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How to get @DevBlackOps Terminal-Icons module working in PowerShell on Windows

Note: since version 0.1.1 of the module this now works in Windows PowerShell or PowerShell Core.

  1. Download and install this version of Literation Mono Nerd Font which has been specifically fixed to be recognised as monospace on Windows:

(see this issue for more info: ryanoasis/nerd-fonts#269)

  1. Modify the registry to add this to the list of fonts for terminal apps (cmd, powershell etc.):
$key = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont'
Set-ItemProperty -Path $key -Name '000' -Value 'LiberationMono NF'
  1. Open PowerShell, right click the title bar > properties > Font > select your new font from the list.

  2. Install and load Terminal-Icons:

Install-Module Terminal-Icons -Scope CurrentUser
Import-Module Terminal-Icons



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Thanks for sharing this information. I got it to work in the PowerShell terminal but failed to get it to work in VSCode Intergrated Terminal. Create an issue but maybe someone else got it to work.



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@stefanstranger I got it to work in Integrated Terminal OK. I just set my Terminal : Integrated: Font Family value to "LiberationMono NF". Are you definitely using the fixed version of the font? If you're using the same as worked in the PS Terminal should be fine.

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roysubs commented Dec 9, 2019

This should cover everything for the font installation and setup of Terminal-Icons Module. Note that in the above you mention "LiberationMono", but I believe that the embedded font name is in fact LiterationMono (nerd-fonts/patched-fonts/LiberationMono/complete/Literation Mono Nerd Font Complete Mono Windows Compatible.ttf)

You should be able to just throw all of the below into any PowerShell Admin console and everything should complete (please let me know if any tweaks are required). Unfortunately, we have to click a button at the font installation step (if you find a way to suppress that please let me know):

### Install Terminal-Icons (get LiterationMono NF Nerd font, install, add required Concole registry key, then install Modules)
$url = ''
$name = "LiterationMono NF"
$file = "$($env:TEMP)\$($name).ttf"
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $url -Destination $file   # Download the font

$Install = $true  # $false to uninstall (or 1 / 0)
$FontsFolder = (New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application).Namespace(0x14)   # Must use Namespace part or will not install properly
$filename = (Get-ChildItem $file).Name
$filepath = (Get-ChildItem $file).FullName
$target = "C:\Windows\Fonts\$($filename)"

If (Test-Path $target -PathType Any) { Remove-Item $target -Recurse -Force } # UnInstall Font
# Following action performs the install, requires user to click on yes
If ((-not(Test-Path $target -PathType Container)) -and ($Install -eq $true)) { $FontsFolder.CopyHere($filepath, 16) }

# Need to set this for console
$key = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont'
Set-ItemProperty -Path $key -Name '000' -Value $name

# Following are all required to enable the Terminal-Icons 'DevBlackOps' Theme
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force   # Always need this, required for all Modules
Set-PSRepository -Name 'PSGallery' -InstallationPolicy Trusted   # Set Microsoft PowerShell Gallery to 'Trusted'
Install-Module Terminal-Icons -Scope CurrentUser
Import-Module Terminal-Icons
Install-Module WindowsConsoleFonts
Set-ConsoleFont $name
Set-TerminalIconsColorTheme -Name DevBlackOps   # After the above are setup, can add just this line to $Profile to always load DevBlackOps

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janegilring commented Feb 13, 2020

I got it to work in VS Code, but not in Windows Terminal or the regular Windows console host. Ran the script from @roysubs as Administrator, but no difference. Icons shows up with a blank square in powershell.exe in the Windows console host. In Windows Terminal they show up with a square with a question mark inside.
I`m on Windows 10 1909 build 10.0.18362.628

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Has anyone managed to make this work with Cascadia Code?

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@weitzhandler isn't it fixed in 2.1 ?

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weitzhandler commented Nov 16, 2020

It's working now!
Here's the steps I took:

  1. Downloaded the fonts, unzipped it, and installed the Caskaydia* fonts
  2. Execute Install-Module Terminal-Icons -Scope CurrentUser
  3. Run code $profile, and appended the following line to it: Import-Module Terminal-Icons
  4. Added the following key under Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont: 000=CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font
  5. In Windows Terminal settings, under profiles>defaults, I set "fontFace": "CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font".




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here is my successfully
1、download font , unzip and install all Caskaydia Cove Nerd Font Complete.ttf
Caskaydia Cove Nerd Font Complete Mono Windows Compatible.ttf
Caskaydia Cove Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf
Caskaydia Cove Nerd Font Complete Windows Compatible.ttf

2、Install-Module Terminal-Icons -Scope CurrentUser

3、notepad $profile
Import-Module posh-git
Import-Module oh-my-posh
Import-Module Terminal-Icons
Set-Theme Paradox

4、edit register
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont
key: 000
value: CaskaydiaCove NF

5、open powershell
right click powershell left top icon , set font to CaskaydiaCove NF
6、 set windows terminal font to CaskaydiaCove NF

default font still Cascadia Code PL

now my windows terminal is beautiful to use

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@snsnsjsn how did you configure powershell prompt (prompt{} function) to display those emojis ?

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0xBuro commented Jan 5, 2021

@snsnsjsn how did you configure powershell prompt (prompt{} function) to display those emojis ?

