This document describes the Azure Logic App Workflow Issue26-2 in the demo-rg resource group in the Visual Studio Enterprise subscription.
This document is programmatically generated using a PowerShell script.
Date: 2024-04-01 15:13:08
# Create a new sensor met de volgende inhoud. | |
# Top 2000 huidige song | |
- platform: rest | |
scan_interval: 60 | |
name: Top 2000 huidige song | |
method: GET | |
headers: | |
User-Agent: Home Assistant | |
Content-Type: application/json | |
resource: |
Create a Android Virtual Device (AVD) using a non Google image to enable root access
Start mitmproxy
Install DuckDuckGo browser via downloaded apk on AVD
Download via:
Start ADV emulator with mitmproxy configured:
<!DOCTYPE html> | |
<!-- saved from url=(0016)http://localhost --> | |
<html xmlns="" xmlns:ms="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" xmlns:bat="" xmlns:js=""><head><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/><meta name="ReportUtcOffset" content="+2:00"/><title>Battery report</title><style type="text/css"> | |
body { | |
font-family: Segoe UI Light; | |
letter-spacing: 0.02em; |
This document describes the Azure Logic App Workflow logic-jiraintegration-demo in the jiraintegration-demo-rg resource group in the Internal Subscription subscription.
This document is programmatically generated using a PowerShell script.
Date: 2023-07-09 15:53:39
{ | |
"definition": { | |
"$schema": "", | |
"actions": { | |
"For Each - SHA": { | |
"actions": { | |
"Condition_-_Status": { | |
"actions": { | |
"Compose - Current Item": { | |
"inputs": "@items('For Each - SHA')", |
<# | |
Decompiling a bicep file to PSArm | |
Inspired on issue posted on PSArm Github repo. | | | |
#> | |
# Decompile ARM template to Bicep file | |
bicep decompile C:\Users\stefstr\Documents\Github\PSArm\examples\simple-test\template.json |
# Example code of running multiple Pester test in parallel and merging the result into one NUnitReport Test Report file | |
#region Run Pester Test scripts in parallel | |
$job = Get-ChildItem -Path "./tests" -Filter "Demo*" | |
| ForEach-Object -Parallel { | |
Invoke-Pester -Path $_ -PassThru | |
} -ThrottleLimit 10 -AsJob | |
$Results = ($job | Wait-Job | Receive-Job -Keep) | |
#endregion |