
compatible = "simple-bus";
iommu@31100000 {
iova-base = <0x20000000>;
#iommu-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "unisoc,iommuvaul6p-gsp";
reg_name = "mmu_reg";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x31100000 0x00 0x80 0x00 0x31101000 0x00 0x80>;
phandle = <0x20>;
iova-size = <0x10000000>;
gsp@31100000 {
iommus = <0x20>;
sprd,pmu-apb = <0x04>;
clock-names = "clk_src_512m", "clk_gsp0_eb", "clk_dpuvsp_eb", "clk_gsp0";
interrupts = <0x00 0x97 0x04>;
clocks = <0x0b 0x0f 0x1e 0x06 0x10 0x0f 0x1d 0x04>;
kcfg-num = <0x10>;
compatible = "sprd,gsp-core";
core-id = <0x00>;
reg = <0x00 0x31100000 0x00 0x2000>;
phandle = <0xef>;
dsi@31300000 {
power-domains = <0x1a>;
#address-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "clk_dsi0_eb", "clk_dpu_dpi", "clk_src_384m", "clk_dpuvsp_eb", "clk_dpuvsp_disp_eb";
interrupts = <0x00 0x9e 0x04 0x00 0x9d 0x04>;
clocks = <0x1e 0x01 0x1d 0x07 0x0b 0x0e 0x10 0x0f 0x1e 0x00>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
#power-domain-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-dsi-host";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x31300000 0x00 0x1000>;
reset-syscon = <0x18 0x04 0x02>;
phandle = <0x138>;
ports {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
port@0 {
reg = <0x00>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0x22>;
phandle = <0x26>;
port@1 {
reg = <0x01>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0x23>;
phandle = <0x1f>;
panel {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
avdd-gpio = <0x160 0x56 0x00>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
avee-gpio = <0x160 0x56 0x00>;
reset-gpio = <0x160 0x0b 0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,generic-mipi-panel";
reg = <0x00>;
phandle = <0x139>;
port@1 {
reg = <0x01>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0x24>;
phandle = <0x25>;
dphy {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
aod_pd-syscon = <0x02 0xc30 0x1000>;
aod_mode-syscon = <0x02 0xc30 0x2e00>;
enable-syscon = <0x18 0x1c 0x03>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-dsi-phy";
status = "okay";
power-syscon = <0x04 0x9c 0x40>;
sprd,mipi-drive-capability = <0x07>;
reg = <0x00 0x31300000 0x00 0x1000>;
phandle = <0x13a>;
ports {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
port@0 {
reg = <0x00>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0x25>;
phandle = <0x24>;
port@1 {
reg = <0x01>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0x26>;
phandle = <0x22>;
iommu@31001800 {
iova-base = <0x10000000>;
#iommu-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "unisoc,iommuvaul6p-dispc";
reg_name = "mmu_reg";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x31000000 0x00 0x80 0x00 0x31001800 0x00 0x80>;
phandle = <0x19>;
iova-size = <0x10000000>;
iommu@31200000 {
iova-base = <0x40000000>;
#iommu-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "unisoc,iommuvaul6p-gsp1";
reg_name = "mmu_reg";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x31200000 0x00 0x80 0x00 0x31201000 0x00 0x80>;
phandle = <0x21>;
iova-size = <0x10000000>;
dpu@31000000 {
power-domains = <0x1a>;
iommus = <0x19>;
vau_reset-syscon = <0x18 0x04 0x40000>;
sprd,logo-memory = <0x226>;
clock-names = "clk_src_256m", "clk_src_307m2", "clk_src_312m5", "clk_src_384m", "clk_src_409m6", "clk_src_416m7", "clk_src_512m", "clk_src_614m4", "clk_dpu_core", "clk_dpu_dpi", "clk_dpuvsp_eb", "clk_dpuvsp_disp_eb", "clk_master_div6_eb";
interrupts = <0x00 0x98 0x04>;
clocks = <0x0b 0x0c 0x0b 0x0d 0x1b 0x0b 0x0e 0x0b 0x15 0x1c 0x0b 0x0f 0x0b 0x16 0x1d 0x06 0x1d 0x07 0x10 0x0f 0x1e 0x00 0x1e 0x0b>;
#power-domain-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-dpu";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x31000000 0x00 0x3000 0x00 0x30120000 0x00 0x100>;
reset-syscon = <0x18 0x04 0x01>;
phandle = <0x137>;
port {
phandle = <0x117>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0x1f>;
phandle = <0x23>;
gsp@31200000 {
iommus = <0x21>;
clock-names = "clk_src_512m", "clk_gsp1_eb", "clk_dpuvsp_eb", "clk_gsp1";
interrupts = <0x00 0x96 0x04>;
clocks = <0x0b 0x0f 0x1e 0x07 0x10 0x0f 0x1d 0x05>;
kcfg-num = <0x10>;
compatible = "sprd,gsp-core";
core-id = <0x00>;
reg = <0x00 0x31200000 0x00 0x2000>;
phandle = <0xf0>;
apetb {
apetb-sink = <0xe2>;
apetb-source = <0xda 0xdb 0xdc 0xdd 0xde 0xdf 0xe0 0xe1>;
compatible = "sprd,apetb";
phandle = <0x1b7>;
syscon@31810000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9520-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x31810000 0x00 0x1000>;
phandle = <0x4a>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
ap-ahb {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
#size-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "simple-bus";
ranges = <0x00 0x00 0x20000000 0x22d0040>;
sdio@22200000 {
sprd,name = "sdio_emmc";
sprd,phy-delay-mmc-hs400 = <0x45 0x35 0x45 0x45>;
clock-names = "sdio", "enable";
assigned-clocks = <0x08 0x15>;
assigned-clock-parents = <0x15 0x01>;
bus-width = <0x08>;
interrupts = <0x00 0xd9 0x04>;
clocks = <0x08 0x15 0x0c 0x03>;
voltage-ranges = <0xbb8 0xbb8>;
compatible = "sprd,sdhci-r11";
sprd,phy-delay-mmc-ddr52 = <0x7f 0x7f 0xbf 0xbf>;
status = "okay";
reg = <0x2200000 0x1000>;
phandle = <0x12a>;
sprd,phy-delay-mmc-hs400es = <0x3f 0x40 0x3f 0x3f>;
sprd,phy-delay-mmc-hs200 = <0x7f 0x70 0x60 0x60>;
sprd,phy-delay-mmc-highspeed = <0x3f 0x40 0x3f 0x3f>;
i2c@2270000 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "enable", "i2c", "source";
resets = <0x0c 0x09>;
interrupts = <0x00 0xd5 0x04>;
clocks = <0x0c 0x0c 0x08 0x0a 0x09>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
clock-frequency = <0x61a80>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-i2c", "sprd,sc9860-i2c";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x2270000 0x100>;
phandle = <0x130>;
reset-names = "i2c_rst";
focaltech@38 {
focaltech,reset-gpio = <0x160 0x0e 0x00>;
focaltech,max-touch-number = <0x0a>;
interrupts = <0x0d 0x00>;
interrupt-parent = <0x160>;
vdd-supply = <0x177>;
compatible = "focaltech,fts";
focaltech,display-coords = <0x00 0x00 0x437 0x77f>;
focaltech,irq-gpio = <0x160 0x0d 0x00>;
reg = <0x38>;
dma-controller@20000 {
clock-names = "enable";
#dma-channels = <0x1c>;
interrupts = <0x00 0xdb 0x04>;
clocks = <0x0c 0x04>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-dma", "sprd,sc9860-dma";
reg = <0x20000 0x4000>;
phandle = <0xfb>;
#dma-cells = <0x01>;
i2c@22b0000 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "enable", "i2c", "source";
resets = <0x0c 0x0d>;
interrupts = <0x00 0xd1 0x04>;
clocks = <0x0c 0x10 0x08 0x0e 0x09>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
clock-frequency = <0x61a80>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-i2c", "sprd,sc9860-i2c";
status = "disabled";
reg = <0x22b0000 0x100>;
phandle = <0x134>;
reset-names = "i2c_rst";
i2c@2240000 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "enable", "i2c", "source";
resets = <0x0c 0x06>;
interrupts = <0x00 0xd8 0x04>;
clocks = <0x0c 0x09 0x08 0x07 0x09>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
clock-frequency = <0x61a80>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-i2c", "sprd,sc9860-i2c";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x2240000 0x100>;
phandle = <0x12d>;
reset-names = "i2c_rst";
sensor-sub@5a {
power-domains = <0x37>;
vddcama-supply = <0x176>;
clock-names = "clk_src", "sensor_eb", "clk_96m", "clk_64m", "clk_51m2", "clk_48m", "clk_26m";
vddcamd-supply = <0x18c>;
clocks = <0x2a 0x19 0x29 0x27 0x0b 0x08 0x0b 0x06 0x0b 0x05 0x0b 0x04 0x09>;
csi = <0x147>;
reset-gpios = <0x160 0x27 0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,sensor-sub";
vddio-supply = <0x18a>;
vddcammot-supply = <0x179>;
reg = <0x5a>;
phandle = <0x240>;
power-down-gpios = <0x160 0x2d 0x00>;
sprd,phyid = <0x01>;
sensor-main@20 {
power-domains = <0x37>;
vddcama-supply = <0x176>;
clock-names = "clk_src", "sensor_eb", "clk_96m", "clk_64m", "clk_51m2", "clk_48m", "clk_26m";
vddcamd-supply = <0x18c>;
clocks = <0x2a 0x19 0x29 0x27 0x0b 0x08 0x0b 0x06 0x0b 0x05 0x0b 0x04 0x09>;
csi = <0x146>;
reset-gpios = <0x160 0x28 0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,sensor-main";
vddio-supply = <0x18a>;
vddcammot-supply = <0x179>;
reg = <0x20>;
phandle = <0x23f>;
power-down-gpios = <0x160 0x2e 0x00>;
sprd,phyid = <0x00>;
sdio@22210000 {
sprd,phy-delay-sd-uhs-sdr104 = <0x00 0xc3 0xca 0xca>;
sprd,name = "sdio_sd";
clock-names = "sdio", "enable";
vqmmc-supply = <0x17>;
assigned-clocks = <0x0a 0x26>;
assigned-clock-parents = <0x15 0x01>;
bus-width = <0x04>;
sprd,phy-delay-sd-highspeed = <0x7f 0x43 0x43 0x43>;
interrupts = <0x00 0xcb 0x04>;
sprd,phy-delay-legacy = <0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00>;
clocks = <0x0a 0x26 0x0c 0x00>;
sd-hotplug-rmldo-en-syscon = <0x02 0xba0 0x01>;
vmmc-supply = <0x16>;
sprd,phy-delay-sd-uhs-sdr50 = <0x00 0x7f 0x4d 0x4d>;
voltage-ranges = <0xbb8 0xbb8>;
compatible = "sprd,sdhci-r11";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x2210000 0x1000>;
sd-hotplug-debounce-cn-syscon = <0x02 0x520 0x1fe>;
phandle = <0x12b>;
sd-detect-pol-syscon = <0x02 0x520 0x200000>;
cd-gpios = <0x164 0x23 0x01>;
sd-hotplug-debounce-en-syscon = <0x02 0x520 0x01>;
sd-hotplug-protect-en-syscon = <0x02 0x520 0x100000>;
i2c@2280000 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "enable", "i2c", "source";
resets = <0x0c 0x0a>;
interrupts = <0x00 0xd4 0x04>;
clocks = <0x0c 0x0d 0x08 0x0b 0x09>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
clock-frequency = <0x61a80>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-i2c", "sprd,sc9860-i2c";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x2280000 0x100>;
phandle = <0x131>;
reset-names = "i2c_rst";
sensor-main3@20 {
power-domains = <0x37>;
vddcama-supply = <0x178>;
clock-names = "clk_src", "sensor_eb", "clk_96m", "clk_64m", "clk_51m2", "clk_48m", "clk_26m";
vddcamd-supply = <0x18e>;
clocks = <0x2a 0x1b 0x29 0x29 0x0b 0x08 0x0b 0x06 0x0b 0x05 0x0b 0x04 0x09>;
csi = <0x148>;
reset-gpios = <0x160 0x2a 0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,sensor-main3";
vddio-supply = <0x18a>;
vddcammot-supply = <0x17a>;
mot-gpios = <0x160 0x4e 0x00>;
reg = <0x20>;
phandle = <0x242>;
sprd,phyid = <0x02>;
i2c@22c0000 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "enable", "i2c", "source";
resets = <0x0c 0x0e>;
interrupts = <0x00 0xd0 0x04>;
clocks = <0x0c 0x11 0x08 0x0f 0x09>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
clock-frequency = <0x61a80>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-i2c", "sprd,sc9860-i2c";
status = "disabled";
reg = <0x22c0000 0x100>;
phandle = <0x135>;
reset-names = "i2c_rst";
i2c@2250000 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "enable", "i2c", "source";
resets = <0x0c 0x07>;
interrupts = <0x00 0xd7 0x04>;
clocks = <0x0c 0x0a 0x08 0x08 0x09>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
clock-frequency = <0x61a80>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-i2c", "sprd,sc9860-i2c";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x2250000 0x100>;
phandle = <0x12e>;
reset-names = "i2c_rst";
sensor-main2@20 {
power-domains = <0x37>;
vddcama-supply = <0x177>;
clock-names = "clk_src", "sensor_eb", "clk_96m", "clk_64m", "clk_51m2", "clk_48m", "clk_26m";
vddcamd-supply = <0x18d>;
clocks = <0x2a 0x1a 0x29 0x28 0x0b 0x08 0x0b 0x06 0x0b 0x05 0x0b 0x04 0x09>;
csi = <0x149>;
reset-gpios = <0x160 0x29 0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,sensor-main2";
vddio-supply = <0x18a>;
reg = <0x20>;
phandle = <0x241>;
power-down-gpios = <0x160 0x2f 0x00>;
avdd-gpios = <0x160 0x2a 0x00>;
sprd,phyid = <0x03>;
sdio@22220000 {
sprd,phy-delay-sd-uhs-sdr104 = <0x00 0x7f 0x7d 0x7d>;
sprd,name = "sdio_wifi";
clock-names = "sdio", "enable";
assigned-clocks = <0x0a 0x28>;
assigned-clock-parents = <0x15 0x01>;
bus-width = <0x04>;
interrupts = <0x00 0xca 0x04>;
clocks = <0x0a 0x28 0x0c 0x01>;
sprd,phy-delay-sd-uhs-sdr50 = <0x00 0xbf 0xc1 0xc1>;
compatible = "sprd,sdhci-r11";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x2220000 0x1000>;
phandle = <0x12c>;
i2c@2290000 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "enable", "i2c", "source";
resets = <0x0c 0x0b>;
interrupts = <0x00 0xd3 0x04>;
clocks = <0x0c 0x0e 0x08 0x0c 0x09>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
clock-frequency = <0x61a80>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-i2c", "sprd,sc9860-i2c";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x2290000 0x100>;
phandle = <0x132>;
reset-names = "i2c_rst";
sensor-sensor_sub3@2e {
power-domains = <0x37>;
vddcama-supply = <0x178>;
clock-names = "clk_src", "sensor_eb", "clk_96m", "clk_64m", "clk_51m2", "clk_48m", "clk_26m";
vddcamd-supply = <0x18e>;
clocks = <0x2a 0x1c 0x29 0x2a 0x0b 0x08 0x0b 0x06 0x0b 0x05 0x0b 0x04 0x09>;
csi = <0x149>;
reset-gpios = <0x160 0x2b 0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,sensor-sub3";
vddio-supply = <0x18a>;
reg = <0x2e>;
phandle = <0x244>;
power-down-gpios = <0x160 0x31 0x00>;
sprd,phyid = <0x07>;
sensor-sensor_sub2@2a {
power-domains = <0x37>;
vddcama-supply = <0x177>;
clock-names = "clk_src", "sensor_eb", "clk_96m", "clk_64m", "clk_51m2", "clk_48m", "clk_26m";
vddcamd-supply = <0x18d>;
clocks = <0x2a 0x1a 0x29 0x28 0x0b 0x08 0x0b 0x06 0x0b 0x05 0x0b 0x04 0x09>;
csi = <0x148>;
reset-gpios = <0x160 0x2c 0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,sensor-sub2";
vddio-supply = <0x18a>;
reg = <0x2a>;
phandle = <0x243>;
power-down-gpios = <0x160 0x32 0x00>;
sprd,phyid = <0x05>;
i2c@22d0000 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "enable", "i2c", "source";
resets = <0x0c 0x0f>;
interrupts = <0x00 0xcf 0x04>;
clocks = <0x0c 0x12 0x08 0x10 0x09>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
clock-frequency = <0x61a80>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-i2c", "sprd,sc9860-i2c";
status = "disabled";
reg = <0x22d0000 0x100>;
phandle = <0x136>;
reset-names = "i2c_rst";
ufs@2000000 {
phy_sram_init_done = <0x11 0x0c 0x01>;
freq-table-hz = <0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00>;
nvmem-cells = <0x12 0x13>;
clock-names = "ufs_eb", "ufs_cfg_eb", "ufs_hclk", "ufs_hclk_source", "ufs_rco_100M";
usb31pllv_ref2mphy_en = <0x02 0xcfc 0x01>;