You can tweak arround the Theme profile you are currently using.
I was not able to figure out a more 'clean' way to do this, but while the Terminal-Icons worked for me, the prompt icons set by the Theme itself showed as some weird hieroglyphs... well, expect the ones conversed from decimal code into a char type. So I did the same to the icons I wanted in my prompt:

  1. type $ThemeSettings in your Terminal to find out where your Theme is located at (mine is C:\$HOME\$USER\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\oh-my-posh\2.0.492\Themes\Material.psm1, since i set mine to Material)

  2. go to either your CurrentThemeLocation or MyThemeLocation - if you set up an individual Theme - and open your Theme in a editor

  3. find the decimal code or the html-entity of the Icon you want to use - for the latter just copy the numbers behind the characters. in my case it's 127833 for the rice ball icon. I used this website as my main source for the decimal codes:

  4. use your icons as chars conversed from decimal code in your ThemeName.psm1 (mine: Material.psm1) by declaring your desired icons like this:
    $DesiredIconName=([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(IconDecimalCode)), for 🍙 i.e: $RiceBall=([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(127833))


as you noticed it also works with zero width joiners (ZWJ) for the hacker cat! 🐱‍💻
you can now use your icon in desired places. In my Theme (Material) I used it like this $user = $RiceBall + ' ' + $sl.CurrentUser + " </>"
and replaced the 🏠 HomeSymbol with $sl.PromptSymbols.HomeSymbol = $HackerCat

Looks like this now



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VPraharsha03 commented Jan 6, 2021

@Burakbo Thank you for the very detailed answer. But i'm having trouble recognizing the emojis with the font i'm currently using.

Looks like a Powershell/CMD issue (microsoft/terminal#1503)

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@Burakbo what is the version of PowerShell you are using ? I'm on 5.1.18362.752

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0xBuro commented Jan 6, 2021

@Burakbo what is the version of PowerShell you are using ? I'm on 5.1.18362.752

my profile default font is set as "fontFace": "FiraMono NF",

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VPraharsha03 commented Jan 9, 2021

my profile default font is set as "fontFace": "FiraMono NF",

Thanks a lot, FuraMono NF works well when tested in WT. For some reason, I'm unable to get new fonts to be recognized by cmd, powershell.

EDIT: I've tried patching some of the TTF fonts on my own and using OpenConsole over conhost, PL Glyphs are working but emojis are still missing (#190)

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A single font that works for me on PowerShell, Windows Terminal and VSCode with all the icons, is:
"Meslo LG M Regular Nerd Font Completely Mono Windows Compatible"

faceFont: "MesloLGM NF"

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erikmartinessanches commented Jan 6, 2023

It's working now! Here's the steps I took:

  1. Downloaded the fonts, unzipped it, and installed the Caskaydia* fonts
  2. Execute Install-Module Terminal-Icons -Scope CurrentUser
  3. Run code $profile, and appended the following line to it: Import-Module Terminal-Icons
  4. Added the following key under Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont: 000=CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font
  5. In Windows Terminal settings, under profiles>defaults, I set "fontFace": "CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font".




It worked for me without step 4, changing registry, but seemingly only if I did something like Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted.

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Do I have to use version 2.1.0 of the fonts?

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It's working now! Here's the steps I took:

  1. Downloaded the fonts, unzipped it, and installed the Caskaydia* fonts
  2. Execute Install-Module Terminal-Icons -Scope CurrentUser
  3. Run code $profile, and appended the following line to it: Import-Module Terminal-Icons
  4. Added the following key under Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont: 000=CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font
  5. In Windows Terminal settings, under profiles>defaults, I set "fontFace": "CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font".




This doesn't work for me, some icons show up as boxes. Went down a huge rabbit hole of people having this issue on Windows, but haven't found a satisfying solution to get this working.


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Yufni commented Oct 3, 2023

My solution (I use Mononoki) was to use the full file path
Import-Module C:\Users\user_name\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\Terminal-Icons\0.11.0\Terminal-Icons.psm1

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plaiddk commented Nov 14, 2023

Can anyone get it to work in pwsh 7.3.9 (Terminal) ? I cant even get it to show Icons. I followed all guides. Tried to change the regedit. Installed different Nerd Fonts.

Default profile in Windows Terminal is set to the Nerd font. Updated fonts to V3. OhMyPosh is showing perfectly fine. But I do not get one single icon for folder/files.

Any ideas?

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Yufni commented Nov 14, 2023

@plaiddk My solution (I use Mononoki) was to use the full file path
Import-Module C:\Users\user_name\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\Terminal-Icons\0.11.0\Terminal-Icons.psm1
I use pwsh 7.3.9 without problem

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plaiddk commented Nov 14, 2023

@plaiddk My solution (I use Mononoki) was to use the full file path Import-Module C:\Users\user_name\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\Terminal-Icons\0.11.0\Terminal-Icons.psm1 I use pwsh 7.3.9 without problem

Thanks - I already tried this. Nothing happens. Just blank screen (No icons)


Update: I found out that i had no icons due too I had the module PSColor installed. When i Uninstalled the module it worked. So Uninstall-Module PSColor

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CheetahChrome commented Nov 30, 2023

What worked for me was uninstalling Terminal via

winget uninstall Microsoft.WindowsTerminal

then in a normie powershell window, because Terminal magically goes away, I installed it

winget install Microsoft.WindowsTerminal

then in Terminal Settings->Defaults->Appearance is set to my font of choice

CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font

and started a new shell and I could see the directory icons.

My guess is at onetime I had the Terminal Preview installed or I am running on the Dev ring of Windows Update and something got horked.

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A single font that works for me on PowerShell, Windows Terminal and VSCode with all the icons, is: "Meslo LG M Regular Nerd Font Completely Mono Windows Compatible"

faceFont: "MesloLGM NF"

Muito obrigado! Funcionou perfeitamente

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