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Last active April 21, 2021 14:34
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Decompiling Bicep file to PSArm object
Decompiling a bicep file to PSArm
Inspired on issue posted on PSArm Github repo.
# Decompile ARM template to Bicep file
bicep decompile C:\Users\stefstr\Documents\Github\PSArm\examples\simple-test\template.json
# Convert Bicep file to ARM Template JSON string
[string]$bicep2armjson = (bicep build C:\Users\stefstr\Documents\Github\PSArm\examples\simple-test\template.bicep --stdout)
# Convert Bicep -> ARM Template to PSARM
ConvertFrom-ArmTemplate -Input $bicep2armjson | ConvertTo-PSArm -PassThru
# Store PSArm output in file.
ConvertFrom-ArmTemplate -Input $bicep2armjson | ConvertTo-PSArm -OutFile C:\Users\stefstr\Documents\Github\PSArm\examples\simple-test\template.psarm.ps1 -Force
# Publish ARM Template file. Does not work yet.
$parameters = @{
'StorageAccountName' = 'demo'
'Location' = 'WestEurope'
Publish-PSArmTemplate -Path C:\Users\stefstr\Documents\Github\PSArm\examples\simple-test\template.psarm.ps1 -Parameters $Parameters -OutFile template-final.json
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