resets = <0x0c 0x04 0x10 0x45>;
interrupts = <0x00 0x9f 0x04>;
clocks = <0x0c 0x05 0x0c 0x16 0x0a 0x33 0x0b 0x0c 0x0f>;
ufsdev_refclk_en = <0x02 0xce8 0x02>;
phy_sram_bypass = <0x11 0x0c 0x04>;
compatible = "sprd,ufshc";
aon_apb_ufs_clk_en = <0x02 0xc14 0xc0>;
status = "okay";
nvmem-cell-names = "ufs_cali_lane1", "ufs_cali_lane0";
reg = <0x2000000 0x10000>;
phandle = <0x128>;
phy_sram_ext_ld_done = <0x11 0x0c 0x02>;
reset-names = "ufs_soft_rst", "ufsdev_soft_rst";
vdd-mphy-supply = <0x0e>;
vcc-supply = <0x0d>;
i2s@0x202b0000 {
sprd,hw_port = <0x00>;
sprd,clk_inv = <0x00>;
sprd,fs = <0x1f40>;
sprd,bus_type = <0x01>;
sprd,rx_watermark = <0x14>;
sprd,rtx_mode = <0x03>;
clock-names = "clk_iis0";
clocks = <0x08 0x11>;
sprd,pcm_slot = <0x01>;
sprd,lrck = <0x00>;
sprd,config_type = "pcm";
sprd,pcm_short_frame = <0x01>;
sprd,dai_name = "i2s_bt_sco0";
#sound-dai-cells = <0x00>;
sprd,lsb = <0x00>;
sprd,slave_timeout = <0xf11>;
compatible = "sprd,i2s";
status = "disable";
reg = <0x00 0x202b0000 0x00 0x1000>;
sprd,low_for_left = <0x01>;
phandle = <0x129>;
sprd,syscon-ap-apb = <0x14>;
sprd,slave_mode = <0x00>;
sprd,tx_watermark = <0x0c>;
sprd,pcm_cycle = <0x01>;
sprd,byte_per_chan = <0x01>;
i2c@2260000 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "enable", "i2c", "source";
resets = <0x0c 0x08>;
interrupts = <0x00 0xd6 0x04>;
clocks = <0x0c 0x0b 0x08 0x09 0x09>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
clock-frequency = <0x61a80>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-i2c", "sprd,sc9860-i2c";
status = "disabled";
reg = <0x2260000 0x100>;
phandle = <0x12f>;
reset-names = "i2c_rst";
i2c@22a0000 {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "enable", "i2c", "source";
resets = <0x0c 0x0c>;
interrupts = <0x00 0xd2 0x04>;
clocks = <0x0c 0x0f 0x08 0x0d 0x09>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
clock-frequency = <0x61a80>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-i2c", "sprd,sc9860-i2c";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x22a0000 0x100>;
phandle = <0x133>;
reset-names = "i2c_rst";
ucp1301@58 {
#sound-dai-cells = <0x01>;
reset-gpios = <0x160 0x78 0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,ucp1301-spk";
reg = <0x58>;
phandle = <0x23b>;
charger@6a {
ti,current-limit = <0x231860>;
monitored-battery = <0x21f>;
extcon = <0x116>;
ti,charge-current = <0x231860>;
ti,resistor-sense = <0x21>;
compatible = "aw32257";
phys = <0x6e>;
reg = <0x6a>;
ti,battery-regulation-voltage = <0x10fe>;
phandle = <0x23c>;
ti,termination-current = <0x27100>;
ti,weak-battery-voltage = <0xd48>;
otg-vbus {
regulator-name = "vddvbus";
phandle = <0x223>;
flash-ic@63 {
sprd,preflash = <0x01>;
sprd,highlight-level = <0x80>;
flash-chip-en-gpios = <0x160 0x77 0x00>;
sprd,highlight = <0x01>;
sprd,torch-level = <0x80>;
flash-torch-en-gpios = <0x160 0x73 0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,flash-ocp8137";
flash-en-gpios = <0x160 0x6f 0x00>;
sprd,torch = <0x01>;
sprd,lvfm-enable = <0x01>;
reg = <0x63>;
phandle = <0x245>;
flash-sync-gpios = <0x160 0x3b 0x00>;
sprd,preflash-level = <0x80>;
sprd,flash-ic = <0x1fc9>;
btn38003a_redriver@30 {
compatible = "sprd,ptn38003a redriver";
reg = <0x30>;
phandle = <0x23d>;
ipa-apb {
#address-cells = <0x02>;
#size-cells = <0x02>;
compatible = "simple-bus";
ssphy@25310000 {
power-domains = <0x44>;
sprd,syscon-ana-g0l = <0x53>;
sprd,ssphy-ctl6-eye-pattern = <0x5d000083>;
sprd,syscon-ipa-dispc1-glb-apb = <0x45>;
reg-names = "phy_glb_regs";
sprd,syscon-ipa-apb = <0x4b>;
sprd,hsphy-device-eye-pattern = <0x67bd1c0>;
extcon = <0x116>;
sprd,syscon-aon-apb = <0x02>;
#phy-cells = <0x00>;
sprd,ssphy-ctl5-eye-pattern = <0x1e40a000>;
sprd,syscon-ipa-usb31-dp = <0x4a>;
vdd-supply = <0x183>;
sprd,syscon-ipa-usb31-dptx = <0x54>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-ssphy";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x25310000 0x00 0x10000>;
phandle = <0x51>;
sprd,vdd-voltage = <0x325aa0>;
sprd,hsphy-host-eye-pattern = <0x67bd1c0>;
usb3@25100000 {
power-domains = <0x44>;
#address-cells = <0x02>;
clock-names = "core_clk", "ref_clk", "susp_clk", "ipa_usb_ref", "ipa_usb_ref_source", "ipa_dpu1_clk", "ipa_dptx_clk", "ipa_tca_clk", "ipa_usb31pll_clk", "ipa_usb_ref_default";
clocks = <0x4e 0x00 0x4e 0x02 0x4e 0x01 0x47 0x02 0x0b 0x02 0x48 0x00 0x48 0x01 0x48 0x03 0x48 0x04 0x4f>;
extcon = <0x116 0x64>;
#size-cells = <0x02>;
vbus-supply = <0x223>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-dwc3";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x25100000 0x00 0x100000>;
usb-phy = <0x50 0x51>;
phandle = <0x158>;
dwc3@25100000 {
usb-pam = <0x52>;
phy_type = "utmi";
interrupts = <0x00 0x8e 0x04>;
compatible = "snps,sprd-dwc3";
interrupt-names = "irq";
reg = <0x00 0x25100000 0x00 0x100000>;
usb-phy = <0x50 0x51>;
pamu3@25210000 {
power-domains = <0x44>;
clock-names = "pamu3_clk";
reg-names = "pamu3_glb_regs", "dwc3_core_regs";
clocks = <0x4e 0x03>;
syscon-names = "reset";
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-pamu3";
reg = <0x00 0x25210000 0x00 0x10000 0x00 0x25100000 0x00 0x100000>;
phandle = <0x52>;
syscons = <0x4b 0x00 0x02>;
dummyphy {
compatible = "sprd,usb-dummy-phy";
status = "okay";
phandle = <0x50>;
dptx@31890000 {
power-domains = <0x44>;
dp-gpios = <0x160 0xb2 0x00 0x160 0xb3 0x00>;
sprd,syscon-ipa-dispc1-glb-apb = <0x45>;
clock-names = "clk_ipa_apb_dpu1_eb", "clk_ipa_apb_dptx_eb";
sprd,syscon-usb31-dp-phy = <0x4a>;
interrupts = <0x00 0x7b 0x04>;
clocks = <0x48 0x00 0x48 0x01>;
sprd,soc = "qogirn6pro1";
sprd,syscon-ipa-apb = <0x4b>;
extcon = <0x4c>;
sprd,syscon-aon-apb = <0x02>;
#sound-dai-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,dptx";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x31890000 0x00 0x70000>;
phandle = <0x157>;
sprd,syscon-force-shutdown = <0x04>;
ports {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
port@1 {
reg = <0x01>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0x4d>;
phandle = <0x49>;
sipa-dele {
power-domains = <0x44>;
sprd,ul-fifo-depth = <0x1000>;
sprd,dl-fifo-depth = <0x1000>;
compatible = "sprd,orca-sipa-delegate";
phandle = <0x155>;
dpu1@31880000 {
power-domains = <0x44>;
iommus = <0x46>;
clock-names = "clk_src_128m", "clk_src_192m", "clk_src_256m", "clk_pixelpll", "clk_src_307m2", "clk_src_384m", "clk_src_512m", "clk_dpu_core", "clk_dpu_dpi", "clk_ipa_apb_dispc1_eb";
force-shutdown-syscon = <0x04 0x3e4 0x2000000>;
interrupts = <0x00 0x78 0x04>;
clocks = <0x0b 0x09 0x0b 0x0b 0x0b 0x0c 0x30 0x0c 0x0b 0x0d 0x0b 0x0e 0x0b 0x0f 0x47 0x05 0x47 0x06 0x48 0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-dpu1";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x31880000 0x00 0x3000>;
reset-syscon = <0x45 0x04 0x01>;
phandle = <0x156>;
port {
phandle = <0x118>;
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0x49>;
phandle = <0x4d>;
sipa@25220000 {
power-domains = <0x44>;
reg-names = "ipa-base";
enable-ipa = <0x43 0x04 0x01>;
interrupts = <0x00 0x89 0x04 0x00 0x88 0x04 0x00 0x87 0x04 0x00 0x86 0x04 0x00 0x85 0x04 0x00 0x84 0x04 0x00 0x83 0x04 0x00 0x82 0x04 0x00 0x8a 0x04>;
fifo-names = "sprd,usb-ul", "sprd,usb-dl", "sprd,wifi-ul", "sprd,wifi-dl";
enable-tft = <0x43 0x04 0x02>;
compatible = "sprd,qogirn6pro-sipa";
interrupt-names = "ipa_irq0", "ipa_irq1", "ipa_irq2", "ipa_irq3", "ipa_irq4", "ipa_irq5", "ipa_irq6", "ipa_irq7", "ipa_general";
reg = <0x00 0x25220000 0x00 0x2000>;
phandle = <0x154>;
fifo-sizes = <0x00 0x800 0x00 0x800 0x00 0x800 0x00 0x800 0x00 0x80 0x00 0x80 0x00 0x80 0x00 0x80>;
sprd,sipa-bypass-mode = <0x01>;
iommu@31880000 {
iova-base = <0x30000000>;
#iommu-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "unisoc,iommuvaul6p-dispc1";
reg_name = "mmu_reg";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x00 0x31880000 0x00 0x80 0x00 0x31880800 0x00 0x80>;
phandle = <0x46>;
iova-size = <0x10000000>;
clock-controller@64920000 {
clock-names = "ext-26m", "ext-52m", "ext-32k", "rco-100m", "rco-60m";
clocks = <0x09 0xb4 0x4f 0x0f 0xb5>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-aonapb-clk";
reg = <0x00 0x64920000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x0a>;
syscon@64320000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x64320000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0xaf>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
etm@7b740000 {
clock-names = "apb_pclk", "clk_cs", "cs_src";
clocks = <0x09 0x0a 0x24 0x0b 0x0f>;
cpu = <0xd8>;
compatible = "arm,coresight-etm4x", "arm,primecell";
reg = <0x00 0x7b740000 0x00 0x1000>;
phandle = <0xe1>;
port {
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xd9>;
phandle = <0xc9>;
syscon@64318000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x64318000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x32>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
syscon@25000000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x25000000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0x4b>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
syscon@31890000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9520-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x31890000 0x00 0x10000>;
phandle = <0x54>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
syscon@0x562000c8 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x562000c8 0x00 0x22f8>;
phandle = <0x11f>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
clock-controller@56200000 {
#reset-cells = <0x01>;
clock-names = "ext-26m";
clocks = <0x09>;
#clock-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-audcpglb-gate";
reg = <0x00 0x56200000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0xa7>;
etm@7b040000 {
clock-names = "apb_pclk", "clk_cs", "cs_src";
clocks = <0x09 0x0a 0x24 0x0b 0x0f>;
cpu = <0xca>;
compatible = "arm,coresight-etm4x", "arm,primecell";
reg = <0x00 0x7b040000 0x00 0x1000>;
phandle = <0xda>;
port {
endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <0xcb>;
phandle = <0xba>;
syscon@64304000 {
compatible = "sprd,ums9620-glbregs", "syscon";
reg = <0x00 0x64304000 0x00 0x3000>;
phandle = <0xac>;
#syscon-cells = <0x02>;
apipe-pcm {
compatible = "unisoc,apipe";
sipa-eth13 {
compatible = "sprd,sipa_eth";
phandle = <0x1db>;
sprd,term-type = <0x06>;
sprd,netid = <0x0e>;
sipa-eth2 {
compatible = "sprd,sipa_eth";
phandle = <0x1d0>;
sprd,term-type = <0x06>;
sprd,netid = <0x03>;
cpufreq-cluster0 {
sprd,temp-threshold = <0x41>;
sprd,voltage-margin = <0x28>;
sprd,voltage-step = <0xb71b0>;
sprd,transition-delay = <0x3e8>;
phandle = <0xea>;
sprd,cluster-cpumask = <0x0f>;
leds {
compatible = "gpio-leds";
led0 {
label = "led0";
default-state = "off";
gpios = <0x160 0x50 0x00>;
led1 {
label = "led1";
default-state = "off";
gpios = <0x160 0x7c 0x00>;
pa-sensor {
io-channels = <0x61 0x02>;
#thermal-sensor-cells = <0x00>;
temperature-lookup-table = <0xffff64c2 0x46b 0xffff8baf 0x456 0xffffb3e8 0x432 0xffffedb9 0x3d7 0x277e 0x346 0x60e5 0x28e 0xaf7a 0x19d 0xd677 0x13c 0xfd7f 0xee 0x12484 0xb2 0x14b93 0x85 0x172a3 0x64 0x199b0 0x4b 0x1c0c9 0x39 0x1e7c8 0x2b>;
compatible = "generic-adc-thermal";
phandle = <0x221>;
io-channel-names = "sensor-channel";
psci {
method = "smc";
compatible = "arm,psci-0.2";
idle-states {
entry-method = "arm,psci";
core-sleep-lit {
entry-latency-us = <0x3e8>;
exit-latency-us = <0x1f4>;
arm,psci-suspend-param = <0x10000>;
compatible = "arm,idle-state";
phandle = <0xe8>;
min-residency-us = <0x9c4>;
core-sleep-mid {
entry-latency-us = <0xfa0>;
exit-latency-us = <0xfa0>;
arm,psci-suspend-param = <0x10000>;
compatible = "arm,idle-state";
phandle = <0xeb>;
min-residency-us = <0x2710>;
cluster-pd {
entry-latency-us = <0x2710>;
exit-latency-us = <0x2710>;
arm,psci-suspend-param = <0x1010000>;
compatible = "arm,idle-state";
phandle = <0xe9>;
min-residency-us = <0x61a8>;
core-sleep-big {
entry-latency-us = <0xfa0>;
exit-latency-us = <0xfa0>;
arm,psci-suspend-param = <0x10000>;
compatible = "arm,idle-state";
phandle = <0xed>;
min-residency-us = <0x2710>;
audio_pipe_voice {
sprd,channel = <0x02>;
compatible = "unisoc,audio_pipe_voice";
sprd,writesync = <0x00>;
sprd,maxuserwritebufsize = <0x00>;
cooling-devices {
cluster1-cooling {
sprd,efuse-block7 = <0x07>;
sprd,core-base = <0x35c4>;
sprd,min-cpunum = <0x00>;
sprd,leak-cluster = <0x08 0x55 0x810>;
sprd,cluster-temp-scale = <0x15 0xfffff8b1 0x1aec9 0xfffb5fb5>;
sprd,core-temp-scale = <0x1d 0xfffff293 0x304f7 0xffe968af>;
sprd,cluster-voltage-scale = <0x607 0xfffff328 0x973 0xfffffdc2>;
sprd,cii-max-tp-core = <0x124f8>;
sprd,sensor-names = "prometheus6-tzone0", "prometheus7-thmzone";
sprd,leak-core = <0x08 0x55 0x7c0>;
compatible = "sprd,cluster-cooling";
sprd,efuse-switch = <0x00>;
sprd,efuse-block15 = <0x0f>;
sprd,max-temp = <0x14c08>;
phandle = <0x101>;
sprd,cii-per-core-tp = <0x14c08 0x13880 0x124f8 0x11170>;
sprd,hotplug-period = <0x0a>;
sprd,cluster-base = <0x24be>;
sprd,dynamic-cluster = <0x608 0x3e8 0x3e8>;
sprd,min-cpufreq = <0x12c000>;
sprd,dynamic-core = <0xe12 0x3e8 0x3e8>;
sprd,core-voltage-scale = <0x294 0xfffffaba 0x404 0xffffff12>;
#cooling-cells = <0x02>;
cluster0-cooling {
sprd,efuse-block7 = <0x07>;
sprd,core-base = <0x873>;
sprd,min-cpunum = <0x01>;
sprd,leak-cluster = <0x02 0x55 0x9dc>;
sprd,cluster-temp-scale = <0x15 0xfffff8b1 0x1aec9 0xfffb5fb5>;
sprd,core-temp-scale = <0x20 0xfffff164 0x32e6a 0xffe6df1c>;
sprd,cluster-voltage-scale = <0x607 0xfffff328 0x973 0xfffffdc2>;
sprd,cii-max-tp-core = <0x15f90>;
sprd,sensor-names = "ank0-thmzone", "ank1-thmzone", "ank2-thmzone", "ank3-thmzone", "ank4-thmzone", "ank5-thmzone";
sprd,leak-core = <0x02 0x55 0x74d>;
compatible = "sprd,cluster-cooling";
sprd,efuse-switch = <0x00>;
sprd,efuse-block15 = <0x0f>;
sprd,max-temp = <0x15f90>;
phandle = <0x100>;
sprd,cii-per-core-tp = <0x19a28 0x186a0 0x17318 0x15f90>;
sprd,hotplug-period = <0x0a>;
sprd,cluster-base = <0x24be>;
sprd,dynamic-cluster = <0x608 0x3e8 0x3e8>;
sprd,min-cpufreq = "", "\t`";
sprd,dynamic-core = <0x306 0x3e8 0x3e8>;
sprd,core-voltage-scale = <0x22c 0xfffffb9b 0x365 0xffffff38>;
#cooling-cells = <0x02>;
cluster2-cooling {
sprd,efuse-block7 = <0x07>;
sprd,core-base = <0x3ea0>;
sprd,min-cpunum = <0x00>;
sprd,leak-cluster = <0x08 0x55 0x810>;
sprd,cluster-temp-scale = <0x15 0xfffff8b1 0x1aec9 0xfffb5fb5>;
