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Last active December 17, 2024 17:33
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# How to install mitmproxy certificate as root CA steps:

How to install mitmproxy certificate as root CA steps:

  1. Create a Android Virtual Device (AVD) using a non Google image to enable root access

  2. Start mitmproxy

  3. Install DuckDuckGo browser via downloaded apk on AVD

    Download via:

  4. Start ADV emulator with mitmproxy configured:

   .\emulator.exe -avd Pixel_7_API_28 -http-proxy -writable-system
  1. Install mitmproxy certificate as User.

    Go to in your browser (DuckDuckGo) and download the certificate.

    Install the certificate via Settings -> Security -> Advanced -> Encryption and credentials -> Install a certificate -> CA certificate (or similar) instead.

  2. Move the User Certificate to Root CA store

   ./adb.exe root
   ./adb.exe shell avbctl disable-verification
   ./adb.exe reboot
   ./adb.exe remount
   ./adb.exe -s emulator-5554 shell

Run within the AVD:

     # su
     # whoami
     # cp /data/misc/user/0/cacerts-added/* /system/etc/security/cacerts


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