- make teams with 3 - 5 members
- GitHub account:
- I recommend using the personal email address for the main email address, and the FMI one as secondary
- Register for Student Developer Pack. You need the FMI email address for this.
- inspiration for app ideas:
- website: frontend, backend
- game: game engine, C++, JS - in browser, etc
- JS package manager npm
- Python Package Manager pypi
- Chrome extensions
- Atom packages
- VSCode extensions
- awesome-python
- etc
- repository on GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab/etc.
- Personal recommendation: GitHub
- Continuous Integration: Travis - free for private repos too, via GitHub Student Developer Pack.
- use Issues, PRs, add labels, assign task to team members.
- you can add me as collaborator to your team repository. I might make some code reviews if I am added as a reviewer for your app's PRs, or even make small PRs.
- it is important to see that the team members have activity on GitHub, send PRs, make discussions on PRs/Issues, discuss ideas, changes, and if I am added as collaborator, I can see these on your repository.
- add Issues and Project tasks in your repository, assign them to team members. Use labels for PRs, Issues.
- important: In order to be able to evaluate 30% of the project's demo, the documentation has to be provided first, to know what to expect from the project and to appreciate the percentage.
- you can use any tool for writing it: GitHub Wiki, Google Docs, etc, or written by hand, although last one is highly discouraged.
- for diagrams, etc, you can use: draw.io, google draw, etc.
- must contain topics presented at course lectures.
- in either English or Romanian.
Grupa 241
Aplicatie de chat securizat pentru desktop. Utilizatorii pot comunica securizat, mesajele fiind criptate si decriptate la nivel de client cu ajutorul unei chei de sesiune, cheie necunoscuta pentru nimeni altcineva in afara de clienti. Astfel, atat serverul cat si eventualii atacatori nu pot afla continutul mesajelor.
Membrii : Budoias Miruna, Pauna Alexandra, Popescu Viorel, Dobroiu Andrei, Cobianu Ionut
User stories:2 puncte.