sprd,core-temp-scale = <0x1f 0xfffff30a 0x2fe06 0xffe98890>;
sprd,cluster-voltage-scale = <0x607 0xfffff328 0x973 0xfffffdc2>;
sprd,cii-max-tp-core = <0x124f8>;
sprd,sensor-names = "prometheus6-tzone0", "prometheus7-thmzone";
sprd,leak-core = <0x08 0x55 0x7c0>;
compatible = "sprd,cluster-cooling";
sprd,efuse-switch = <0x00>;
sprd,efuse-block15 = <0x0f>;
sprd,max-temp = <0x14c08>;
phandle = <0x102>;
sprd,cii-per-core-tp = <0x14c08 0x13880 0x124f8 0x11170>;
sprd,hotplug-period = <0x0a>;
sprd,cluster-base = <0x24be>;
sprd,dynamic-cluster = <0x608 0x3e8 0x3e8>;
sprd,min-cpufreq = <0x12c000>;
sprd,dynamic-core = <0x117f 0x3e8 0x3e8>;
sprd,core-voltage-scale = <0x22c 0xfffffb9b 0x365 0xffffff38>;
#cooling-cells = <0x02>;
memory@80000000 {
device_type = "memory";
reg = <0x00 0x80000000 0x01 0xfffff000>;
sipa-eth11 {
compatible = "sprd,sipa_eth";
phandle = <0x1d9>;
sprd,term-type = <0x06>;
sprd,netid = <0x0c>;
sipa-eth0 {
compatible = "sprd,sipa_eth";
phandle = <0x1ce>;
sprd,term-type = <0x06>;
sprd,netid = <0x01>;
rco-60m {
clock-output-names = "rco-60m";
#clock-cells = <0x00>;
clock-frequency = <0x3938700>;
compatible = "fixed-clock";
phandle = <0xb5>;
gpio-keys {
compatible = "gpio-keys";
key-volumedown {
label = "Volume Down Key";
linux,code = <0x72>;
debounce-interval = <0x02>;
gpios = <0x160 0x08 0x01>;
key-volumeup {
label = "Volume Up Key";
linux,code = <0x73>;
debounce-interval = <0x02>;
gpios = <0x5f 0x04 0x00>;
key-power {
label = "Power Key";
linux,code = <0x74>;
debounce-interval = <0x02>;
gpios = <0x5f 0x01 0x01>;
jpg-dvfs {
operating-points = <0x25800 0x927c0 0x3e800 0x927c0 0x4af38 0x927c0 0x64000 0x9eb10 0x7d000 0xaae60>;
compatible = "sprd,hwdvfs-jpg";
phandle = <0x208>;
modem@3 {
syscon3 = <0x02 0xff 0x00>;
syscon1 = <0x04 0xff 0x00>;
syscon-names = "shutdown", "deepsleep", "corereset", "sysreset", "getstatus";
compatible = "unisoc,modem";
sprd,version = <0x04>;
phandle = <0x21b>;
syscon4 = <0x02 0xff 0x00>;
syscon2 = <0x02 0xcb0 0x3000>;
syscon0 = <0x04 0xff 0x00>;
sipa-eth9 {
compatible = "sprd,sipa_eth";
phandle = <0x1d7>;
sprd,term-type = <0x06>;
sprd,netid = <0x0a>;
singleadc-joypad {
amux-en-gpios = <0x160 0x59 0x01>;
abs_x-n-tuning = <0x190>;
abs_z-p-tuning = <0xc8>;
abs_rx-n-tuning = <0x190>;
abs_rz-p-tuning = <0xc8>;
button-adc-scale = <0x01>;
joypad-product = <0x1101>;
adc-power-ctl4 = <0x160 0x3f 0x01>;
amux-count = <0x06>;
abs_y-n-tuning = <0x190>;
button-adc-fuzz = <0x140>;
io-channels = <0x61 0x02 0x61 0x03>;
abs_ry-n-tuning = <0x190>;
adc-power-ctl2 = <0x160 0x3d 0x01>;
poll-interval = <0x04>;
abs_z-n-tuning = <0xc8>;
vdd-supply = <0x184>;
amux-a-gpios = <0x160 0x57 0x01>;
abs_rz-n-tuning = <0xc8>;
compatible = "singleadc-joypad";
status = "okay";
abs_x-p-tuning = <0x190>;
adc-power-ctl5 = <0x160 0x4f 0x01>;
joypad-name = "retrogame_joypad";
abs_rx-p-tuning = <0x190>;
button-adc-flat = <0x20>;
vdd-voltage = <0x325aa0>;
adc-power-ctl3 = <0x160 0x3e 0x01>;
amux-b-gpios = <0x160 0x58 0x01>;
button-adc-deadzone = <0x5dc>;
abs_y-p-tuning = <0x190>;
adc-power-ctl1 = <0x160 0x55 0x01>;
io-channel-names = "joypad_adc", "trigger_adc";
abs_ry-p-tuning = <0x190>;
joypad-revision = <0x100>;
sw6 {
label = "GPIO BTN-B";
linux,code = <0x131>;
debounce-interval = <0x02>;
gpios = <0x160 0x47 0x01>;
sw14 {
label = "GPIO BTN_TR2";
linux,code = <0x139>;
debounce-interval = <0x02>;
gpios = <0x160 0x05 0x01>;
sw4 {
label = "GPIO DPAD-RIGHT";
linux,input-type = <0x03>;
linux,abs-value = <0x01>;
linux,code = <0x10>;
debounce-interval = <0x02>;
gpios = <0x160 0x4a 0x01>;
sw12 {
label = "GPIO BTN_TR";
linux,code = <0x137>;
debounce-interval = <0x02>;
gpios = <0x160 0x78 0x01>;
sw2 {
label = "GPIO DPAD-DOWN";
linux,input-type = <0x03>;
linux,abs-value = <0x01>;
linux,code = <0x11>;
debounce-interval = <0x02>;
gpios = <0x160 0x4b 0x01>;
sw10 {
label = "GPIO BTN_START";
linux,code = <0x13b>;
debounce-interval = <0x02>;
gpios = <0x160 0x6d 0x01>;
sw9 {
label = "GPIO BTN_SELECT";
linux,code = <0x13a>;
debounce-interval = <0x02>;
gpios = <0x160 0xc0 0x01>;
sw17 {
label = "GPIO BACK KEY";
linux,code = <0x9e>;
debounce-interval = <0x02>;
gpios = <0x160 0x07 0x01>;
sw7 {
label = "GPIO BTN-X";
linux,code = <0x133>;
debounce-interval = <0x02>;
gpios = <0x160 0xbf 0x01>;
sw15 {
label = "GPIO BTN_THUMBL";
linux,code = <0x13d>;
debounce-interval = <0x02>;
gpios = <0x160 0xb4 0x01>;
sw5 {
label = "GPIO BTN-A";
linux,code = <0x134>;
debounce-interval = <0x02>;
gpios = <0x160 0x45 0x01>;
sw13 {
label = "GPIO BTN_TL2";
linux,code = <0x138>;
debounce-interval = <0x02>;
gpios = <0x160 0x04 0x01>;
sw3 {
label = "GPIO DPAD-LEFT";
linux,input-type = <0x03>;
linux,abs-value = <0x02>;
linux,code = <0x10>;
debounce-interval = <0x02>;
gpios = <0x160 0x49 0x01>;
sw11 {
label = "GPIO BTN_TL";
linux,code = <0x136>;
debounce-interval = <0x02>;
gpios = <0x160 0x7f 0x01>;
sw1 {
label = "GPIO DPAD-UP";
linux,input-type = <0x03>;
linux,abs-value = <0x02>;
linux,code = <0x11>;
debounce-interval = <0x02>;
gpios = <0x160 0x4c 0x01>;
sw18 {
label = "GPIO KEY F10";
linux,code = <0x44>;
debounce-interval = <0x02>;
gpios = <0x160 0x09 0x01>;
sw8 {
label = "GPIO BTN-Y";
linux,code = <0x130>;
debounce-interval = <0x02>;
gpios = <0x160 0x46 0x01>;
sw16 {
label = "GPIO BTN_THUMBR";
linux,code = <0x13e>;
debounce-interval = <0x02>;
gpios = <0x160 0xb1 0x01>;
charger-manager {
cm-poll-interval = <0x3a98>;
cm-battery-hot = <0x320>;
cm-cap-remap-table = <0x01 0x02 0x03 0x02 0x03 0x02 0x62 0x63 0x02 0x63 0x64 0x03>;
cm-charge-voltage-max = <0x632ea0>;
cm-flash-charge-voltage-max = <0xb71b00>;
cm-chargers = "aw32257";
monitored-battery = <0x21f>;
cm-shutdown-voltage = <0x2f4d60>;
cm-fuel-gauge = "sc27xx-fgu";
extcon = <0x64 0x4c>;
cm-cp-taper-current = <0xf4240>;
cm-battery-cold = <0xc8>;
cm-discharging-max = <0x2932e0>;
cm-fullbatt-vchkdrop-volt = <0xea60>;
cm-charging-max = <0x1499700>;
cm-fast-charge-voltage-drop = <0xaae60>;
cm-wdt-interval = <0x3c>;
compatible = "charger-manager";
cm-charge-voltage-drop = <0xaae60>;
cm-fullbatt-capacity = <0x64>;
cm-flash-charge-voltage-drop = <0xf4240>;
phys = <0x51>;
sprd,pd-fixed-max-microwatt = <0x112a880>;
cm-thermal-zone = "board-thmzone";
cm-tickle-time-out = <0x5dc>;
cm-name = "battery";
cm-one-cap-time = <0x1e>;
cm-fast-charge-voltage-max = <0xa037a0>;
cm-fullbatt-vchkdrop-ms = <0x7530>;
cm-battery-stat = <0x02>;
cm-battery-temp-diff = <0x64>;
cm-poll-mode = <0x02>;
audio-mem-mgr {
sprd,shmaddr-dsp-smartpa = <0xaf982a10 0x1000>;
sprd,cmdaddr = <0xaf980000 0x400>;
sprd,shmaddr-aud-str = <0xaf980e10 0x400>;
ddr32-ap-dsp-map-offset = <0x00>;
sprd,ddr32-dspmemdump = <0xaf900000 0x80000>;
sprd,normal-captue-linklilst-node1 = <0x56805e00 0x200>;
sprd,iram-ap-base = <0x56800000>;
sprd,shmaddr-dsp-vbc = <0xaf981210 0x1400>;
sprd,smsg-addr = <0xaf980400 0xa10>;
memory-region = <0xe6 0xe7>;
sprd,iram-dsp-base = <0x56800000>;
sprd,offload-addr = <0x56800000 0x5c00>;
sprd,normal-captue-data = <0x56806000 0x1e00>;
sprd,shmaddr-nxp = <0xaf982610 0x400>;
sprd,shmaddr-reg-dump = <0xaf983a10 0x400>;
compatible = "unisoc,audio-mem-sharkl5", "unisoc,audio-mem-sharkl5pro";
sprd,normal-captue-linklilst-node2 = <0x56807e00 0x200>;
sprd,audcp-aon-iram = <0xe5>;
sprd,ddr32-dma = <0xaf700000 0x200000>;
audio_pipe_effect {
sprd,channel = <0x08>;
compatible = "unisoc,audio_pipe_effect";
sprd,writesync = <0x01>;
sprd,maxuserwritebufsize = <0x400>;
ion {
#address-cells = <0x01>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,ion";
phandle = <0x215>;
heap@4 {
memory-region = <0x224>;
label = "carveout_fd";
type = <0x02>;
reg = <0x04>;
heap@7 {
memory-region = <0x225>;
label = "carveout_oemcrypto";
type = <0x02>;
reg = <0x07>;
sprd-fe-dai {
#sound-dai-cells = <0x01>;
compatible = "unisoc,fe-dai";
phandle = <0xf6>;
chg-sensor {
io-channels = <0x61 0x04>;
#thermal-sensor-cells = <0x00>;
temperature-lookup-table = <0xffff64c2 0x46b 0xffff8baf 0x456 0xffffb3e8 0x432 0xffffedb9 0x3d7 0x277e 0x346 0x60e5 0x28e 0xaf7a 0x19d 0xd677 0x13c 0xfd7f 0xee 0x12484 0xb2 0x14b93 0x85 0x172a3 0x64 0x199b0 0x4b 0x1c0c9 0x39 0x1e7c8 0x2b>;
compatible = "generic-adc-thermal";
phandle = <0x222>;
io-channel-names = "sensor-channel";
npu-cooling-devices {
npu-cooling0 {
sprd,efuse-block7 = <0x07>;
sprd,core-base = <0x1371>;
sprd,leak-cluster = <0x02 0x55 0x9dc>;
sprd,voltage-scale = <0x4ad 0xfffff61f 0x753 0xfffffe45>;
sprd,leak-core = <0x02 0x55 0x74d>;
compatible = "sprd,npu-power-model";
sprd,efuse-block15 = <0x0f>;
phandle = <0x104>;
sprd,hotplug-period = <0x00>;
sprd,temp-scale = <0x14 0xfffff4c7 0x26db0 0xfff61e79>;
sprd,cluster-base = <0x3c6>;
sprd,dynamic-cluster = <0x17b0 0x300 0x384>;
sprd,dynamic-core = <0x22124 0x352 0x320>;
#cooling-cells = <0x02>;
timer {
interrupts = <0x01 0x0d 0x04 0x01 0x0e 0x04 0x01 0x0b 0x04 0x01 0x0a 0x04>;
compatible = "arm,armv8-timer";
modem@1 {
syscon3 = <0x02 0xff 0x00>;
syscon1 = <0x04 0xff 0x100000>;
syscon-names = "shutdown", "deepsleep", "corereset", "sysreset", "getstatus";
compatible = "unisoc,modem";
sprd,version = <0x04>;
phandle = <0x219>;
syscon4 = <0x02 0xff 0x00>;
sprd,sys-bus-ctrl = <0x02 0x124 0x01>;
syscon2 = <0x02 0x8c 0x01>;
syscon0 = <0x02 0xff 0x00>;
vpuenc-dvfs {
sprd,dvfs-idle-freq = <0xf424000>;
sprd,freq-upd-hdsk-en = <0x01>;
sprd,freq-upd-delay-en = <0x00>;
operating-points = <0x3e800 0x927c0 0x4b000 0x9eb10 0x5dc00 0xaae60 0x7d000 0xb71b0>;
sprd,dvfs-enable-flag = <0x01>;
compatible = "sprd,hwdvfs-vpuenc-qogirn6pro";
phandle = <0x1e9>;
sprd,dvfs-work-freq = <0x1e848000>;
sipa-eth7 {
compatible = "sprd,sipa_eth";
phandle = <0x1d5>;
sprd,term-type = <0x06>;
sprd,netid = <0x08>;
sprd-pcm-audio {
dma-names = "normal_p_l", "normal_p_r", "normal_c_l", "normal_c_r", "normal23_p_l", "normal23_p_r", "normal23_c_l", "normal23_c_r", "dspcap_c", "a2dppcm_p", "voice_c", "fast_p", "loop_c", "loop_p", "voip_c", "voip_p", "dspfmcap_c", "dspbtscocap_c", "recognise_c", "voice_pcm_p", "hifi_p", "hifi_fast_p", "iis0_rx", "iis0_tx";
#sound-dai-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "unisoc,qogirn6pro-pcm-platform";
phandle = <0xf5>;
dmas = <0xe4 0x01 0xe4 0x02 0xe4 0x03 0xe4 0x04 0xe4 0x11 0xe4 0x12 0xe4 0x0f 0xe4 0x10 0xe4 0x0e 0xe4 0x08 0xe4 0x0c 0xe4 0x09 0xe4 0x0d 0xe4 0x08 0xe4 0x0b 0xe4 0x06 0xe4 0x0e 0xe4 0x0e 0xe4 0x0c 0xe4 0x06 0xe4 0x13 0xe4 0x14 0xe4 0x17 0xe4 0x18>;
pwm-fan {
pwm-names = "fan";
compatible = "pwm-fan";
enable-gpios = <0x160 0x79 0x00>;
phandle = <0x235>;
pwms = <0x15e 0x00 0x9c40>;
#cooling-cells = <0x02>;
audiocp_dvfs {
sprd,channel = <0x0a>;
compatible = "unisoc,qogirn6pro-audcp-dvfs";
dcam2_3-dvfs {
operating-points = <0x17700 0x927c0 0x1f400 0x927c0 0x25800 0x927c0 0x2ee00 0x9eb10 0x3e800 0xaae60>;
compatible = "sprd,hwdvfs-dcam2_3";
phandle = <0x20f>;
fingerprint@0 {
fpint-gpios = <0x03 0x1d 0x00>;
compatible = "microarray,afs121";
dvfs_phycp {
sprd,devices-num = <0x03>;
sprd,devices-name = "core", "axi", "apb";
compatible = "sprd,phycp-dvfs";
sprd,devices-id = <0x00 0x01 0x02>;
sprd,core_id = <0x03>;
dcam0_1_axi-dvfs {
operating-points = <0x25800 0x927c0 0x3e800 0x927c0 0x4b000 0x927c0 0x64000 0x9eb10 0x7d000 0xaae60>;
compatible = "sprd,hwdvfs-dcam0_1-axi";
phandle = <0x20e>;
aliases {
eth0 = "/sipa-eth0";
i2c3 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@2270000";
spi2 = "/soc/ap-apb/spi@80000";
pmic_efuse1 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@1/efuse@800";
eth9 = "/sipa-eth9";
i2c1 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@2250000";
serdes1 = "/soc/aon/modem-dbg-log@530000";
v4-modem3 = "/modem@3";
eth15 = "/sipa-eth15";
spi0 = "/soc/ap-apb/spi@60000";
eth7 = "/sipa-eth7";
v4-modem1 = "/modem@1";
eth13 = "/sipa-eth13";
eth5 = "/sipa-eth5";
i2c8 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@22c0000";
serial3 = "/soc/ap-apb/serial@30000";
thm-sensor0 = "/virtual-sensor@0";
eth11 = "/sipa-eth11";
eth3 = "/sipa-eth3";
i2c6 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@22a0000";
serial1 = "/soc/ap-apb/serial@10000";
cooling-device2 = "/cooling-devices/cluster2-cooling";
eth1 = "/sipa-eth1";
i2c4 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@2280000";
cooling-device0 = "/cooling-devices/cluster0-cooling";
i2c2 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@2260000";
npu-cooling0 = "/npu-cooling-devices/npu-cooling0";
spi1 = "/soc/ap-apb/spi@70000";
pmic_efuse0 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/efuse@c00";
eth8 = "/sipa-eth8";
i2c0 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@2240000";
serdes0 = "/soc/aon/modem-dbg-log@520000";
v4-modem2 = "/modem@2";
eth14 = "/sipa-eth14";
eth6 = "/sipa-eth6";
i2c9 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@22d0000";
gpu-cooling0 = "/gpu-cooling-devices/gpu-cooling0";
v4-modem0 = "/modem@0";
eth12 = "/sipa-eth12";
eth4 = "/sipa-eth4";
i2c7 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@22b0000";
serial2 = "/soc/ap-apb/serial@20000";
eth10 = "/sipa-eth10";
eth2 = "/sipa-eth2";
i2c5 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@2290000";
serial0 = "/soc/ap-apb/serial@0";
spi4 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000";
cooling-device1 = "/cooling-devices/cluster1-cooling";
firmware {
android {
compatible = "android,firmware";
vbmeta {
parts = "vbmeta,boot,vendor_boot,dtbo,nr_modem,nr_phy,l_agdsp,pm_sys";
compatible = "android,vbmeta";
audio-dsp-dump@2 {
sprd-dst = [01];
sprd-channel = [05];
compatible = "unisoc,audio_dsp_mem";
sprd-usemem-bytes = <0x80000>;
sprd,dspdumpmem = <0x56200000 0x3000 0x65009400 0x1000 0x89300000 0x5f000>;
sprd-usemem-type = <0x09>;
thermal-sensor {
io-channels = <0x61 0x01>;
#thermal-sensor-cells = <0x00>;
temperature-lookup-table = <0xffff64c2 0x46b 0xffff8baf 0x456 0xffffb3e8 0x432 0xffffedb9 0x3d7 0x277e 0x346 0x60e5 0x28e 0xaf7a 0x19d 0xd677 0x13c 0xfd7f 0xee 0x12484 0xb2 0x14b93 0x85 0x172a3 0x64 0x199b0 0x4b 0x1c0c9 0x39 0x1e7c8 0x2b>;
compatible = "generic-adc-thermal";
phandle = <0x220>;
io-channel-names = "sensor-channel";
sipa-eth5 {
compatible = "sprd,sipa_eth";
phandle = <0x1d3>;
sprd,term-type = <0x06>;
sprd,netid = <0x06>;
hwfeature {
lwfq {
type = "2";
auto {
chipid = "UMS9620-AB";
efuse = "T820";
efuse_raw = "2auto/chipid_raw=1";
depth-dvfs {
operating-points = <0x1f400 0x927c0 0x2ee00 0x927c0 0x3e800 0x927c0 0x4b000 0x9eb10 0x5dc00 0xaae60>;
compatible = "sprd,hwdvfs-depth";
phandle = <0x20a>;
audio-sipc {
compatible = "unisoc,audio_sipc";
mboxes = <0xe3 0x05 0x00>;
chosen {
linux,initrd-end = <0x00 0xd17d2ae9>;
bootargs = "earlycon=sprd_serial,0x20210000,115200n8 console=ttyS1,115200n8 loop.max_part=7 loglevel=1 init=/init root=/dev/ram0 rw printk.devkmsg=on dummy_hcd.num=0 pcie_ports=compat swiotlb=1 initcall_debug=1 androidboot.init_fatal_panic=true kfence.sample_interval=0 androidboot.hardware=ums9620_2h10 androidboot.dtbo_idx=2 lcd_id=IDffff lcd_name=lcd_ch13721b_gvo548_truly_mipi_fhd lcd_base=b0000000 lcd_size=1920x1080 logo_bpix=24 androidboot.lwfq.type=2 sysdump_magic=80001000 sysdump_re_flag=1 androidboot.usbmux=0x0 modem=shutdown androidboot.mode=normal androidboot.product.hardware.sku=wifionly crystal=5 32k.less=0 marlin.clktype=1 pcb.version=1 androidboot.pmic.chipid=7520 cpcmdline=end buildvariant=user bootcause=\"Reboot into normal\" pwroffcause=\"device power down\" charge.shutdown_rtc_time=1712354811 charge.charge_cycle=735 charge.basp=-1 charge.total_mah=5000000 charge.fgu_res=-1 androidboot.wdten=e551 androidboot.dswdten=disable androidboot.dvfs_set=0x0 androidboot.slot_suffix=_a sprdboot.flash=ufs androidboot.ddrsize=8192M androidboot.ddrsize.range=[6144,) androidboot.serialno=RG556001223889 androidboot.force_normal_boot=1 androidboot.boot_devices=soc/soc:ap-ahb/22000000.ufs androidboot.vendor.skip.init=0 androidboot.verifiedbootstate=green androidboot.flash.locked=1 androidboot.vbmeta.device=PARTUUID=1.0 androidboot.vbmeta.avb_version=1.1 androidboot.vbmeta.device_state=locked androidboot.vbmeta.hash_alg=sha256 androidboot.vbmeta.size=44032 androidboot.vbmeta.digest=839588c48fe08685b5dd25f8c9b6e553ed6df3802ea370328216cc891e3b14db androidboot.veritymode=enforcing androidboot.veritymode.managed=yes";
bootargs_ext = "androidboot.hardware=ums9620_2h10 androidboot.dtbo_idx=0";
linux,initrd-start = <0x00 0xd0000000>;
phandle = <0x1e5>;
stdout-path = "serial1:115200n8";
dcam_mtx-dvfs {
operating-points = <0x25800 0x927c0 0x4af38 0x927c0 0x64000 0x9eb10 0x7d000 0xaae60>;
compatible = "sprd,hwdvfs-dcam-mtx";
phandle = <0x20c>;
fd-dvfs {
operating-points = <0x1f400 0x927c0 0x2ee00 0x927c0 0x3e800 0x927c0 0x4b000 0x9eb10 0x5dc00 0xaae60>;
compatible = "sprd,hwdvfs-fd";
phandle = <0x209>;
interrupt-controller@12000000 {
#address-cells = <0x02>;
#redistributor-regions = <0x01>;
interrupts = <0x01 0x09 0x04>;
#size-cells = <0x02>;
redistributor-stride = <0x00 0x20000>;
compatible = "arm,gic-v3";
#interrupt-cells = <0x03>;
reg = <0x00 0x12000000 0x00 0x20000 0x00 0x12040000 0x00 0x100000>;
phandle = <0x01>;
sprd-marlin3 {
avdd33-bound-wbreq = <0x22cc 0x08 0x00 0x08>;
sprd,btwf-file-name = "/dev/block/by-name/wcnmodem";
clock-names = "clk_32k", "source", "enable";
avdd12-supply = <0x18b>;
clocks = <0x10 0x6b 0x4f 0x10 0x03>;
extcon = <0x12c>;
avdd33-supply = <0x181>;
sprd,gnss-file-name = "/vendor/firmware/gnssmodem.bin";
reset-gpios = <0x160 0xac 0x01>;
compatible = "unisoc,marlin3lite_sdio";
enable-gpios = <0x160 0xab 0x01>;
phandle = <0x234>;
xtal-26m-clk-type = "TCXO";
m2-wakeup-ap-gpios = <0x160 0x80 0x01>;
m2-to-ap-irq-gpios = <0x160 0xad 0x01>;
sdhci-name = <0x12c>;
dcxo18-supply = <0x17d>;
avdd12-parent-bound-chip = <0x224c 0x01 0x00 0x01>;
avdd12-bound-wbreq = <0x22c8 0x800 0x00 0x800>;
gnss {
compatible = "sprd,gnss";
sprd-mtty {
sprd,name = "ttyBT";
compatible = "sprd,mtty";
sprd-fm {
sprd,name = "sprd-fm";
compatible = "sprd,marlin3-fm";
wlan {
compatible = "sprd,sc2355-sdio-wifi";
audio_pipe_bthal {
sprd,channel = <0x0b>;
compatible = "unisoc,audio_pipe_bthal";
sprd,writesync = <0x00>;
sprd,maxuserwritebufsize = <0x00>;
mtx_data-dvfs {
operating-points = <0x4b000 0x927c0 0x64000 0x9eb10 0x7d000 0xaae60>;
compatible = "sprd,hwdvfs-mtx_data";
phandle = <0x20b>;
audio-dsp-dump@0 {
sprd-dst = [01];
sprd-channel = [04];
sprd-rxblocksize = <0x2000>;
compatible = "unisoc,audio_dsp_log";
sprd-rxblocknum = <0x08>;
sprd-usemem-type = <0x05>;
vdma-dvfs {
operating-points = <0x6590 0x927c0 0x25800 0x927c0 0x3e800 0x927c0 0x4b000 0x9eb10 0x64000 0xaae60 0x7d000 0xb71b0>;
compatible = "sprd,hwdvfs-vdma";
phandle = <0x212>;
dphy-416m7 {
clock-output-names = "dphy-416m7";
#clock-cells = <0x00>;
clock-frequency = <0x18d65660>;
compatible = "fixed-clock";
phandle = <0x1c>;
sipa-eth14 {
compatible = "sprd,sipa_eth";
phandle = <0x1dc>;
sprd,term-type = <0x06>;
sprd,netid = <0x0f>;
debuglog {
sprd,pdbg-irq-domain-ana = "spi4.0";
sprd,pdbg-irq-domain-ap-eic-sync = "642000c0.gpio";
sprd,pdbg-irq-domain-gic = "GICv3";
sprd,pdbg-irq-domain-ana-eic = "sc27xx-eic";
compatible = "sprd,debuglog";
sprd,pdbg-irq-domain-gpio = "sprd-gpio";
phandle = <0x1e0>;
sprd-gsp0@31100000 {
power-domains = <0x1a>;
io-cnt = <0x07>;
#power-domain-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,gsp-r9p0-qogirn6pro";
reg = <0x00 0x30130000 0x00 0x300>;
phandle = <0x119>;
cores = <0xef>;
core-cnt = <0x01>;
sipa-eth3 {
compatible = "sprd,sipa_eth";
phandle = <0x1d1>;
sprd,term-type = <0x06>;
sprd,netid = <0x04>;
cpufreq-cluster1 {
sprd,temp-threshold = <0x41>;
sprd,voltage-margin = <0x28>;
sprd,voltage-step = <0xb71b0>;
sprd,transition-delay = <0x3e8>;
phandle = <0xec>;
sprd,cluster-cpumask = <0x70>;
sprd-map-user {
compatible = "unisoc,map-user";
dphy-312m5 {
clock-output-names = "dphy-312m5";
#clock-cells = <0x00>;
clock-frequency = <0x12a05f20>;
compatible = "fixed-clock";
phandle = <0x1b>;
sound@0 {
sprd-audio-card,name = "sprdphone-sc2730";
sprd-audio-card,headset = <0xf4>;
sprd,syscon-agcp-ahb = <0x86>;
compatible = "unisoc,vbc-v4-codec-sc2730";
status = "okay";
sprd,spk-ext-pa-gpio = <0x160 0x70 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,routing = "HPMIC Pin", "HP Mic Jack", "MIC Pin", "Mic Jack", "MIC2 Pin", "Aux Mic Jack", "HeadPhone Jack", "HP Pin", "Ext Spk", "HP Pin", "Ext Spk1", "HP Pin", "Ext Spk", "SPK Pin", "Ext Spk1", "SPK Pin", "Ext Ear", "EAR Pin", "Ext Ear", "SPK Pin", "Ext Ear", "HP Pin";
phandle = <0x1e3>;
sprd,spk-ext-pa-info = <0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@68 {
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dynamic = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
trigger = <0x01 0x01>;
stream-name = "FE_ST_VOICE_PCM_P";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "FE_VOICE_PCM_P";
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf5>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf6 0x12>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@0 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x00>;
dynamic = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
trigger = <0x01 0x01>;
stream-name = "FE_ST_NORMAL_AP01";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "FE_NORMAL_AP01";
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf5>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf6 0x00>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@48 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_DUMP";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_DUMP";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x1e>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@38 {
ignore-suspend = <0x00>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
ignore-pmdown-time = <0x00>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_OFFLOAD_A2DP";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_OFFLOAD_A2DP";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x14>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@66 {
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dynamic = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
trigger = <0x01 0x01>;
stream-name = "DisplayPort MultiMedia";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "DisplayPort MultiMedia";
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf5>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf6 0x18>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@28 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x00>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_NORMAL_AP01_USB";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_NORMAL_AP01_USB";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x0a>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@9 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dynamic = <0x01>;
trigger = <0x01 0x01>;
stream-name = "FE_ST_VOICE_C";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "FE_VOICE_C";
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf5>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf6 0x09>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@18 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x00>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_NORMAL_AP01_CODEC";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_NORMAL_AP01_CODEC";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x00>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0xfa 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@46 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x00>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_CAPTURE_FM_DSP";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_CAPTURE_FM_DSP";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x1c>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@36 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_LOOP_USB";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_LOOP_USB";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x12>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@26 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_LOOP_CODEC";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_LOOP_CODEC";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x08>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0xfa 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@7 {
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dynamic = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
trigger = <0x01 0x01>;
stream-name = "FE_ST_FM";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "FE_FM";
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf5>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf6 0x07>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@16 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dynamic = <0x01>;
trigger = <0x01 0x01>;
stream-name = "FE_ST_DUMP";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "FE_DUMP";
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf5>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf6 0x10>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@44 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_VOICE_C";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_VOICE_C";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x1a>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@34 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_VOIP_USB";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_VOIP_USB";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x10>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@90 {
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dynamic = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
trigger = <0x01 0x01>;
stream-name = "FE_ST_MM_P";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "FE_MM_P";
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf5>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf6 0x19>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@24 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_VOIP_CODEC";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_VOIP_CODEC";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x06>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0xfa 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@5 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dynamic = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
trigger = <0x01 0x01>;
stream-name = "FE_ST_VOICE";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "FE_VOICE";
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf5>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf6 0x05>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@52 {
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_NORMAL_AP01_BTSCO";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_NORMAL_AP01_BTSCO";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x21>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@14 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dynamic = <0x01>;
trigger = <0x01 0x01>;
stream-name = "FE_ST_CAPTURE_BTSCO_DSP";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "FE_CAPTURE_BTSCO_DSP";
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf5>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf6 0x0e>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@42 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_LOOP_BT";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_LOOP_BT";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x18>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@32 {
ignore-suspend = <0x00>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
ignore-pmdown-time = <0x00>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_OFFLOAD_USB";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_OFFLOAD_USB";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x0e>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@22 {
ignore-suspend = <0x00>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
ignore-pmdown-time = <0x00>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_OFFLOAD_CODEC";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_OFFLOAD_CODEC";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x04>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0xfa 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@3 {
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dynamic = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
trigger = <0x01 0x01>;
stream-name = "FE_ST_FAST";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "FE_FAST";
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf5>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf6 0x03>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@50 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_TEST_CODEC";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_TEST_CODEC";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x1f>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0xfa 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@12 {
ignore-suspend = <0x00>;
dynamic = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
trigger = <0x01 0x01>;
ignore-pmdown-time = <0x00>;
stream-name = "FE_ST_A2DP_PCM";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "FE_A2DP_PCM";
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf5>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf6 0x0c>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@40 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_VOICE_BT";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_VOICE_BT";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x16>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@69 {
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_VOICE_PCM_P";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_VOICE_PCM_P";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x2d>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@30 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x00>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_CAPTURE_DSP_USB";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_CAPTURE_DSP_USB";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x0c>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@20 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x00>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_CAPTURE_DSP_CODEC";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_CAPTURE_DSP_CODEC";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x02>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0xfa 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@1 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x00>;
dynamic = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
trigger = <0x01 0x01>;
stream-name = "FE_ST_NORMAL_AP23";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "FE_NORMAL_AP23";
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf5>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf6 0x01>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@49 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x00>;
dynamic = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
trigger = <0x01 0x01>;
stream-name = "FE_ST_TEST_CODEC";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "FE_TEST_CODEC";
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf5>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf6 0x13>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@10 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dynamic = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
trigger = <0x01 0x01>;
stream-name = "FE_ST_LOOP";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "FE_LOOP";
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf5>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf6 0x0a>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@39 {
ignore-suspend = <0x00>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
ignore-pmdown-time = <0x00>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_PCM_A2DP";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_PCM_A2DP";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x15>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@29 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x00>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_NORMAL_AP23_USB";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_NORMAL_AP23_USB";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x0b>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@19 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x00>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_NORMAL_AP23_CODEC";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_NORMAL_AP23_CODEC";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x01>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0xfa 0x01>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@47 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x00>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_CAPTURE_BTSCO_DSP";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_CAPTURE_BTSCO_DSP";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x1d>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@37 {
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_FM_DSP_USB";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_FM_DSP_USB";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x13>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@65 {
dai-format = "i2s";
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
ignore-pmdown-time = <0x01>;
stream-name = "AGCP_IIS0_TX Playback";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "AGCP_IIS0_TX";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0x1a7 0x39>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x157 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@27 {
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_FM_DSP_CODEC";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_FM_DSP_CODEC";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x09>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0xfa 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@8 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dynamic = <0x01>;
trigger = <0x01 0x01>;
stream-name = "FE_ST_FM_C";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "FE_FM_C";
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf5>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf6 0x08>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@17 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dynamic = <0x01>;
trigger = <0x01 0x01>;
stream-name = "FE_ST_BTCAP_AP";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "FE_BTCAP_AP";
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf5>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf6 0x11>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@45 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_FM_C";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_FM_C";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x1b>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@35 {
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_FM_USB";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_FM_USB";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x11>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@91 {
ignore-suspend = <0x00>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_FAST_P_SMART_AMP";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_FAST_P_SMART_AMP";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x39>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0xfa 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@25 {
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_FM_CODEC";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_FM_CODEC";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x07>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0xfa 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@6 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dynamic = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
trigger = <0x01 0x01>;
stream-name = "FE_ST_VOIP";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "FE_VOIP";
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf5>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf6 0x06>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@15 {
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dynamic = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
trigger = <0x01 0x01>;
stream-name = "FE_ST_FM_DSP";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "FE_FM_DSP";
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf5>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf6 0x0f>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@43 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_BT_C";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_BT_C";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x19>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@33 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_VOICE_USB";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_VOICE_USB";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x0f>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@23 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_VOICE_CODEC";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_VOICE_CODEC";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x05>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0xfa 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@4 {
ignore-suspend = <0x00>;
dynamic = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
trigger = <0x01 0x01>;
ignore-pmdown-time = <0x00>;
stream-name = "FE_ST_OFFLOAD";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "FE_OFFLOAD";
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf7>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf6 0x04>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@51 {
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_FAST_BTSCO";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_FAST_BTSCO";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x20>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@13 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dynamic = <0x01>;
trigger = <0x01 0x01>;
stream-name = "FE_ST_CAPTURE_FM_DSP";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "FE_CAPTURE_FM_DSP";
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf5>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf6 0x0d>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@41 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_VOIP_BT";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_VOIP_BT";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x17>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@31 {
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_FAST_USB";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_FAST_USB";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x0d>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@21 {
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
stream-name = "BE_ST_FAST_CODEC";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "BE_FAST_CODEC";
no-pcm = <0x01>;
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf8>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf9 0x03>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0xfa 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@2 {
dpcm-capture = <0x01>;
ignore-suspend = <0x01>;
dynamic = <0x01>;
trigger = <0x01 0x01>;
stream-name = "FE_ST_CAPTURE_DSP";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "FE_CAPTURE_DSP";
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf5>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf6 0x02>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
sprd-audio-card,dai-link@11 {
ignore-suspend = <0x00>;
dynamic = <0x01>;
dpcm-playback = <0x01>;
trigger = <0x01 0x01>;
ignore-pmdown-time = <0x00>;
stream-name = "FE_ST_A2DP_OFFLOAD";
be-id = <0x00>;
link-name = "FE_A2DP_OFFLOAD";
plat {
sound-dai = <0xf7>;
cpu {
sound-dai = <0xf6 0x0b>;
codec {
sound-dai = <0x00 0x00>;
pmu {
interrupts = <0x00 0xb1 0x04 0x00 0xb2 0x04 0x00 0xb3 0x04 0x00 0xb4 0x04 0x00 0xb5 0x04 0x00 0xb6 0x04 0x00 0xb7 0x04 0x00 0xb8 0x04>;
compatible = "arm,armv8-pmuv3";
cpus {
#address-cells = <0x02>;
#size-cells = <0x00>;
cpu@300 {
capacity-dmips-mhz = <0x1a1>;
cpu-idle-states = <0xe8 0xe9>;
device_type = "cpu";
compatible = "arm,cortex-a55", "arm,armv8";
dynamic-power-coefficient = <0x9b>;
cpufreq-data-v1 = <0xea>;
reg = <0x00 0x300>;
enable-method = "psci";
phandle = <0xd0>;
cpu@600 {
capacity-dmips-mhz = <0x3fe>;
cpu-idle-states = <0xeb 0xe9>;
device_type = "cpu";
compatible = "arm,cortex-a76", "arm,armv8";
dynamic-power-coefficient = <0x2d1>;
cpufreq-data-v1 = <0xec>;
reg = <0x00 0x600>;
enable-method = "psci";
phandle = <0xd6>;
cpu-map {
cluster2 {
core0 {
cpu = <0xd8>;
cluster0 {
core3 {
cpu = <0xd0>;
core1 {
cpu = <0xcc>;
core2 {
cpu = <0xce>;
core0 {
cpu = <0xca>;
cluster1 {
core1 {
cpu = <0xd4>;
core2 {
cpu = <0xd6>;
core0 {
cpu = <0xd2>;
cpu@200 {
capacity-dmips-mhz = <0x1a1>;
cpu-idle-states = <0xe8 0xe9>;
device_type = "cpu";
compatible = "arm,cortex-a55", "arm,armv8";
dynamic-power-coefficient = <0x9b>;
cpufreq-data-v1 = <0xea>;
reg = <0x00 0x200>;
enable-method = "psci";
phandle = <0xce>;
cpu@500 {
capacity-dmips-mhz = <0x3fe>;
cpu-idle-states = <0xeb 0xe9>;
device_type = "cpu";
compatible = "arm,cortex-a76", "arm,armv8";
dynamic-power-coefficient = <0x2d1>;
cpufreq-data-v1 = <0xec>;
reg = <0x00 0x500>;
enable-method = "psci";
phandle = <0xd4>;
cpu@0 {
capacity-dmips-mhz = <0x1a1>;
cpu-idle-states = <0xe8 0xe9>;
device_type = "cpu";
compatible = "arm,cortex-a55", "arm,armv8";
dynamic-power-coefficient = <0x9b>;
cpufreq-data-v1 = <0xea>;
reg = <0x00 0x00>;
enable-method = "psci";
phandle = <0xca>;
#cooling-cells = <0x02>;
cpu@100 {
capacity-dmips-mhz = <0x1a1>;
cpu-idle-states = <0xe8 0xe9>;
device_type = "cpu";
compatible = "arm,cortex-a55", "arm,armv8";
dynamic-power-coefficient = <0x9b>;
cpufreq-data-v1 = <0xea>;
reg = <0x00 0x100>;
enable-method = "psci";
phandle = <0xcc>;
cpu@400 {
capacity-dmips-mhz = <0x3fe>;
cpu-idle-states = <0xeb 0xe9>;
device_type = "cpu";
compatible = "arm,cortex-a76", "arm,armv8";
dynamic-power-coefficient = <0x2d1>;
cpufreq-data-v1 = <0xec>;
reg = <0x00 0x400>;
enable-method = "psci";
phandle = <0xd2>;
#cooling-cells = <0x02>;
cpu@700 {
capacity-dmips-mhz = <0x400>;
cpu-idle-states = <0xed 0xe9>;
device_type = "cpu";
compatible = "arm,cortex-a76", "arm,armv8";
dynamic-power-coefficient = <0x380>;
cpufreq-data-v1 = <0xee>;
reg = <0x00 0x700>;
enable-method = "psci";
phandle = <0xd8>;
#cooling-cells = <0x02>;
apipe-cmd-in {
compatible = "unisoc,apipe";
audiocp_boot {
bootvector = <0x02 0x140 0xffffffff>;
sysreset = <0x04 0xb98 0x400000>;
sysshutdown = <0x04 0x3d0 0x2000000>;
deepsleep = <0x04 0x818 0x08>;
bootaddress_sel = <0x02 0x144 0x01>;
sleepstatus = <0x04 0x860 0xf000>;
reset_sel = <0x04 0xba8 0xffffffff>;
coreshutdown = <0x04 0x3d4 0x2000000>;
compatible = "unisoc,audcp-boot";
corestatus = <0x04 0x544 0x1f0000>;
bootprotect = <0x02 0x78 0xffff>;
sysstatus = <0x04 0x544 0x1f00>;
corereset = <0x04 0xb88 0x01>;
__symbols__ {
i2c3 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@2270000";
anlg_phy_g0_regs = "/soc/syscon@25304000";
thm2_sen1 = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm2-sen0@a0";
vpu_pd_top = "/soc/mm/power-domain@0";
thm_zone = "/thermal-zones";
avdd12 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_AVDD12";
dpu1_out = "/soc/ipa-apb/dpu1@31880000/port/endpoint";
gsp0_core0 = "/soc/dpuvsp/gsp@31100000";
hwlock = "/soc/aon/hwspinlock@a10000";
pd_ipa_sys = "/soc/aon/sipa-sys";
anlg_phy_g10_regs = "/soc/syscon@64334000";
vbc_iis3_0 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/vbc-iis3-0";
etm4_out = "/soc/etm@7b440000/port/endpoint";
neg_cp_efuse = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/efuse@c00/calib@32";
etm7 = "/soc/etm@7b740000";
isp_dvfs = "/isp-dvfs";
voice_trigger_irq = "/soc/agcp/voice_trigger_irq";
vddcama0 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDCAMA0";
aon_pre_div_clk_gen_regs = "/soc/syscon@64930000";
iommu_dcam = "/soc/mm/iommu@3e000000";
iommu_vdsp_msti = "/soc/mm/iommu@34300000";
sound_sprd_ap_alliis = "/sound@1";
vbat_det_cal2 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/efuse@c00/calib@44";
aon_systimer = "/soc/aon/timer@1c0000";
vddsim2 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDSIM2";
iq_reserved = "/reserved-memory/iq-mem@aa000000";
vpudec_dvfs = "/vpudec-dvfs";
iommu_cpp = "/soc/mm/iommu@38000000";
funnel_core_in_port7 = "/soc/funnel@7a005000/ports/port@4/endpoint";
iommu_fd = "/soc/mm/iommu@3C000000";
sound_vbc_v4_sprd_codec = "/sound@0";
sipa_eth8 = "/sipa-eth8";
spi2 = "/soc/ap-apb/spi@80000";
sipa_eth13 = "/sipa-eth13";
dpu = "/soc/dpuvsp/dpu@31000000";
vpu_enc0 = "/soc/mm/video-codec@32000000";
thm1_sen3 = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm1-sen0@9f";
vddldo4 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDLDO4";
apahb_gate = "/soc/apahb-gate";
vpu_pd_enc1 = "/soc/mm/power-domain@2";
vpu_pd_dec = "/soc/mm/power-domain@3";
vbc_iis_to_pad = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/vbc-iis-to-pad";
gpio_25 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/emmc_d6";
funnel_soc_in_port = "/soc/funnel@78002000/ports/port@1/endpoint";
dphy_in = "/soc/dpuvsp/dphy/ports/port@1/endpoint";
mipi_csi_phy2_m = "/soc/mm/mipi-csi-phy2-m";
mid4_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/mid4-thmzone";
sysdump_reserved = "/reserved-memory/sysdumpinfo-mem@80001000";
dpu1 = "/soc/ipa-apb/dpu1@31880000";
sdiag_nr = "/sipc-virt/core@5/channel@21";
bd_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/board-thmzone";
sipa = "/soc/ipa-apb/sipa@25220000";
ump9622_pmic = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@2";
i2c1 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@2250000";
sipc_pscp = "/sipc-virt/core@5";
npu_img = "/soc/ai-axi/npu@27100000";
gpu_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/gpu-thmzone";
iommu_dispc1 = "/soc/ipa-apb/iommu@31880000";
serdes1 = "/soc/aon/modem-dbg-log@530000";
ai_dvfs_clk = "/soc/clock-controller@27008000";
audcp_iis0_5 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/audcp-iis0-5";
cpp = "/soc/mm/cpp@38000000";
usb3 = "/soc/ipa-apb/usb3@25100000";
ipaapb_gate = "/soc/ipaapb-gate";
fd_reserved = "/reserved-memory/faceid-mem@ffa10000";
vdd18_dcxo = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDD18_DCXO";
etm5 = "/soc/etm@7b540000";
ai0_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/ai0-thmzone";
vddgen1 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/DCDC_GEN1";
uboot_reserved = "/reserved-memory/sysdump-uboot@b5000000";
audcp_apb_regs = "/soc/syscon@0x562000c8";
iommu_isp = "/soc/mm/iommu@3a000000";
vddsim0 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDSIM0";
funnel_core_in_port5 = "/soc/funnel@7a001000/ports/port@4/endpoint";
aonapb_gate = "/soc/aonapb-gate";
funnel_corinth_lit_out_port = "/soc/funnel@7a001000/ports/port@0/endpoint";
sipa_eth6 = "/sipa-eth6";
extcon_gpio = "/extcon-gpio";
logo_reserved = "/reserved-memory/logobuffer@b0000000";
cluster1_cooling = "/cooling-devices/cluster1-cooling";
gpu = "/soc/mm/gpu@23140000";
spi0 = "/soc/ap-apb/spi@60000";
dsi = "/soc/dpuvsp/dsi@31300000";
vddpub = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/DCDC_PUB";
pmic_fgu = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/fgu@800";
iommu_vpuenc0 = "/soc/mm/iommu@32000000";
anlg_phy_g1l_regs = "/soc/syscon@64308000";
sipa_eth11 = "/sipa-eth11";
dpu_dvfs = "/dpu-dvfs";
cpufreq_cluster2 = "/cpufreq-cluster2";
thm1_sen1 = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm1-sen0@9d";
vdsp_mtx_dvfs = "/vdsp_mtx-dvfs";
vddldo2 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDLDO2";
sprd_headset = "/sprd-headset";
funnel_corinth_out_port = "/soc/funnel@7a004000/ports/port@0/endpoint";
dphy = "/soc/dpuvsp/dphy";
mipi_csi_phy0_c = "/soc/mm/mipi-csi-phy0_c";
mm_gate = "/soc/mm-gate";
audiodsp_reserved = "/reserved-memory/audiodsp-mem@afa00000";
sensor_main3 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@2280000/sensor-main3@20";
ap_gpio = "/soc/aon/gpio@170000";
top_dvfs_apb_regs = "/soc/syscon@64940000";
ipa_clk = "/soc/clock-controller@25010000";
vddai = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@1/power-controller@2000/DCDC_AI";
pamu3 = "/soc/ipa-apb/pamu3@25210000";
mmsys_dvfs = "/mmsys-dvfs";
nr0_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/nr0-thmzone";
vddcpu1 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/DCDC_CPU1";
sipa_usb0 = "/sipa-usb";
vbc_iis0_5 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/vbc-iis0-5";
mipi_csi_phy2_s = "/soc/mm/mipi-csi-phy2-s";
vddemmccore = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDEMMCCORE";
nr_phycp = "/modem@3";
bat = "/battery";
vpu_dec = "/soc/mm/video-codec@32200000";
isp = "/soc/mm/isp@3a000000";
thm3_sen4 = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm3-sen0@a7";
ptm_trace = "/soc/pub/ptm@60060000";
vad_din_sel_add0 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/vad-din-sel-add0";
g8_pll = "/soc/g8-pll";
ai_reserved = "/reserved-memory/ai@ff410000";
aw32257_chg = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@22a0000/charger@6a";
virtual_typec = "/virtual_typec";
iommu_vpudec = "/soc/mm/iommu@32200000";
mid6_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/mid6-thmzone";
ump9620_efuse = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/efuse@c00";
audcp_tdm3_4 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/audcp-tdm3-4";
pmic_adc = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/adc@504";
sml_reserved = "/reserved-memory/sml-mem@bd000000";
etm3 = "/soc/etm@7b340000";
ap_iis2_5 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/ap-iis2-5";
ap_thm2 = "/soc/aon/thermal@290000";
vddgpu = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/DCDC_GPU";
vdsp_dvfs = "/vdsp-dvfs";
dcam_if_dvfs = "/dcam-if-dvfs";
vddvib = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDVIB";
thm1_ratio = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm1-ratio@96";
imsbr_data = "/sipc-virt/core@5/channel@2";
dptx_hdcp_reserved = "/reserved-memory/dptx_hdcp@fff10000";
ext_32k = "/ext_32k";
uboot_log_reserved = "/reserved-memory/uboot_log-mem@bbe80000";
mm_domain = "/soc/mm/mm_domain";
ipa_apb_regs = "/soc/syscon@25000000";
btn38003a = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@22a0000/btn38003a_redriver@30";
vbc_iism0_3 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/vbc-iism0-3";
funnel_core_in_port3 = "/soc/funnel@7a005000/ports/port@2/endpoint";
adi_bus = "/soc/aon/spi@400000";
apapb_gate = "/soc/apapb-gate";
nr_pscp = "/modem@2";
adc_scal1 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/efuse@c00/calib@42";
sipa_eth4 = "/sipa-eth4";
iommu_dispc = "/soc/dpuvsp/iommu@31001800";
etm1_out = "/soc/etm@7b140000/port/endpoint";
ump9621_pmic = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@1";
vddmem = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/DCDC_MEM";
mm_csi_switch_regs = "/soc/syscon@3b600000";
CPU6 = "/cpus/cpu@600";
ai_apb_regs = "/soc/syscon@27000000";
cpufreq_cluster0 = "/cpufreq-cluster0";
vbc_mst_iis0_5 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/vbc-mst-iis0-5";
osctsen_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/osctsen-thmzone";
smem_reserved = "/reserved-memory/sipc-mem@87800000";
vddldo0 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDLDO0";
i2c8 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@22c0000";
vddmodem = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@1/power-controller@2000/DCDC_MODEM";
anlg_phy_g5l_regs = "/soc/syscon@64324000";
thm2_sen6 = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm2-sen0@a4";
sbridge_log = "/sipc-virt/sbridge@0";
pmic_tsensor = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@2/tsensor@20f8";
apcpu0_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/apcpu0-thmzone";
soc_threshold = "/thermal-zones/soc-thmzone/trips/trip-point@0";
etm5_out = "/soc/etm@7b540000/port/endpoint";
vbc_iis3_5 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/vbc-iis3-5";
adc_bcal2 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/efuse@c00/calib@3a";
audcpapb_gate = "/soc/clock-controller@56390000";
nr_ch = "/modem@1";
pdm_dmic = "/soc/agcp/pdm-dmic@56370000";
vbc_iis0_3 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/vbc-iis0-3";
gsp1_core0 = "/soc/dpuvsp/gsp@31200000";
gsp1 = "/sprd-gsp1@31200000";
vddrf0v9 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDRF0V9";
mm_dvfs_regs = "/soc/syscon@30014000";
g5l_pll = "/soc/g5l-pll";
slog_ch = "/sipc-virt/core@9/channel@5";
thm3_sen2 = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm3-sen0@a5";
iommu_vdsp_idma = "/soc/mm/iommu@34400000";
mipi_csi_phy3 = "/soc/mm/mipi-csi-phy3";
csi3 = "/soc/mm/csi03@3e500000";
etm1 = "/soc/etm@7b140000";
sctl_ch = "/sipc-virt/core@9/channel@6";
ap_thm0 = "/soc/aon/thermal@270000";
thm0_sen1 = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm0-sen0@9c";
dummyphy = "/soc/ipa-apb/dummyphy";
vddsram = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/DCDC_SRAM0";
vddcammot0 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDCAMMOT0";
spipe_ch = "/sipc-virt/core@9/channel@4";
rco_6m = "/rco-6m";
MID_CORE_PD = "/idle-states/core-sleep-mid";
ext_26m = "/ext-26m";
uid_end = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/uid-end@e8";
uart2 = "/soc/ap-apb/serial@20000";
pa_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/pa-thmzone";
debug_log = "/debuglog";
vbc_iism0_1 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/vbc-iism0-1";
funnel_core_in_port1 = "/soc/funnel@7a001000/ports/port@2/endpoint";
mailbox = "/soc/aon/mailbox@600000";
lcd_dummy_mipi_hd = "/lcds/lcd_dummy_mipi_hd";
sipa_eth2 = "/sipa-eth2";
gpio_7 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/keyin0";
CPU4 = "/cpus/cpu@400";
funnel_corinth_big_out_port = "/soc/funnel@7a005000/ports/port@0/endpoint";
vddsram2 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@1/power-controller@2000/DCDC_SRAM2";
tout_tsensor = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@2/tsensor@20f8/tout-tsensor@1";
ddrbist_reserved = "/reserved-memory/ddrbist-mem@80000000";
aonapb_clk = "/soc/clock-controller@64920000";
soc = "/soc";
data0_gnss = "/sipc-virt/core@9/channel@7";
i2c6 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@22a0000";
ipaglb_gate = "/soc/clock-controller@25240000";
lit1_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/lit1-thmzone";
vddrf18 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDRF1V8";
thm2_sen4 = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm2-sen0@a3";
audcp_tdm4_5 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/audcp-tdm4-5";
vddvbus = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@22a0000/charger@6a/otg-vbus";
g10_pll = "/soc/g10-pll";
etb_in = "/soc/etb@78003000/port/endpoint";
pmu_gate = "/soc/pmu-gate";
gic = "/interrupt-controller@12000000";
vddrf1v1 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDRF1V1";
sprd_route_pcm = "/sprd-routing-pcm";
anlg_phy_g4_regs = "/soc/syscon@64318000";
vbc_iis3_3 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/vbc-iis3-3";
pmic_pd = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/pd@e00";
eic_debounce = "/soc/aon/gpio@200000";
ap_clk = "/soc/clock-controller@20010000";
lte_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/lte-thmzone";
aon_apb_prot = "/soc/aon/aon-apb-prot";
iommu_dcam_lite = "/soc/mm/iommu@3e100000";
audio_reserved = "/reserved-memory/audio-mem@af700000";
thm3_sen0 = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm3-sen0@99";
g1_pll = "/soc/g1-pll";
typec_cc1_cal = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/efuse@c00/calib@1b";
sipc_ch = "/sipc-virt/core@9";
vddcamd1 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDCAMD1";
mipi_csi_phy1 = "/soc/mm/mipi-csi-phy1";
ump9620_pmic = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0";
sprd_pcm_iis = "/sprd-pcm-iis";
dsi_out = "/soc/dpuvsp/dsi@31300000/ports/port@0/endpoint";
csi1 = "/soc/mm/csi01@3e300000";
chg_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/chg-thmzone";
pddelta_calib = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/efuse@c00/calib@48";
ufs_cali_lane1 = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/cali_dblk68@3c";
aud_aon_clk_regs = "/soc/syscon@56394000";
pmic_wdt = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/watchdog@40";
dpu_vsp_gate = "/soc/clock-controller@30100000";
cp_reserved = "/reserved-memory/cp-modem@88000000";
uart0 = "/soc/ap-apb/serial@0";
sipa_eth0 = "/sipa-eth0";
gpio_5 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/simda1";
headset_adc_fir_2 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/efuse@c00/calib@3e";
npu_cooling0 = "/npu-cooling-devices/npu-cooling0";
sensor_sub3 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@2290000/sensor-sensor_sub3@2e";
audcp_dvfs_apb_rf_regs = "/soc/syscon@0x56250000";
CPU2 = "/cpus/cpu@200";
big7mid4_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/big7mid4-thmzone";
iommu_jpg = "/soc/mm/iommu@36000300";
i2c4 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@2280000";
pdrc_calib = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/efuse@c00/calib@2c";
thm2_sen2 = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm2-sen0@a1";
vddsdio = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDSDIO";
g9_pll = "/soc/g9-pll";
fan0 = "/pwm-fan";
ipa_usb31_dptx_regs = "/soc/syscon@31890000";
topdvfs_clk = "/soc/clock-controller@64940000";
jpg_dvfs = "/jpg-dvfs";
vddcama1 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDCAMA1";
lit3_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/lit3-thmzone";
sprd_fe_dai = "/sprd-fe-dai";
ump9621_efuse = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@1/efuse@800";
socid = "/soc/aon/socid";
ap_ahb_regs = "/soc/syscon@20000000";
audcp_iis2_5 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/audcp-iis2-5";
vddcore = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/DCDC_CORE";
vddcamio = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDCAMIO";
anlg_phy_g5r_regs = "/soc/syscon@64320000";
sipa_eth9 = "/sipa-eth9";
etm2_out = "/soc/etm@7b240000/port/endpoint";
LIT_CORE_PD = "/idle-states/core-sleep-lit";
thm2_ratio = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm2-ratio@9a";
djtag = "/soc/aon/djtag@64570000";
dphy_416m7 = "/dphy-416m7";
jpg = "/soc/mm/jpg-codec@36000000";
sipa_eth14 = "/sipa-eth14";
vddwcn = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDWCN";
vpu_enc1 = "/soc/mm/enc-core1@32100000";
sprd_compr = "/sprd-compr-audio";
vbc_v4 = "/soc/agcp/vbc@56510000";
ap_iis1_5 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/ap-iis1-5";
usb_con = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/pd@e00/connector";
funnel_soc_out_port = "/soc/funnel@78002000/ports/port@0/endpoint";
gpio_26 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/emmc_d7";
agcp_i2s0 = "/soc/agcp/i2s@56270800";
audcpglb_gate = "/soc/clock-controller@56200000";
agcp_dma = "/soc/agcp/dma-controller@56650000";
ext_52m = "/ext-52m";
sdio0 = "/soc/ap-ahb/sdio@22210000";
dptx_in = "/soc/ipa-apb/dptx@31890000/ports/port@1/endpoint";
ap_dma = "/soc/ap-ahb/dma-controller@20000";
mid5mid6_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/mid5mid6-thmzone";
CPU0 = "/cpus/cpu@0";
etm6_out = "/soc/etm@7b640000/port/endpoint";
dphy_out = "/soc/dpuvsp/dphy/ports/port@0/endpoint";
pstore_reserved = "/reserved-memory/ramoops@fff80000";
i2c2 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@2260000";
thm2_sen0 = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm2-sen0@9b";
vddufs1v2 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDUFS1V2";
gpu_bin = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/gpu-bin@48";
corinth_etf_big_out = "/soc/etf@7a003000/port@0/endpoint";
dcam_lite = "/soc/mm/dcam_lite@0x3e100000";
tos_shm_reserved = "/reserved-memory/sh-mem@c3000000";
dphy_312m5 = "/dphy-312m5";
ai_clk = "/soc/clock-controller@27004000";
funnel_corinth_from_lit_in_port = "/soc/funnel@7a004000/ports/port@1/endpoint";
ion = "/ion";
etm6 = "/soc/etm@7b640000";
sipc_phycp = "/sipc-virt/core@7";
mm_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/mm-thmzone";
panel_in = "/soc/dpuvsp/dsi@31300000/panel/port@1/endpoint";
ch13721b_gvo548_truly_timing0 = "/lcds/lcd_ch13721b_gvo548_truly_mipi_fhd/display-timings/timing0";
pmic_smpl = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/smpl@2000";
vbc_iis2_5 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/vbc-iis2-5";
gpu_cooling0 = "/gpu-cooling-devices/gpu-cooling0";
cluster0_cooling = "/cooling-devices/cluster0-cooling";
vbat_det_cal1 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/efuse@c00/calib@46";
anlg_phy_g9_regs = "/soc/syscon@64330000";
vddsim1 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDSIM1";
vpuenc_dvfs = "/vpuenc-dvfs";
funnel_core_in_port6 = "/soc/funnel@7a005000/ports/port@3/endpoint";
vdsp_mailbox = "/soc/mm/mailbox@30020000";
sipa_eth7 = "/sipa-eth7";
ch_ddr_reserved = "/reserved-memory/ch_ddr@ae600000";
spi1 = "/soc/ap-apb/spi@70000";
iommu_vpuenc1 = "/soc/mm/iommu@32100000";
widevine_reserved = "/reserved-memory/widevine@db800000";
iommu_vdsp_vdma = "/soc/mm/iommu@34100200";
sipa_eth12 = "/sipa-eth12";
thm1_sen2 = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm1-sen0@9e";
BIG_CORE_PD = "/idle-states/core-sleep-big";
vddldo3 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDLDO3";
vpu_pd_enc0 = "/soc/mm/power-domain@1";
usb = "/soc/aon/usb@a00000";
headset_adc_sec = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/efuse@c00/calib@2e";
imsbr_ctrl = "/sipc-virt/core@5/channel@3";
gpio_24 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/emmc_cmd";
nr_pm = "/modem@0";
ap_efuse = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000";
reserved_memory = "/reserved-memory";
ufs = "/soc/ap-ahb/ufs@2000000";
ssphy = "/soc/ipa-apb/ssphy@25310000";
dcam2_3_dvfs = "/dcam2_3-dvfs";
slog_pm = "/sipc-virt/core@6/channel@5";
aon_iis0_5 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/aon-iis0-5";
pcie_apb_regs = "/soc/syscon@26000000";
crypto_engine_rng = "/soc/ap-apb/rng@e0000";
aon_apb_regs = "/soc/syscon@64900000";
i2s0 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2s@0x202b0000";
vddkpled = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDKPLED";
stime_ch = "/sipc-virt/core@9/channel@41";
eic_async = "/soc/aon/gpio@2000a0";
iommu_gsp1 = "/soc/dpuvsp/iommu@31200000";
i2c0 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@2240000";
vddcpu2 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/DCDC_CPU2";
mid5_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/mid5-thmzone";
rco_60m = "/rco-60m";
dcam0_1_axi_dvfs = "/dcam0_1_axi-dvfs";
vbc_mst_iis2_5 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/vbc-mst-iis2-5";
pmu_apb_prot = "/soc/aon/pmu-apb-prot";
serdes0 = "/soc/aon/modem-dbg-log@520000";
sensor_sub = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@2240000/sensor-sub@5a";
sctl_pm = "/sipc-virt/core@6/channel@6";
soc_target = "/thermal-zones/soc-thmzone/trips/trip-point@1";
thm3_sen5 = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm3-sen0@aa";
typec_cc2_cal = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/efuse@c00/calib@1c";
vad_din_sel_add1 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/vad-din-sel-add1";
slog_phy = "/sipc-virt/core@7/channel@5";
vddmm = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@1/power-controller@2000/DCDC_MM";
vddmemq = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/DCDC_MEMQ";
audcp_tdm3_5 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/audcp-tdm3-5";
apcpu_dvfs = "/soc/aon/apcpu-dvfs@950000";
ap_apb_regs = "/soc/syscon@20100000";
flash_ic = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@22a0000/flash-ic@63";
etm4 = "/soc/etm@7b440000";
ap_thm3 = "/soc/aon/thermal@2A0000";
gpu_apb_regs = "/soc/syscon@23000000";
funnel_corinth_from_big_in_port = "/soc/funnel@7a004000/ports/port@2/endpoint";
vbc_iis2_3 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/vbc-iis2-3";
vddgen0 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/DCDC_GEN0";
dcam = "/soc/mm/dcam@3e000000";
pa_thermistor = "/pa-sensor";
dpu_port = "/soc/dpuvsp/dpu@31000000/port";
funnel_core_in_port4 = "/soc/funnel@7a001000/ports/port@3/endpoint";
ai1_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/ai1-thmzone";
adc_scal2 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/efuse@c00/calib@40";
pmic_typec = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/typec@380";
sipa_eth5 = "/sipa-eth5";
apb_bm = "/soc/aon/apb-busmonitor@64580000";
dpu_vsp_apb_regs = "/soc/syscon@30100000";
gpu_dvfs_apb_regs = "/soc/syscon@23014000";
CPU7 = "/cpus/cpu@700";
sipa_eth10 = "/sipa-eth10";
anlg_phy_g12_regs = "/soc/syscon@64380000";
corinth_etf_lit_out = "/soc/etf@7a002000/port@0/endpoint";
cpufreq_cluster1 = "/cpufreq-cluster1";
vddwifipa = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDWIFIPA";
depth_dvfs = "/depth-dvfs";
thm1_sen0 = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm1-sen0@97";
vddldo1 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDLDO1";
i2c9 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@22d0000";
vddwpa = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/DCDC_WPA";
sensor_main = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@2240000/sensor-main@20";
cluster2_cooling = "/cooling-devices/cluster2-cooling";
mm_clk = "/soc/clock-controller@30010000";
gpio_22 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/sd0_clk";
sensor_main2 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@2250000/sensor-main2@20";
avdd18 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_AVDD18";
corinth_etf_lit_in = "/soc/etf@7a002000/port@1/endpoint";
sprd_tdm = "/soc/agcp/sprd-tdm-audio@563a0000";
audcp_clk_rf_regs = "/soc/syscon@0x56240000";
uid_start = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/uid-start@ec";
ipa_glb_apb_regs = "/soc/syscon@25240000";
sipc_pm = "/sipc-virt/core@6";
vddcpu0 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@1/power-controller@2000/DCDC_CPU0";
debug_stat = "/debugstat";
pcie_clk = "/soc/clock-controller@26004000";
aiapb_gate = "/soc/clock-controller@27000000";
anlg_phy_g8_regs = "/soc/syscon@6432C000";
iommu_gsp = "/soc/dpuvsp/iommu@31100000";
dcam_mtx_dvfs = "/dcam_mtx-dvfs";
thm3_sen3 = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm3-sen0@a6";
fd_dvfs = "/fd-dvfs";
nr1_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/nr1-thmzone";
oemcrypto_reserved = "/reserved-memory/oemcrypto@c3100000";
stty_nr = "/sipc-virt/core@5/channel@6";
mm_ahb_regs = "/soc/syscon@30000000";
chosen = "/chosen";
soc_crit = "/thermal-zones/soc-thmzone/trips/soc_crit";
etm3_out = "/soc/etm@7b340000/port/endpoint";
etm2 = "/soc/etm@7b240000";
mtx_data_dvfs = "/mtx_data-dvfs";
ap_thm1 = "/soc/aon/thermal@280000";
cma_reserved = "/reserved-memory/cma_share@f00000000";
hsphy = "/soc/aon/hsphy@300000";
vddcammot1 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDCAMMOT1";
mipi_csi_phy3_m = "/soc/mm/mipi-csi-phy3_m";
vdma_dvfs = "/vdma-dvfs";
pin_controller = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000";
dummy_timing0 = "/lcds/lcd_dummy_mipi_hd/display-timings/timing0";
snv_nr = "/sipc-virt/core@5/channel@40";
ucp1301_spk = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@22a0000/ucp1301@58";
uart3 = "/soc/ap-apb/serial@30000";
thm3_ratio = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm3-ratio@98";
ddr_dfs = "/scene-frequency";
funnel_core_in_port2 = "/soc/funnel@7a005000/ports/port@1/endpoint";
lcd_ch13721b_gvo548_truly_mipi_fhd = "/lcds/lcd_ch13721b_gvo548_truly_mipi_fhd";
lit0_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/lit0-thmzone";
CLUSTER_PD = "/idle-states/cluster-pd";
sipa_eth3 = "/sipa-eth3";
gpio_8 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/keyin1";
audcp_iis1_5 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/audcp-iis1-5";
etm7_out = "/soc/etm@7b740000/port/endpoint";
CPU5 = "/cpus/cpu@500";
apsys_dvfs = "/soc/apsys-dvfs@30114000";
fgu_calib = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/efuse@c00/calib@4";
i2c7 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@22b0000";
virtual_sensor = "/virtual-sensor@0";
eic_sync = "/soc/aon/gpio@2000c0";
thm2_sen5 = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm2-sen0@a9";
dmc_mpu = "/soc/pub/dmc-mpu@60030000";
osc_tsensor = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@2/tsensor@20f8/osc-tsensor@0";
dptx = "/soc/ipa-apb/dptx@31890000";
vdd28 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDD28";
aon_sysfrt = "/soc/aon/timer@50000";
pcie1 = "/soc/pcie@26100000";
ap_iis0_5 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/ap-iis0-5";
anlg_phy_pcie3_regs = "/soc/syscon@2600C000";
dpu_vsp_clk = "/soc/clock-controller@30110000";
adc_bcal1 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/efuse@c00/calib@38";
pub_apb_regs = "/soc/syscon@60050000";
pmic_fchg = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/fchg@400";
pwms = "/soc/aon/pwm@30000";
apcpu1_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/apcpu1-thmzone";
gsp0 = "/sprd-gsp0@31100000";
tos_reserved = "/reserved-memory/tos-mem@bd020000";
anlg_phy_g1_regs = "/soc/syscon@64304000";
audcp_aon_apb_regs = "/soc/syscon@56390000";
thm3_sen1 = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm3-sen0@a8";
headset_adc_fir = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/efuse@c00/calib@4a";
sipa_dummy = "/sipa-dummy";
vddcamd2 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDCAMD2";
mipi_csi_phy2 = "/soc/mm/mipi-csi-phy2";
csi2 = "/soc/mm/csi02@3e400000";
etm0 = "/soc/etm@7b040000";
soc_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/soc-thmzone";
mipi_csi_phy1_c = "/soc/mm/mipi-csi-phy1_c";
g5r_pll = "/soc/g5r-pll";
pmic_eic = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/gpio@280";
sprd_marlin3 = "/sprd-marlin3";
thm0_sen0 = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm0-sen0@95";
panel = "/soc/dpuvsp/dsi@31300000/panel";
outtsen_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/outtsen-thmzone";
tboard_thermistor = "/thermal-sensor";
pcieapb_gate = "/soc/clock-controller@26000000";
anlg_phy_g0l_regs = "/soc/syscon@64300000";
dpu1_port = "/soc/ipa-apb/dpu1@31880000/port";
uart1 = "/soc/ap-apb/serial@10000";
autotest = "/autotest";
dsi_in = "/soc/dpuvsp/dsi@31300000/ports/port@1/endpoint";
sprd_audio_codec_dig = "/soc/agcp/audio-codec@56360000";
vbc_iism0_0 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/vbc-iism0-0";
funnel_core_in_port0 = "/soc/funnel@7a001000/ports/port@1/endpoint";
vbc_iis_to_aon_usb = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/vbc-iis-to-aon-usb";
cpp_dvfs = "/cpp-dvfs";
sdio3 = "/soc/ap-ahb/sdio@22200000";
sipa_eth1 = "/sipa-eth1";
gpio_6 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/simrst1";
vbc_iis1_5 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/vbc-iis1-5";
rco_100m = "/rco-100m";
pmu_apb_regs = "/soc/syscon@64910000";
mipi_csi_phy3_s = "/soc/mm/mipi-csi-phy3-s";
CPU3 = "/cpus/cpu@300";
dmc_controller = "/soc/pub/dmc-controller@60050000";
vddsram1 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@1/power-controller@2000/DCDC_SRAM1";
dcam2_3_axi_dvfs = "/dcam2_3_axi-dvfs";
nr_cp_dump = "/cp_dump";
i2c5 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@2290000";
ipadispc_gate = "/soc/clock-controller@31800000";
thm2_sen3 = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm2-sen0@a2";
audcp_tdm4_4 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/audcp-tdm4-4";
chg_thermistor = "/chg-sensor";
slog_nr = "/sipc-virt/core@5/channel@5";
lit2_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/lit2-thmzone";
ap_iis0_3 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/ap-iis0-3";
g1l_pll = "/soc/g1l-pll";
audcp_iram_reserved = "/audcp-iram@65006400";
gsp_dvfs = "/gsp-dvfs";
ap_etb = "/soc/apetb";
vddcama2 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDCAMA2";
spipe_nr = "/sipc-virt/core@5/channel@4";
sprd_audio_codec_ana = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/audio-codec@1000";
soc_etb = "/soc/etb@78003000";
big7_thmzone = "/thermal-zones/big7-thmzone";
ipa_usb31_dp_regs = "/soc/syscon@31810000";
gpio_124 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/keyout1";
vbc_mst_iis1_5 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/vbc-mst-iis1-5";
vddcamd0 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDCAMD0";
mipi_csi_phy0 = "/soc/mm/mipi-csi-phy0";
thm0_ratio = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/thm0-ratio@94";
apdu_if = "/soc/aon/apdu@500000";
csi0 = "/soc/mm/csi00@3e200000";
ipa_delegate = "/soc/ipa-apb/sipa-dele";
eic_latch = "/soc/aon/gpio@200080";
ufs_cali_lane0 = "/soc/aon/efuse@160000/cali_dblk69@40";
sipa_eth15 = "/sipa-eth15";
audcp_ahb_regs = "/soc/syscon@0x56200000";
vddusb33 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDUSB33";
sprd_pcm = "/sprd-pcm-audio";
ipa_dispc_glb_apb_regs = "/soc/syscon@31800000";
vbc_iis4_5 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/vbc-iis4-5";
sdio1 = "/soc/ap-ahb/sdio@22220000";
gpio_4 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/simclk1";
vbc_iis1_3 = "/soc/aon/pinctrl@2e0000/vbc-iis1-3";
headset_adc_fir_1 = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/efuse@c00/calib@3c";
sensor_sub2 = "/soc/ap-ahb/i2c@2290000/sensor-sensor_sub2@2a";
corinth_etf_big_in = "/soc/etf@7a003000/port@1/endpoint";
anlg_phy_g4l_regs = "/soc/syscon@6434c000";
etm0_out = "/soc/etm@7b040000/port/endpoint";
sipc = "/sipc-virt";
CPU1 = "/cpus/cpu@100";
spi_mcu_joy = "/soc/ap-apb/spi@60000/spi-mcu-joy@0";
vddsdcore = "/soc/aon/spi@400000/pmic@0/power-controller@2000/LDO_VDDSDCORE";
dpu_out = "/soc/dpuvsp/dpu@31000000/port/endpoint";
sprd-gsp1@31200000 {
power-domains = <0x1a>;
io-cnt = <0x07>;
#power-domain-cells = <0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,gsp-lite-r4p0-qogirn6pro";
phandle = <0x11a>;
cores = <0xf0>;
core-cnt = <0x01>;
autotest {
sprd,pinctrl = <0x11b>;
compatible = "sprd,autotest";
phandle = <0x217>;
reserved-memory {
#address-cells = <0x02>;
#size-cells = <0x02>;
phandle = <0x1ea>;
ai@ff410000 {
reg = <0x00 0xff410000 0x00 0x600000>;
phandle = <0x23a>;
ddrbist-mem@80000000 {
reg = <0x00 0x80000000 0x00 0x1000>;
phandle = <0x1eb>;
faceid-mem@ffa10000 {
reg = <0x00 0xffa10000 0x00 0x500000>;
phandle = <0x224>;
ramoops@fff80000 {
record-size = <0x8000>;
pmsg-size = <0x8000>;
compatible = "ramoops";
console-size = <0x8000>;
reg = <0x00 0xfff80000 0x00 0x40000>;
phandle = <0x1f7>;
uboot_log-mem@bbe80000 {
reg = <0x00 0xbbe80000 0x00 0x80000>;
phandle = <0x1f2>;
sysdump-uboot@b5000000 {
reg = <0x00 0xb5000000 0x00 0x00>;
phandle = <0x1f1>;
audiodsp-mem@afa00000 {
reg = <0x00 0xafa00000 0x00 0x600000>;
phandle = <0xe7>;
ch_ddr@ae600000 {
reg = <0x00 0xae600000 0x00 0x300000>;
phandle = <0x1f0>;
widevine@db800000 {
compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
reg = <0x00 0xdb800000 0x00 0x14000000>;
phandle = <0x239>;
rebootescrow@fff70000 {
reg = <0x00 0xfff70000 0x00 0x10000>;
cma_share@f00000000 {
compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
reg = <0x00 0xf0000000 0x00 0x3000000>;
phandle = <0x1f5>;
audio-mem@af700000 {
reg = <0x00 0xaf700000 0x00 0x300000>;
phandle = <0xe6>;
sh-mem@c3000000 {
reg = <0x00 0xc3000000 0x00 0x100000>;
phandle = <0x115>;
oemcrypto@c3100000 {
reg = <0x00 0xc3100000 0x00 0x1100000>;
phandle = <0x225>;
dptx_hdcp@fff10000 {
reg = <0x00 0xfff10000 0x00 0x60000>;
phandle = <0x1f6>;
tos-mem@bd020000 {
reg = <0x00 0xbd060000 0x00 0x3fa0000>;
phandle = <0x1f4>;
sml-mem@bd000000 {
reg = <0x00 0xbd000000 0x00 0x40000>;
phandle = <0x1f3>;
logobuffer@b0000000 {
reg = <0x00 0xb0000000 0x00 0x9e4000>;
phandle = <0x226>;
sysdumpinfo-mem@80001000 {
reg = <0x00 0x80001000 0x00 0x1000>;
phandle = <0x1ec>;
sipa-eth12 {
compatible = "sprd,sipa_eth";
phandle = <0x1da>;
sprd,term-type = <0x06>;
sprd,netid = <0x0d>;
cpp-dvfs {
operating-points = <0x1f400 0x927c0 0x2ee00 0x927c0 0x3e800 0x927c0 0x4b000 0x9eb10 0x5dc00 0xaae60>;
compatible = "sprd,hwdvfs-cpp";
phandle = <0x207>;
sipa-eth1 {
compatible = "sprd,sipa_eth";
phandle = <0x1cf>;
sprd,term-type = <0x06>;
sprd,netid = <0x02>;
rco-100m {
clock-output-names = "rco-100m";
#clock-cells = <0x00>;
clock-frequency = <0x5f5e100>;
compatible = "fixed-clock";
phandle = <0x0f>;
dcam2_3_axi-dvfs {
operating-points = <0x17700 0x927c0 0x1f400 0x927c0 0x25800 0x927c0 0x2ee00 0x9eb10 0x3e800 0xaae60>;
compatible = "sprd,hwdvfs-dcam2_3-axi";
phandle = <0x210>;
sipa-usb {
compatible = "sprd,sipa_usb";
phandle = <0x1de>;
sprd,term-type = <0x01>;
sprd,netid = <0x00>;
audio_pipe_voiceproc {
sprd,channel = <0x09>;
compatible = "unisoc,audio_pipe_recordproc";
sprd,writesync = <0x01>;
sprd,maxuserwritebufsize = <0x400>;
gsp-dvfs {
sprd,freq-upd-hdsk-en = <0x01>;
sprd,freq-upd-delay-en = <0x00>;
sprd,work-index-def = <0x03>;
operating-points = <0x3e800 0x927c0 0x4b000 0x9eb10 0x5dc00 0xaae60 0x7d000 0xb71b0>;
sprd,hw-dfs-en = <0x00>;
compatible = "sprd,hwdvfs-gsp-qogirn6pro";
sprd,idle-index-def = <0x01>;
phandle = <0x1e7>;
trusty {
compatible = "sprd,trusty-smc-v1";
tui {
compatible = "sprd,trusty-tui-v1";
sprd-tshm {
memory-region = <0x115>;
compatible = "sprd,tshm";
log {
compatible = "sprd,trusty-log-v1";
irq {
interrupt-templates = <0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x08 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x04>;
compatible = "sprd,trusty-irq-v1";
interrupt-ranges = <0x00 0x0f 0x00 0x10 0x1f 0x01 0x20 0xdf 0x02>;
virtio {
compatible = "sprd,trusty-virtio-v1";
cp_dump {
compatible = "sprd,cp_dump";
phandle = <0x21c>;
sprd,sys-bus-ctrl-ch = <0x02 0x124 0x01>;
sprd,sys-bus-ctrl-sp = <0x02 0x128 0x01>;
lcds {
lcd_dummy_mipi_hd {
sprd,dsi-lane-number = <0x04>;
sprd,sleep-in-command = [13 0a 00 01 28 13 78 00 01 10];
sprd,sleep-out-command = [13 78 00 01 11 13 64 00 01 29];
sprd,initial-command = [13 78 00 01 11 13 64 00 01 29];
sprd,dsi-work-mode = <0x01>;
sprd,dsi-color-format = "rgb888";
phandle = <0x233>;
display-timings {
native-mode = <0x21e>;
timing0 {
vfront-porch = <0x26>;
vback-porch = <0x0c>;
hsync-len = <0x3c>;
vactive = <0x500>;
clock-frequency = <0x493e000>;
hactive = <0x2d0>;
vsync-len = <0x04>;
phandle = <0x21e>;
hback-porch = <0x3c>;
hfront-porch = <0x50>;
lcd_ch13721b_gvo548_truly_mipi_fhd {
sprd,phy-escape-clock = <0x4e20>;
sprd,reset-on-sequence = <0x00 0x05 0x01 0x0a 0x00 0x0a 0x01 0x14>;
sprd,dsi-lane-number = <0x04>;
sprd,phy-bit-clock = <0x10dc68>;
sprd,sleep-in-command = [13 0a 00 01 28 13 78 00 01 10];
sprd,esd-check-period = <0x3e8>;
sprd,sleep-out-command = [13 78 00 01 11 13 32 00 01 29];
sprd,esd-check-value = <0x9c>;
sprd,initial-command = <0x39000006 0x8e650803 0x1b1b3900 0x58f04 0x88771023 0x2f0 0x5f230000 0x2c06a39 0x52a 0x437 0x39000005 0x2b000007 0x7f230000 0x2532023 0x251 0xff230000 0x2350023 0x260 0x80230000 0x2f05023 0x2b2 0x1390000 0x3b300c8 0x23000002 0xbb0d3900 0x4c933 0xe3e32300 0x2f051 0x23000002 0xb0283900 0x4b400 0x2300 0x2b128 0x23000002 0xb31c2300 0x2bc04 0x23000002 0xbd042300 0x2c118 0x23000002 0xc2313900 0x3c347 0x4230000 0x2c40839 0x9d0 0x142d4b19 0x2337412d 0x39000006 0xd1505080 0x2692300 0x2d205 0x39000004 0xd7a85a55 0x39000004 0xd8a85a55 0x23000002 0xf0523900 0x4b020 0x943d3900 0x10b200 0x364446 0x7f9eb0 0xbf40d8ee 0xff0f3900 0x10b355 0x2d445b71 0x557b8599 0xad55c1cb 0xd5df3900 0xeb495 0xe9f5fe08 0xaa13181c 0x1e0a2124 0x39000010 0xb5000053 0x5f65007d 0x93a7b740 0xd2e8fc0d 0x39000010 0xb6552b46 0x5e755580 0x8ba0b655 0xcbd6e0ec 0x3900000e 0xb7a9f701 0xd19aa24 0x2a2e310a 0x34363900 0x10b800 0x6a7a84 0xa4bad0 0xe1550018 0x2d403900 0x10b955 0x63819db8 0x95c5d2ec 0x5aa1f2c 0x39463900 0xebaaa 0x53616f7c 0xaa8a9296 0x990a9ea0 0x23000002 0xf0533900 0x3b000 0x34390000 0x8b3a410 0xe506030b 0xb390000 0x8b42200 0x1000b 0xb390000 0x8b52200 0x1000b 0xb390000 0xdb92380 0x10bba10 0x2280010b 0xba103900 0xdba24 0x80010ba8 0x31228001 0xba83139 0xdbb 0x2280010b 0xba102380 0x10bba10 0x3900000d 0xc1000003 0x8090000 0x00 0x390000 0xdc30000 0xa0b 0x2000004 0x3900 0xdc300 0x0a 0xb020c0d 0x4000023 0x2f0 0x58390000 0x4c003b0 0x4f390000 0x9c1dfbf 0x9f7f5f3f 0x1f002300 0x2c200 0x39000003 0xc3555523 0x2c4 0x5390000 0xbc50041 0x7db9f555 0x336fabe5 0x39000003 0xc6fcff39 0xbc7 0x5a058888 0x88877777 0x77773900 0xdc979 0x59391911 0xd090503 0x2010039 0x3ca 0x803900 0x7cb57 0x55232201 0x390000 0x10ccaad9 0xaa885faa 0x524b423c 0xaa362f10 0xd9230000 0x2f05539 0x3b0 0x20002300 0x2b1d0 0x39000008 0xb21a0847 0xd1c1209 0x3900000a 0xc31fbf1f 0x1f8f1f3f 0xbf003900 0xac400 0x7f7f6868 0xbf3f 0x3900000a 0xc5003f5f 0x3fbf001f 0xbf1f3900 0xac600 0x5f3f00bf 0x3f007f7f 0x230a0002 0x11002378 0x22900>;
sprd,reset-off-sequence = <0x00 0x14>;
sprd,dsi-work-mode = <0x01>;
sprd,esd-check-mode = <0x00>;
sprd,height-mm = <0x79>;
sprd,dsi-color-format = "rgb888";
sprd,width-mm = <0x44>;
sprd,esd-check-register = <0x0a>;
phandle = <0x232>;
sprd,esd-check-enable = <0x00>;
oled-backlight {
default-brightness = <0xe4>;
sprd,max-level = <0xff>;
brightness-levels = <0x23000002 0x51172300 0x25117 0x23000002 0x51182300 0x25119 0x23000002 0x511a2300 0x2511b 0x23000002 0x511c2300 0x2511d 0x23000002 0x511e2300 0x2511f 0x23000002 0x51202300 0x25121 0x23000002 0x51212300 0x25122 0x23000002 0x51232300 0x25124 0x23000002 0x51252300 0x25126 0x23000002 0x51272300 0x25128 0x23000002 0x51292300 0x2512a 0x23000002 0x512b2300 0x2512c 0x23000002 0x512c2300 0x2512d 0x23000002 0x512e2300 0x2512f 0x23000002 0x51302300 0x25131 0x23000002 0x51322300 0x25133 0x23000002 0x51342300 0x25135 0x23000002 0x51362300 0x25137 0x23000002 0x51372300 0x25138 0x23000002 0x51392300 0x2513a 0x23000002 0x513b2300 0x2513c 0x23000002 0x513d2300 0x2513e 0x23000002 0x513f2300 0x25140 0x23000002 0x51412300 0x25142 0x23000002 0x51422300 0x25143 0x23000002 0x51442300 0x25145 0x23000002 0x51462300 0x25147 0x23000002 0x51482300 0x25149 0x23000002 0x514a2300 0x2514b 0x23000002 0x514c2300 0x2514d 0x23000002 0x514d2300 0x2514e 0x23000002 0x514f2300 0x25150 0x23000002 0x51512300 0x25152 0x23000002 0x51532300 0x25154 0x23000002 0x51552300 0x25156 0x23000002 0x51572300 0x25158 0x23000002 0x51582300 0x25159 0x23000002 0x515a2300 0x2515b 0x23000002 0x515c2300 0x2515d 0x23000002 0x515e2300 0x2515f 0x23000002 0x51602300 0x25161 0x23000002 0x51622300 0x25163 0x23000002 0x51632300 0x25164 0x23000002 0x51652300 0x25166 0x23000002 0x51672300 0x25168 0x23000002 0x51692300 0x2516a 0x23000002 0x516b2300 0x2516c 0x23000002 0x516d2300 0x2516e 0x23000002 0x516e2300 0x2516f 0x23000002 0x51702300 0x25171 0x23000002 0x51722300 0x25173 0x23000002 0x51742300 0x25175 0x23000002 0x51762300 0x25177 0x23000002 0x51782300 0x25179 0x23000002 0x51792300 0x2517a 0x23000002 0x517b2300 0x2517c 0x23000002 0x517d2300 0x2517e 0x23000002 0x517f2300 0x25180 0x23000002 0x51812300 0x25182 0x23000002 0x51832300 0x25184 0x23000002 0x51842300 0x25185 0x23000002 0x51862300 0x25187 0x23000002 0x51882300 0x25189 0x23000002 0x518a2300 0x2518b 0x23000002 0x518c2300 0x2518d 0x23000002 0x518e2300 0x2518f 0x23000002 0x518f2300 0x25190 0x23000002 0x51912300 0x25192 0x23000002 0x51932300 0x25194 0x23000002 0x51952300 0x25196 0x23000002 0x51972300 0x25198 0x23000002 0x51992300 0x2519a 0x23000002 0x519a2300 0x2519b 0x23000002 0x519c2300 0x2519d 0x23000002 0x519e2300 0x2519f 0x23000002 0x51a02300 0x251a1 0x23000002 0x51a22300 0x251a3 0x23000002 0x51a42300 0x251a5 0x23000002 0x51a52300 0x251a6 0x23000002 0x51a72300 0x251a8 0x23000002 0x51a92300 0x251aa 0x23000002 0x51ab2300 0x251ac 0x23000002 0x51ad2300 0x251ae 0x23000002 0x51af2300 0x251b0 0x23000002 0x51b02300 0x251b1 0x23000002 0x51b22300 0x251b3 0x23000002 0x51b42300 0x251b5 0x23000002 0x51b62300 0x251b7 0x23000002 0x51b82300 0x251b9 0x23000002 0x51ba2300 0x251bb 0x23000002 0x51bb2300 0x251bc 0x23000002 0x51bd2300 0x251be 0x23000002 0x51bf2300 0x251c0 0x23000002 0x51c12300 0x251c2 0x23000002 0x51c32300 0x251c4 0x23000002 0x51c52300 0x251c6 0x23000002 0x51c62300 0x251c7 0x23000002 0x51c82300 0x251c9 0x23000002 0x51ca2300 0x251cb 0x23000002 0x51cc2300 0x251cd 0x23000002 0x51ce2300 0x251cf 0x23000002 0x51d02300 0x251d1 0x23000002 0x51d12300 0x251d2 0x23000002 0x51d32300 0x251d4 0x23000002 0x51d52300 0x251d6 0x23000002 0x51d72300 0x251d8 0x23000002 0x51d92300 0x251da 0x23000002 0x51db2300 0x251dc 0x23000002 0x51dc2300 0x251dd 0x23000002 0x51de2300 0x251df 0x23000002 0x51e02300 0x251e1 0x23000002 0x51e22300 0x251e3 0x23000002 0x51e42300 0x251e5 0x23000002 0x51e62300 0x251e7 0x23000002 0x51e72300 0x251e8 0x23000002 0x51e92300 0x251ea 0x23000002 0x51eb2300 0x251ec 0x23000002 0x51ed2300 0x251ee 0x23000002 0x51ef2300 0x251f0 0x23000002 0x51f12300 0x251f2 0x23000002 0x51f22300 0x251f3 0x23000002 0x51f42300 0x251f5 0x23000002 0x51f62300 0x251f7 0x23000002 0x51f82300 0x251f9 0x23000002 0x51fa2300 0x251fb 0x23000002 0x51fc2300 0x251fd 0x23000002 0x51fd2300 0x251fe 0x23000002 0x51ff2300 0x251ff>;
display-timings {
native-mode = <0x21d>;
timing0 {
vfront-porch = <0x10>;
vback-porch = <0x0e>;
hsync-len = <0x14>;
vactive = <0x780>;
clock-frequency = <0x927c000>;
hactive = <0x438>;
vsync-len = <0x04>;
phandle = <0x21d>;
hback-porch = <0x4b>;
hfront-porch = <0x87>;
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